General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: Chaim Ben Pesach on January 08, 2009, 06:14:19 PM

Title: Poll: Is Barack Hussein Obama loyal to America?
Post by: Chaim Ben Pesach on January 08, 2009, 06:14:19 PM

Please explain why you voted the way you did.
Title: Re: Poll: Is Barack Hussein Obama loyal to America?
Post by: Rubystars on January 08, 2009, 06:23:44 PM
Obama has too many torn loyalties. He has roots not only in America, but also in Indonesia and Kenya. We don't even know if he was a natural born citizen, and some of his formative time was spent overseas.

Being a leftist, he will believe that being really patriotic and loyal to one's own country is "jingoism", and he'll be more likely to believe that we should all be good "citizens of the world" rather than citizens of the United States of America.

He will consider himself to be a "world leader" rather than the President of the United States.
Title: Re: Poll: Is Barack Hussein Obama loyal to America?
Post by: Ulli on January 08, 2009, 06:31:25 PM
I voted no, because he was all his life in the company of socialist, Muslims and black supremacists. He identifies himself with their agenda.

But I think his main direction will be not Islam but Socialism. Through the redistribution of wealth he can do more damage to the USA plus supporting his friends than by supporting Islam directly.

I am from Europe and I can tell.
Title: Re: Poll: Is Barack Hussein Obama loyal to America?
Post by: RanterMaximus on January 08, 2009, 06:32:19 PM
Just being a politician means he has no loyalty to America.  As time goes, we will see who the true Obama is- a black muslim with radical ties, who is connected to very corrupt people.  
Title: Re: Poll: Is Barack Hussein Obama loyal to America?
Post by: Lisa on January 08, 2009, 06:45:27 PM
He won't be loyal to America, as he's a marxist Muslim.  His friends and advisors are hostile to Israel leftists, who blame American Jews for the problems in the Middle East. 
Title: Re: Poll: Is Barack Hussein Obama loyal to America?
Post by: briann on January 08, 2009, 07:09:48 PM
He is nothing more than a fringe lunatic who sought out black liberation theology, the nation of Islam, 60's hippie American Haters.... and had to somewhat conceal his true identity in the last few years to gain political clout.

He will show his true colors little by little.

Title: Re: Poll: Is Barack Hussein Obama loyal to America?
Post by: zachor_ve_kavod on January 08, 2009, 07:10:07 PM
Obama will not be loyal to America.  First of all, he will pressure Israel to commit suicide.  If America abandons Israel, it can expect to be cursed by G-d.  Looking at the countries of the world with the most problems, the most repressive regimes, the worst standards of living, the bleakest futures, these are muslim countries.  It is not a coincidence that they are the ones who curse the Jews the most, and have the worst of everything.  If America curses Israel, we will be able to look back years from now, and recognize easily when America began declining.

Obama's spirutual mentor hates America.  A spiritual mentor is the person that one wishes to be most like.  Wright has a more important influence on Obama than say Obama's mechanic.  

The arabs all wanted him to get elected.  Why would they want that unless they believe he would advance their interests?  Do we think they're stupid?  No, they are not stupid.

Obama's been really big on "fairness".  The only way to get fairness is to bring down those who have more.  This is not American.
Title: Re: Poll: Is Barack Hussein Obama loyal to America?
Post by: angryChineseKahanist on January 08, 2009, 07:45:21 PM
I almost thought that question was just a joke.

This animal is loyal to his black race and to his Islamic religion.

During this financial crisis, he hires the best socialist talents. The only reason he has any whites on his team is because he can't find slightly qualifying negros. But as you can see, afrimative action shines through. He already hires unqualified negros.

Negro racism, socialism, Islamic fascism. My reasons.
Title: Re: Poll: Is Barack Hussein Obama loyal to America?
Post by: Abben on January 08, 2009, 07:57:31 PM
I almost thought that question was just a joke.

This animal is loyal to his black race and to his Islamic religion.

During this financial crisis, he hires the best socialist talents. The only reason he has any whites on his team is because he can't find slightly qualifying negros. But as you can see, afrimative action shines through. He already hires unqualified negros.

Negro racism, socialism, Islamic fascism. My reasons.

The same also he cannot be trusted.
Title: Re: Poll: Is Barack Hussein Obama loyal to America?
Post by: t_h_j on January 08, 2009, 08:17:01 PM
I voted I'm not sure because the option I wanted to choose is not there.  I believe he will promote similar socialist policies as bill clinton.
Title: Re: Poll: Is Barack Hussein Obama loyal to America?
Post by: spiritus_persona on January 08, 2009, 09:47:22 PM
Because BHO does this stuff all the time.  He focuses his attention on special groups and puts the interest of America on the back burner.  BHO is a sellout no different from the other politicians.
Title: Re: Poll: Is Barack Hussein Obama loyal to America?
Post by: GodGunsAndGlory on January 08, 2009, 11:14:45 PM
He didn't disown Wright until he insulted Obama, but not when he bashed America.
Title: Re: Poll: Is Barack Hussein Obama loyal to America?
Post by: Vito on January 08, 2009, 11:21:29 PM
Guilty by association. His socialistic beliefs are against American values. And for the hell of it.. why spend half a million dollars hiding your birth certificate?
Title: Re: Poll: Is Barack Hussein Obama loyal to America?
Post by: muman613 on January 08, 2009, 11:28:51 PM
He will be loyal to his dope dealer... I have heard he still indulges in pot.

