General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: Mizrachi Jew on March 21, 2007, 02:30:28 PM
Iam a Mizhari Jew, of Iraqi decent, and i consider myself to be a proud Jew. I stumbled upon this foruam through google and stromfront which they had said its a racialist fouram for Jews. Most of it is Ashkenazis on it. I also like to know what you think of the darker skined Mizhari Jews do you regards as your brothers and sisters, iam 18 years old and never been to Israel our outside my own Iraqi Jewish community, however i heard their was racism in Israel against Mizhari Jews. Could you enlighten me on your views of the Mizharis and Israel.
This forum is for all Jews and righteous Gentiles that support Israel and America.
Welcome Mizrahi Jew. I am a Jewish woman of Iranian ancestry and I love it here.
Welcome Mizrahi Jew. I am a Jewish woman of Iranian ancestry and I love it here.
cool iam Iraqi or a Babylonian Jew, and proud.
Iam a Mizhari Jew, of Iraqi decent, and i consider myself to be a proud Jew. I stumbled upon this foruam through google and stromfront which they had said its a racialist fouram for Jews. Most of it is Ashkenazis on it. I also like to know what you think of the darker skined Mizhari Jews do you regards as your brothers and sisters, iam 18 years old and never been to Israel our outside my own Iraqi Jewish community, however i heard their was racism in Israel against Mizhari Jews. Could you enlighten me on your views of the Mizharis and Israel.
You posted on a Nazi website yet are concerned about JTF? That sounds very strange. Anyway, welcome.
Iam a Mizhari Jew, of Iraqi decent, and i consider myself to be a proud Jew. I stumbled upon this foruam through google and stromfront which they had said its a racialist fouram for Jews. Most of it is Ashkenazis on it. I also like to know what you think of the darker skined Mizhari Jews do you regards as your brothers and sisters, iam 18 years old and never been to Israel our outside my own Iraqi Jewish community, however i heard their was racism in Israel against Mizhari Jews. Could you enlighten me on your views of the Mizharis and Israel.
You posted on a Nazi website yet are concerned about JTF? That sounds very strange. Anyway, welcome.
I did not post on it, they were saying nasty stuff about Jews, and they had a link to this fouram, and i don't post on it. Stromfront is for idiots of the Japethitic peoples.
Iam a Mizhari Jew, of Iraqi decent, and i consider myself to be a proud Jew. I stumbled upon this foruam through google and stromfront which they had said its a racialist fouram for Jews. Most of it is Ashkenazis on it. I also like to know what you think of the darker skined Mizhari Jews do you regards as your brothers and sisters, iam 18 years old and never been to Israel our outside my own Iraqi Jewish community, however i heard their was racism in Israel against Mizhari Jews. Could you enlighten me on your views of the Mizharis and Israel.
You posted on a Nazi website yet are concerned about JTF? That sounds very strange. Anyway, welcome.
I did not post on it, they were saying nasty stuff about Jews, and they had a link to this fouram, and i don't post on it. Stromfront is for idiots of the Japethitic peoples.
I've seen some of their postings about JTF. They seem jealous that our organization has a purpose. We're bound to come into conflict with them. Things will get interesting...
Welcome there is a Jewish Iraqi only community in the U.S.?i know they have a Syrian only Jewish community in the U.S.
MizhariJew, I tell you now all Jews are welcome here and in all Kahanist forums and organizations.
Sadly there was a great deal of anti-Sephardic racism from the Chilonim in the early days of the State and it still exists in some eliteist circles. But not among the vast majority of Datti and none among the followers of Rav Kahane zt'l. Remember most of the Rav's supporters were sephardim and many of his closest aides were Sephardim.
As well as Chaim Ben Pesach being half Egyptian Jewish himself
Welcome there is a Jewish Iraqi only community in the U.S.?i know they have a Syrian only Jewish community in the U.S.
Their has always been a Jewish community in the U.S
Welcome there is a Jewish Iraqi only community in the U.S.?i know they have a Syrian only Jewish community in the U.S.
Their has always been a Jewish community in the U.S
Oh good i had a Jewish Kurdish friend
Welcome there is a Jewish Iraqi only community in the U.S.?i know they have a Syrian only Jewish community in the U.S.
I am a Syrian Jew, there are a couple of Syrian communities in America, which one do u know ?
Welcome there is a Jewish Iraqi only community in the U.S.?i know they have a Syrian only Jewish community in the U.S.
I am a Syrian Jew, there are a couple of Syrian communities in America, which one do u know ?
In Deal N.J. also in BKLYN
There's also a large Iranian Jewish community in Great Neck, Long Island.
I've seen some of their postings about JTF. They seem jealous that our organization has a purpose. We're bound to come into conflict with them. Things will get interesting...
