General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: George on November 09, 2008, 04:43:58 AM
I took an IQ test by a licensed psychologist and it was radically different than the tests online. My verbal IQ was 89 and my performance IQ was off the chart at 145. Their test was unable to measure over 145 so I'll be taking a special test to measure my performance IQ.
159 is my highest score yet. But I have tested all over the 100's depending on the test. many of the tests are radically different and test different things.
I took the test years ago, and was told that my IQ is 130. I think this test is very misleading however, as it tests "pure" intelligence (ie. problem solving skills). But there are many different types of intelligences. Howard Gardner outlined eight different unrelated types of intelligences:
The IQ test does not account for these different types of intelligences, nor does it account for one's ability to reflect. It is also important to be able to feel emotion. Emotion is very closely linked with memory. A read a study (which I can post if you are interested) that showed that people who participate in emotional activities such as art and music and dance have better memories. So take the IQ test with a huge grain of salt. Hard work is more important than tallent.
Try this one. I just got a 131 on this test.
The one I took was the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale which is the most comprehensive IQ test and it also tests memory.
I got 129 on the IQ test in high school but I think there are so many variables on intelligence.
I saw a list of some SAT test scores for famous people which was interesting
Judgement and wisdom are more important though...
I think Forest Gump said it best with
"stupid is as stupid does"
My IQ is perfect, 20/20.
I don't know the exact number but when I was in third or fourth grade (can't remember which) they wanted to put me in the gifted classes except that I wasn't making straight As in math (I made As and Bs in math, sheesh). I was making straight As in everything else. I don't really have a math deficiency, I passed math through calculus I in college a few years ago and I'm making As in my business math class that I'm in now.
I kind of got turned off to math early on when in first grade they gave us work sheets with 100 questions each at the bad school system I was at. To a first grader 100 might as well be 1000. I would stare at the sheet feeling upset and my stomach would churn with nervous tension even though each individual problem was easy. Now that I've been in some classes that deal with higher math beyond addition and subtraction, I realize there are some elegant elements to math, such as the ability to get the area under a curve, or for a function to represent a line. I think that's cool.
I had my IQ taken when I was a kid in school....my mom found me in kindergarten reading, "The Agony and the Ecstasy" and the next thing I knew....I'm in the principal's office taking a weird test. :laugh:
Anyway, I took it again years later and it said mine was 180. I was able to join MENSA with those scores (they're an international organization for people with high IQs). If anyone would like to join, the link is http://www.mensa.us
One warning: Most of the time, MENSA IQ tests are held on Shabbos. So if you are shomer Shabbos, you might need to get a test privately from a psychologist, or you can use your old school scores too.
I just took the test posted by Judeanoncapta and got 140. That was my first time taking an iq test.
I took the IQ test a number of years ago and was told I had 170 IQ. I will take the test again soon.
I've never taken an IQ test but my girlfriend keeps telling me I have an IQ of 50. So I must be pretty smart.
I had my IQ taken when I was a kid in school....my mom found me in kindergarten reading, "The Agony and the Ecstasy" and the next thing I knew....I'm in the principal's office taking a weird test. :laugh:
Anyway, I took it again years later and it said mine was 180. I was able to join MENSA with those scores (they're an international organization for people with high IQs). If anyone would like to join, the link is http://www.mensa.us
One warning: Most of the time, MENSA IQ tests are held on Shabbos. So if you are shomer Shabbos, you might need to get a test privately from a psychologist, or you can use your old school scores too.
Did you take the SAT and what did you score on it?
I took the IQ test a number of years ago and was told I had 170 IQ. I will take the test again soon.
Did you ever take the SAT and what did you score on it?
The IQ test does not account for these different types of intelligences, nor does it account for one's ability to reflect.
The way I put is is this: the IQ test tests your pattern-recognition speed and lower-level analytical ability. It does not test the higher level analytical ability. Most importantly, it does not test your synthetic ability - this is what allows you to have an original insight about a state of affairs that no one else has noticed before you. And this could lead to discoveries. I am sure there is a correlation between these levels of thinking, but its is not a perfect correlation. There is a society on the net of people with the IQ over 200. If you read who they are, you'll notice that none of them are great scientists or philosophers. IQ is a helpful tool, but it has its limitations.
I took the IQ test a number of years ago and was told I had 170 IQ. I will take the test again soon.