Title: Re: Poll: Is Barack Hussein Obama loyal to America?
Post by: Dr. Dan on January 09, 2009, 12:15:57 AM
I chose option 3...but that all depends on what one might claim as "loyal to one's country".  We don't believe the left are loyal to the country..but leftists believe that what they do is loyalty to their country...the question in my mind goes as if Obama knows what he's doing and plans on destroying the US because he hates the US...or if simply he feels that the ideal US should be a socialist "multi cultural" nation.  If he feels it's right for the US to be that way, I would not go so far to call him disloyal..He feels what he is doing for this country is best for country...and we think he is obviously wrong and doing the opposite. 

therefore, I'm not sure if his intentions are to destroy the US or if, in his mind, he is being loyal with the decisions he is making and will be making.  I ultimately hope that any curse he wishes on Israel and on the Jews ends up being a blessing for us.  And every terrible thing he tries to do to the US ends up coming around to happen to him and his family and cabinet.
Title: Re: Poll: Is Barack Hussein Obama loyal to America?
Post by: Xoce on January 09, 2009, 01:41:27 AM
He is Anti-American and a Jew-hater.  He is a dark Marxist who can't decide whether he is atheist or muslim, but one thing is for sure- he wants to ingratiate himself with muslims worldwide.
When I say "dark Marxist" I mean he is NOT the "unicorns and cotton candy" type of liberal who ignorantly believes that if only everybody held hands via redistribution of wealth that the world would be a better place.  No barack hussein 0bama is the vile type of marxist who knows FULL WELL that marxism leads to mass poverty and destruction, but cynically knows it will also yield more power to him.

Hopefully hussein is not able to carry it all out and hopefully he can be "bought" or "coerced" by pro-American forces.  For he does not have ANY pro-American/Jewish/Israel inclinations. 
Title: Re: Poll: Is Barack Hussein Obama loyal to America?
Post by: Xoce on January 09, 2009, 03:27:31 AM
Obama will not be loyal to America.  First of all, he will pressure Israel to commit suicide.  If America abandons Israel, it can expect to be cursed by G-d.  Looking at the countries of the world with the most problems, the most repressive regimes, the worst standards of living, the bleakest futures, these are muslim countries.  It is not a coincidence that they are the ones who curse the Jews the most, and have the worst of everything.  If America curses Israel, we will be able to look back years from now, and recognize easily when America began declining.

Obama's spirutual mentor hates America.  A spiritual mentor is the person that one wishes to be most like.  Wright has a more important influence on Obama than say Obama's mechanic.  

The arabs all wanted him to get elected.  Why would they want that unless they believe he would advance their interests?  Do we think they're stupid?  No, they are not stupid.

Obama's been really big on "fairness".  The only way to get fairness is to bring down those who have more.  This is not American.

EXACTLY, exactly, exactly.  And very appropriate that you put so called "fairness" in quotation marks.  It is the least common denominator principle.  Everyone becomes dirt poor and pitiful, but "equally" so. 
Title: Re: Poll: Is Barack Hussein Obama loyal to America?
Post by: AsheDina on January 09, 2009, 07:42:55 AM
 He was NOT born here. One CANNOT serve two masters. His ALLEGIANCE is to KENYA, and African moZlem causes. He has passed Halal food acts- HERE IN AMERICA, his PASTOR after OVER 17 YEARS Blames Israel, that means HE DOES. His wife was NEVER proud of America, he is FOR the decapitation of BABIES. He is AGAINST VICTIMS of evil sex crimes PRIVACY. He voted PRESENT 139 TIMES. He wants to build a CIVILIAN MILITIA that is bigger than the US MILITARY here in the STATES- ALSO- he has DESTROYED the words 'hope, and change, and YES WE CAN' I cant STAND this LOSER, who smoked POT, snorted COCAINE, and did CRACK.

His name is (for the MILLIONTH time) Barack HUSSEIN Obama.
Title: Re: Poll: Is Barack Hussein Obama loyal to America?
Post by: RanterMaximus on January 09, 2009, 09:10:19 AM
His cabinet picks are showing us that he no ability to think for himself, choosing people who are political lifers.  His CIA choice is a disgrace and I think the tell tale sign is Hillary Clinton for Sec. Of State.  Who in the hell would want such a person in that position?
Title: Re: Poll: Is Barack Hussein Obama loyal to America?
Post by: Vito on January 09, 2009, 01:12:43 PM
I chose option 3...

Why does that not surprise me Dan?   :o
Title: Re: Poll: Is Barack Hussein Obama loyal to America?
Post by: eb22 on January 09, 2009, 02:18:55 PM
  Barack Hussein Obama used Taqiyya to be elected President of the United States.      Tragically,   the vast majority of the American people didn't see through this.   

  Obama's expected agenda and the individuals he's surrounding himself with puts the U.S in greater jeopardy than at any time in the country's 232 1/2 year history.     
Title: Re: Poll: Is Barack Hussein Obama loyal to America?
Post by: briann on January 09, 2009, 02:22:25 PM
People have short memories.  If Mccain had purposefully sought out extremist nuts and members of anti-american Jew hating groups and contributed all his money to these groups, and endlessly endorsed these groups.... we'd all be in agreement that Mccain wants to sabotage America.

