General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: Shlomo on November 25, 2008, 01:34:58 PM

Title: Rabbi Meir Kahane's zt"l hy"d magnum opus "The Jewish Idea"
Post by: Shlomo on November 25, 2008, 01:34:58 PM
I highly recommend our members read the great Rabbi Meir Kahane's zt"l hy"d magnum opus "The Jewish Idea" (Or Hara'ayon):

(http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/51SQ70N7M6L._SY120_.jpg) (http://www.amazon.com/haraayon-Jewish-idea-Meir-Kahane/dp/9657044014)

Title: Re: Rabbi Meir Kahane's zt"l hy"d magnum opus "The Jewish Idea"
Post by: nessuno on November 25, 2008, 04:30:04 PM
Why don't the major bookstores carry his books?
Very frustrating.
Of course, they aren't in the library. No room on the shelves I guess.  What with all the terrorist authors who need shelf space.  >:(

I'll have to purchase it online.
Funny - I just inquired at Barnes and Noble today.

Title: Re: Rabbi Meir Kahane's zt"l hy"d magnum opus "The Jewish Idea"
Post by: Tzvi Ben Roshel1 on November 25, 2008, 05:48:14 PM
It's a Torah book soo it is obvious why Barnes and Nobles wouldn't have it (I wouldn't expect a major store to have it). Some Jewish bookstores do have Rav Kahane's books. If they dont have it inside, you can ask and they might make an order (as with other books also). It's all supply and demand. Unfortunatly though I dont believe that their is a big enough supply for these books. Maybe with a better advertisement things will change.
  Warning it is a Torah book, suitable more for a Jew who has accepted the Torah as Emet. (It's not as political as the other secular oriented books of his), but it is brilliant, and I highly recommend the books for Jews.
Title: Re: Rabbi Meir Kahane's zt"l hy"d magnum opus "The Jewish Idea"
Post by: Americanhero1 on November 25, 2008, 07:15:41 PM
It's a Torah book soo it is obvious why Barnes and Nobles wouldn't have it (I wouldn't expect a major store to have it). Some Jewish bookstores do have Rav Kahane's books. If they dont have it inside, you can ask and they might make an order (as with other books also). It's all supply and demand. Unfortunatly though I dont believe that their is a big enough supply for these books. Maybe with a better advertisement things will change.
  Warning it is a Torah book, suitable more for a Jew who has accepted the Torah as Emet. (It's not as political as the other secular oriented books of his), but it is brilliant, and I highly recommend the books for Jews.

If people who are not Jews want to read the book they can read the book
I'll look for the book
Title: Re: Rabbi Meir Kahane's zt"l hy"d magnum opus "The Jewish Idea"
Post by: nessuno on November 25, 2008, 07:24:39 PM
I agree Americanhero.

I still think I should be able to find reading material about or by Rabbi Meir Kahane, at least at the library.
Title: Re: Rabbi Meir Kahane's zt"l hy"d magnum opus "The Jewish Idea"
Post by: q_q_ on November 25, 2008, 08:29:41 PM
There is a BRILLIANT book about rabbi kahane, that everybody would love.

The Wit And Wisdom Of Rabbi Meir Kahane by Lenny Goldberg

There is hilarious content on every page, all straight out of the mouth of rabbi kahane. It's awesome.
Title: Re: Rabbi Meir Kahane's zt"l hy"d magnum opus "The Jewish Idea"
Post by: nessuno on November 25, 2008, 08:51:00 PM
Thank You q_q_.
I'll look for it.

Title: Re: Rabbi Meir Kahane's zt"l hy"d magnum opus "The Jewish Idea"
Post by: q_q_ on November 25, 2008, 09:07:46 PM
It's a Torah book soo it is obvious why Barnes and Nobles wouldn't have it (I wouldn't expect a major store to have it). Some Jewish bookstores do have Rav Kahane's books. If they dont have it inside, you can ask and they might make an order (as with other books also). It's all supply and demand. Unfortunatly though I dont believe that their is a big enough supply for these books. Maybe with a better advertisement things will change.
  Warning it is a Torah book, suitable more for a Jew who has accepted the Torah as Emet. (It's not as political as the other secular oriented books of his), but it is brilliant, and I highly recommend the books for Jews.

less demand in the diaspora, because the most serious jewish zionists are in israel..

apparently his name is written on many walls, my friend had seen it. I didn't see it when I was with him, prob 'cos it had been rubbed off by the govt.

