Torah and Jewish Idea => Torah and Jewish Idea => Topic started by: judeanoncapta on December 28, 2008, 04:12:54 PM
I can't wait to hear your new questions.
Thank you for your patience.
P.S. There is a five question limit. Please abide by it. Thank you very much.
How will we defeat our enemies?
Meaning what is the best solution to bring peace for ourselves?
Will it be combating their ideology (Islam) showing that it is fake.
Or killing every last one of them
Or transfering them
Or maybe a combo of all (and something else?)
Who will appoint the Moshiach? Is it Moshiach will come, or is it that we will make( appoint) Moshiach and he will be the Moshiach?
Can one answer Amen to a bracha that is said online in a video or something (or on youtube, etc.)
And if yes, does it count towards the 90 Amens one has to say per day?
I dont know if you are pro, or agains't an establishment of a Sanhedrin now, but my question is how are we to establish a Sanhedrin and who is to say that that Sanhedrin is to be followed or not? If it is legit or not. For example technically the Hassids can get together and form their own Sanhedrin and the Litvaks can for their own, saying who is valid to be there and who is not (or other groups also). Its not like it was back then because back then the Sanhedrin existed and it then transmitted the authority to individuals (their students), but now we have no Sanhedrin so how are we to form one, and who is to decide who qualifies and who does not?
You say that the eruv we have today is invalid. I also asked, and found out that for Sefardim it is not good either. Soo, I want to ask- since their is no eruv is their anything we can carry on Shabb-t? I asked my Rabbi about keys and he said to tie it on the tie (if I understood correctly, I will ask him again).
Also for example what should mothers do with the carriages on Shabb-t? Would that mean that now women basically cant leave the house with the kids on Shabb-t? (if the kid cant walk and needs a stroller).
You think we should get rid of the galus mentality.
Do you think we should build the temple now? If not, why not?
Any halachic objections?
If you say "we're not ready spiritually". Then surely with that philosophy, like the korban pesach, wouldn't you say "how can we be not ready to fulfill the torah properly.. we should try and do the best we can, get rid of the galuth mentality, the way things are going, charedi majourity, we'll still not be ready in future, and we'll never be ready. We need courageous scholars who will take these big steps that others are afraid to make". So, build the temple!
Greetings Judea. Here are my questions.
1. In the world to come, will people lose their free will, or will they retain it but be unable to sin?
2. Will the distinction between Jewish people and non-Jews still be there in the next world, or will we all just be humans serving God in different ways?
3. Do the Scriptures give any hint as to what religion people may have followed the true God with before Abraham? There are people mentioned in the Scripture prior to this but as far as I know their religion is not named.
4. Do you think that Job was a real person or do you think his story is a symbolic one about trusting God?
5. What time period do you think that Job's story took place in, pre-Flood or post-Flood?
Thank you very much for doing this show. I enjoyed every minute of the last one.
Dear Judea,
What do you think about the practice I have seen in some Israeli shuls to "auction" aliyahs on Shabboth? Isn't this a business transaction and why wouldn't it be forbidden on Shabboth? I have heard someone say that because it is for the purpose of fulfilling a mitzvah and giving cavod to the shul (and Torah), it is permitted. I never heard of this idea before. What would Rav Bar Hayim rule on this matter, or what do you think?
Is it a "mitzvah" per se to daven with a minyan? Or just a highly encouraged suggestion, and it happens to be much better tefillah than one praying by himself (or both). And if the way to fulfill davening with a minyan is to listen to the shliach tzibur repeat the shemoneh Esray and to respond amen, then in what way do people daven with a minyan for maariv when there is no repitition of shemoneh esray? That would suggest that no one actually is davening with a minyan at maariv, ever. If so, why not daven alone at home at night?
Also there appears to be a difficulty in connecting geula to tefillah according to the Yerushalmi custom. (since they are not saying the shema with brachoth before shemoneh esray). What would be the desired mode of action regarding maariv prayer, shema, etc today?
