General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: briann on December 18, 2008, 07:21:14 PM
This is Swedens fault for letting in such an extremely large amount of Muslim immigrants.
Fresh disturbances erupted on Wednesday evening near the basement location which had previously served as a mosque in Malmö's Rosengård district.
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Fireworks were aimed at police and several fires were lit when police arrived to blockade the basement office with containers.
Tensions in the area were still high as of 12.30am Thursday morning, according to police in Skåne.
One man was arrested during the evening on suspicions of preparing to commit assault. Three other men and boys were also detained.
The youngest, born in 1992, was taken home to his parents.
The police’s main goal for the evening was to ensure that emergency crews could perform their duties and extinguish the fires which continued to burn in the area.
More than ten fires were lit over the course of the evening.
The basement offices, which had previously served as a mosque for the Islamiska kulturföreningen (‘Islamic Cultural Association’), had been occupied since November 24th to protest against the landlord’s decision not to renew the association’s lease for the space, which it had held for the past 15 years.
On Monday, police forcibly removed the remaining three protesters from the space in front of a crowd of angry onlookers.
Emotions have been running high since the forced evacuation, resulting in sporadic disturbances throughout the week.
See, if I ruled the world, I would deport these people. For the life of me, I can't understand what goes through the mind of the policy makers in Europe as they are importing their own destruction.
See, if I ruled the world, I would deport these people. For the life of me, I can't understand what goes through the mind of the policy makers in Europe as they are importing their own destruction.
If you ruled the world where would you deport them?
They would be on all the land you own
See, if I ruled the world, I would deport these people. For the life of me, I can't understand what goes through the mind of the policy makers in Europe as they are importing their own destruction.
If you ruled the world where would you deport them?
They would be on all the land you own
I'd sublet.
Amazing that a left-wing Euronazi nation is willing to remove Muslims who are illegally occupying property, but not the Jewish State.
I guarantee you though that if Israel even tried to do this someday, half of the Bolshevik, commie, Gentile Russian/Tel Aviv leftist IDF would defect on spot and join the Muzzies in "solidarity". We all remember all the "refuseniks" who would refuse to serve in Arab neighborhoods during the intifada. Well, this would be a lot worse.
This is the so called religon of Peace....they do not seem to act like peaceful people
This is the so called religon of Peace....they do not seem to act like peaceful people
It must be a mistranslation. Islam is a religion of pieces.
I will say something that is very simple
As much as I hate all these Muzz insects. What I hate even more are countries in Europe and the U.S. allowing them in with open arms.. So isn't it our faults as nations for allowing these cockroaches to come in? I believe so.
here's the answer
There are too many countries ready to appease the muslims because of their violence. One can see how Islam is striving for world domination, just like Brigette Gabriele said.
I will say something that is very simple
As much as I hate all these Muzz insects. What I hate even more are countries in Europe and the U.S. allowing them in with open arms.. So isn't it our faults as nations for allowing these cockroaches to come in? I believe so.
You are 100% right Wolf. And this bolschewik animals do not only welcome them with open arms, no - they feed them with our money until they are fat and buxom.
Everywhere they go they cause trouble.