General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: Lisa on January 13, 2009, 03:50:46 PM
Hey guys,
Danny just responded to me again on the New York Conservatives email list. He has responded to my comments, which I've put in italics for the purposes of making this post easier to read. I need you guys to sign up on that list and let him have it! I don't want to be the only one. You can sign up here if you like:
Danny, who is "we?" Is it your little goon squad of inbred imbeciles from that online bath house StørmFrønt?
"We" means the true patriots that are loyal to the USA, First and Foremost, and to no other nation.
That's what you people really are. And that's no ad-hominem attack. It's the truth. Go ahead and try to "smoke" us out. Many of us are armed.
Now you're resorting to veiled threats?? "Many of us are armed" ??? Hahahahaha, right, many of you were also armed and in high office when the Shah was in power - hey, how'd that work out for you?
I am a Jew and I'm proud of it. Did you think you could shut me up by using that word as a slur? Well you're dead wrong! I will always fight disgusting pigs like you.
I didn't use that word as a slur. Nice try. Playing the phony victim is so last century - when will Judea invent some new tactics already?
And don't you dare go on as if you care about American interests! If you really cared about American interests you wouldn't go tearing down people who are an asset to this country, or go slamming the only Western style democracy in a region of religious fanatics.
Oh, really? People who spy on us are an asset to us?? People who rob us of our tax dollars and expect us to give them whatever they want whenever they want are our allies?? JONATHAN POLLARD IS AN ASSET?!?!
"The only democracy in a region of religious fanatics?" Israel is a democracy? Israel is a Marxist, Socialist State that supports a rabid ideology that detests and is opposed to true Christianity, IMHO.
Us Jews of Iranian ancestry have always been hard working. Any money we have is the result of hard work. No one ever "gave" us anything.
Now this is utterly laughable. Almost everyone knows that a sizable chunk of your community here came to this country as a result of the Shah's handouts (read: Welfare) to many of your people.
The same thing can't be said of you, who no doubt sit around all day on your fat rear end in your parents basement and blame us EEEVIL JOOOS for all your problems.
Nice try. Not even close, though. Again, pointing out that Zionists and Israel-firsters are damaging our true nation is not ANTI-jEWISH, it's pro-American. You sound like a Communist. A true conservative puts America FIRST.
If anyone should get the hell out of America, it's YOU!
Come and throw me out. Put up or shut up, you shrill shill.
It seems this is a Xtian antisemite. The church has taught him to hate Jews. Look at this sentence:
"The only democracy in a region of religious fanatics?" Israel is a democracy? Israel is a Marxist, Socialist State that supports a rabid ideology that detests and is opposed to true Christianity, IMHO.
I wonder what this bag of refuse thinks 'true Christianity' is. I guess it means blaming the Jews for their dieties death. This 'person' will not change his/her thinking because they have been indoctrinated to hate Jews because of Deicide {Killing of a diety}.
I dont think anyone will win this battle on the mailing list. The truth will smack Danny in the face.
I see what you're saying Muman. But I don't want him to have the last word. I don't want him to think he can shut me up. I want to fight him and let him have it!
Here's what I wrote back to him:
Danny, you can spare me your baloney about how you're loyal to the U.S. only. The only thing you are is obsessed with Jews. I know your type all too well. Your fellow David Duke supporters celebrated on 9/11 because they thought they could blame in on the Jews. That's not pro-American.
Also, your boyfriend Paul Craig Roberts wrote a while back that he would love to see America over run with illegal aliens if it meant getting rid of the "neocons." That doesn't sound very pro-American to me either
I've had your type of people tell me flat out that they were voting for Obama in the belief that he would be bad for the Jews and Israel. One of them even told me he would gladly carry a sign saying "I Love N----s" if it meant ridding American of Jews. Actually I wouldn't be surprised if you did the same thing. You people would kill your own mothers if it meant getting rid of Jews. So spare me your nonsense!
Once again, I'm not going anywhere! So YOU can shut your trap!
Very good response.. I would love to write to him but I dont want to sign up to the mailing list.