Did you ever take the SAT and what did you score on it?
Of course I took SAT, as every college bound student should... Unfortunately over the years I have forgotten my score. Obviously my score was good enough to get in one of the best Computer Science schools on the east coast... I went to RPI for my CompSci degree. I am sure my mother remembers my score and next time I talk with her I will ask her.
The IQ test does not account for these different types of intelligences, nor does it account for one's ability to reflect.
The way I put is is this: the IQ test tests your pattern-recognition speed and lower-level analytical ability. It does not test the higher level analytical ability. Most importantly, it does not test your synthetic ability - this is what allows you to have an original insight about a state of affairs that no one else has noticed before you. And this could lead to discoveries. I am sure there is a correlation between these levels of thinking, but its is not a perfect correlation. There is a society on the net of people with the IQ over 200. If you read who they are, you'll notice that none of them are great scientists or philosophers. IQ is a helpful tool, but it has its limitations.
Are you referring to MENSA? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mensa_International
This is a society of people who score high on IQ tests. MENSA does have a lot of members who are scientists and philisophers {see their web page}...
Background information
Roland Berrill, an Australian barrister, and Dr. Lancelot Ware, a British scientist and lawyer, founded Mensa in the United Kingdom in 1946. They had the idea of forming a society for bright people, the only qualification for membership being a high IQ.[4]
The aims are to create a non-political society free from all social distinctions (racial, religious, etc.). The society welcomes all people, regardless of background, whose IQs meet the criterion, with the objective of members enjoying each other's company and participating in a wide range of social and cultural activities.
Mensa accepts individuals who score at or above the 98th percentile on certain standardized IQ tests, such as the Stanford-Binet. Because different tests are scaled differently, it is not meaningful to compare raw scores between tests, only percentiles. For example, the minimum accepted score on the Stanford-Binet is 132, while for the Cattell it is 148.[6]
In addition to encouraging social interaction among its members, the organization is also involved with programs for gifted children, literacy, and scholarships. The name comes from mensa, the Latin word for "table", and indicates that it is a round-table society of equals (although the logo can be seen as depicting a square table, i.e. a Parsons table, with only three legs visible).
Of course I took SAT, as every college bound student should... Unfortunately over the years I have forgotten my score. Obviously my score was good enough to get in one of the best Computer Science schools on the east coast... I went to RPI for my CompSci degree. I am sure my mother remembers my score and next time I talk with her I will ask her.
I don't have the answer to this question and would like help. What do you think is the correct answer?
http://giqtest.com/images/giqtest/matrix15n.gif (http://giqtest.com/images/giqtest/matrix15n.gif)
* For each question there is a missing part represented by a '?'
* Choose the answer choice that best completes the picture.
* Try the example question below.
* Click start to move to the first question. Questions are not timed.
Of course I took SAT, as every college bound student should... Unfortunately over the years I have forgotten my score. Obviously my score was good enough to get in one of the best Computer Science schools on the east coast... I went to RPI for my CompSci degree. I am sure my mother remembers my score and next time I talk with her I will ask her.
I don't have the answer to this question and would like help. What do you think is the correct answer?
http://giqtest.com/images/giqtest/matrix15n.gif (http://giqtest.com/images/giqtest/matrix15n.gif)
* For each question there is a missing part represented by a '?'
* Choose the answer choice that best completes the picture.
* Try the example question below.
* Click start to move to the first question. Questions are not timed.
I though about this for 5 minutes and my answer is :
I am not 100% certain as I would like to spend more time thinking about it.
I got 129 on the IQ test in high school but I think there are so many variables on intelligence.
I saw a list of some SAT test scores for famous people which was interesting
Judgement and wisdom are more important though...
I think Forest Gump said it best with
"stupid is as stupid does"
Howard Stern: 870
I had my IQ taken when I was a kid in school....my mom found me in kindergarten reading, "The Agony and the Ecstasy" and the next thing I knew....I'm in the principal's office taking a weird test. :laugh:
Anyway, I took it again years later and it said mine was 180. I was able to join MENSA with those scores (they're an international organization for people with high IQs). If anyone would like to join, the link is http://www.mensa.us
One warning: Most of the time, MENSA IQ tests are held on Shabbos. So if you are shomer Shabbos, you might need to get a test privately from a psychologist, or you can use your old school scores too.
