General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: JewishAmericanPatriot on February 01, 2009, 12:33:39 AM
I was browsing videos on Youtube when I found an entire series that spooked the heck out of me, even though I'm not a Christian.
I don't want to link to them directly here since this is, after all, a Jewish forum. But for the benefit of the Christian friends we have here, I'd like to ask you to go to http://www.youtube.com and enter a search for videos from ppsimmons
J-A-P. In their book, he is everything Jesus is not, so that would make him 'anti?' Thats what I believe. But Daniel 11:16 says it ALL about this INVADER.
Daniel:11 vs 16 The invader will do as he pleases; no one will be able to stand against him. He will establish himself in the Beautiful Land and will have the power to destroy it.
ALL of the prophecies of EVIL people are in the Torah.
This person or people are in tight with G-d, I believe:
WHO EVER this person is, he/or she is right on.
This person or people are in tight with G-d, I believe:
WHO EVER this person is, he/or she is right on.
I just watched that. Wow.
Ashedina, you and I are of ONE MIND on this usurper, spiritually and in every other way.
This person or people are in tight with G-d, I believe:
WHO EVER this person is, he/or she is right on.
I just watched that. Wow.
Ashedina, you and I are of ONE MIND on this usurper, spiritually and in every other way.
Good, WE CAN fight this TERRIBLE beast when in agreement like this. HE IS EVILLLLLLLLLLLLLL!
This person or people are in tight with G-d, I believe:
WHO EVER this person is, he/or she is right on.
I just watched that. Wow.
Ashedina, you and I are of ONE MIND on this usurper, spiritually and in every other way.
J.A.P.- Those people- I have NO clue WHO they are, but their videos seen to be made FOR USA. And watching them, THE USA is in TROUBLE. I trust whoever does these videos. They dont show their name, who they are, what type denomination, just the flat out truth. America is a Christian nation with Judao Laws, and with this WILD PIG in charge and being a LAWBREAKER- we ARE in TROUBLE.
Here is another one I just found, also by the same guy. This one REALLY has me spooked because it delves into gematria:
I have some religious Catholic friends, they think Obama is the anti-Christ too. Anyway have you heard that Obama's brother is drog-dealer and now he is in jail?
Ok...here is the deal with Obama being this 'anti-Chrst' person.. Christians know that this MADMAN DEMON joker man is NOT like Jesus from their book, so OBVIOUSLY he is NOT FOR, meaning: AGAINST. So he would be in essense AN ANTI-CHRST.
Does that make sense?
Daniel 11: 16 Talks all about a terrible man near the times of Moshiach- its all in the Torah in Daniel, which I DO believe.
The thing is, WE ALL KNOW HE IS EVILLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL!!!! EVIL! Jew AND gentile here believe THAT. Good nuff for me, to want to kick the living SNOT out of this USURPER!
AsheDina, you are right, this person is right on! When I have more time I am going to look for more of this person's videos.
JA you are right, VERY spooky, but I believe it all! Thanks for these videos, I am going to pass onto all in my address book. People really NEED to see this stuff!
AsheDina, you are right, this person is right on! When I have more time I am going to look for more of this person's videos.
JA you are right, VERY spooky, but I believe it all! Thanks for these videos, I am going to pass onto all in my address book. People really NEED to see this stuff!
arksis, hes on my favorites. People like him or whoever this is, are telling the TRUTH. I like that. HE IS RIGHT 100% NO BOS at ALL!! I respect that a LOT.
I like that too, telling it like it is, those are the only kind of people I like to hang around with and respect the most. (LOL Like YOU!) I call the people that pretend they are something they are not, "Plastic faces" LOL I stay as far away from them as possible, they are so full of BS.
Here is another one I just found, also by the same guy. This one REALLY has me spooked because it delves into gematria:
Spooky; but they shud use Hebrew Bible not KJV. I know that Obama is an antichrist but I'm not sure if he's the Antichrist.
