General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: Chaim Ben Pesach on January 08, 2009, 09:56:18 PM
The only answer to vicious Bolshevik media bias is to create a new alternative rightwing media. And when I say "rightwing", I mean real rightwing, not Fox or talk radio.
The media is going easy on Kennedy because she's a leftist and so is the media. That's why Palin was demonized because she's a real conservative.
they always go easy and specially the obamas
I really like Palin. The media are just gutless pieces of garbage who went after her because she was the real deal.
you can't really compare coverage of both campaigns, Kennedy isn't running for VP
you can't really compare coverage of both campaigns, Kennedy isn't running for VP
Your opinion has been duly noted, Hidden Author.
you can't really compare coverage of both campaigns, Kennedy isn't running for VP
Your opinion has been duly noted, Hidden Author.
wow, great intelligent response from the amazing CF. I'm surprised you didn't say any curses, or some kind lame play on words that you use for everyone you don't like.
Kennedy is directly responsible for the death of a young woman. It is ridiculous that he serves in the government.
Kennedy is directly responsible for the death of a young woman. It is ridiculous that he serves in the government.
I don't think Palin is talking about that alcoholic.
She is talking about Caroline Kennedy
Ok CF and t_h_j... I see that things are getting too personal again. Please try to refrain from letting your lower level instincts from taking over. In this case I believe that CF fired the 1st shot.
I like both of you and am discouraged when I see people {including myself} getting drawn into these kinds of arguments. I wonder what percentage of JTF threads contain personal bickering?
Kennedy is directly responsible for the death of a young woman. It is ridiculous that he serves in the government.
I don't think Palin is talking about that alcoholic.
She is talking about Caroline Kennedy
Oooooo.... I forgot about that one. They all are very bad for our government. I look at their influence on the RINO Ahnold Schvartzanegger.
The only answer to vicious Bolshevik media bias is to create a new alternative rightwing media. And when I say "rightwing", I mean real rightwing, not Fox or talk radio.
I can't stand O'Reilly and "fair" fox. I dislike the fat lard limbaugh.
caroline kennedy is pathetic. but part of me agrees with derbyshire of national review who says something along the lines of what is wrong with having an incompetent stupid useless wealthy fairly apolitical senator? At least she won't push through some kind of devious agenda. she's in it for the added prestige and parties. A do-nothing senator is better than one who wants to invade and run everyone's lives into the ground.
And who would like to join me in bashing caroline kennedy's appearance? She looks like she would be more comfortable in a coffin. And at a certain age (for caroline it would be 30 years ago) long hair is no longer attractive. Stringy, unhealthy, scraggly, white/gray/"blonde" hair is unattractive, especially when it is framing a face which resembles a starving horse.
While we are bashing caroline, how about ted "splash" kennedy? that bucket-of-lard-and-whiskey-which-extends-over-several-time-zones and manages to survive for who knows how long with brain cancer (or something.)
One of my great fears is that more people with celebrity status are going to start making running for office a priority. Considering that so many are leftist, this is bad news. It's funny that all these types are liberals, yet no big name who has Republican or conservative beliefs seeks office. I think they are too bust trying to "Hannitize" us or boast about their cigars or golf game, or worse, they lust their pet poodle.
I am so proud of Palin, what guts. This is why I love and support her so much
The media is going easy on Kennedy because she's a leftist and so is the media. That's why Palin was demonized because she's a real conservative.
Very well stated.
I really like Palin. The media are just gutless pieces of garbage who went after her because she was the real deal.
Agreed totally. The media looked the other way when it came to the Obama's. Yet, they went after Sarah Palin with microscopic precision.
I am so proud of Palin, what guts. This is why I love and support her so much
I feel the same way.
Sarah Palin provides me with inspiration. Combined with the efforts of JTF, Sarah Palin provides hope that a turnaround for the United States is still possible. There hasn't been a viable candidate on the national stage that I've felt as strongly about from a positive standpoint in my 46 years on this planet as Sarah Palin.
G-d Bless Sarah Palin and her family.
Just look at the treatment of Palin's daughter when she got pregnant. They even went after the boyfriend. I mention this because Obama said that family should be off limits. His daughters are being wooed, and we all no why.
If the media collective went after Barack Hussein Obama even 1/20 as much as they did Sarah Palin, Obama never would have even won the Democrat Nomination. Let alone the Presidency.
The media's problem with Palin is the simple fact that she connects so directly with the American public when she is allowed to be herself. Most of the big blunders she made during the run for VP were when she was put into positions she did not agree with or fit into by her handlers. She has shown many Americans that they do have another choice and come 2012 I think many Americans may be willing to vote for it. As far as Fox and talk radio its basically about getting the most people to watch or listen. Fox claims its fair and balanced so they can play to a wider audience and talk radio now is even more muzzled then before because they fear the fairness doctrine.
We saw how Sarah Palin was persecuted as unqualified (having no experience) by the leftist media, but now are giving Caroline Kennedy a free pass. She is coronated for being a Kennedy. That speaks for itself. Its not necessary to have experience if you belong to camelot. Name recognition qualifies you!
Will the world ever wake up to hypocricy and one sided attitudes???
We saw how Sarah Palin was persecuted as unqualified (having no experience) by the leftist media, but now are giving Caroline Kennedy a free pass. She is coronated for being a Kennedy. That speaks for itself. Its not necessary to have experience if you belong to camelot. Name recognition qualifies you!
Will the world ever wake up to hypocricy and one sided attitudes???
You really expect the same media attention in a senate campaign to that of a vice presidential campaign?
Caroline, ya know, I mean, ya know, what gives her the right, ya know, to think that she, ya know, can simply ask to be, ya know, made Senator, ya know? Is it just because, ya know. her last name is, ya know, Kennedy? I mean, ya know, does that give you the right, ya know, to be named, I mean, ya know, Senator? I mean, supposing her name were, ya know, Greenberg, then, ya know, would that give you the right, ya know, to be Senator too? I mean ya know?
We saw how Sarah Palin was persecuted as unqualified (having no experience) by the leftist media, but now are giving Caroline Kennedy a free pass. She is coronated for being a Kennedy. That speaks for itself. Its not necessary to have experience if you belong to camelot. Name recognition qualifies you!
Will the world ever wake up to hypocricy and one sided attitudes???
You really expect the same media attention in a senate campaign to that of a vice presidential campaign?
If the two were candidates for the same office, guaranteed that the media would scrutinize Sarah Palin substantially more than Caroline Kennedy. Case in point, the comparison of the media scrutiny of VP Candidate Sarah Palin, compared to PRESIDENTIAL candidate Barack Hussein Obama.