Why would anyone ignore Obama's actions from 20-45???   This is the REAL obama... and his last two years are a product of propaganda.
Title: Re: Poll: Is Barack Hussein Obama loyal to America?
Post by: SavetheWest on January 09, 2009, 02:36:00 PM
Obama loves the America that emerged from the 60's.  He loves the black liberation movement, feminism, the drug culture and Hollywood.  That's why when he says he loves America, he is not lying.  It is his version of America and what it is becoming.  Notice how, except for the occasional Abe Lincoln or FDR reference, he rarely talks about America being great before the 1960's or even talks about it at all.  He loves America for its liberals, gays and "progressive" movements. 
Title: Re: Poll: Is Barack Hussein Obama loyal to America?
Post by: syyuge on January 09, 2009, 03:08:00 PM
EuroCommunism Loyalties and Royalties.
Title: Re: Poll: Is Barack Hussein Obama loyal to America?
Post by: RanterMaximus on January 09, 2009, 03:40:52 PM
In fairness to Obama, the last sixteen years gave us two bums that were not loyal to America.
Title: Re: Poll: Is Barack Hussein Obama loyal to America?
Post by: yeshuadisciple on January 18, 2009, 03:33:05 AM
I believe that Obama is practicing Islamic lying (can't remember what the term is).  I don't think he's abandoned his Islamic beliefs and that he lied about being a Christian to get elected.  Now that he's in it's going to be a rough ride for Israel as she will be abandoned by her only ally, albeit a poor ally.  That's okay, when Israel is "alone"  then God's power will be demonstrated.  The anti semitism that I've seen on the internet and news is disgusting, we're right back where we were in the 30s and the world is ready to abandon Jews  to another holocaust. 
Title: Re: Poll: Is Barack Hussein Obama loyal to America?
Post by: IsraelForever on January 18, 2009, 04:18:00 AM
Who is this man and how and why did Americans give him the keys to the White House?   He made all those promises and, even before he's sworn in, he's saying that he can't fulfill them.  Is this actually real what's happening or am I in a bad dream?  What experience has this man had running things that the American people would elect him President?  For 20 years he sat quietly and listened to Reverend Wright spew his anti-American filth and he never got disgusted and and walk out?  The American people have really drunk the Kool-Aid this time.  If Obama is loyal to America, then it's the "New America" that he will try and create.  G-d help all of us!
Title: Re: Poll: Is Barack Hussein Obama loyal to America?
Post by: nessuno on January 18, 2009, 06:31:43 AM
He will not be loyal to America. 
I believe people should be judged by the company they keep.

William Ayers
Title: Re: Poll: Is Barack Hussein Obama loyal to America?
Post by: cjd on January 18, 2009, 06:48:51 AM
He will not be loyal to America. 
I believe people should be judged by the company they keep.

William Ayers

To bad a black animal didn't toss a old refrigerator or air conditioner off the roof of one of the buildings and squash this animal like a bug. I guess they only do that to utility people and bill collectors. Terrorist are OK with them.
Title: Re: Poll: Is Barack Hussein Obama loyal to America?
Post by: nessuno on January 18, 2009, 07:06:11 AM
 :'(  Sadly true!  That would have been a better picture.
Title: Re: Poll: Is Barack Hussein Obama loyal to America?
Post by: Debbie Shafer on February 11, 2009, 10:52:36 AM
Its with a heavy heart I see America being implemented with socialist policies.  The delay in the trial of the terrorists at Guantanamo were the final proof I needed that the new President, is going to advance the Muslim cause.

Now we see socialized medicine slipped into the stimulus bill over night.  Will the government have control over life and death, who gets taken off a ventilator, what kind of diagnostic treatment is implemented, power over the doctors and insurance companies????  (And Pelosi says its no big Deal).

I was on Daniel Pipe's website, and many Brits feel they are living up to their necks in a bad situation.  The United Kingdom has been taken over by Mosques and terrorists.  The United States was set up in the same way. 

I hope we can all survive and stay healthy for the next two years, until there are more seats up for grabs!
Title: Re: Poll: Is Barack Hussein Obama loyal to America?
Post by: AsheDina on February 11, 2009, 10:56:14 AM
Guilty by association. His socialistic beliefs are against American values. And for the hell of it.. why spend half a million dollars hiding your birth certificate?

EXACTLY Vito- and his little children like the pied piper of Hamlin BELIEVE ANYTHING this MONSTER anti-G-d SAYS. 
Title: Re: Poll: Is Barack Hussein Obama loyal to America?
Post by: GoIsraelGo! on February 11, 2009, 11:04:36 AM
Guilty by association. His socialistic beliefs are against American values. And for the hell of it.. why spend half a million dollars hiding your birth certificate?

EXACTLY Vito- and his little children like the pied piper of Hamlin BELIEVE ANYTHING this MONSTER anti-G-d SAYS. 

Hi Paulette, I voted for Mccain. I do believe that Hussien is the madhi for the Moslems, he will bring 7 years of hell to our Country and Israel.
G-d help us, may G-d punish every person that voted for Hussien.
This is maddening beyond words.

                                                                         Shalom - Dox

Title: Re: Poll: Is Barack Hussein Obama loyal to America?
Post by: ~Hanna~ on February 11, 2009, 11:19:24 AM
I voted for the middle answer, that 47 other people here voted for...

