General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: mord on December 31, 2008, 10:24:34 AM
;) :clap: :nuke: http://www.ynetnews.com/articles/0,7340,L-3647738,00.html
Let’s talk about justice
David Moria, whose son was killed by terrorists, has no sympathy for Gazans who celebrated in streets
David Moria
Published: 12.31.08, 16:51 / Israel Opinion
About 10 months ago, after our 16-year-old son was murdered in a terror attack along with seven of his friends, TV screens worldwide showed festive images from Gaza that included dances, the handing out of sweets, and gleeful shots fired in the air – alongside the terrible images of the blood-soaked library at the Mercaz Harav yeshiva in Jerusalem.
I won’t deny the fact that the current images from Gaza elegantly circumvent my humanistic instinct and make their way to a satisfying sense of the most primitive desire for revenge. Yet my sense of justice has also been satisfied. Moreover, anyone living in this country knows that soon we shall again see the images of the blood of innocent Jews, and again Gaza residents will be celebrating it.
All of us know that in this country we have a large sector, including quite a few Knesset members, which despite the occasional condemnation of murderous terror directed at citizens secretly hopes for a multi-casualty terror attack – so it proves there is no way to defeat Hamas, and we must therefore capitulate to its demands and negotiate with it.
Commentators explain to us why being strong also means being weak, and why being weak also means being strong, and say that many casualties
on our side will force us to talk to Hamas. Meanwhile, many governments worldwide provide us with words of advice and preach morals to us in the aim of renewing the lull and the talks. Yet everyone knows that every single one of these countries, had it faced our situation, would have embarked on a belligerent, destructive move a long time ago, without showing any compassion to women or children.
Yet everybody is talking about peace and nobody is talking about justice. The time has come to stop talking peace and to start talking about justice. I once knew a grandmother with common sense who used to say: What’s bad is bad, and what’s good is good.
Firing dozens of bullets at children quietly studying in a library is bad.
Firing missiles with the declared aim of hurting civilians is bad.
Causing intentional suffering to the family of a captive by disparaging him is bad.
Being overjoyed and dancing when innocents die is bad.
On the other hand, making an effort to hurt our killers, without hurting civilians, is good.
Razing the home of a terrorist in order to deter the next one is good.
And in my view, taking citizens who sympathize with the murderers in Gaza and transferring them to the site of their sympathies is very good.
Good things should be done without any lulls or truces, and darkness must be fought tirelessly. Yet there is one bad thing that is more dangerous than anything else. You will find it not only among Hebrew-speaking Palestinian talkbackers but also, to our regret, among many of our own people - Making us forget that we’re right
hear, hear!
His happiness should be allowed to be increased manifolds, till all the reasons for his unhappiness are vanished.
Am I the only one who noticed these troubling statements:
On the other hand, making an effort to hurt our killers, without hurting civilians, is good.
Excuse me, but WTF? David's son and the eight others who lost their lives in the Mercaz HaRav massacre were all civilians! Does David think that even one Arab opposes targeting Jewish "civilians"? I guess Mr. Moria would oppose anything that smacks of so-called "collective punishment" of the Arabs (to use the anti-Semitic left's favorite buzzword to describe warfare against Muslim Nazis). This is the disease that plagues almost the entire Jewish corporate mind today, and that is the reason why Israel refuses to win any war, no matter how small, these days.
You will find it not only among Hebrew-speaking Palestinian talkbackers but also, to our regret, among many of our own people - Making us forget that we’re right
The fact that Moria believes in a race that does not exist is more proof of our sorry condition today. If a so-called Palestinian race exists, then it follows that it has a heritage, history, and territorial claims. As long as any Jews truly believe any of this nonsense, then we are fighting for Israel with both arms tied behind our backs.
Am I the only one who noticed these troubling statements:
On the other hand, making an effort to hurt our killers, without hurting civilians, is good.
Excuse me, but WTF? David's son and the eight others who lost their lives in the Mercaz HaRav massacre were all civilians! Does David think that even one Arab opposes targeting Jewish "civilians"? I guess Mr. Moria would oppose anything that smacks of so-called "collective punishment" of the Arabs (to use the anti-Semitic left's favorite buzzword to describe warfare against Muslim Nazis). This is the disease that plagues almost the entire Jewish corporate mind today, and that is the reason why Israel refuses to win any war, no matter how small, these days.