Here is another one I just found, also by the same guy. This one REALLY has me spooked because it delves into gematria:
Spooky; but they shud use Hebrew Bible not KJV. I know that Obama is an antichrist but I'm not sure if he's the Antichrist.
Shalom, it has been 60 years since the last demon made his appearence in WW2. Now we are in WW3 that began on Sept 11th.
Obama is the new evil dictator ( Monster ) of this Century. Let us pray that he is impeached!
AsheDina, you are right, this person is right on! When I have more time I am going to look for more of this person's videos.
JA you are right, VERY spooky, but I believe it all! Thanks for these videos, I am going to pass onto all in my address book. People really NEED to see this stuff!
Satan HUSSEIN >:(
BHO is a forerunner to anti-Christ. His rule will pave the way and set the stage for the future "the" anti-Christ.
50% of the people don’t like Obama. The Anti-Christ will be batting better odds than that. However, I believe that there is something spiritual about Obama’s rise to power. There is no other way to explain how so many decent people can be fooled by someone with Obama’s history. In the Tanach, we see that G-d’s people always had problems when they failed to please G-d. Evil nations were able to prevail. Bad Kings were able to rule. It’s pretty serious stuff when a priest goes into the Holy of Holies with bells and a rope on his foot. If he isn’t right with the almighty, then he is struck dead and has to be pulled out like a big fish.
I'm Jewish but i believe obama Hussein is of the demonic world for sure
I know what I saw on PHforAmerica.com Obama was interpreting his meaning for Leviticus- saying it was about slavery
Deuteronomy- Says stoning is ok
Sermon on the mount- Was Radical policy- out of control.
These theories are totally incorrect of what these scriptures say. I will add totally evil!
I'm Jewish but i believe obama Hussein is of the demonic world for sure
You are right!
COME ON! Jesus was a teacher on LOVE- Obama is a MUZZIE. Christian people ARE not like HUSSEIN- he is DEF. an anti-Chrst! JEEZZZZZZZZZZZZ
do you know something?
obama is a damn snake playing "diplomatic" games
check it out:
how sweet! the first Seder at the White House! :o
and then check it out too:
his speech at the turkish parliament
"And we will convey our deep appreciation for the Islamic faith, which has done so much over so many centuries to shape the world for the better – including my own country. The United States has been enriched by Muslim Americans. Many other Americans have Muslims in their family, or have lived in a Muslim-majority country – I know, because I am one of them."
or maybe this one:
"I've been to the same church _ the same Christian church _ for almost 20 years," Obama said, stressing the word Christian and drawing cheers from the faithful in reply. "I was sworn in with my hand on the family Bible. Whenever I'm in the United States Senate, I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America."
Now, please tell me: what on earth is this man???
a tool of the evil one for sure!
do you know something?
obama is a damn snake playing "diplomatic" games
check it out:
how sweet! the first Seder at the White House! :o
and then check it out too:
his speech at the turkish parliament
"And we will convey our deep appreciation for the Islamic faith, which has done so much over so many centuries to shape the world for the better – including my own country. The United States has been enriched by Muslim Americans. Many other Americans have Muslims in their family, or have lived in a Muslim-majority country – I know, because I am one of them."
or maybe this one:
"I've been to the same church _ the same Christian church _ for almost 20 years," Obama said, stressing the word Christian and drawing cheers from the faithful in reply. "I was sworn in with my hand on the family Bible. Whenever I'm in the United States Senate, I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America."
Now, please tell me: what on earth is this man???
a tool of the evil one for sure!
To be honest, I dont know what the hooplah is about. Hitler was not a Christian, impossible. Obama ADMITTED he is a muzzie, he says NOTHING that is Christian like- so why is this a big deal if this is true and he is 'the anti-Christ' Of course he is, for heavens sake, HE ACTS LIKE A DEMON. Do ANY of YOU personally know Christian people that act as Obama does?? I dont. Makes him: ANTI.
i agree with you! ;)
he is an anti Christ!
i agree with you! ;)
he is an anti Christ!
