General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: RanterMaximus on February 25, 2009, 12:47:22 PM

Title: Your Thoughts On Bobby Jindal And His Speech
Post by: RanterMaximus on February 25, 2009, 12:47:22 PM
I like Jindal a lot and I really believe he has a bright future in politics.  His Republican rebuttal to Obama's speech was weak and poorly scripted, but who cares.  Jindal just hasn't mastered the art of lying and spin like Obama.  Personally, the opposing party's response after any presidential address is a waste of time.  MSNBC probally had Jindal's speech viewed a failure two days before he gave it.
Title: Re: Your Thoughts On Bobby Jindal And His Speech
Post by: briann on February 25, 2009, 12:55:18 PM
Jindal is great, BUT palin is better.   I'd like to see a Palin Jindal ticket.

I wonder what Hindus think of Jindal?

We need someone from the FAR right to take over in 2012.  Especially if the economy collapses.

Title: Re: Your Thoughts On Bobby Jindal And His Speech
Post by: Rubystars on February 25, 2009, 01:11:15 PM
Jindal is a Christian, not a Hindu.

Title: Re: Your Thoughts On Bobby Jindal And His Speech
Post by: Americanhero1 on February 25, 2009, 01:14:40 PM
Jindal is a Christian, not a Hindu.

Jindal was born and raised a Hindu, but converted to Catholicism in high school
Title: Re: Your Thoughts On Bobby Jindal And His Speech
Post by: briann on February 25, 2009, 01:17:08 PM
Jindal is a Christian, not a Hindu.

Jindal was born and raised a Hindu, but converted to Catholicism in high school

Yes, thats why I'd like to hear an opinion of a Hindu.
Title: Re: Your Thoughts On Bobby Jindal And His Speech
Post by: Rubystars on February 25, 2009, 01:17:48 PM
Jindal is a Christian, not a Hindu.

Jindal was born and raised a Hindu, but converted to Catholicism in high school

Yes I read about this. :)

I'm not sure how I feel about him as a politician yet but his pro-life voting record and anti-gay voting record looks good. I guess I'll have to wait and see and learn more about him.
Title: Re: Your Thoughts On Bobby Jindal And His Speech
Post by: DownwithIslam on February 25, 2009, 01:22:47 PM
We have not heard Jindal voice his position on Israel yet. As for Palin, I cannot forgive her for making that retarded "fakestinian" state comment at the debate. I am sure she didn't know what the hell she was saying and that mccain forced her to say it, but their is still no excuse. I can't support someone who would just go along with anyone who puts an evil idea in her head even if she herself doesn't believe it. I have to say that I feel JTF should be supporting Duncan Hunter and trying to promote him even now.
Title: Re: Your Thoughts On Bobby Jindal And His Speech
Post by: briann on February 25, 2009, 01:32:39 PM
We have not heard Jindal voice his position on Israel yet. As for Palin, I cannot forgive her for making that retarded "fakestinian" state comment at the debate. I am sure she didn't know what the hell she was saying and that mccain forced her to say it, but their is still no excuse. I can't support someone who would just go along with anyone who puts an evil idea in her head even if she herself doesn't believe it. I have to say that I feel JTF should be supporting Duncan Hunter and trying to promote him even now.

Trust me.. .Palin is by FAR the most pro-Israel in major politics.  She even has a flag of Israel in her office right next to her flag of America.

I love Duncan Hunter... but politicians always try to 'center' themselves during the debates... and I'm guessing Hunter woulda done something similar in that situation.

However  2012... I think political correctness will go OUT the door.

Title: Re: Your Thoughts On Bobby Jindal And His Speech
Post by: Rubystars on February 25, 2009, 01:47:47 PM
I think we should work to influence Palin about the Palescumian issue.
Title: Re: Your Thoughts On Bobby Jindal And His Speech
Post by: eb22 on February 25, 2009, 01:51:11 PM
My guess is Sarah Palin and Bobby Jindal won't be on the same ticket in 2012.       If one of them wins the Republican Nomination,    an experienced member of the Senate or House of Representatives as the VP choice,   likely be the strategy used to help balance out the ticket.

Though I'm actively and proudly supporting Gov. Palin for President for the 2012 Election,    based on what I've seen so far from Bobby Jindal,    I'll gladly support him if he wins the Republican Nomination.      

Title: Re: Your Thoughts On Bobby Jindal And His Speech
Post by: Dr. Dan on February 25, 2009, 02:01:16 PM
In response on DWI: I think Palin is pro Israel as Obama is Anti-Israel..

