General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: RON_PATEL on February 11, 2009, 06:03:26 PM
Let us know where the evil of Islam poses the biggest threat to its citizens:
Don't forget to mention the reason behind your vote and some of the disturbing Islamic trends you notice in these cities.
I would have to say London. Someone on the forum posted a u tube clip of British police cowering from the screaming vicious Moslem demonstraters. I saw the british police backing off and for the likes of me I can't figure out why they are tolerating this, in fact I was hoping to see the Bristish police beating the animals with their belly clubs.
If the brits continue to tolerate these vicious nazi moslems, it's only a matter of time before London is taken over completely.
Shalom - Dox
I posted that video scary
Anywhere Islam in the west does threaten the west no matter.. London, Paris, Oslo anywhere.
I asked myself Am I in the Middle East when I was in Vienna in Austria. >:(
I asked myself Am I in the Middle East when I was in Vienna in Austria. >:(
Austria such a small country has been infiltrated by the rodents
I posted that video scary
Abben, you did a great job!
Shalom - Dox
London and Paris have known to be traditional Jew-hating hotspots mostly thanks to the second generation Pakistani and Maghrbian populations in both these cities. But liberal Amsterdam, tolerant Oslo and multicultural Toronto are getting to be increasingly filled with Islamic filth from thr world over. These psuedo-criminals take advantage of the welfare systems and rake havoc in the lives of the local citizens, especially Jewish citizens who have lived there for hundreds of years. Why the local governments look the other way while Muslim youth turn increasingly violent is beyond any logical explanation. The Islamonazis who call Western democracies home should be made accountable for their evil cult following and Jews and righteous gentiles have a responsibility to make their governments more responsible for immigration policies!
London and Paris have known to be traditional Jew-hating hotspots mostly thanks to the second generation Pakistani and Maghrbian populations in both these cities. But liberal Amsterdam, tolerant Oslo and multicultural Toronto are getting to be increasingly filled with Islamic filth from thr world over. These psuedo-criminals take advantage of the welfare systems and rake havoc in the lives of the local citizens, especially Jewish citizens who have lived there for hundreds of years. Why the local governments look the other way while Muslim youth turn increasingly violent is beyond any logical explanation. The Islamonazis who call Western democracies home should be made accountable for their evil cult following and Jews and righteous gentiles have a responsibility to make their governments more responsible for immigration policies!
Great quote, very equolent and true.
Shalom - Dox
How can convert to islam those English people? :'(
How can convert to islam those English people? :'(
Islam is an absolutely filthy religion with no redeeming value whatsoever. The only other religions I can think of quickly that are that evil are Satanism and NeoNazi paganism.
I don't understand why someone with English culture and a Christian background would tolerate Islam in their country even if they weren't very religious.
Amsterdam. There's a lot of Muslims living in Holland alone.
Amsterdam. There's a lot of Muslims living in Holland alone.
Hello, I was in Amsterdam in September of 2002, one year after 9/11.
You are correct, Amsterdam is slowly being overun by the Moslems.
Your signature is the absolute truth...there is no such thing as moderate Moslems.
Shalom - Dox
Amsterdam. There's a lot of Muslims living in Holland alone.
Hello, I was in Amsterdam in September of 2002, one year after 9/11.
You are correct, Amsterdam is slowly being overun by the Moslems.
Your signature is the absolute truth...there is no such thing as moderate Moslems.
Shalom - Dox
Thank you. What exeactly were you doing in Amsterdam?
Amsterdam. There's a lot of Muslims living in Holland alone.
Hello, I was in Amsterdam in September of 2002, one year after 9/11.
You are correct, Amsterdam is slowly being overun by the Moslems.
Your signature is the absolute truth...there is no such thing as moderate Moslems.
Shalom - Dox
Thank you. What exeactly were you doing in Amsterdam?
I went with my husband to Amsterdam on a business trip. After the business was finished, we took a train to France and France is far worse than Amsterdam in regards to the Moslem population. The anti American sentiments were obvious from the locals. This was a few months before the war in Iraq broke out.
P.S. At this point in time I have no desires to see Europe again. Things have gotten so much worse..compliments from the religion of Piece.
Shalom and G-d bless ! Dox
Amsterdam. There's a lot of Muslims living in Holland alone.
Hello, I was in Amsterdam in September of 2002, one year after 9/11.
You are correct, Amsterdam is slowly being overun by the Moslems.
Your signature is the absolute truth...there is no such thing as moderate Moslems.
Shalom - Dox
Thank you. What exeactly were you doing in Amsterdam?
I went with my husband to Amsterdam on a business trip. After the business was finished, we took a train to France and France is far worse than Amsterdam in regards to the Moslem population. The anti American sentiments were obvious from the locals. This was a few months before the war in Iraq broke out.
P.S. At this point in time I have no desires to see Europe again. Things have gotten so much worse..compliments from the religion of Piece.
Shalom and G-d bless ! Dox
You mean the quote unquote religion of peace.
I voted for London because the Brits are timidly accepting their new status in dhimmitude with all the millions of security cameras to keep them from revolting.
The real threat, as Chiam has noted in his videos, is that they will take over a developed 1st world nation that has advanced weapons systems and a nuclear arsenal. Look at Russia, for example:
The Muslim population growth rate since 1989 is between 40 and 50 percent, depending on ethnic groups. Today Russia has about 8,000 mosques while 15 years there were only 300 mosques. According to statistics, by the end of 2015, number of mosques in Russia will cross 25,000. These statistics are frightening for many ethnic Russians who associate Islam with the Kremlin's war against insurgents in Chechnya. Russia is shrinking. Alarmed by the situation, Putin has offered incentives to women who will have more children.
The white race throughout the world is shrinking and the Islamonazis are inexorably expanding their conquest through high birthrates. In time there will be an Islamonazi revolution throughout Europe ala the French muslonazi riots of the summer of 2005, but this time they will kill kaffirs at will. This is similar to how the overthrew the Christian Byzantine empire. They act as though they are powerless to stop it but heros like Geert Wilders are gaining ground from the silent majority. But I believe what the Europeans did to the Jews the Islamonazis will do to them.
I also voted for London because there were so many News about radical Muslims who burn flags and show placards like this:
The Queen should send them back to Saudi Arabia!!! They don't deserve a life in the UK if they hate Freedom and Christians / Jews.
When I saw these pics the first time I thought they were from Iran or Pakistan. But when I saw they are from London I was really shocked. I can cry when I see that. Ok, I feel a bit safe because they are on this big island but we also have some of these pigs in America.
My feelings are divided in hate and grief. >:( :'(
Please help us HaShem!! :usa+israel:
How about a city where they murder over 2,000 people in one day then they get special rights and special protection in that city and even parade through it's streets, with a permit to do so, chanting allah akbar.
We all know this city, right?
All the other cities mentioned deserve to be on this list but it was a gradual demographic jihad.
We got smacked in the face without much warning and instead of protecting our face we are trying to understand why we were smacked.
The real unsettling change can be felt when some muslamic Arab family becomes the Kings of England.
I am angry about those terrible things. Again, we need to act now!!