Zerah, They called Hitler the anti one too, so this is no different.
"Zerah, They called Hitler the anti one too, so this is no different."
Something really scares me! I don't understand from where on earth this nazi beast appear again? When I was in Germany I was shocked to see so many teenagers (between 15-18 years old) claiming about themselves for being NEO NAZI.
It's crazy! The antisemitism grows up with every day and the neo nazi movement also.
the bible talks about many anti Christs..so we know that there is more than one. Hitler was one. Nero was one.
There were others.
I'm Jewish but i believe obama Hussein is of the demonic world for sure
I am Jewish too Mord and I happen to believe that Obama is the reincarnate of Satan.
Look at what he is doing to Israel right now and what is worse is nobody
is making any attempt to stop his destructive mode.
Shalom - Dox
I'm Jewish but i believe obama Hussein is of the demonic world for sure
I am Jewish too Mord and I happen to believe that Obama is the reincarnate of Satan.
Look at what he is doing to Israel right now and what is worse is nobody
is making any attempt to stop his destructive mode.
Shalom - Dox
I am not Jewish and even I don't understand why no one is stopping this evil bassturd!
Hi Dawn, I keep getting the feeling ( hope my feeling is correct ) that Obama is really going to get Impeached.
I think some people in Washington have had it with him too. Call it a hunch...I hope I am right.
Shalom - Elizabeth
Hi Dawn, I keep getting the feeling ( hope my feeling is correct ) that Obama is really going to get Impeached.
I think some people in Washington have had it with him too. Call it a hunch...I hope I am right.
Shalom - Elizabeth
Hi Elizabeth! I hope and pray you are right, but I'm not counting on it. He has done more damage than we can imagine, I just can't believe what they've let him get away with so far!
My God, I have been trying to reason with myself for a whole year that this guy is just a muslim, but as we hear more words and actions from him, I think this is the real deal! God save us!
I will be mulling over and remembering him saying these words all night. Other people have got to see this video!
Hi Dawn, I keep getting the feeling ( hope my feeling is correct ) that Obama is really going to get Impeached.
I think some people in Washington have had it with him too. Call it a hunch...I hope I am right.
Shalom - Elizabeth
Hi Elizabeth! I hope and pray you are right, but I'm not counting on it. He has done more damage than we can imagine, I just can't believe what they've let him get away with so far!
Hi - Eliz, you really think this? Usually you are right on this gift you have.
Here is another one I just found, also by the same guy. This one REALLY has me spooked because it delves into gematria:
JAP, I have sent this one all over, and people that I know believe it. He is evil, and will try to destroy all civil people.
Hi Paulette ! I am sorry it took me so long to reply. Honestly I do think he is going to get impeached.
Washington D.C. and other top Politicians on both sides of the fence are not speaking out about obama's
gross misconduct so I think this might be a case of ( silence is golden. )
I know something is going to happen, I just cannot pinpoint it.
Shalom & G-d Bless you always!
There is a possibility, that he is it.
Hi Paulette ! I am sorry it took me so long to reply. Honestly I do think he is going to get impeached.
Washington D.C. and other top Politicians on both sides of the fence are not speaking out about obama's
gross misconduct so I think this might be a case of ( silence is golden. )
I know something is going to happen, I just cannot pinpoint it.
Shalom & G-d Bless you always!
Interesting....... Call me if you want Eliz. I have been insane BUSY. I apologize
I was browsing videos on Youtube when I found an entire series that spooked the heck out of me, even though I'm not a Christian.
I don't want to link to them directly here since this is, after all, a Jewish forum. But for the benefit of the Christian friends we have here, I'd like to ask you to go to http://www.youtube.com and enter a search for videos from ppsimmons
Isn't the Mahadi suppose to come out of the Iraq? How would Obama fit the prophecy the Muslims are looking for? .....interesting stuff-very creepy.
Originally, I thought, no, of course not. I think you might have a point here. It sure lines up with what I have been researching what the "Mahadi" will have to have as criteria. It is really creepy to research.