As far as Jindal..young go getter of Indian ancestry...previously a Hindu, hopefully sympathetic to the Hindus of India...and if this is true, it's good for Israel and the middle east because he would strengthen both countries against the muslim nazis.
Title: Re: Your Thoughts On Bobby Jindal And His Speech
Post by: Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks on February 25, 2009, 02:40:27 PM
DownwithIslam, this is one time where I disagree with you. Palin was forced to say something she didn't even understand the meaning of to keep the peace with her senile pig boss, John McQueen. And even then, all she said was "Yes I do" but did not go into any details whatsoever about supporting a Fakestinian state. She doesn't know what JTF is and all she knows is that because the state of Israel and almost all American Jews want a so-called "two-state" solution, that that must be the pro-Israel position to take. I'm sure Bobby Jindal would have said something similar in that situation.

Just be thankful that that worthless pig Mike Huckster, who REALLY is a fraud on Israel, is probably finished.
Title: Re: Your Thoughts On Bobby Jindal And His Speech
Post by: RanterMaximus on February 25, 2009, 02:42:56 PM
Jindal was ripped this morning by that fraud Laura Ingraham.  Hucksters like her and Limbaugh will continue to talk out of both sides of their mouth to assure that we get another McCain type running in 2012.
Title: Re: Your Thoughts On Bobby Jindal And His Speech
Post by: Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks on February 25, 2009, 02:50:17 PM
I don't know enough about Jindal. I am suspicious of the fact that he is the party's current "go-to" boy. Why did they not pick Sarah Palin to give the rebuttal speech?
Title: Re: Your Thoughts On Bobby Jindal And His Speech
Post by: syyuge on February 25, 2009, 02:55:41 PM
I have no special opinion about Jindal. If he is good to Indians, it is good. If he is better to American righteous, it is very good. And if he is best to Jewish and Israel, then it is excellent.

Indians should not expect much from him and he should not be partial to the Indians. He should not play too ambitious in a top nation like America. At the best he can be a VP candidate with a Palin like Righteous candidate.

However I have different thoughts for 2012.    
Title: Re: Your Thoughts On Bobby Jindal And His Speech
Post by: arksis on February 25, 2009, 11:24:46 PM
The liberal media picked him apart, piece by piece since the rebuttal. When I hear that, then I know for a fact he is a good man. Pretty bad when it comes down to that now, isn't it? We KNOW they are good, if the liberals hate them.
Title: Re: Your Thoughts On Bobby Jindal And His Speech
Post by: Zionist Revolutionary on February 25, 2009, 11:31:53 PM
I think Jindal is not a phony Republican. He is a staunch conservative, and the only blind spot on him is Israel as far as I've seen.

But he speaks worse than Duncan Hunter. And this counts. If you cannot communicate your agenda to the American people, it doesn't matter how much substance is in what you say because no one will listen to you.
Title: Re: Your Thoughts On Bobby Jindal And His Speech
Post by: ag337 on February 26, 2009, 12:03:21 AM
Arksis, I agree with you the liberal media tore Jindal apart all day.

The problem is that his broadcast was right after Obama's.  As much as I dislike Obama, he has a way that when he orates, that he pulls the viewer in.  Obama's way of speaking reminds me of a lot of black preachers, especially the ones who preach Black Theology.

The way Obama holds his head slightly lifted above the audience view line, the way he overally enunciates certain words, and when he takes dramatic pauses at certain points when he speaks all have a reminiscent quality of MLK and other black activists of the 1960's.

The problem with this is that Obama's type of speaking draws people to listen to him.  And all the hoopla around him adds to all his hype and people blindly tune in.  So, Jindal as a less experienced orator really didn't have a chance.

