General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: Minuteman on December 14, 2008, 10:08:52 PM
Today some nut threw not one but two shoes at President George W. Bush. He was pretty quick. I'll give him that. Of course his secret service was no where to be found. Like in the Cinderella story, if the shoe fits, throw it at the President.
Bush later added that when he looked into the eyes of the guy who threw the shoes at him, he saw a friend.
Bush later added that when he looked into the eyes of the guy who threw the shoes at him, he saw a friend.
source? or write if you are joking, because it is not obvious.
you should amend the subject from "Bush Dodges Questions and Shoes".
A key point here is who.
it was an Iraqi Muslim, that threw 2 shoes towards him in Baghdad during a farewell visit.
the secret service was being slow but they came around. also i find it funny that we see 2 islamic flags then the American one
It was an Arab "journalist" from Egypt.
Just proves to me how ungrateful these Arabs are...They were better off with Saddam Hussein.
also i find it funny that we see 2 islamic flags then the American one
That is called hemmed between the malefics.
I agree Bush saw it coming and side stepped the shoes with no problem. To bad he didn't catch one and toss it back at the animal. I think after the fact Bush thought the incident was funny. He said in a interview later that it was the funniest thing he saw happen during his time in office and he claims he has seen some odd stuff during his time as president. At the time of the interview Bush claimed he still did not know what the guys issues were that caused him to toss the shoes.
John Prescott (british politician) might have returned fire had that been done with him!
Here's the famous incident where he punches the egg thrower
(he says he thought he had been cut and that it was his blood on his face)
his nicknames have varied, 2 jags, then 2 jabs, then 2 shags.
President Bush gets the Ole Shoe, and dodges very nicely. Talk about someone with disprespect, this guy would have used a gun, if he had one. This shows how upset some of these Arab's are with the success in Iraq.
I know Bush has made mistakes, but at least he stood up for his mission, and never deterred from the course he was on. Some guys run, and some take the Heat!
hahahaha !
i saw that - it was brilliant !
Brilliant? This is completely disrespectful. If this Arab animal had a gun it would of been much worst. And this shows also a heavy lesson, never help these muzzheads
i bet the media is getting a good laugh. Well I can hope deep down in his heart of hearts, Mr. Bush will realize that Arabs were not meant for democracy or freedom or even simple human rights.
The Secret Service officer in charge of that shift should be fired, he failed to protect the President, he's lucky it was only shoes.
The Secret Service officer in charge of that shift should be fired, he failed to protect the President, he's lucky it was only shoes.
Not to worry, Flowers will be thrown at Obama :dance:
Aren't the Secret Service supposed to take a bullet for the President? And here nobody was willing to take a shoe for the President! :::D
Bush ducked and blocked well. He must be good at boxing. But had he been a good wicketkeeper, he would have cleanly caught both the shots and have thrown and hit back at the face of Muzzie stumps.
This is a variation of the shoe bomber theme- another reason to check your shoes at the airport.
Who throws a shoe? Honestly?
these impoverished muslims
next it will be widescreen televisions.
President Bush gets the Ole Shoe, and dodges very nicely. Talk about someone with disprespect, this guy would have used a gun, if he had one. This shows how upset some of these Arab's are with the success in Iraq.
I know Bush has made mistakes, but at least he stood up for his mission, and never deterred from the course he was on. Some guys run, and some take the Heat!
Great post I agree 100%. For whatever its worth President Bush has managed to keep America free of further 911 style attacks. Lets hope his successor is able to do the same.