Did you take the SAT and what did you score on it?
I never took the SAT because I did not want to go to college.
My IQ is 143
I don't have the answer to this question and would like help. What do you think is the correct answer?
http://giqtest.com/images/giqtest/matrix15n.gif (http://giqtest.com/images/giqtest/matrix15n.gif)
* For each question there is a missing part represented by a '?'
* Choose the answer choice that best completes the picture.
* Try the example question below.
* Click start to move to the first question. Questions are not timed.
I would pick 5.
With all the geniuses in this thread you would think that you would be able to get together and figure out a way to raise $1,000,000 for JTF :o
I took an IQ test a few years ago and was told it is fairly high, I of course, can't remember the exact score....I never was told I was smart before, so that was nice to hear that for once (I was raised in a negative environment you could say).
I think they said it was 140 or somewhere around there.
I though about this for 5 minutes and my answer is :
I am not 100% certain as I would like to spend more time thinking about it.
Why do you say 5?
I though about this for 5 minutes and my answer is :
I am not 100% certain as I would like to spend more time thinking about it.
Why do you say 5?
I look at the diagonal from the two intersecting circles in the upper left corner, through the middle square with the interestion of two squares with the corner of circles and the next figure in my mind is two intersecting squares.
There are other reasons I think this is the missing piece. I am interested where this IQ test is, I may give it a try this week.
Thank you,
Geeh its kinda strange that everyone I ever talk to always says they have an IQ of 130-140. I wonder if they changed the quotient to make 135 the new 100. :laugh:
My IQ is perfect, 20/20.
Geeh its kinda strange that everyone I ever talk to always says they have an IQ of 130-140. I wonder if they changed the quotient to make 135 the new 100. :laugh:
I think JTF does have smarter people on average but you're so right. Every guy who cleans trays at the mall has a high IQ and is one quarter Cherokee Indian.
I don't have the answer to this question and would like help. What do you think is the correct answer?
http://giqtest.com/images/giqtest/matrix15n.gif (http://giqtest.com/images/giqtest/matrix15n.gif)
* For each question there is a missing part represented by a '?'
* Choose the answer choice that best completes the picture.
* Try the example question below.
* Click start to move to the first question. Questions are not timed.
I would pick 5.
With all the geniuses in this thread you would think that you would be able to get together and figure out a way to raise $1,000,000 for JTF :o
Now that's the hardest question of all.
I think JTF does have smarter people on average but you're so right. Every guy who cleans trays at the mall has a high IQ and is one quarter Cherokee Indian.
I AM OFFENDED BY THAT STATEMENT (Being 1/16th Cherokee Indian)
My son is part Cherokee indian and he is getting at least 3 A's this semester.
I know I don't have a high verbal IQ. My results are always different on these tests. I can't give a definitive answer. I think I'm smart in some areas and not so sharp in other areas.
That's a lot of smart people! Now you know why JTF makes sense. lol
Chaim is still the smartest person I think I've ever met. The more I get to know him, the more respect I have for him.
Most people who say they have 1/16th Cherokee in them really don't. You can tell for sure by checking some documentation though. You can't really trust family lore as this is a very common family myth. There are some people who really do have this though.
Most people who say they have 1/16th Cherokee in them really don't. You can tell for sure by checking some documentation though. You can't really trust family lore as this is a very common family myth. There are some people who really do have this though.
I know... I've met more people who claim this than there have been Cherokee Indians. Why not Pawnee or Quinalt or Apache? Those claims can actually be verified while Cherokee cannot because they were all driven out on the Trail of Tears. I know many people truly are but for some self hating people I've met who have fair complexion, always say this. It's so annoying!!!!
That's a lot of smart people! Now you know why JTF makes sense. lol
Chaim is still the smartest person I think I've ever met. The more I get to know him, the more respect I have for him.
No question about that. I've never met Chaim but from listening to him and hearing his incredible knowledge, memory and wit, among many other things, it's nothing short of extremely impressive.
Oh and Mohammed Ali had a 78 so you can have a low score and still function I guess.
I've never taken an IQ test but my girlfriend keeps telling me I have an IQ of 50. So I must be pretty smart.
Of course I took SAT, as every college bound student should... Unfortunately over the years I have forgotten my score. Obviously my score was good enough to get in one of the best Computer Science schools on the east coast... I went to RPI for my CompSci degree. I am sure my mother remembers my score and next time I talk with her I will ask her.