He is not loyal to America, he has another agenda...his true colors have allready began to show...
Title: Re: Poll: Is Barack Hussein Obama loyal to America?
Post by: ag337 on February 11, 2009, 11:33:16 AM
Obama can never be loyal to America because he is only loyal to his ego, his own agenda, and his "so-called legacy".  As stated by other members, look at the company he keeps, that alone says a lot about him.  He is half white and disregards the white grandmother who raised him.  He has stated that there is not a more beautiful sound than hearing the Islamic prayer call in the morning. 
Where does this fit in for being loyal to America??
Simply it doesn't.
Title: Re: Poll: Is Barack Hussein Obama loyal to America?
Post by: eb22 on February 11, 2009, 11:37:40 AM
Barack Hussein Obama is loyal to Mecca,   not America!
Title: Re: Poll: Is Barack Hussein Obama loyal to America?
Post by: childofgod on February 27, 2009, 03:59:46 PM
 :P This is to all of the people who really don't know Barack Obama! It was either him or John McCain.  McCain the same type of rich, old, white man who doesn't give a hoot about the people in America!!! Barack Obama is ready to lead! he is a natural born citizen. Arnold Schwarzenegger is not natural born but he's the dag on governor or whatever! But he's white so you have nothing to say correct????? When Barack Obama leads and gets the US where it should be and in peace; all of you will see! every last one of you haters will see!! :P   :laugh: and i will be laughing in your face! Palin was the hottest mess that ran for office!!Just get it together people!! Wake up and stop judging people by race! your acting just like the white people in slavery days. Baracks mama is white and his daddy is black! Therefore he his mixed!! There are a lot of those types of people around! He's an educated black man and you're just scared!! am i right??? I'm done
Title: Re: Poll: Is Barack Hussein Obama loyal to America?
Post by: MasterWolf1 on February 27, 2009, 04:11:31 PM
No. Obama will use the presidency to promote black, Arab and Muslim causes.  And most of all he is loyal to himself.  The fact he had the enemies of this country supporting him told it all.
Title: Re: Poll: Is Barack Hussein Obama loyal to America?
Post by: muman613 on February 27, 2009, 04:18:43 PM
:P This is to all of the people who really don't know Barack Obama! It was either him or John McCain.  McCain the same type of rich, old, white man who doesn't give a hoot about the people in America!!! Barack Obama is ready to lead! he is a natural born citizen. Arnold Schwarzenegger is not natural born but he's the dag on governor or whatever! But he's white so you have nothing to say correct????? When Barack Obama leads and gets the US where it should be and in peace; all of you will see! every last one of you haters will see!! :P   :laugh: and i will be laughing in your face! Palin was the hottest mess that ran for office!!Just get it together people!! Wake up and stop judging people by race! your acting just like the white people in slavery days. Baracks mama is white and his daddy is black! Therefore he his mixed!! There are a lot of those types of people around! He's an educated black man and you're just scared!! am i right??? I'm done

What a naive person this 'childofgod' {oy gevalt} is. He thinks Obama will change anything. This person must be a cool-aide drinker or a 12 year old child. Obama is the tool of the Arabs and Communists in this country. Look at those who he has appointed to positions of power. Chas Freeman who works for the Saudis is an obvious example of the 'change' which Obama is making.

Obama is a nightmare for America because he will squander the resources attempting to 'redistribute wealth' from the hard-working middle class and giving it to the lower class to buy drugs and booze. This is not something new, the communists have tried to do this for as long as Ive been alive.

The best thing for America would be to Impeach Obama and remove him from any position of power. I am so glad I didn't vote for this loser.

Title: Re: Poll: Is Barack Hussein Obama loyal to America?
Post by: Confederate Kahanist on February 27, 2009, 04:25:21 PM
I like the majority voted the middle option.  I believe Obama is more loyal to the majority of Latin America, the Middle east, some parts of Eastern Europe, Africa and the future Islamic Europe ruled by sharia law than to America .  I think Hussein is going to open the borders somehow and let every one in from the third world.  With his policies i.e letting the Palestinians in, we will be a gross disgusting third world Islamic banana republic with little or no civilization or reason. 
Title: Re: Poll: Is Barack Hussein Obama loyal to America?
Post by: AsheDina on February 28, 2009, 06:40:05 PM
Guilty by association. His socialistic beliefs are against American values. And for the hell of it.. why spend half a million dollars hiding your birth certificate?

EXACTLY Vito- and his little children like the pied piper of Hamlin BELIEVE ANYTHING this MONSTER anti-G-d SAYS. 

Hi Paulette, I voted for Mccain. I do believe that Hussien is the madhi for the Moslems, he will bring 7 years of hell to our Country and Israel.
G-d help us, may G-d punish every person that voted for Hussien.
This is maddening beyond words.

                                                                         Shalom - Dox

Yes DOX, right, this is an EVIL EVIL person that is of SATAN
Title: Re: Poll: Is Barack Hussein Obama loyal to America?
Post by: Christian Zionist on February 28, 2009, 06:46:24 PM
We are going to see his "loyalty" manifested in action soon!!!  I hope America survives under him for the next 4 years.
Title: Re: Poll: Is Barack Hussein Obama loyal to America?
Post by: TruthSpreader on February 28, 2009, 08:49:08 PM
Two words. NO WAY!!!!!!!
Title: Re: Poll: Is Barack Hussein Obama loyal to America?
Post by: GoIsraelGo! on February 28, 2009, 08:55:04 PM
Obama is loyal only to blacks, arab moslems, and anyone that is evil. He was groomed for this Job since he was born. Satan is behind this whole mess and let us not forget how History seems to produce Monsters every Century or so.

                                                        Shalom - Dox 
Title: Re: Poll: Is Barack Hussein Obama loyal to America?
Post by: syyuge on March 01, 2009, 02:13:22 AM
His financial support to Papistan666, Papistan666 having surrender and collaboration with Taliban, and ISI sponsored paramilitary rebellion in Bangladesh... these all are ample indications of the direction of movement of the events.
Title: Re: Poll: Is Barack Hussein Obama loyal to America?
Post by: The One and Only Mo on March 01, 2009, 02:24:51 AM
He needs America to prosper so that his people can benefit
Title: Re: Poll: Is Barack Hussein Obama loyal to America?
Post by: Cyberella on March 01, 2009, 11:53:30 AM

Please explain why you voted the way you did.