You will find it not only among Hebrew-speaking Palestinian talkbackers but also, to our regret, among many of our own people - Making us forget that we’re right
The fact that Moria believes in a race that does not exist is more proof of our sorry condition today. If a so-called Palestinian race exists, then it follows that it has a heritage, history, and territorial claims. As long as any Jews truly believe any of this nonsense, then we are fighting for Israel with both arms tied behind our backs.
Yes, C.F., but why do you have to bring (reality) rain to the parade? Sigh.
;D C.F. does not let the good sentiments of Moria detract from the negatives...
You must admit, the father does have some good points to make, like "among many of our own people - Making us forget that we’re right" which he says is most dangerous.
The thing about the term "Palestinian" is that, yes it is a fictitious word; yes, it is incorrect to label someone a "Palestinian" when there is no such person; and worst of all, it gives an air of legitimacy to the arab cause. I don't use the term and I discourage others from using that term.
Having said that, I understand that many people, including Israelis, use this term freely. They are wrong to do so. I do not however condemn them for everything else they have to say because they make this one mistake.
The gentleman who wrote the article has made some valid points, and he should be given credit for articulating them. I disagree with his use of the term "Palestinian", but that does not invalidate the rest of his argument.
The thing about the term "Palestinian" is that, yes it is a fictitious word; yes, it is incorrect to label someone a "Palestinian" when there is no such person; and worst of all, it gives an air of legitimacy to the arab cause. I don't use the term and I discourage others from using that term.
Having said that, I understand that many people, including Israelis, use this term freely. They are wrong to do so. I do not however condemn them for everything else they have to say because they make this one mistake.
The gentleman who wrote the article has made some valid points, and he should be given credit for articulating them. I disagree with his use of the term "Palestinian", but that does not invalidate the rest of his argument.
They should always be referred to as "so-called Palestinians", as the great Menachem Begin did. Oh, what I'd give to have Mr. Begin running Israel now!
This again shows the difference between the Jews and the Arabs. Even with his son killed, he worries about protecting innocent life, no matter how difficult it may be to find in Gaza. The Arabs go after innocent life and celebrate when they take one. It's a pretty good demonstration of good and evil. The media is evil because they can't differentiate between the two. It's good to see someone have a normal reaction to people who killed his son. If I see another Oprah moment of hugging your enemy, I'm going to be sick.
Who in their right mind wouldn't sympathisize with this father? Evil is going to get its just reward, exactly as Hitler got his. Everyone go and see Valkyrie with Tom Cruise, one of the most suspenseful movies I've seen in a long time. Everything in the movie was so authentic, the uniforms, the cars, scenery. A brave group of Germans tried to take Hitler out 15 times, because they knew the allies were surrounding Germany, and they wanted to surrender.
Brave brave men, who stood strong for a better Germany, without Hitler's domination, and wanted to recoup some honor. A must see.
Who in their right mind wouldn't sympathisize with this father? Evil is going to get its just reward, exactly as Hitler got his. Everyone go and see Valkyrie with Tom Cruise, one of the most suspenseful movies I've seen in a long time. Everything in the movie was so authentic, the uniforms, the cars, scenery. A brave group of Germans tried to take Hitler out 15 times, because they knew the allies were surrounding Germany, and they wanted to surrender.
Brave brave men, who stood strong for a better Germany, without Hitler's domination, and wanted to recoup some honor. A must see.
I think Hitler actually got of the hook very lightly. He died by his own hand and under his own terms. About the only suffering he had to contend with was seeing his evil plans being crushed and the torment of being trapped under ground for the last part of his life like a mole. In any case even if he was captured alive anything done to him in this world would never be enough to make him pay for his sins. The movie plot sounds great and its true that they did try to kill Hitler many times but as far as the German generals being brave I wounder what the true motivation really was. In the closing days of the war Hitler felt that the German people let him down and gave orders that everything should be destroyed. Hitler wanted factories, powerhouses industry in general all destroyed. In short he wanted to put the German people in a position where it would be hard for them to survive post war. Some of the ranking officers in the military saw this as suicidal and disregarded Hitlers orders where they could. I think that this more than anything else made them decide to eliminate him.