General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: P J C on November 16, 2008, 07:33:10 PM
Random Poll. I am interested in your answers. Thank You for your casting your vote.
Even though there was inflation in the late 70s and it is not seen as a generally great economic time, houses relative to salaries were still reasonable. My father working in a warehouse could purchase two multidwelling homes in New York! People could still find jobs and college meant something back then! Today everyone goes to college and it means much less. Even technical degrees.
80s Reagan Era.
80s Reagan Era.
Reagan sucked in MANY aspects. Need I remind you that he visited dead Nazis in Bitberg, germany's Nazi cemetery. When the lousy PLO terrorists killed over 100 US Marines in Lebanon in a suicide bomb, Reagan withdrew US troops and NEVER retaliated. He also sold weapons to terrorist IRAN. And probably worst of all he F...ed up the econonmy so much be borrowing and borrowing money, that by the time I graduated college in the early 90s, the only job for a Columbia University finance major was elementary school teacher in the NYS sh..t school system. And my resume's been messed up ever since. They had hotels recruiting on campus for "bellhop" positions for ____'s sake !! At Columbia University!
80s Reagan Era.
For the British, 80s spells Thatcher Era.
strong conservative leader. BOOMING economy.
err, and punks! I'm not sure that they were that unfriendly.. They just had funny haircuts. People were more friendly then.
Reagan sucked in MANY aspects. Need I remind you that he visited dead Nazis in Bitberg, germany's Nazi cemetery. When the lousy PLO terrorists killed over 100 US Marines in Lebanon in a suicide bomb, Reagan withdrew US troops and NEVER retaliated. He also sold weapons to terrorist IRAN. And probably worst of all he F...ed up the econonmy so much be borrowing and borrowing money, that by the time I graduated college in the early 90s, the only job for a Columbia University finance major was elementary school teacher in the NYS sh..t school system. And my resume's been messed up ever since. They had hotels recruiting on campus for "bellhop" positions for ____'s sake !! At Columbia University!
Im sorry ItalianZionist...
But Reagan era was a time I had plenty of jobs in the computer and aerospace industry. It was a tough time but Reagan did a good job considering how screwed up Carter left this country.
Reagan sucked in MANY aspects. Need I remind you that he visited dead Nazis in Bitberg, germany's Nazi cemetery. When the lousy PLO terrorists killed over 100 US Marines in Lebanon in a suicide bomb, Reagan withdrew US troops and NEVER retaliated. He also sold weapons to terrorist IRAN. And probably worst of all he F...ed up the econonmy so much be borrowing and borrowing money, that by the time I graduated college in the early 90s, the only job for a Columbia University finance major was elementary school teacher in the NYS sh..t school system. And my resume's been messed up ever since. They had hotels recruiting on campus for "bellhop" positions for ____'s sake !! At Columbia University!
Im sorry ItalianZionist...
But Reagan era was a time I had plenty of jobs in the computer and aerospace industry. It was a tough time but Reagan did a good job considering how screwed up Carter left this country.
That's true muman. But sure there were going to be lots of aerospace and computer jobs since Reagan funded the defense department and those brands of industries. Reagans style of economics made things appear good toward the end of his administration economically, but after he left, the impact of all that borrowing messed up jobs in other indutries. Basically when he got out of office why would he give a darn how the economy was?..And there is definitely no defense in not avenging the souls of those poor brave marines..Reagan just left, setting a precedent for terrorists to become emboldened. AND YOU WOULD THINK THAT REAGAN WOULD GET IRAN BACK FOR THE HOSTAGE CRISIS??Instead the fool sold them weapons..
Reagan sucked in MANY aspects. Need I remind you that he visited dead Nazis in Bitberg, germany's Nazi cemetery. When the lousy PLO terrorists killed over 100 US Marines in Lebanon in a suicide bomb, Reagan withdrew US troops and NEVER retaliated. He also sold weapons to terrorist IRAN. And probably worst of all he F...ed up the econonmy so much be borrowing and borrowing money, that by the time I graduated college in the early 90s, the only job for a Columbia University finance major was elementary school teacher in the NYS sh..t school system. And my resume's been messed up ever since. They had hotels recruiting on campus for "bellhop" positions for ____'s sake !! At Columbia University!
Im sorry ItalianZionist...