I don't have the answer to this question and would like help. What do you think is the correct answer?
http://giqtest.com/images/giqtest/matrix15n.gif (http://giqtest.com/images/giqtest/matrix15n.gif)
* For each question there is a missing part represented by a '?'
* Choose the answer choice that best completes the picture.
* Try the example question below.
* Click start to move to the first question. Questions are not timed.
Hadn't you or someone posted this question and two other once before ?
Anyway I think 1 is the correct answer for the following reason:
* Each row has exactly one picture featuring open curved lines
* Each row has exactly two pictures featuring straight lines and the straight lines in the same raw are either all diagonal or (horizontal and vertical)
* Each row has exactly one picture featuring two perfect circles.
I see your point. I couldn't solve it. I didn't read the picture in the middle as "open curved lines" though, because, to me, they look enclosed.
- my iq
- my iq
No number needed.
You're smart and have a well-rounded mind. :soldier:
71.8 :hair:
I have tried the test Judeanoncapta recommended. I was not able to finish it in time. :-[
71.8 :hair:
Doesn't take into account the whole package. ^-^
Bully Bully 8) I am a 140 something.
I had my IQ taken when I was a kid in school....my mom found me in kindergarten reading, "The Agony and the Ecstasy" and the next thing I knew....I'm in the principal's office taking a weird test. :laugh:
Anyway, I took it again years later and it said mine was 180. I was able to join MENSA with those scores (they're an international organization for people with high IQs). If anyone would like to join, the link is http://www.mensa.us
One warning: Most of the time, MENSA IQ tests are held on Shabbos. So if you are shomer Shabbos, you might need to get a test privately from a psychologist, or you can use your old school scores too.
Mensa huh? Might be a good place to meet some beautiful brainy women. ;D
Of course I took SAT, as every college bound student should... Unfortunately over the years I have forgotten my score. Obviously my score was good enough to get in one of the best Computer Science schools on the east coast... I went to RPI for my CompSci degree. I am sure my mother remembers my score and next time I talk with her I will ask her.
I don't have the answer to this question and would like help. What do you think is the correct answer?
http://giqtest.com/images/giqtest/matrix15n.gif (http://giqtest.com/images/giqtest/matrix15n.gif)
* For each question there is a missing part represented by a '?'
* Choose the answer choice that best completes the picture.
* Try the example question below.
* Click start to move to the first question. Questions are not timed.
I think the answer should be 3.
I think these set of pictures are unique in the sense that none of them follows any systematic pattern or real sequential similarities. As such the missing picture shall also may not follow any systematic pattern or real sequential similarities with the existing pictures. Accordingly 3 should be the answer, which is again unique among the possible set of answers.
I'm not sure. All I know is that I know a thing a two about a thing or two. I know what I know if you know what I mean. ;D
I think the answer should be 3.
I think these set of pictures are unique in the sense that none of them follows any systematic pattern or real sequential similarities. As such the missing picture shall also may not follow any systematic pattern or real sequential similarities with the existing pictures. Accordingly 3 should be the answer, which is again unique among the possible set of answers.
Is #3 unique? The 3rd column 2 row has a single square {which is the only single geometric shape} which would make a single triangle not unique...
I'm not sure. All I know is that I know a thing a two about a thing or two. I know what I know if you know what I mean. ;D
Exactly! ^-^
I have tried the test Judeanoncapta recommended. I was not able to finish it in time. :-[
I couldn't either
71.8 :hair:
lol, no way!
Bully Bully 8) I am a 140 something.
That sounds more accurate :)
It said I had 4:58 minutes left and gave me a score of 118. I think if I would have known how much time I had left I could have thought more about some of the answers and gotten a higher score, but I was trying to rush through it because people said that they didn't have time to finish it. I just made the quickest answers I could.
Hadn't you or someone posted this question and two other once before ?
Anyway I think 1 is the correct answer for the following reason:
* Each row has exactly one picture featuring open curved lines
* Each row has exactly two pictures featuring straight lines and the straight lines in the same raw are either all diagonal or (horizontal and vertical)
* Each row has exactly one picture featuring two perfect circles.
You'd think that with so many geniuses in this thread more than one person could have gotten this question right but no, you were the only one that got it right.