As a followup to last week's question, you mentioned that some of the midrashim were written in the middle ages. I am only familiar with the ones you mentioned as well as some of those cited by Rashi (Tanchuma, Sforno, etc). Obviously those cited by Rashi were completed early, at least by the 900's or so. But he also cites Midrash rabba which goes back to tannaic era. And maybe the others he cites go back that far as well. I was wondering, what are the names of those midrashim which appear to be written later but claim an earlier authorship (similar to zohar). And furthermore, is there a midrash rabba for all 5 books of the Torah (ie bereshith rabba, shemoth rabba, etc)? And were all 5 completed in the same era?
When is the latest time that a person can daven the shemoneh esray for shacharith (for instance if the person misses the minyan)? And is this time limit for beginning or for completing the shemoneh esray in its entirety (not that it takes that long anyway, but I am wondering)? I have heard that one can daven the shemoneh esray up until 12 noon b'dieved. Is this true? If a person is late for minyan and the time for kriat shema has passed, is it recommended not to say the brachoth of shema but only to recite the 3 paragraphs of shema while wearing tefillin? I have also heard from someone that it is still good to say the shema with the brachoth even though it will not actually fulfill the mitzvah as the time for saying shema has already passed. But they say while it is still morning one can and should do that anyway. What is the halacha regarding these matters when a person is late? Thanks.
I understand there are said to be
5 long vowels, corresponding to 5 short vowels, 3 of which correspond to 3 very short vowels(chataf this and that).
But you pointed out that chirik and chirik yud are not 2 different vowels.
What example did/would you give?
I see that beraishit, has a chirik yud, but we say beraishit, not beraisheet.
Whether we say ih or ee depends on whether it's a closed or open syllable. And one tends to recognize what sounds familiar.
Would you say that the concept of long and short vowels like that is completely wrong? or does it serve some grammatical purpose?
regarding the modern hebrew cholam..
It's a short oh. Who did they take it from?
Sefaradim.. I spoke to one that pronounces 2 Ohs,
short oh, the kamatz katan,
long oh, the cholam.
Do some Sefaradim pronounce it like in modern hebrew and other Sefaradim like a long Oh? If so, which do which?
By the way, I am really asking about Sefaradim here.. and I avoided describing how ashkenazim pronounce it because your experience of ashkenazi pronunciation is american ashkenazi, and it's american! British ashkenazi pronunciation is purer because -significantly- I think we have all the same vowels in our english as exist in hebrew, and furthermore, we don't speak through the nose, or with a twang, like many americans can't avoid. With letters we are in the same boat as americans.
in the written torah there is an apparent contradiction about how many days to eat matza.
it is explained in the oral.
So therefore, I can only suppose that the oral is the source for all the commandments.. and the written just hints or states some explicitly. Is that right?
If that's so.. Then all of the 613 commandments have a source in the oral.
What is the source for Be Fruitful and multiply?
And why have rabbis produced lists of the 613 commandments referencing places in tenach as "sources".. And not referenced places in the talmud as sources!!!!! Just a list of all 613 commandments with talmudic sources. Does one exist?
which is more accurate, the Allepo Codex, or the Masoretic ?
Are you glad that the masoretic became the widely used one?
Do non-Jews have the concept of Tishuva? I though Tishuva was given to israel as a gift, but on the other hand Nineve was a non-Jewish city that was sent the prophet Yonah.
Should gentiles (even Noahides) be involved in (only) Jewish related issues?
(continuation of joining Gelua w/ Tefillah) - How do we deal with the passuk "Veshamro Bnai Yisrael...." that is said on Shabb-t night in shul? Should it be said or skipped to join Geula with Tefillah? Is it concidered an interruption?
When the Third Temple is built, will it differ in any ways from the previous two Temples?
Under what circumstances is a Jew allowed to leave Israel temporarily?