But Reagan era was a time I had plenty of jobs in the computer and aerospace industry. It was a tough time but Reagan did a good job considering how screwed up Carter left this country.
That's true muman. But sure there were going to be lots of aerospace and computer jobs since Reagan funded the defense department and those brands of industries. Reagans style of economics made things appear good toward the end of his administration economically, but after he left, the impact of all that borrowing messed up jobs in other indutries. Basically when he got out of office why would he give a darn how the economy was?..And there is definitely no defense in not avenging the souls of those poor brave marines..Reagan just left, setting a precedent for terrorists to become emboldened. AND YOU WOULD THINK THAT REAGAN WOULD GET IRAN BACK FOR THE HOSTAGE CRISIS??Instead the fool sold them weapons..
It is true that Reagan did a lot of things which in retrospect are not so great. But in the end I think he helped bring about the downfall of the Soviet Union. He stood firm against the Commies and the threat from Islam was just appearing on the horizon. I remember the Beirut Barracks bombing in 1983 [ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beirut_barracks_bombing ] . I still have the Time Magazine article in my scrap book. I think Reagan was not prepared to deal with this threat.
U.S. President Ronald Reagan called the attack a "despicable act" and pledged to keep a military force in Lebanon. Secretary of Defense Caspar Weinberger, who had privately advised the administration against ever having stationed U.S. Marines in Lebanon,[11] said there would be no change in the U.S.'s Lebanon policy. On October 24 French President François Mitterrand visited the French bomb site. It was not an official visit, and he only stayed for a few hours, but he did declare: "We will stay." U.S. Vice President George H. W. Bush toured the Marine bombing site on October 26 and said the U.S. "would not be cowed by terrorists."
In retaliation for the attacks, France launched an airstrike in the Beqaa Valley against alleged Islamic Revolutionary Guards positions. President Reagan assembled his national security team and planned to target the Sheik Abdullah barracks in Baalbek, Lebanon, which housed Iranian Revolutionary Guards believed to be training Hezbollah fighters.[12] A joint American-French air assault on the camp where the bombing was planned was also approved by Reagan and Mitterrand. Defense Secretary Weinberger, however, lobbied successfully against the missions.
Besides a few shellings, there was no serious retaliation for the Beirut bombing from the Americans. In December 1983, U.S. aircraft attacked Syrian targets in Lebanon, but this was in response to Syrian missile attacks on planes, not the barracks bombing.
In the meantime, the attack gave a boost to the growth of the Shi'ite organization Hezbollah. Hezbollah denied involvement in the attacks but was seen by Lebanese as involved nonetheless as it praised the "two martyr mujahideen" who "set out to inflict upon the U.S. Administration an utter defeat not experienced since Vietnam ..."[13] Hezbollah was now seen by many as "the spearhead of the sacred Muslim struggle against foreign occupation".
Its NOT here- the 1940's- the rest is a glimmer that FAILS in comparison to what America WAS.
80s Reagan Era.
were you alive in that era?
80s Reagan Era.
were you alive in that era?
I doubt it, I believe he says he is only 14 or 15...
The 50's.
80s Reagan Era.
were you alive in that era?
I was alive in that era and when I started a discussion group a while back about 80s culture people questioned why I did it because I was supposedly too young. Yet I remembered more than people thought I did.
PJC can admire the 80s whether or not he was alive in that era. I sometimes wish I could have been born in an earlier era. In some ways it would have been harder because I'm a woman. In other ways, I think it would have been better.
I chose the 50s from that poll because from everything I've read it seemed like a much better time than right now.
80s Reagan Era.
were you alive in that era?
I was alive in that era and when I started a discussion group a while back about 80s culture people questioned why I did it because I was supposedly too young. Yet I remembered more than people thought I did.
PJC can admire the 80s whether or not he was alive in that era. I sometimes wish I could have been born in an earlier era. In some ways it would have been harder because I'm a woman. In other ways, I think it would have been better.
I chose the 50s from that poll because from everything I've read it seemed like a much better time than right now.
Well, the 80's...I WAS THERE! IT WAS FAB! YESSSS IT WASSSSSSSSS! (http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3269/2499225746_d6a8a70eb7.jpg)
I like the early 1800s.
The 80's where great. Ronald Regan, lots of tasteless movies, one hit wonders, and ALF. I'd take them after the 50's.