In jerusalem there was a huge jewish bookstore , I saw "the wit and wisdom of rabbi meir kahane" there..

It's interesting the religious similarity between he and rabbi yissachar shlomo teichtal. Rabbi teichtal was an adult during the holocaust, witnessing it rather helpless, he was in eastern europe. Rabbi Kahane was in america, only 10 years old.  He couldn't do anything. Later he spoke about what should have happened, jews should have sat on the white house lawn singing "that well known jewish hymn" "no no we don't go!!!!!!".. (kahane speech in skokie) 
The bookshop had rabbi teichtal's book a few shelves above his. 

Rabbi Kahane was very multi-facted, nobody compares to him.
Title: Re: Rabbi Meir Kahane's zt"l hy"d magnum opus "The Jewish Idea"
Post by: Tzvi Ben Roshel1 on November 25, 2008, 09:15:26 PM
It's a Torah book soo it is obvious why Barnes and Nobles wouldn't have it (I wouldn't expect a major store to have it). Some Jewish bookstores do have Rav Kahane's books. If they dont have it inside, you can ask and they might make an order (as with other books also). It's all supply and demand. Unfortunatly though I dont believe that their is a big enough supply for these books. Maybe with a better advertisement things will change.
  Warning it is a Torah book, suitable more for a Jew who has accepted the Torah as Emet. (It's not as political as the other secular oriented books of his), but it is brilliant, and I highly recommend the books for Jews.

less demand in the diaspora, because the most serious jewish zionists are in israel..

apparently his name is written on many walls, my friend had seen it. I didn't see it when I was with him, prob 'cos it had been rubbed off by the govt.

In jerusalem there was a huge jewish bookstore , I saw "the wit and wisdom of rabbi meir kahane" there..

It's interesting the religious similarity between he and rabbi yissachar shlomo teichtal. Rabbi teichtal was an adult during the holocaust, witnessing it rather helpless, he was in eastern europe. Rabbi Kahane was in america, only 10 years old.  He couldn't do anything. Later he spoke about what should have happened, jews should have sat on the white house lawn singing "that well known jewish hymn" "no no we don't go!!!!!!".. (kahane speech in skokie) 
The bookshop had rabbi teichtal's book a few shelves above his. 

Rabbi Kahane was very multi-facted, nobody compares to him.

 The bookshop on main street, (between the movie theather and Rabbi Haimov's shul- for those in Queens), has the book by Libby Kahane, right at the front as one goes in. - I dont know them too much, I usually go to the other one (Safra), but when I visited this one to see if they had a certain book I was looking for, this is what I saw.
Title: Re: Rabbi Meir Kahane's zt"l hy"d magnum opus "The Jewish Idea"
Post by: q_q_ on November 25, 2008, 10:21:25 PM
The bookshop on main street, (between the movie theather and Rabbi Haimov's shul- for those in Queens), has the book by Libby Kahane, right at the front as one goes in. - I dont know them too much, I usually go to the other one (Safra), but when I visited this one to see if they had a certain book I was looking for, this is what I saw.

the biography vol 1,.. I have it because i'm a fan of the rav. But I wasn't impressed by the book.
It was a very factual account of things he did, based largely on FBI records of his movements.   There were some anecdotes in there. Some letters betwen him and his children. But I learnt far more about the man from listening to clips of him on radio, and seeing him talk in video..  (at one point there were more small clips of him on youtube, but there are still quite a few)
Of course, vol1 was the early part of his life.  I only heard one thing from that part of his life, that video, his speech in Skokie.
The rest. Him talking on radio and clips on youtube are the latter part of his life.

Title: Re: Rabbi Meir Kahane's zt"l hy"d magnum opus "The Jewish Idea"
Post by: Mishmaat on November 25, 2008, 10:44:26 PM
I thought it was very impressive.

Of course there are certain mundane parts where I just skimmed through and only read the first two sentences of each paragraph. But it's captivating because I want to know a lot about the personal lives and certain private aspects of my heroes.
Title: Re: Rabbi Meir Kahane's zt"l hy"d magnum opus "The Jewish Idea"
Post by: q_q_ on November 25, 2008, 10:55:41 PM
I thought it was very impressive.

Of course there are certain mundane parts where I just skimmed through and only read the first two sentences of each paragraph. But it's captivating because I want to know a lot about the personal lives and certain private aspects of my heroes.

if it was good then you wouldn't just skim through reading the first 2 sentences of each paragraph.  When the book is of your hero..
(I know, there are some paragraphs that -do- give a good insight into the man and no doubt you read them in full)

I read the whole thing including footnotes.. but it was mostly boring.