Beckwith of 'The Obama File' explains it:


The Obama File
The United States Library of Congress has selected TheObamaFile.com for inclusion in its historic collections of Internet materials

Barack Hussein Obama

A privileged African-American, who has not shared the black American experience
By birth, blood and training, a Muslim, who was a member of a Marxist, Black-African church for 20 years
A socialist whose politics are rooted in Marx and whose tactics were conceived by the communist, Alinsky
A master at shaping his own mythology and completely unqualified to be Commander in Chief
And, he is not now, nor ever has been, a "natural born citizen" -- his father was a foreigner

Title: Re: Poll: Is Barack Hussein Obama loyal to America?
Post by: 4International on March 05, 2009, 05:48:02 AM
Shalom brother Chaim,

The reason is because of the people behind Obama's rise to power: Zbigniew Brzezinski who as the United States' chief foreign policy strategist has admitted that he truly believes that Islam can be used as a WEAPON against the enemies of US Global Capital which is dominated by the Rockefeller CFR & Trilateral Commission Socialist crowd.

Brzezinksi actually BELIEVES Iran can be turned into an enemy of Russia and therefore SHOULD BE LEFT ALONE!! Have a look at who was the neocons' chief foreign policy geo-strategist with regards to Iraq and Iran: none other than a PROTEGE of Brzezinski by the name of Zalmay Khalilzad - who has said in policy papers and verbal statements that America needs to "contain Iraq and strengthen Iran"!!!

Brzezinski is the chief exponent in the US foreign policy establishment in Washington of the "We need to submerge the national sovereignty of the US and all nations into a Global One-World Government" which is clearly a SOCIALIST GOAL.

He is the creator and propagandizer for the "contain Iraq and STRENGTHEN IRAN" school of thought in Washington's foreign policy establishment [which was taken up by the neocons under Dubya Bush] which is why Obama chose Brzezinski as his chief foreign policy adviser.

As for Obama's credibility, he has NONE. He has LIED on far too many occasions about his past and about his current beliefs and views. For example the lies told about his relationship for more than 20 years with the black-racist and muslim-terrorist-friendly America-hater "Reverend" Jeremiah Wright. He has lied about his real religion [he made a classic "Freudian slip" in an interview with a US corporate media reporter, letting slip the words "my muslim faith" when he should have said "my Christian faith" . Of course we all know he has lied about his real birth-place in Kenya and we all know about his forged birth certificate.

He even admitted in his autobiography that he would at all times fight for muslim causes and interests if he had to make the choice!!!

What more proof do we need???!!
Title: Re: Poll: Is Barack Hussein Obama loyal to America?
Post by: New Yorker on March 05, 2009, 08:05:48 AM

On the up side, the debacle of Obama's presidency will destroy the Democrat party and the left, paving the way for a Conservative resurgence that this country has never seen before.
Title: Re: Poll: Is Barack Hussein Obama loyal to America?
Post by: blueclaw924 on March 24, 2009, 12:29:30 PM
Death to this vicious animal who is making it so friggin obvious how he is a muslim who is promoting muslim ideology. also, he is trying to put this country in debt and set us back with the rest of europe in order to promote islam in the future. once we are stripped of our capitalistic power and free market it will open the door for viscious islamic terrorists to take over what was once a great country. this faux stimulus package is the beginning of the end. the only way is to stand our ground and follow our principles.
Title: Re: Poll: Is Barack Hussein Obama loyal to America?
Post by: The One and Only Mo on March 26, 2009, 01:48:13 AM
Death to this vicious animal who is making it so friggin obvious how he is a muslim who is promoting muslim ideology. also, he is trying to put this country in debt and set us back with the rest of europe in order to promote islam in the future. once we are stripped of our capitalistic power and free market it will open the door for viscious islamic terrorists to take over what was once a great country. this faux stimulus package is the beginning of the end. the only way is to stand our ground and follow our principles.
Now THAT'S a great use of a first post!
Title: Re: Poll: Is Barack Hussein Obama loyal to America?
Post by: UgottaBkiddinMe on March 31, 2009, 03:28:02 PM
He is an usurper of the office of POTUS.  He is Kenyan born.  He is a puppet in the hands of the global elite NWO. As we speak, the American public is trying to prosecute him for fraud, treason, and failing to uphold the US Constitution. A civil war may be the only way to remove him from American soil. His supporters are spiritually deceived and subject to charges of treason as well. He cannot be a friend of Israel considering his Muslim beliefs and immoral agreement with acts of sin which God says are abominations. Please pray for the American Patriots in our war against evil. Praise to the one and only true God....The God of Abraham, Isaac, & Jacob.......He Reigns Forever!
Title: Re: Poll: Is Barack Hussein Obama loyal to America?
Post by: IsraeliGovtAreKapos on March 31, 2009, 03:52:12 PM
It's like asking if Ahmad Tibi is loyal to the State of Israel.
Title: Re: Poll: Is Barack Hussein Obama loyal to America?
Post by: ProudAndZionist on March 31, 2009, 03:53:06 PM
Title: Re: Poll: Is Barack Hussein Obama loyal to America?
Post by: mord on March 31, 2009, 03:53:22 PM
He is an usurper of the office of POTUS.  He is Kenyan born.  He is a puppet in the hands of the global elite NWO. As we speak, the American public is trying to prosecute him for fraud, treason, and failing to uphold the US Constitution. A civil war may be the only way to remove him from American soil. His supporters are spiritually deceived and subject to charges of treason as well. He cannot be a friend of Israel considering his Muslim beliefs and immoral agreement with acts of sin which G-d says are abominations. Please pray for the American Patriots in our war against evil. Praise to the one and only true G-d....The G-d of Abraham, Isaac, & Jacob.......He Reigns Forever!
Great Post!!!
Title: Re: Poll: Is Barack Hussein Obama loyal to America?
Post by: Zionist92 on March 31, 2009, 04:16:59 PM
I think he is dealing and making alliance with muslims! It is unforgivable!
People have to chosen McCain...
Title: Re: Poll: Is Barack Hussein Obama loyal to America?
Post by: Semper_Fi_Marine on June 15, 2009, 11:12:02 AM
I will never trust this man. I am still in shock that the majority of this country voted for him. But what’s more shocking is the amount of Jews who voted for this Muslim traitor.
I will always love and support Israel, and anyone who threatens that great country is my enemy.
Title: Re: Poll: Is Barack Hussein Obama loyal to America?
Post by: AsheDina on June 29, 2009, 06:49:32 PM
I will never trust this man. I am still in shock that the majority of this country voted for him. But what’s more shocking is the amount of Jews who voted for this Muslim traitor.
I will always love and support Israel, and anyone who threatens that great country is my enemy.
I didnt see you. Thank you so much. You know that we are devastated that HUSSEIN Obama is the non-president. Not just b/c of Israel, and that we are Jews, but b/c we are SICK TO DEATH of what this imposter FOREIGN USURPER is doing to America :'(