I like the early 1800s.
Dang Scriabin, you have Patton syndrome too! ME TOO!!
I like the early 1800s.
Dang Scriabin, you have Patton syndrome too! ME TOO!!
Yes, indeed.
I like the early 1800s.
Dang Scriabin, you have Patton syndrome too! ME TOO!!
Didn't Patton study reincarnation?
Reagan sucked in MANY aspects. Need I remind you that he visited dead Nazis in Bitberg, germany's Nazi cemetery. When the lousy PLO terrorists killed over 100 US Marines in Lebanon in a suicide bomb, Reagan withdrew US troops and NEVER retaliated. He also sold weapons to terrorist IRAN. And probably worst of all he F...ed up the econonmy so much be borrowing and borrowing money, that by the time I graduated college in the early 90s, the only job for a Columbia University finance major was elementary school teacher in the NYS sh..t school system. And my resume's been messed up ever since. They had hotels recruiting on campus for "bellhop" positions for ____'s sake !! At Columbia University!
Im sorry ItalianZionist...
But Reagan era was a time I had plenty of jobs in the computer and aerospace industry. It was a tough time but Reagan did a good job considering how screwed up Carter left this country.
That's true muman. But sure there were going to be lots of aerospace and computer jobs since Reagan funded the defense department and those brands of industries. Reagans style of economics made things appear good toward the end of his administration economically, but after he left, the impact of all that borrowing messed up jobs in other indutries. Basically when he got out of office why would he give a darn how the economy was?..And there is definitely no defense in not avenging the souls of those poor brave marines..Reagan just left, setting a precedent for terrorists to become emboldened. AND YOU WOULD THINK THAT REAGAN WOULD GET IRAN BACK FOR THE HOSTAGE CRISIS??Instead the fool sold them weapons..
It is true that Reagan did a lot of things which in retrospect are not so great. But in the end I think he helped bring about the downfall of the Soviet Union. He stood firm against the Commies and the threat from Islam was just appearing on the horizon. I remember the Beirut Barracks bombing in 1983 [ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beirut_barracks_bombing ] . I still have the Time Magazine article in my scrap book. I think Reagan was not prepared to deal with this threat.
U.S. President Ronald Reagan called the attack a "despicable act" and pledged to keep a military force in Lebanon. Secretary of Defense Caspar Weinberger, who had privately advised the administration against ever having stationed U.S. Marines in Lebanon,[11] said there would be no change in the U.S.'s Lebanon policy. On October 24 French President François Mitterrand visited the French bomb site. It was not an official visit, and he only stayed for a few hours, but he did declare: "We will stay." U.S. Vice President George H. W. Bush toured the Marine bombing site on October 26 and said the U.S. "would not be cowed by terrorists."
In retaliation for the attacks, France launched an airstrike in the Beqaa Valley against alleged Islamic Revolutionary Guards positions. President Reagan assembled his national security team and planned to target the Sheik Abdullah barracks in Baalbek, Lebanon, which housed Iranian Revolutionary Guards believed to be training Hezbollah fighters.[12] A joint American-French air assault on the camp where the bombing was planned was also approved by Reagan and Mitterrand. Defense Secretary Weinberger, however, lobbied successfully against the missions.
Besides a few shellings, there was no serious retaliation for the Beirut bombing from the Americans. In December 1983, U.S. aircraft attacked Syrian targets in Lebanon, but this was in response to Syrian missile attacks on planes, not the barracks bombing.
In the meantime, the attack gave a boost to the growth of the Shi'ite organization Hezbollah. Hezbollah denied involvement in the attacks but was seen by Lebanese as involved nonetheless as it praised the "two martyr mujahideen" who "set out to inflict upon the U.S. Administration an utter defeat not experienced since Vietnam ..."[13] Hezbollah was now seen by many as "the spearhead of the sacred Muslim struggle against foreign occupation".
Ahh, Reagan was a big dummy. And as far as ending the soviet Union, now we have 30 enemies (former soviet states) instead of one.
Ahh, Reagan was a big dummy. And as far as ending the soviet Union, now we have 30 enemies (former soviet states) instead of one.
So who did you support for the Republican nomination in 1980? Anything would be better than Carter, who IMO, is the real president to blame for todays problems...
today...because tomorrow we'll learn from yesterday.