This is really crazy. But - god forbid it will ever happen - if Israel will fall, he will feel the hard whip of the quranimals in the USA too. He is so uneducated and his obvious Jewhate blinds him ...
O.K. i'm on a page how do i find the forum
Go to that page. On the right hand column, you'll see a heading that says Join the New York Conservatives Meetup Group. Just fill in your name (make up a name if you like) and your email address.
Go to that page. On the right hand column, you'll see a heading that says Join the New York Conservatives Meetup Group. Just fill in your name (make up a name if you like) and your email address.
i am registerd http://conservative.meetup.com/137/
Awesome, Mord! Thank you! You're the best!
Awesome, Mord! Thank you! You're the best!
where do you post i don't see a forum
Tell him that he loves Hitler and IS SLAPPING THE FACE of his grandfathers by embracing the neo-nazi life. Tell him that he is TREASONOUS against AMERICA as he worships Duke, a person that is a CONFIRMED TRAITOR to USA that hugs & KISSES Ahmadinejads a##. SAME AS OBAMA DOES.
Tell him that YOU KNOW that he voted for OBAMA to try to start a race-war, and that if ANYONE is ANTI- American IT IS HIM.
Ask him; "Tell me WHERE Jesus said in the N.T. ANYWHERE, to 'hate Jews?' Then tell him; YOU CANT SHOW ME THIS, BECAUSE IT AINT IN YOUR BOOK. Tell him- the ONLY people that ARE FIGHTING for AMERICAN PATRIOTS are; Pastor Manning, and ALAN Keyes (2 black men) and 2 Jewish men; Phil Berg & Mark Levin- Berg being the one that is suing HUSSEIN Obama.
Give him links on BOLSHEVISM, the REAL problem now in USA.
Tell the THUG that he is a HITLER "FIRSTER" and an AMERICAN LASTER.
Tell him that by EMBRACING hitlers 3rd reich - it PROVES TO YOU that he is a SOCIALIST.
Ask him if the KKK was so 'tough' WHERE are the DUNCE CAPS and 1000 count sheeted men to unseat the Obama-nation.
Tell him that NO AMERICAN is interested in EUROPEAN SOCIALISM, like HE IS.
Tell him that when he stands with the nazi swatsticka, he is SPITTING on his OWN grandfather who fought in WW2 to an UNGRATEFUL SOB that HATES America.
Then, if you would like..... add me to your thread- I CAN tear this mongrel horde apart, NO PROBLEM. I do it EVERY SINGLE DAY with my own thread, and NOW they KNOW who the LEADERS are- myself and David Ben Moshe.
IT IS Obvious that he reads Buchanan, Duke, and many R. Paul supporters that are SOCIALISTS.
Tell him that he loves Hitler and IS SLAPPING THE FACE of his grandfathers by embracing the neo-nazi life. Tell him that he is TREASONOUS against AMERICA as he worships Duke, a person that is a CONFIRMED TRAITOR to USA that hugs & KISSES Ahmadinejads a##. SAME AS OBAMA DOES.
Tell him that YOU KNOW that he voted for OBAMA to try to start a race-war, and that if ANYONE is ANTI- American IT IS HIM.
Ask him; "Tell me WHERE Jesus said in the N.T. ANYWHERE, to 'hate Jews?' Then tell him; YOU CANT SHOW ME THIS, BECAUSE IT AINT IN YOUR BOOK. Tell him- the ONLY people that ARE FIGHTING for AMERICAN PATRIOTS are; Pastor Manning, and ALAN Keyes (2 black men) and 2 Jewish men; Phil Berg & Mark Levin- Berg being the one that is suing HUSSEIN Obama.
Give him links on BOLSHEVISM, the REAL problem now in USA.
Tell the THUG that he is a HITLER "FIRSTER" and an AMERICAN LASTER.
Tell him that by EMBRACING hitlers 3rd reich - it PROVES TO YOU that he is a SOCIALIST.
Ask him if the KKK was so 'tough' WHERE are the DUNCE CAPS and 1000 count sheeted men to unseat the Obama-nation.
Tell him that NO AMERICAN is interested in EUROPEAN SOCIALISM, like HE IS.