SEMPER FIDELIS Marine man, I love you Marines SO MUCH, thank you, I needed to see this. If there is ANYONE that is with us, and are trustworthy, it is ALWAYS A MARINE.
Title: Re: Poll: Is Barack Hussein Obama loyal to America?
Post by: Rick on September 16, 2009, 06:45:25 PM

Please explain why you voted the way you did.
If the man doesn't show respect for his own mothers race, then he certainly has no honor towards anything else-he hates half of himself for GD sake! Rick
Title: Re: Poll: Is Barack Hussein Obama loyal to America?
Post by: RanterMaximus on September 16, 2009, 07:36:13 PM
I really underestimated just how anti-American Obama was.  Hi arrogance and stupidity defy logic.  Soon few Americans will have any loyalty to him!
Title: Re: Poll: Is Barack Hussein Obama loyal to America?
Post by: The One and Only Mo on September 16, 2009, 08:25:31 PM
He wants the U.S. to do well so the Muslims can benefit. And as far a the economy goes, he's just a middle man.
Title: Re: Poll: Is Barack Hussein Obama loyal to America?
Post by: User on December 18, 2009, 03:11:33 AM
President Barack Hussein Obama is dishonest and has an ulterior motive and agenda.  He is a Muslim amd has been aligned with Muslum terrorist groups.  He is also a Communist/Socialist.  He is trying to control health care reform and the banks - then what next?  That comes under the heading of "dictationship" as well.  He is prejudiced and is anti-Semitic, anti-white and anti-anything that is not radically black, etc. 

In answer to your question, no, President Barack Hussein Obama is not loyal to America; he is a traitor.

Although I know of some very, very nice black people who are not prejudiced against whites and are pro-Israel, President Barack Hussein Obama is not one of them.  I am glad we have come so far in this day and ago to have a black President, but he is the wrong one.  Why not Condoleeza Rice?

He has only been in office one year and only in office six months, he wants to force health care reform on the American public.  What are the most vulnerable people, i.e., the elderly, going to do without Medicare?  Why is President Obama getting the government involved in our personal lives as Communist/Socialist countries do?  Socialize the banks, socialize medicine, etc., what happened to this Country?  What happened to Democracy?  My father risked his life as a Mariine in WWII and was overseas for five years.  He was always proud to be a Marine and he went through hell to fight for the freedom we have in this Country.  Thank G-d he is not around to see this.  Look at all the soldiers who died for our Country so we can have freedom and Democracy.  What are we handing down to our children and their children?

Even, for the sake of saying it, President Obama got impeached, would Joe Boden be any better?

Thank you for letting me express myself at JTF.ORG.
Title: Re: Poll: Is Barack Hussein Obama loyal to America?
Post by: patches on December 18, 2009, 06:38:42 AM
I put yes, Barack Hussein Obama is loyal to America, and since Chaim asked to expain each vote, I will explain mine. Although I disagree with what he's doing, I still think he is loyal to America, and is not purposely going out to ruin it.

Let's face it: America has been a partly-socialist country since FDR. America is not truly a free market, capitalist society.

At the same time, it is not (thank God) as socialist as Europe. There are levels of socialism, and America is on the lower end. Chaim has said that he believes a free market economy is the best economic system to have, but at the same time he says giant corporations are evil and the laws against monopolies are good laws. Well, then it's not technically a completely free economy, is it? It is an "almost" free economy.

There has been a long tradition in America for almost a hundred years for bringing socialist ideas into government. I think Obama and the Democrats are just following that line. I don't think he's intentionally going out to destroy America or American ideals (although his policies may be doing so just the same).

There are no surprises with Obama. Everything he spoke about in his campaign he's pretty much doing now. So the majority of America wanted what he was promising, that's why he was elected. But of course now his approval ratings are dropping because Americans are realizing that his policies just don't work, plain and simple. And that's why he will not be reelected.

Bottom line, I don't not think he is going out to ruin America, but he is ruing it just the same.

Title: Re: Poll: Is Barack Hussein Obama loyal to America?
Post by: Debbie Shafer on December 18, 2009, 08:22:37 AM
I believe Barack Hussein Obama is promoting Arab-Palestinian movements in the Middle East, and here in America.

America is currently coming under Islamatization by Stealth Jihad, that operates below the radar, by politics, conversion, immigration, and ultimately the ballot box.  Trying Terrorists in our court systems, and bringing Gitmo terrorists to Thompson in Ill are part of the plan.

http://www.meforum.org/2173/islamists-work-the-system    A briefing by Steve Emerson, Is Jihad Outdated? How Islamists work the system.