The 1950's when Israel was kicking some major [censored]
The early 60's or "Camelot Years". The Kennedy's (not making a political statement here), the Dick van Dyke Show, The Beatles, James Bond movies with Sean Connery, The Mercury 7 astronauts, big cars and cheap gas, etc.
It was a time of hope and innocence. And then everything went to h*ll.
I think the greatest times were the 18th and 19th century. It was the golden time of booming economy, classic liberalism without the major moral decay we see today. At least European culture came there to perfection.
I think the greatest times were the 18th and 19th century. It was the golden time of booming economy, classic liberalism without the major moral decay we see today. At least European culture came there to perfection.
unless you wanted to see a doctor..
though yeah, you'd get an appointment!
I think the greatest times were the 18th and 19th century. It was the golden time of booming economy, classic liberalism without the major moral decay we see today. At least European culture came there to perfection.
unless you wanted to see a doctor..
though yeah, you'd get an appointment!
This is a very good point. Everbody wants to be healthy and today we have the most advanced medicine. Althrough today we have a lot of lifestyle-related diseases the people before a few centuries not knew. :-/
What's the point to dwelling on the past. When we say this decade or that era was a "Goldern Age" we tend to glaze over the turmoils and issues that plagued it for the supposed good times.
As a child of the 90's, many say we had the best times. A great economy, we were loved by the international community (or at least BJ Clinton was), and were at peace. But looking back I think those people were delusional.
Each generation will experience its trials and turmoils, joys and successes, and even some tragedies. This is life.
I think the greatest times were the 18th and 19th century. It was the golden time of booming economy, classic liberalism without the major moral decay we see today. At least European culture came there to perfection.
unless you wanted to see a doctor..
though yeah, you'd get an appointment!
This is a very good point. Everbody wants to be healthy and today we have the most advanced medicine. Althrough today we have a lot of lifestyle-related diseases the people before a few centuries not knew. :-/
Probably less lifestyle related diseases than they had!
Why did you skip the 1920s???
For sure the 1920s are my favorite time period. It also brings out the best in the left, like bringing up BS that Coolidge thought a depression was coming because of his policies of letting the market do what it wants.
I don't have a favorite and I don't care much for the past, present or future.
I don't have a favorite and I don't care much for the past, present or future.
yeah.. but those that keep good diaries either mentally or on paper, get more done.
I don't have a favorite and I don't care much for the past, present or future.
yeah.. but those that keep good diaries either mentally or on paper, get more done.
You may have a point.
When ever was such an amazing group of men, our Founding Fathers, all thrown together in the same time period and the same place with such amazing results. I can think of none.
80-s - Best music, good times!
80-s - Best music, good times!
I always wondered was this song in the 80s?
80-s - Best music, good times!
I always wondered was this song in the 80s?
heh, I remember hearing that on the radio alot, never saw the video. It puts a different spin on it.
But if you listen to the music and don't think too much about the words, you see it doess ound quite 80s, feel good. Varied. Confident voice singing..
Here's another one.. many don't really look at the words. But it's the same kind of style. 80s style (wild boys by duran duran)
just like Spandau Ballet, the songs were the same style.. Generally with them the words were feel good ones. They had some songs whose style wasn't quite as lively, but same style, just duller words, repetitive even.
still 80s.
80-s - Best music, good times!
I always wondered was this song in the 80s?
heh, I remember hearing that on the radio alot, never saw the video. It puts a different spin on it.
But if you listen to the music and don't think too much about the words, you see it doess ound quite 80s, feel good. Varied. Confident voice singing..
Here's another one.. many don't really look at the words. But it's the same kind of style. 80s style (wild boys by duran duran)
just like Spandau Ballet, the songs were the same style.. Generally with them the words were feel good ones. They had some songs whose style wasn't quite as lively, but same style, just duller words, repetitive even.
still 80s.
Here Q_Q_
80-s - Best music, good times!
I always wondered was this song in the 80s?
heh, I remember hearing that on the radio alot, never saw the video. It puts a different spin on it.
But if you listen to the music and don't think too much about the words, you see it doess ound quite 80s, feel good. Varied. Confident voice singing..