Tell him that when he stands with the nazi swatsticka, he is SPITTING on his OWN grandfather who fought in WW2 to an UNGRATEFUL SOB that HATES America.
Then, if you would like..... add me to your thread- I CAN tear this mongrel horde apart, NO PROBLEM. I do it EVERY SINGLE DAY with my own thread, and NOW they KNOW who the LEADERS are- myself and David Ben Moshe.
IT IS Obvious that he reads Buchanan, Duke, and many R. Paul supporters that are SOCIALISTS.
Yes this would be my advise too. (Verbatim). Great Ashe Dina! :)
This is a Ron Paul bunch with all their meetups
Tell him that he loves Hitler and IS SLAPPING THE FACE of his grandfathers by embracing the neo-nazi life. Tell him that he is TREASONOUS against AMERICA as he worships Duke, a person that is a CONFIRMED TRAITOR to USA that hugs & KISSES Ahmadinejads a##. SAME AS OBAMA DOES.
Tell him that YOU KNOW that he voted for OBAMA to try to start a race-war, and that if ANYONE is ANTI- American IT IS HIM.
Ask him; "Tell me WHERE Jesus said in the N.T. ANYWHERE, to 'hate Jews?' Then tell him; YOU CANT SHOW ME THIS, BECAUSE IT AINT IN YOUR BOOK. Tell him- the ONLY people that ARE FIGHTING for AMERICAN PATRIOTS are; Pastor Manning, and ALAN Keyes (2 black men) and 2 Jewish men; Phil Berg & Mark Levin- Berg being the one that is suing HUSSEIN Obama.
Give him links on BOLSHEVISM, the REAL problem now in USA.
Tell the THUG that he is a HITLER "FIRSTER" and an AMERICAN LASTER.
Tell him that by EMBRACING hitlers 3rd reich - it PROVES TO YOU that he is a SOCIALIST.
Ask him if the KKK was so 'tough' WHERE are the DUNCE CAPS and 1000 count sheeted men to unseat the Obama-nation.
Tell him that NO AMERICAN is interested in EUROPEAN SOCIALISM, like HE IS.
Tell him that when he stands with the nazi swatsticka, he is SPITTING on his OWN grandfather who fought in WW2 to an UNGRATEFUL SOB that HATES America.
Then, if you would like..... add me to your thread- I CAN tear this mongrel horde apart, NO PROBLEM. I do it EVERY SINGLE DAY with my own thread, and NOW they KNOW who the LEADERS are- myself and David Ben Moshe.
IT IS Obvious that he reads Buchanan, Duke, and many R. Paul supporters that are SOCIALISTS.
I see you there but i don'nt know wher to post
I cant either Mord- but what I said will shut him up- I KNOW this. The KKK VOTED FOR OBAMA. THATS A FACT.
Lisa use what I wrote.
I cant either Mord- but what I said will shut him up- I KNOW this. The KKK VOTED FOR OBAMA. THATS A FACT.
Lisa use what I wrote.
I want to talk to this guy but i can'ny find where to post
I cant either Mord- but what I said will shut him up- I KNOW this. The KKK VOTED FOR OBAMA. THATS A FACT.
Lisa use what I wrote.
I want to talk to this guy but i can'ny find where to post
i KNEW THIS SITE WAS was a ron p[aul off shoot. Iwas looking up Ron Pauli girlie j/k and this came up http://ronpaul.meetup.com/cities/us/ny/sound_beach/
I cant either Mord- but what I said will shut him up- I KNOW this. The KKK VOTED FOR OBAMA. THATS A FACT.
Lisa use what I wrote.
I want to talk to this guy but i can'ny find where to post
i KNEW THIS SITE WAS was a ron p[aul off shoot. Iwas looking up Ron Pauli girlie j/k and this came up http://ronpaul.meetup.com/cities/us/ny/sound_beach/
Ask Lisa- I beat the living snot out of this MORN.
I cant either Mord- but what I said will shut him up- I KNOW this. The KKK VOTED FOR OBAMA. THATS A FACT.
Lisa use what I wrote.