Now with all that being said, I like Jindal and I do believe he will grow into his own with a little more time and experience.
Title: Re: Your Thoughts On Bobby Jindal And His Speech
Post by: DownwithIslam on February 26, 2009, 01:20:52 AM
Look, their is no question that I would vote for Palin if she was running, all I am saying is that I prefer Duncan Hunter or even Newt gingrich. I know some people disagree with me about it but I am just saying what I feel. A woman in her 40's should not be so easily tricked into saying such an evil statement that she supports a fakestinian state. She should of responded that the muzzies already have 66 countries.
Title: Re: Your Thoughts On Bobby Jindal And His Speech
Post by: MasterWolf1 on February 26, 2009, 01:25:29 AM
I like Bobby Jindal and someone here is right, no matter what the leftist media is going to pick anyone that dares contradicts what the democrats are doing.  I don't care if a speech is flashy.  Obama gave those but ended up being empty.  I want effective.
Title: Re: Your Thoughts On Bobby Jindal And His Speech
Post by: Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks on February 26, 2009, 02:35:47 AM
Hunter is a good man, but just doesn't have the charisma or name recognition. He would make a good running mate for Palin though. Newt Gingrich is just a useless, tired old Republican hack. Don't forget that this pig is pro-pornography and dumped his first wife when she was dying of cancer.
Title: Re: Your Thoughts On Bobby Jindal And His Speech
Post by: IsraelForever on February 26, 2009, 02:39:45 AM
I really don't know much about Bobby Jindal.  But I thought he communicated very well and came across very well.  So then I see that some pundits thought he was horrible.  So then I wondered if they were watching the same Bobby Jindal that I was watching because their criticisms seemed crazy to me.  At this point, I don't know if I'm going insane or if the world is going insane.
Title: Re: Your Thoughts On Bobby Jindal And His Speech
Post by: eb22 on February 26, 2009, 02:51:24 AM
The liberal media picked him apart, piece by piece since the rebuttal. When I hear that, then I know for a fact he is a good man. Pretty bad when it comes down to that now, isn't it? We KNOW they are good, if the liberals hate them.

Excellent comments,   Dawn.   

 This evening,   I spend much of the time on Zoo Tube reading the commentary about Bobby Jindal.   And responding,   providing positive comments about Gov. Jindal and Gov.  Palin.     The Liberals on Zoo Tube are having a field day against Gov. Jindal,    much like the attacks and mockery they direct towards Sarah Palin.      The Liberals are going to attempt to discredit any Conservative who has a realistic chance of winning the next President election.      The Republican Party must avoid being influenced by the Liberal media and their supporters.      If the Republicans nominate a true Conservative   (  hopefully it will be Gov.  Palin ),   get behind the candidate ,   and go on the offensive against Barack Hussein Obama and the liberal establishment,      there's a very realistic chance that Obama will be defeated.   
Title: Re: Your Thoughts On Bobby Jindal And His Speech
Post by: eb22 on February 26, 2009, 03:01:31 AM
I like Bobby Jindal and someone here is right, no matter what the leftist media is going to pick anyone that dares contradicts what the democrats are doing.  I don't care if a speech is flashy.  Obama gave those but ended up being empty.  I want effective.

Exactly,   Masterwolf.        Bobby Jindal's ideas and vision for the country that he expressed in his speech,   were real conservative positions.     I'm not sure of Jindal's positions on a number of the issues he didn't touch on in this speech.     But at the very least,   Jindal has potential to be a good choice as a Presidential nominee.     Maybe even the 2nd best choice,   only behind Sarah Palin.     

On a related note,   another candidate that I think has potential to be a good is Minnesota Gov.  Tim Pawlenty.    Like with Gov. Jindal,   I'm not sure of a number of Pawlenty's positions.    Yet on the positions I'm familiar with,     Pawlenty offers plenty of promise.       I'm optimistic that there will be a much better pool of viable Republican candidates in 2012 than there were in 2008.
Title: Re: Your Thoughts On Bobby Jindal And His Speech
Post by: Xoce on February 26, 2009, 03:12:59 AM
Hunter is a good man, but just doesn't have the charisma or name recognition. He would make a good running mate for Palin though. Newt Gingrich is just a useless, tired old Republican hack. Don't forget that this pig is pro-pornography and dumped his first wife when she was dying of cancer.

I never understood the newt-fans.  Disgusting vile twerp.
Title: Re: Your Thoughts On Bobby Jindal And His Speech
Post by: Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks on February 26, 2009, 03:50:11 AM
He's also had more affairs than Bill Clinton. What a useless waste of oxygen.
Title: Re: Your Thoughts On Bobby Jindal And His Speech
Post by: Xoce on February 26, 2009, 04:00:38 AM
I really don't know much about Bobby Jindal.  But I thought he communicated very well and came across very well.  So then I see that some pundits thought he was horrible.  So then I wondered if they were watching the same Bobby Jindal that I was watching because their criticisms seemed crazy to me.  At this point, I don't know if I'm going insane or if the world is going insane.