Here's another one.. many don't really look at the words. But it's the same kind of style. 80s style (wild boys by duran duran)
just like Spandau Ballet, the songs were the same style.. Generally with them the words were feel good ones. They had some songs whose style wasn't quite as lively, but same style, just duller words, repetitive even.
still 80s.
Here Q_Q_
I don't usually listen to music, except in bad circumstances where i'm forced to. I find music very unstimulating, intellectually and physically.
80-s - Best music, good times!
I always wondered was this song in the 80s?
heh, I remember hearing that on the radio alot, never saw the video. It puts a different spin on it.
But if you listen to the music and don't think too much about the words, you see it doess ound quite 80s, feel good. Varied. Confident voice singing..
Here's another one.. many don't really look at the words. But it's the same kind of style. 80s style (wild boys by duran duran)
just like Spandau Ballet, the songs were the same style.. Generally with them the words were feel good ones. They had some songs whose style wasn't quite as lively, but same style, just duller words, repetitive even.
still 80s.
Here Q_Q_
I don't usually listen to music, except in bad circumstances where i'm forced to. I find music very unstimulating, intellectually and physically.
What??? are you a cyborg?
I don't usually listen to music, except in bad circumstances where i'm forced to. I find music very unstimulating, intellectually and physically.
What??? are you a cyborg?
The average man is more towards the cyborg end of the scale than a woman.
It's a scale. Nobody reaches the ends.
80-s - Best music, good times!
Hi Manch,
I beg to differ... I didn't like 80s music too much. The 80s was the decade of the synthesizer.. Most music of the 80s is very synthesizer heavy, to the detriment of the guitar and drums. Every band which I like has a 80s period where the music is synthesizer laden and it got in the way of the music. The only reason I like 80s music now is because it is nostalgic.
Of the 80s music I do like I'll list : David Bowie, The Police {Very synth heavy}, Van Halen {1984 very Synth heavy}, Men without Hats {more synth music}, Flock of Seagulls {Synth band}, and others I cant recall at this time... ;)
80-s - Best music, good times!
I always wondered was this song in the 80s?
heh, I remember hearing that on the radio alot, never saw the video. It puts a different spin on it.
But if you listen to the music and don't think too much about the words, you see it doess ound quite 80s, feel good. Varied. Confident voice singing..
Here's another one.. many don't really look at the words. But it's the same kind of style. 80s style (wild boys by duran duran)
just like Spandau Ballet, the songs were the same style.. Generally with them the words were feel good ones. They had some songs whose style wasn't quite as lively, but same style, just duller words, repetitive even.
still 80s.
It was voted one of the most bizarre music videos. I am a big fan of Sinatra and Johnny Cash. Rolling STones are good too.
It was voted one of the most bizarre music videos. I am a big fan of Sinatra and Johnny Cash. Rolling STones are good too.
The idea of somebody sitting in front of the television mesmerized by a music video, voting for it, as if the bizarreness is fantastic..
It's just so incredibly stupid.
I'm sure people have more bizarre dreams, but forget them.
Infact, I think all these guys that get on stage, grab a microphone and start singing, are a bunch of girly men. I wouldn't celebrate it.
And some really dress up in a constume and wear make-up.. Uch. Signs of a crippled mind, a stupid child's mind, connected to the body of an adult freak.
I loved the 60s because of the great music that was produced by the Beatles, the Stones, Jerry and the Pacemakers, Peter and Gordon, Eric Burdon and the Animals, the Kinks, and the rest of the British Invasion. However, I agree the 80's with Ronald Reagan as President was a time of prosperity, freedom, and feeling good about America. There will never be another era like this one. Tear down this wall!!! Freedom baby......Nothing like it!
I don't usually listen to music, except in bad circumstances where i'm forced to. I find music very unstimulating, intellectually and physically.
What??? are you a cyborg?
The average man is more towards the cyborg end of the scale than a woman.
It's a scale. Nobody reaches the ends.
Im as manly as they come, logical and rarely expressing any feelings... BUT!!! I love good music. Ive never heard of anyone who doesnt enjoy some form of music.
But since that was before my time, 1980s.
Im as manly as they come, logical and rarely expressing any feelings... BUT!!! I love good music. Ive never heard of anyone who doesnt enjoy some form of music.
reminds me of this youtube clip. warning, contains the F word. It's 5min, may not be that funny.. he rambles, but what the heck, the idea is funny.