I want to talk to this guy but i can'ny find where to post
i KNEW THIS SITE WAS was a ron p[aul off shoot. Iwas looking up Ron Pauli girlie j/k and this came up http://ronpaul.meetup.com/cities/us/ny/sound_beach/
Ask Lisa- I beat the living snot out of this MORN.
I cant either Mord- but what I said will shut him up- I KNOW this. The KKK VOTED FOR OBAMA. THATS A FACT.
Lisa use what I wrote.
I want to talk to this guy but i can'ny find where to post
i KNEW THIS SITE WAS was a ron p[aul off shoot. Iwas looking up Ron Pauli girlie j/k and this came up http://ronpaul.meetup.com/cities/us/ny/sound_beach/
Ask Lisa- I beat the living snot out of this MORN.
I have to get it- I beat the little R. Paul troll up.
Mord- here is one;
heres one email to the NAZI TROLL SH*T;
You....are NOT 'dissenting' Danny.... you are blaming ALL Jewish people- ALL, that is SICKENING
You don't tell AMERICAN Jews that ARE PATRIOTIC to 'leave this nation' THAT is NOT dissent- it is TREASON.
LEARN ABOUT BOLSHEVISM & LEFTISM for the 4th time, and ALL that you sound like is a R. Paul BOT- get a MIND of your OWN.
Unless I am mistaken... 64 MILLION crazy adrenaline filled nutjob Americans (REALLY UN-Americans) voted in a Marxist NON-Citizen; Barack HUSSEIN Obama, who ADMITTED his Muslim faith to Stephanopaulos on NATIONAL TV. GET A GRIP.
There are only roughly 7 million Jews in the USA- that does NOT make 64 MILLION. Convenient isnt it??
You cant even look in a MIRROR and SEE that YOU did NOTHING for over 20 YEARS, so blame a Jew- its been done before, MANY TIMES throughout History- to Christians as well...WHY dont you WORRY about what is happening in our CHRISTIAN nation???
The truth is YOU DONT WORRY about here- then PROJECT onto Lisa.
CONSERVATIVE right-wing Jews AGREE that this is a CHRISTIAN nation, so your arguement is INVALID.
Ashe Dina was great! She really let that piece of excrement Danny have it.
I'm on and went to N.Y.C. Coservative meet up and forum but don'nt see any posts just meetings in bars
Ashe Dina was great! She really let that piece of excrement Danny have it.
Lisa- I believe he DASHEDDDDDDDDDDDD :laugh: :P
He was probably pooping in his little undies oops... :o
He was probably pooping in his little undies oops... :o
:::D :::D :::D :::D :::D
I see what you're saying Muman. But I don't want him to have the last word. I don't want him to think he can shut me up. I want to fight him and let him have it!
Here's what I wrote back to him:
Danny, you can spare me your baloney about how you're loyal to the U.S. only. The only thing you are is obsessed with Jews. I know your type all too well. Your fellow David Duke supporters celebrated on 9/11 because they thought they could blame in on the Jews. That's not pro-American.
Also, your boyfriend Paul Craig Roberts wrote a while back that he would love to see America over run with illegal aliens if it meant getting rid of the "neocons." That doesn't sound very pro-American to me either
I've had your type of people tell me flat out that they were voting for Obama in the belief that he would be bad for the Jews and Israel. One of them even told me he would gladly carry a sign saying "I Love N----s" if it meant ridding American of Jews. Actually I wouldn't be surprised if you did the same thing. You people would kill your own mothers if it meant getting rid of Jews. So spare me your nonsense!
Once again, I'm not going anywhere! So YOU can shut your trap!
Hi Lisa, keep up the good fight. Muzzies and Skinheads have no reason to exist other than to create havoc and live by evil. Muzzies and Skinheads keep their women stupid and opressed so when they are confronted by a woman, they cannot handle it. Soon they resort to name calling and eventually threats. I was on topix and told some Muzzie to P on his Koran, he flipped out completely and said he was going to kill me. This guy is a total piece of chit ( excuse my french ) and the best way to deal with him is by speaking the truth and annoying him at the same time. You can also suggest he go P on his buddies Koran. This enrages them beyond endurance.
Shalom - Dox