Yes, StørmFrønt thrives on White hostility to multi-culturalism...But many of the whites that are attracted to the site are not Jew-haters..In fact, many of them support Israel against the Muslim Arabs. They go to StørmFrønt simply because they have no place else to go where white people can "vent" about blacks and muslims etc
I used to attempt to recruit these disillusioned white kids to JTF...but the mods kept banning me til I finally gave up
I did find lots of youth that were sympathetic to the JTF message...hopefully...some of them are listening to Chaim's programs now
StørmFrønt is definately run by Nazis...but not all of the people there are Jew-haters...I know this is difficult to understand but the times we are living in are confusing for everybody.
It's a war...definately a war for the hearts and minds of White American Youth...JTF needs to get to these kids before StørmFrønt does
Bottom line: You're correct to say that StørmFrønt is competing with JTF and is also jealous of JTF. StørmFrønt wants to have a monopoly on anti-multiculturalism so that they can turn that anger into anti-semitism. They know that if Chaim's JTF Kahanist message gets to White American kids then many of those kids will join JTF and turn into enemies of StørmFrønt.
There's also a large Iranian Jewish community in Great Neck, Long Island.
One of my good friends is an Iranian Jew...living here in Vegas
I think most people here are black-haired Caucasoids racially descended from Mediterranean and Babylonian countries. I think that's wonderful. We also have at least one black and he is not harassed and is respected because he is a Jew and that is G-dly. :)
In fact many (if not most) of JTF's leadership are people with some Sephardic ancestry.
I went on StørmFrønt exactly twice.
In their opposing views section, they had a post about JTF, and the 7 point plan. The commenters wrote that JTF wants whites to fight the Jews battles for them, and they took pity on the "poor innocent" "palistidiots."
The second time I went on there was to see their reaction to the Sean Bell shooting. But otherwise, I don't care to give them any traffic (not that one person really makes a difference.)
Now I know I've suggested this before, but why not read, and comment on some of the popular right wing blogs, and include a link to JTF? Furthermore, these blogs have links to other similar blogs on their sidebars, and we can visit those as well. The blog Little Green Footballs gets a huge amount of traffic, and the readers are all pro-Israel:
The registration for Little Green Footballs is currently closed. But I think the next best thing is to join the Yahoo Group Liberal Hawks, which began as a group for LGF enthusiasts. I also know the woman running it. Here's the description:
Then there's The Anti-Idiotarian Rottweiler -- http://nicedoggie.net/2007
This blog is run by "Emperor Misha" who is very very pro-Israel. And he's hillarious with all his different curse words. Comments on this blog are open, meaning anyone can.
There's Atlas Shrugs -- http://atlasshrugs2000.typepad.com or http://www.pamelasnews.com Pamela, who runs this site may not be as right wing as JTF, but she's VERY pro Israel, and focus of her blog is on the Middle East.
Where did you get the ridiculous notion that this is for only European or white Jews? This forum is for EVERYONE, Jew or Gentile, who loves Israel and America! I'm Hispanic for instance. Welcome to the forum!
This is a bit OT but I have gone to StørmFrønt a few times, its mostly funny how stupid and ignorant those Achum are. The love to quote from the Jewish Encyclopedia as if it was some sort of Holy Text.
What is the Jewish Encyclopedia?
Welcome there is a Jewish Iraqi only community in the U.S.?i know they have a Syrian only Jewish community in the U.S.
I am a Syrian Jew, there are a couple of Syrian communities in America, which one do u know ?
In Deal N.J. also in BKLYN
Thats my community, I live in Brooklyn, and go down to Deal, NJ in the summer time. How are you associated with us?
or http://www.pamelasnews.com Pamela, who runs this site may not be as right wing as JTF, but she's VERY pro Israel, and focus of her blog is on the Middle East.
She's a very gorgeous Hebress. :-*
Welcome there is a Jewish Iraqi only community in the U.S.?i know they have a Syrian only Jewish community in the U.S.
I am a Syrian Jew, there are a couple of Syrian communities in America, which one do u know ?
In Deal N.J. also in BKLYN
Thats my community, I live in Brooklyn, and go down to Deal, NJ in the summer time. How are you associated with us?
My mothers friend is Jewish Syrian
Yes Fruit. I'm friendly with Pamela and she's quite easy on the eyes. But she's one smart woman and doesn't take any nonesense. She used to be the publisher of the New York Observerl
Yes Fruit. I'm friendly with Pamela and she's quite easy on the eyes. But she's one smart woman and doesn't take any nonesense. She used to be the publisher of the New York Observerl
I wish I was Jewish. I'd love to own a newspaper!
Fruit, being a publisher doesn't necessarily mean you own the newspaper. The job of the publisher is to decide the editorial focus of a publication, determine the ad rates, the circulation, and decide how the magazine is sold (newsstands or subscriptions). Plus this individual is responsible for supervising the editorial and sales staff.
Years ago, I used to work for a high tech magazine publisher. Believe me, the publishers of the magazines didn't own anything. They were people who worked their way up in the company through ad sales. Their bosses were the group publishers and above them, vice presidents.
Now Pamela is no longer the publisher. But just by meeting her in person a few times, I could tell what an excellent sales woman she is.