I did it because i'm a Meir Kahane fan, not because it was an exciting book.

I heard the interview she gave tamar yonah.. her memory isn't that good. Still, i'm going to be one of the first to buy vol 2 !
Title: Re: Rabbi Meir Kahane's zt"l hy"d magnum opus "The Jewish Idea"
Post by: Mishmaat on November 25, 2008, 11:14:59 PM
In my initial reading I skimmed through certain paragraphs. For the benefit of others I will clarify that this is not a book that you'll finish in the course of a week. Unless you have a lot of free time. Obviously because of the sheer magnitude of the book. You're going to want to go back to certain chapters and re-read it a second or a third, or in my case a fifth time (I'm a slow reader). I actually did read the entire book. But I was just saying that there are mundane parts. It's a good read though.
Title: Re: Rabbi Meir Kahane's zt"l hy"d magnum opus "The Jewish Idea"
Post by: Mishmaat on November 25, 2008, 11:28:53 PM
Speaking of Vol. 1 and Vol. 2 did anybody have any luck finding Vol. 2 of "The Jewish Idea"?
Title: Re: Rabbi Meir Kahane's zt"l hy"d magnum opus "The Jewish Idea"
Post by: Americanhero1 on November 25, 2008, 11:30:56 PM
Speaking of Vol. 1 and Vol. 2 did anybody have any luck finding Vol. 2 of "The Jewish Idea"?

Title: Re: Rabbi Meir Kahane's zt"l hy"d magnum opus "The Jewish Idea"
Post by: q_q_ on November 25, 2008, 11:32:26 PM
Speaking of Vol. 1 and Vol. 2 did anybody have any luck finding Vol. 2 of "The Jewish Idea"?


meaning that amazon are not selling it, and a few are taking advantage and selling it second hand at ridiculous prices.
Title: Re: Rabbi Meir Kahane's zt"l hy"d magnum opus "The Jewish Idea"
Post by: דוד בן זאב אריה on November 25, 2008, 11:43:12 PM
I stated to read the book In Yeshvia but it was too thick for me to finish. It was great I only got about 40 pages in it is over 1000 pages long
Title: Re: Rabbi Meir Kahane's zt"l hy"d magnum opus "The Jewish Idea"
Post by: JTFFan on November 26, 2008, 04:01:00 AM
I highly recommend our members read the great Rabbi Meir Kahane's zt"l hy"d magnum opus "The Jewish Idea" (Or Hara'ayon):

(http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/51SQ70N7M6L._SY120_.jpg) (http://www.amazon.com/haraayon-Jewish-idea-Meir-Kahane/dp/9657044014)


I'll definitely look for this righteous book, G-d bless him. :usa+israel:
Title: Re: Rabbi Meir Kahane's zt"l hy"d magnum opus "The Jewish Idea"
Post by: YESHA on November 26, 2008, 06:00:31 AM
I want to purchase this - a real treasure and masterpiece!!
Title: Re: Rabbi Meir Kahane's zt"l hy"d magnum opus "The Jewish Idea"
Post by: q_q_ on November 26, 2008, 08:12:33 AM
I want to purchase this - a real treasure and masterpiece!!

This is the site to get it from


Title: Re: Rabbi Meir Kahane's zt"l hy"d magnum opus "The Jewish Idea"
Post by: Kahane-Was-Right BT on November 26, 2008, 09:53:41 AM
What I might do is to buy it, and then donate it to my yeshiva's beit midrash after I read it, since there seem to be some misconceptions floating around this institution about Rabbi Kahane ZT"L.   The only book of his in this place is "Never Again!" (and it's not in the beit midrash), but that is not so much of a Torah book as an activism book, and people don't realize he was also a scholar.   If all you read is "Never Again!" it also has great ideas and much of the truth Rabbi Kahane always spoke, but for a haredi Jew or a pumped up BT it's not "scholarly" enough and he doesn't show where he derives his point of view despite it clearly being Torah-based to anyone with sanity.    "The Jewish idea" probably spells it all out.
Title: Re: Rabbi Meir Kahane's zt"l hy"d magnum opus "The Jewish Idea"
Post by: q_q_ on November 26, 2008, 10:08:08 AM
What I might do is to buy it, and then donate it to my yeshiva's beit midrash after I read it, since there seem to be some misconceptions floating around this institution about Rabbi Kahane ZT"L.   

the jewish idea.. yes.