Islam in Obama's Cairo Speech-  "As the Holy Koran tells us, "Be conscious of God and speak always the truth." Note the use of "Holy Koran" a translation from the standard reference in arabic, al-Quaran al-Karim.

Islam has always been a part of America's story.  This is among the weirder elements of the speech.   What have we ever had in common or shared with Islam, but violence.

"America is not- and never will be- at war with Islam."   Do we need to pinch ourselves, after loosing 4 planes, 3000 people, the attack on the Pentagon, and the demolishing the WTC towers!!!!

Title: Re: Poll: Is Barack Hussein Obama loyal to America?
Post by: The One and Only Mo on December 18, 2009, 11:04:07 AM
President Barack Hussein Obama is dishonest and has an ulterior motive and agenda.  He is a Muslim amd has been aligned with Muslum terrorist groups.  He is also a Communist/Socialist.  He is trying to control health care reform and the banks - then what next?  That comes under the heading of "dictationship" as well.  He is prejudiced and is anti-Semitic, anti-white and anti-anything that is not radically black, etc. 

In answer to your question, no, President Barack Hussein Obama is not loyal to America; he is a traitor.

Although I know of some very, very nice black people who are not prejudiced against whites and are pro-Israel, President Barack Hussein Obama is not one of them.  I am glad we have come so far in this day and ago to have a black President, but he is the wrong one.  Why not Condoleeza Rice?

He has only been in office one year and only in office six months, he wants to force health care reform on the American public.  What are the most vulnerable people, i.e., the elderly, going to do without Medicare?  Why is President Obama getting the government involved in our personal lives as Communist/Socialist countries do?  Socialize the banks, socialize medicine, etc., what happened to this Country?  What happened to Democracy?  My father risked his life as a Mariine in WWII and was overseas for five years.  He was always proud to be a Marine and he went through hell to fight for the freedom we have in this Country.  Thank G-d he is not around to see this.  Look at all the soldiers who died for our Country so we can have freedom and Democracy.  What are we handing down to our children and their children?

Even, for the sake of saying it, President Obama got impeached, would Joe Boden be any better?

Thank you for letting me express myself at JTF.ORG.
That's right Biden sucks, too.
Title: Re: Poll: Is Barack Hussein Obama loyal to America?
Post by: pennyjangle on December 18, 2009, 11:22:31 AM
No! He is working for satan.  >:(
Title: Re: Poll: Is Barack Hussein Obama loyal to America?
Post by: Spiraling Leopard on December 18, 2009, 02:37:17 PM
He's a hybrid marxist, muslim, sell-out, pothead, black supremacist America-hater and should be given the Chair like Nidal Hasan the terrorist massmurderer.
Title: Re: Poll: Is Barack Hussein Obama loyal to America?
Post by: Cato on December 19, 2009, 04:36:47 PM
The fact that no-one seems able to bring him down over the obvious lies about his country of birth shows that the US can actually be astonishingly undemocratic, despite it's claims to the contrary. We have a similar situation here in the UK, where a string of so-called independent government enquiries has done nothing to nail Tony Blair for his obvious mis-truths in the build-up to the Iraq war. 
Title: Re: Poll: Is Barack Hussein Obama loyal to America?
Post by: Shiptar on December 19, 2009, 06:05:03 PM
He's jimmy carter on steroids.
Title: Re: Poll: Is Barack Hussein Obama loyal to America?
Post by: IsraeliGovtAreKapos on December 19, 2009, 06:19:06 PM

He's as loyal as Sa'adam was to America.
Title: Re: Poll: Is Barack Hussein Obama loyal to America?
Post by: The One and Only Mo on December 19, 2009, 06:29:47 PM
Loyal to Muslim America since "we are no longer a Christian nation". :o
Title: Re: Poll: Is Barack Hussein Obama loyal to America?
Post by: TruthSpreader on December 19, 2009, 07:42:46 PM
NO!!! He is only loyal to Iran and Ahmadinejad. He is not a friend of either America or Israel.

Title: Re: Poll: Is Barack Hussein Obama loyal to America?
Post by: strvogy on May 20, 2010, 04:50:51 PM
Obama has no loyalty to the USA or any country - even his own, Kenya!  His administration is a disaster.  look at the boycott of Arizona for defending her borders.  Obama has no business telling anyone how to behave, let alone an entire country. :::D
Title: Re: Poll: Is Barack Hussein Obama loyal to America?
Post by: Ari Ben-Canaan on May 20, 2010, 10:58:38 PM
I am a late voter in this poll.  I think its self-evident that Obama is a traitor to this country, and its allies.  2012 could not come fast enough.
Title: Re: Poll: Is Barack Hussein Obama loyal to America?
Post by: Noos on May 23, 2010, 11:50:32 AM

If Barry -or Barack supposing this time is truly his real name- would like to be loyally, according to respect American first of all, he should ask Indians their opinion.

Indians Opinion :

About a nation called Philistines from Crete Island (like Americans from Britain island)
and a real native nation, Jews, cause they were like old time North Indians ...

This "Crete side story" consolation, is not a hypnotism anymore...
Maybe is adulatory for the British friends, because they are often coming from their own island, to other places.
Public opinion, can see the same easy way, something as is.

If he does't want to peril Colombus and Crete, from Indians opinion,
he must explain why Turkey has get "half Lefkosia" like "swing"area, a few years after Israel habitation.
Is it something about Turkey & Jerusalem ?
I know it is hard to hear suspiciousness, as hard is for me, to hearing all the time Turkey music (they call it Byzantine) from the radio.
I don't want John's head, for a belly-dance or something...
I want his parents (Zacharias and Elisabeth) at the level the were before that belly dance... 

