General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: Minuteman on January 26, 2009, 09:34:57 PM
The left are always looking to the UN as the ultimate world authority. I personally believe that the UN is anti-American and anti-Israel. Any time Americans and/or Jews defend themselves, it is always called a "human right violation" according the the UN. What do you think and why?
:dance: Yes. :dance:
Yes, the UN should be dismantled to smithereens.
Agreed. Certainly, at the very least, the United States should close that headquarters in New York. What an obscenity. New York is the site of the worst terrorist attack in history AND it is home to the international body which nurtures the same ideology that was the cause of that terrorist attack. America should have closed the United Nations headquarters on 9/12/01.
The UN undermines our own government and is a sworn enemy of Israel and the Jewish people.
Good grief YES they should be dismantled! At the most, they need to be kicked out of this country! Let France have them.
Watch this video and decide if the UN should be dismantled.
I used to believe that UN was a noble institution. Then I grew up. Now I realize it is a stinking rat-hole which exists to bash Israel and United States. Its expiry date has passed.
At the very least, they need to be thrown out of America. JTF is a law abiding organization, so I won't say what I really want to happen to them.
How about deport the whole body of the UN to Bangladesh and we stop paying for them through our tax dollars
Yes, the UN should be dismantled to smithereens.
I wish that Hashem would send a Meteor to the next UN meeting. hopefully it would have some type of Andromida strain on it.
Shalom - Dox
That soapbox for every turd world despot, that den of vipers known as the UN should be shut down immediately, the building demolished, and the city of NY confiscate every last Mercedes with unpaid parking tickets for those tinpot "diplomats".
The "United Antisemites" should have been blown to smithereens years ago.
The U.N. needs to be dismantled before the sun sets this evening. The " Hall of Evil " is an appropriate name for that hideous organization.
At the very least, the United States should have nothing to do with the U.N. With the U.N. being thrown off American soil immediately.
Yes, I just want the UN to disintegrate.
The international left even talk of the UN becoming the world government one day.
The UN has no right to exist in todays form.
It should be changed in a place for contacts where diplomates of all countries come together.
It should be like a regulars' table for open exchange. But without any power.
Yes, it should be dismantled.
UN didn't solve any conflict.
Unlike some people think, UN doesn't represent world justice.
It represents the current balance of power.
They are the pack of predators who come together to divide the prey.
dismantled. or renamed as the OIC. wait a minute, there already is such and organization. :laugh:
In any case, the US should pull out, and with it all its funding. Likewise, Japan should pull out, along with all of its funding (second highest to the US, with No power). Israel should also clearly pull out.
and it should NOT be in NYC. That decrepit building should be demolished.
Yes it should because the UN passed there usefulness a long time ago