There is also Peirush HaMaccabee/Ha-Maccabee (still all hebrew)
his commentary on Tenach - he was murdered before completing it.
Title: Re: Rabbi Meir Kahane's zt"l hy"d magnum opus "The Jewish Idea"
Post by: Tzvi Ben Roshel1 on November 26, 2008, 11:30:06 PM
I offered it in the past, and I'll offer it again. If someone wants to borrow one of these books (And other books tha tI have- just ask). And can come to Queens. PM me.
  Also now I was told that their are a number of places in Queens offering people to borrow Torah books (for free). I'm not sure if Or' Harayon is their (I havn't checked any of these libraries as of yet). But if people would like to borrow Torah books, then places including -  Beit Gavriel at 108 st has books, also Ohel Simch at Main street. (Rabbi Haimov's shul- for those who might be familiar with Queens). - I'll check again, maybe will provide with adresses for those interested.
Title: Re: Rabbi Meir Kahane's zt"l hy"d magnum opus "The Jewish Idea"
Post by: q_q_ on November 26, 2008, 11:47:05 PM
I offered it in the past, and I'll offer it again. If someone wants to borrow one of these books (And other books tha tI have- just ask). And can come to Queens. PM me.
  Also now I was told that their are a number of places in Queens offering people to borrow Torah books (for free). I'm not sure if Or' Harayon is their (I havn't checked any of these libraries as of yet). But if people would like to borrow Torah books, then places including -  Beit Gavriel at 108 st has books, also Ohel Simch at Main street. (Rabbi Haimov's shul- for those who might be familiar with Queens). - I'll check again, maybe will provide with adresses for those interested.

You know, since you are talking about things that are yours and where to get them, you may as well start spelling There and Their correctly.
Hopefully whoever does borrow it will remind you.
Title: Re: Rabbi Meir Kahane's zt"l hy"d magnum opus "The Jewish Idea"
Post by: nessuno on November 27, 2008, 01:18:28 AM
I offered it in the past, and I'll offer it again. If someone wants to borrow one of these books (And other books tha tI have- just ask). And can come to Queens. PM me.
  Also now I was told that their are a number of places in Queens offering people to borrow Torah books (for free). I'm not sure if Or' Harayon is their (I havn't checked any of these libraries as of yet). But if people would like to borrow Torah books, then places including -  Beit Gavriel at 108 st has books, also Ohel Simch at Main street. (Rabbi Haimov's shul- for those who might be familiar with Queens). - I'll check again, maybe will provide with adresses for those interested.

You know, since you are talking about things that are yours and where to get them, you may as well start spelling There and Their correctly.
Hopefully whoever does borrow it will remind you.
It doesn't matter their or there!
That is a very nice offer Tzvi Ben Roshel has made.
I hate sharing my books.

Remember we are all human!  Everyone makes mistakes.  My goofy fingers often have a mind of their own when I'm typing.
Title: Re: Rabbi Meir Kahane's zt"l hy"d magnum opus "The Jewish Idea"
Post by: judeanoncapta on December 02, 2008, 07:45:23 AM
It's a Torah book soo it is obvious why Barnes and Nobles wouldn't have it (I wouldn't expect a major store to have it). Some Jewish bookstores do have Rav Kahane's books. If they dont have it inside, you can ask and they might make an order (as with other books also). It's all supply and demand. Unfortunatly though I dont believe that their is a big enough supply for these books. Maybe with a better advertisement things will change.
  Warning it is a Torah book, suitable more for a Jew who has accepted the Torah as Emet. (It's not as political as the other secular oriented books of his), but it is brilliant, and I highly recommend the books for Jews.

Barnes and Nobles has plenty of Torah books in english. I have bought english Torah books from plenty of Barnes and nobles outlets.
Title: Re: Rabbi Meir Kahane's zt"l hy"d magnum opus "The Jewish Idea"
Post by: Nadav on February 26, 2009, 06:17:57 PM
I've been looking for a copy of Volume 2 for ages. The search continues...........
Title: Re: Rabbi Meir Kahane's zt"l hy"d magnum opus "The Jewish Idea"
Post by: Shlomo on February 27, 2009, 10:34:05 AM
I've been looking for a copy of Volume 2 for ages. The search continues...........

Same here, Nadav. I don't think it's in print right now - which is a terrible shame.