If Indians is secret forgetting matter for Barack, maybe Jews are also. 
At least European Americans are feeling the atonement they owe to Indians. 
And I think, this is a relative situation for the public opinion somehow. 

Title: Re: Poll: Is Barack Hussein Obama loyal to America?
Post by: Dan on May 30, 2010, 05:33:06 PM
I'm sure that our Poll nr's will likely reflect the nation's view of Barack Hussein Osama.
Title: Re: Poll: Is Barack Hussein Obama loyal to America?
Post by: Secularbeliever on May 30, 2010, 06:07:03 PM
I voted no, because he was all his life in the company of socialist, Muslims and black supremacists. He identifies himself with their agenda.

But I think his main direction will be not Islam but Socialism. Through the redistribution of wealth he can do more damage to the USA plus supporting his friends than by supporting Islam directly.

I am from Europe and I can tell.
Spot on.  He is the embodiment of the 60s radical.  Clinton was also but understood that he had to govern realistically.  Obama is much more ideological.
Title: Re: Poll: Is Barack Hussein Obama loyal to America?
Post by: chef2be on June 17, 2010, 08:13:10 AM
 :israel: :usa: :soldier:

Dear my brothers,
  I voted no to the question because I don't trust the president. I think he is a muslim! I have listened to Dr.Michael Savage on the savage nation and admit that he has educated me on Obama. I think obama is illegitimate as president.
I have been looking for your site for quite sometime now. I thank you for your great historical lessons!

Title: Re: Poll: Is Barack Hussein Obama loyal to America?
Post by: Dan on July 13, 2010, 08:50:44 PM
Barack Hussein Obama's true colors are slowly being revealed... I just hope it's not too late!
Title: Re: Poll: Is Barack Hussein Obama loyal to America?
Post by: muman613 on July 13, 2010, 10:33:11 PM
It is funny looking at the question today, 2 years into his 'term'...

Obviously Obama is not loyal to America. His loyalties are to Islam, Arabs, and the global unions. He doesn't care a damn about American issues because he is too busy polishing his Nobel piece prize.

The obvious evidence I will try to list:

1) National Healthcare plan
2) Nationalizing of industries
3) Cairo Speech
4) Kissing Saudi Butt, I mean bowing...
5) Backstabbing Israel
6) Sending money to terrorists {Hamas/Fatah}
7) Failed 'diplomacy' on Iranian nuclear proliferation
8) Failed 'diplomacy' on Korean policies
9) Demonstrating weakness in every international meeting
10) Lack of proof of being a natural born citizen
11) Lack of direction in economic policies during a recession
12) Idiotic comeback 'Its Bushes fault'
13) Turns out he was actually a muslim, despite his denial before the election.
14) Appoints incompetent individuals to high positions
15) Bringing a lawsuit against Arizona for their anti-illegal immigration laws.
16) Lack of Osambas respect of the military and the flag.
17) His middle name is 'Hussein'! { Yuck Yuck }
18) Tasking Naza with appointing muslims to high places.

I could go on and on... There is nothing good about Osamba...

Title: Re: Poll: Is Barack Hussein Obama loyal to America?
Post by: Yaacov Ben Yehuda on July 13, 2010, 10:43:43 PM
I think Obama's mission is to further the black muslim and ultra liberal agendas...weaken the American economy while robbing the people.  He's loyal to the king of Saud not lady liberty. 

I see him fleeing to Libya and getting a heroes welcome when this is over  BHO is a complete phony!

Title: Re: Poll: Is Barack Hussein Obama loyal to America?
Post by: Dan on July 20, 2010, 10:02:50 PM
Title: Re: Poll: Is Barack Hussein Obama loyal to America?
Post by: Aphony66 on September 13, 2010, 05:35:10 AM
  Barack Hussein Obama used Taqiyya to be elected President of the United States.      Tragically,   the vast majority of the American people didn't see through this.   

  Obama's expected agenda and the individuals he's surrounding himself with puts the U.S in greater jeopardy than at any time in the country's 232 1/2 year history.     
AAAh yes another enlightened one ...our numbers are growing the muslims pigs can not deceive us anymore we are on to thyere plan.
Title: Re: Poll: Is Barack Hussein Obama loyal to America?
Post by: david1967 on September 13, 2010, 05:15:31 PM
The question is which side is he more loyal to: the Marxists or the Muslims?
Title: Re: Poll: Is Barack Hussein Obama loyal to America?
Post by: Marowmerowmer on August 04, 2011, 11:58:40 AM
He keeps lobbying for Palestine.
"Oh, the poor Palestinian terrorists! They're blowing up innocent Israeli children all the time for a reason!"
I'm a white Anglo-Saxon Anglican Christian. I have supported Israel since practically the day of my birth. Most adults in my church support Israel too.
However, what confuses me is that a lot of the CHILDREN (almost entirely white) in my youth group support PALESTINE.
Title: Re: Poll: Is Barack Hussein Obama loyal to America?
Post by: Rubystars on August 04, 2011, 12:32:58 PM
He keeps lobbying for Palestine.
"Oh, the poor Palestinian terrorists! They're blowing up innocent Israeli children all the time for a reason!"
I'm a white Anglo-Saxon Anglican Christian. I have supported Israel since practically the day of my birth. Most adults in my church support Israel too.
However, what confuses me is that a lot of the CHILDREN (almost entirely white) in my youth group support PALESTINE.

Not so confusing when you realize that they are in government-run indoctrination centers (schools) that target them in particular for one-worldist propaganda (which is by its very nature anti-Israel). Also the television programs, movies, music, games, and even many popular children's books all preach the same message.