it's the world.
Title: Re: Your Thoughts On Bobby Jindal And His Speech
Post by: arksis on February 26, 2009, 09:30:57 AM
For me, the ONLY silver lining to this awful cloud, is KNOWING there are MORE of US, than of THEM (liberals) and now we have 3 years to let them sink their own ship and hope and pray that people like us FINALLY do the right thing and vote conservative and bring back values and common sense. It really IS the world that has gone crazy, NOT US!
Title: Re: Your Thoughts On Bobby Jindal And His Speech
Post by: firster555 on February 26, 2009, 06:06:39 PM
Jindal said the right things but his delivery was a little flat. I have seen him speak before and he is much better than this. Why he spoke in this tone for this speech, who knows, but as far as what I know of him he is a conservative.
The liberal media is going to do everything possible to discredit him because he is one of the frontrunners already for 2012. That garbage Keith Olbermann on his cesspool network when he introduced him just before Jindal started speaking you can hear Olbermann clear as day and sarcastically moan, "oh my G-d".
The easiest way to judge how conservative someone is. See how vile the liberal attack is.
Title: Re: Your Thoughts On Bobby Jindal And His Speech
Post by: Christian Zionist on February 26, 2009, 06:13:42 PM
I like Bobby Jindal.  Palin - Jindal would be an ideal combination in 2012.

He gave a devastating response to Hussein's speech!

One thing I am happy about Hussein's speech was he did not praise Islam as W. used to do.  No doubt Hussein has the ability to deceive the masses and the preaching of Islam has temporarily stopped from the president's mouth during the state of the union address.

W. did a great damage to America and brainwashed millions of Americans that Islam was a religion of peace.

Title: Re: Your Thoughts On Bobby Jindal And His Speech
Post by: RanterMaximus on February 26, 2009, 08:48:55 PM
Jindal comes off a tad nerdish, though I do not mean to demean his character.  This country wants liars and jive talkers like Obama and Clinton to impress them by coming off as cool.  The fact that Jindal is a descent man will hurt him, because this country is so backward in it's thinking and judgement.
Title: Re: Your Thoughts On Bobby Jindal And His Speech
Post by: Abben on February 26, 2009, 09:40:03 PM
Jindal is great, BUT palin is better.   I'd like to see a Palin Jindal ticket.

I wonder what Hindus think of Jindal?

We need someone from the FAR right to take over in 2012.  Especially if the economy collapses.

I do agree with you that we need someone on the right to take over. But I do not think a real far right winger will win anytime soon
Title: Re: Your Thoughts On Bobby Jindal And His Speech
Post by: RanterMaximus on February 26, 2009, 09:49:34 PM
Jindal is great, BUT palin is better.   I'd like to see a Palin Jindal ticket.

I wonder what Hindus think of Jindal?

We need someone from the FAR right to take over in 2012.  Especially if the economy collapses.

Sad, but so true.

I do agree with you that we need someone on the right to take over. But I do not think a real far right winger will win anytime soon
Title: Re: Your Thoughts On Bobby Jindal And His Speech
Post by: New Yorker on February 26, 2009, 11:18:09 PM

I'm done with the Republicans. I've switched to the Constitution Party, their platform represents me far more closely than the current crop of non-leaders the RINO party is producing.

http://www.constitutionparty.com/ (http://www.constitutionparty.com/)
Title: Re: Your Thoughts On Bobby Jindal And His Speech
Post by: Rubystars on February 26, 2009, 11:50:07 PM
I like Bobby Jindal.  Palin - Jindal would be an ideal combination in 2012.

He gave a devastating response to Hussein's speech!

One thing I am happy about Hussein's speech was he did not praise Islam as W. used to do.  No doubt Hussein has the ability to deceive the masses and the preaching of Islam has temporarily stopped from the president's mouth during the state of the union address.

W. did a great damage to America and brainwashed millions of Americans that Islam was a religion of peace.

CZ if you like him then I'm willing to support him if the time comes as long as he's pro-Israel.
Title: Re: Your Thoughts On Bobby Jindal And His Speech
Post by: ✡ Hindu Zionist ॐ on February 27, 2009, 06:39:32 AM
There are lot of propaganda videos and information created by Muslims showing Jindal to be some one who would support Hindu Nationalists. Because Muslims are afraid of Jindal, hence he should get better support from Hindus.

I cant wait to see Jindal as President of US and Modi as Pm of India in 2012  :usa: :usa+israel: :fist: :fireworks: