General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: Fruit of thy loins on March 22, 2007, 09:31:04 AM

Title: Circumcision
Post by: Fruit of thy loins on March 22, 2007, 09:31:04 AM
Medical experts agree that it prevents disease and girls agree that it looks better cut.

What do white guys all over the world who are uncut do?

Do they abstain from sex or do they get the chop?
Title: Re: Circumcision
Post by: angryChineseKahanist on March 22, 2007, 11:38:34 AM
Medical experts agree that it prevents disease and girls agree that it looks better cut.

What do white guys all over the world who are uncut do?

Do they abstain from sex or do they get the chop?
Are you cut?
Title: Re: Circumcision
Post by: Fruit of thy loins on March 22, 2007, 12:46:31 PM
Are you cut?

I won't answer that question because I want to preserve my dignity.  But I will say this: I'm a white male gentile from Europe.  :)  And it's quite small, too.  I never used it in four years of university anyway so it doesn't matter.  No blondes got cervical cancer from me.  ;)
Title: Re: Circumcision
Post by: Lisa on March 22, 2007, 01:42:33 PM
Fruit, you'e too funny. 

But if you want to preserve your dignity, why refer to yourself as "small?"  Or why even bring up size at all since this is supposed to be a forum for Bible believing Jews and righteous gentiles?
Title: Re: Circumcision
Post by: angryChineseKahanist on March 22, 2007, 02:08:17 PM
Are you cut?

I won't answer that question because I want to preserve my dignity. But I will say this: I'm a white male gentile from Europe. :) And it's quite small, too. I never used it in four years of university anyway so it doesn't matter. No blondes got cervical cancer from me. ;)
Fruit, you are such a fruit. I hope you're not a fruit. A fruit is a U.S. slang for fag - of course, you knew that.
Well, I'm uncut. So there.
Title: Re: Circumcision
Post by: Fruit of thy loins on March 22, 2007, 04:21:43 PM
Fruit, you'e too funny. 

But if you want to preserve your dignity, why refer to yourself as "small?"  Or why even bring up size at all since this is supposed to be a forum for Bible believing Jews and righteous gentiles?

Satan infiltrated me through my left earlobe this morning.

You assume that I'm not Bible-believing  ???
Title: Re: Circumcision
Post by: Until Shiloh Comes on March 22, 2007, 04:54:44 PM
There is positively no purpose to this thread, gentlemen.
Title: Re: Circumcision
Post by: Fruit of thy loins on March 22, 2007, 04:55:29 PM
There is positively no purpose to this thread, gentlemen.

I want to know if white gentile men should abstain for the good of womankind or if they should get the chop.

What do you think?
Title: Re: Circumcision
Post by: Fruit of thy loins on March 22, 2007, 04:58:04 PM
I should have made this a poll.
Title: Re: Circumcision
Post by: cjd on March 22, 2007, 05:26:22 PM
Well guys and girls further and further into the abyss we go. Fruit you are starting to worry me with questions and disclosures like this.
Title: Re: Circumcision
Post by: Fruit of thy loins on March 22, 2007, 05:28:04 PM

People cannot answer a simple question?

I caught a Christian preaching on the benefits of circumcision and it made me feel inferior.

A young gorgeous brunette at university once told me that circumcised guys transmit less diseases.

Then I thought to myself today that girls might run away if they ever - well, if they came close to a hooded guy.    :-\
Title: Re: Circumcision
Post by: Sarah on March 22, 2007, 06:03:46 PM
Circumcision pre-dates recorded history. Egyptian mummies and wall carvings record the practice of circumcision over 4000 years ago [8]. Along with Columbus' `discovery' of North America he noted that many of the natives there were circumcised [118]. In fact, as mentioned earlier, circumcision is seen in diverse people all over the world, ranging from African, Middle Eastern, groupings of Asian, Australian aboriginal, Pacific Islander and native American, both North and South. Whether this indicates a very ancient origin that was part of human practice as our species colonized the globe, or whether it arose independently in different regions of the world will probably never be known. There is evidence to suggest that hygiene may be one reason, as appears to be the case for elite classes in ancient Egypt and the Aztec peoples [290]. Ritualistic circumcision has been practiced in West Africa for more than 5000 years and in the Middle East for over 3000 years [234, 373].

Wiswell looked at the complication rates of having or not having circumcision performed in a study of 136,000 boys born in US army hospitals between 1980 and 1985. 100,000 were circumcised and 193 (0.19%) had complications, mostly minor, with no deaths, but of the 36,000 who were not circumcised the problems were more than ten-times higher and there were 2 deaths [397]. A study by others found that of the 11,000 circumcisions performed at New York's Sloane Hospital in 1989, only 6 led to complications, none of which were fatal [301]. An early survey saw only one death amongst 566,483 baby boys circumcised in New York between 1939 and 1951 [240]. (There are no deaths today from medical circumcisions in developed countries.)

It is better to be circumsised, disregarding religious reasons, just ethically. It is considered more pure but hey, if you weren't when you were younger then i guess its not your fault.
Title: Re: Circumcision
Post by: Fruit of thy loins on March 22, 2007, 06:07:26 PM
I always knew that I was racially inferior.
Title: Re: Circumcision
Post by: Sarah on March 22, 2007, 06:13:43 PM
I always knew that I was racially inferior.

You are not racially inferior. You cannot compare yourself to people who have been taught to do something different. Theres a difference but it doesnt determine levels of superiority. Especially not racially!
Title: Re: Circumcision
Post by: Fruit of thy loins on March 22, 2007, 06:19:51 PM

You are not racially inferior. You cannot compare yourself to people who have been taught to do something different. Theres a difference but it doesnt determine levels of superiority. Especially not racially!

But like that white brunette girl, no girl would want my d*ck near them because it could give them disease.

So now I have to get circumcised.  Another little setback in my life.   ::)
Title: Re: Circumcision
Post by: Lisa on March 22, 2007, 06:57:05 PM
Fruit, why don't you ask a doctor about this?  If you really wanted to get the procedure done, I'm sure they would numb you first.  As far as medical operations go, it's a minor procedure. 

Last Spring, I had Lasek eye surgery where they basically split open your cornea with lasers to correct your vision.  There was a lot of discomfort afterwards, so much so that I felt like my eye sockets were on fire.  And it took a few weeks for my vision to completely stabilize.  But I am so glad I had the procedure done, as I was no longer able to wear contact lenses. 
Title: Re: Circumcision
Post by: Fruit of thy loins on March 22, 2007, 07:09:05 PM
Fruit, why don't you ask a doctor about this?  If you really wanted to get the procedure done, I'm sure they would numb you first.  As far as medical operations go, it's a minor procedure. 

Last Spring, I had Lasek eye surgery where they basically split open your cornea with lasers to correct your vision.  There was a lot of discomfort afterwards, so much so that I felt like my eye sockets were on fire.  And it took a few weeks for my vision to completely stabilize.  But I am so glad I had the procedure done, as I was no longer able to wear contact lenses. 

Knowing the British NHS they would probably botch the operation and end up giving me a sex change instead. 

The odds are against me.  Everywhere I go, Satan pisses into my mouth.
Title: Re: Circumcision
Post by: Sarah on March 22, 2007, 07:15:46 PM
Everywhere I go, Satan pisses into my mouth.

EWWWWWW........ :)

You'd be dead by time the NHS get their act together and give you a proper operation. There are many private surgeries that do it too.

Lisa how much did the laser surgery cost? Why were you not able to continue wearing contact lenses?
Title: Re: Circumcision
Post by: cjd on March 22, 2007, 07:17:07 PM
Fruit, Sometimes its best to leave well enough alone. The part where Lisa said discomfort and feeling like it was on fire don't sound good for the procedure your looking for. I think for that sort of surgery that would be a real possibility. Honestly what gets you started with subjects like this.
Title: Re: Circumcision
Post by: Hail Columbia on March 22, 2007, 07:43:12 PM
Circumcision is done to keep men from masturbating.
Title: Re: Circumcision
Post by: Lisa on March 22, 2007, 07:49:38 PM
Sarah, the Lasek surgery was very expensive.  $5,500 U.S. dollars to be exact.  So I took out a loan.  But the good thing is that the cost covers the surgery, follow up eye exams and meds for a year. 

As people get older, their eyes get drier.  And their natural tears are not always enough to keep the eyes lubricated.  That's what happened to me.  For years, I was able to wear contact lenses.  But starting last year, the lenses became *very* uncomfortable.  At first I thought it was because they were old.  So I got a new pair, yet the discomfort continued.  My ophthamalogist gave me some drops which did not help.  Finally I decided to just get the surgery, as I was sick of contact lenses. 

Now in terms of all the discomfort I experienced, that was due to the nature of the procedure.  The doctor told me I was not a good candidate for LasIK and he recommend Epi-Lasek, or Lasek instead.  The procedure I had is less invasive than Lasik, but much safer.  The trade off is that the recovery time is longer than with Lasik.

Fruit, do you ever visit the U.S?  If you're at all serious, and not just trying to get reactions out of people here, maybe you could see an American doctor during your trip.   
Title: Re: Circumcision
Post by: Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks on March 22, 2007, 08:02:20 PM
Fruit, at the risk of offending our Jewish friends, I can't possibly advocate ANYONE getting this procedure done of their free will. It's completely unnecessary, very painful, and reduces sensation in the penis. There are some studies indicating a lowered STD risk for "cut" men, as there is no longer a pouch there to trap pathogens, but that's completely irrelevant if you stay pure before marriage.

I regret very much that I was circumcised as a newborn, especially since my family had absolutely no religious reason to do so.  :(
Title: Re: Circumcision
Post by: Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks on March 22, 2007, 08:04:02 PM
No blondes got cervical cancer from me.  ;)
Unless you have condylomata (HPV; the genital wart virus), this is not a possibility. Get tested if you are really that concerned. (Because it causes penile cancer too.)
Title: Re: Circumcision
Post by: Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks on March 22, 2007, 08:05:33 PM
I caught a Christian preaching on the benefits of circumcision and it made me feel inferior.
If this really happened, then he's as nutty as you are.

A young gorgeous brunette at university once told me that circumcised guys transmit less diseases.
She needs to stop worrying about what guys' wangs look like and be more concerned about what their sexual history is.
Title: Re: Circumcision
Post by: Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks on March 22, 2007, 08:07:03 PM
It is better to be circumsised, disregarding religious reasons, just ethically. It is considered more pure but hey, if you weren't when you were younger then i guess its not your fault.
You are seriously claiming that a body part the Lord designed in men is morally wrong? WTF?
Title: Re: Circumcision
Post by: New Yorker on March 22, 2007, 08:12:13 PM

I'm all for straight answers. Leave it alone. Like the expression says, "if it ain't broke don't fix it".

Plus I've read that those who have had a foreskin their whole lives, then got circumcised, noticed a significant difference in both sensitivity and pleasure (for the worse) during sex in the absence of the foreskin. 
Title: Re: Circumcision
Post by: takebackourtemple on March 22, 2007, 10:13:11 PM
   My lasik cost about $4000. I could have done it cheaper, but eye sight is a gift that hashem gives us and I had to think real hard before making the decision. In this procedure, your cornea which is already paper thin is cut even thinner. Judiasm may consider this procedure to be defacing ones body in most cases, but I was in a situation were glasses didn't work(true I could focus on a letter on a wall, but couldn't really see with them) and I kept getting eye infections with my contacts(which did work). The lasik did work like a charm and I was able to see 20-15 the next morning when I came in for my followup, but I don't know what problems I might have down the line as a result of it. Suprisingly it took about a year to get used to not having my contacts after the surgury. I was suddenly alergic to pollen in the air, which my contacts and sometimes glasses had prevented from touching my cornea. I remember having to order colored contacts because I couldn't get regular ones in a 0.0 prescription. The colored ones were never as comfortable as the regular ones.
  This might appear a little irrelevant to the JTF forum and this thread, but the jewish question becomes whether it is defacing the human body to have corrective surgury.
Title: Re: Circumcision
Post by: Lisa on March 22, 2007, 10:20:58 PM
Takebackourtemple, if the surgery improves the body's functionality, like your vision, how is that a bad thing?  Also repeated eye infections are not good.  Wouldn't the antibiotic/anti-inflammatory medicines eventually stop working? 
Title: Re: Circumcision
Post by: Lisa on March 22, 2007, 10:28:20 PM
Yacov, regarding Lasik and Epi Lasik, being young is a good thing.  All that's necessary is for your eye prescription to be stable for a few years.  The doctors will do all kinds of tests to determine if you are good candidate for the surgery.  They will test for the shape of your cornea, and its thickness, among other things.  Also if you are a diabetic, or have glaucoma, you would not be a candidate for the procedure. 

In my case, I was nearsighted.  And now my vision is 20/15.  But when I get older I will need reading glasses, as it will be more difficult to see things very close to me.  It happens with everyone.  Some doctors encourage patients to leave one eye a little less corrected to compensate for this.  But I decided against it.  As I see it, if I'm going to have this surgery, I want my vision to be perfect.  And now that I no longer wear contacts, my eyes are no longer dry.
Title: Re: Circumcision
Post by: genteelgentile on March 22, 2007, 10:39:43 PM
Fruit to doctor, with a British accent: "A little off the top, guv'ner!"
Title: Re: Circumcision
Post by: Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks on March 22, 2007, 10:52:06 PM
Takebackourtemple, if the surgery improves the body's functionality, like your vision, how is that a bad thing?  Also repeated eye infections are not good.  Wouldn't the antibiotic/anti-inflammatory medicines eventually stop working? 
How does circumcision improve male function? I realize that it is mitzvot for Jews, but Fruit is a Gentile and the procedure does absolutely nothing for the health of sexually moral men.
Title: Re: Circumcision
Post by: Lisa on March 22, 2007, 11:09:14 PM
First off, I've read that wives of non-circumcised men have higher rates of cervical cancer.  A while back, there was an article about how this was the case with Hindu women in India. 

Recently, there was an article in The Lancet about how circumcision reduces mens susceptibility to HIV.  Granted, it wouldn't be an issue if you are monogamous, or if you are remaining pure until marriage.  But I posted about it on my blog a few weeks ago:


I think though that this would be a good question for Chaim. 

Title: Re: Circumcision
Post by: Until Shiloh Comes on March 22, 2007, 11:11:24 PM
There is positively no purpose to this thread, gentlemen.
I want to know if white gentile men should abstain for the good of womankind or if they should get the chop.

What do you think?

Hello Fruit of thy loins, and good day to you.

Ok, I'll bite.

I understand your purpose here, and I suppose you're tolerated because you never really step over the boundaries of basic decency FOTL, but you've been going overboard recently with threads like this, and your inappropriate questions on the ASK JTF feature.  

Ultimately your fate lies in the hands of yourself and the board moderators, but I remind you - as I remind everyone here - that this is a religious board, with religious people, and I consider trolling of this kind to go beyond the level of humor or nuisance, in fact, it's downright distasteful.  
Title: Re: Circumcision
Post by: New Yorker on March 22, 2007, 11:11:56 PM
Leave it alone!

Men, don't remove anything. Why would anybody cut a perfectly healthy body part that doesn't require it? Especially one that is so important!?

And on a side note, since we are talking about elective surgery,

Women, don't add anything. fake boobs look fake and they make you look like a caricature of a woman, most women that think they need large breasts, really don't, most have lovely figures but a wrong perception of themselves.
Title: Re: Circumcision
Post by: Alex on March 22, 2007, 11:40:50 PM
I won't answer that question because I want to preserve my dignity.  But I will say this: I'm a white male gentile from Europe.  :)  And it's quite small, too.  I never used it in four years of university anyway so it doesn't matter.  No blondes got cervical cancer from me.  ;)

I'm sorry but I'm just going to have to put that in my signature, although I don't know what for since people wouldn't really see it because I rarely post...
Title: Re: Circumcision
Post by: nessuno on March 22, 2007, 11:48:15 PM
FOTL the problem is all in your head  ;)
You know the one on your shoulders.  ;D
If what your writing in your posts are your true feelings- and I'm not sure they are - you need some serious counseling.
Forget surgery.  You would be working on the wrong end of your anatomy.  Think the brain.
Yet  - finally you have found a different cause for your problems with women - maybe this is progress!

Title: Re: Circumcision
Post by: Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks on March 23, 2007, 01:00:10 AM
First off, I've read that wives of non-circumcised men have higher rates of cervical cancer.  A while back, there was an article about how this was the case with Hindu women in India. 

Recently, there was an article in The Lancet about how circumcision reduces mens susceptibility to HIV.  Granted, it wouldn't be an issue if you are monogamous, or if you are remaining pure until marriage.  But I posted about it on my blog a few weeks ago:


I think though that this would be a good question for Chaim. 

Lisa, both studies are moot if the man is monogamous (to steal Tony's favorite PC buzzword) and has never picked up an STD. Cervical/penile cancer is caused by the human papilloma virus (which also causes genital warts), not an uncut or unclean penis. The reason why circumcision cuts cancer risk in this case is because an HPV-positive penis is obviously shedding virus, and in an uncut foreskin a very effective trap or bowl is formed which retains large amounts of it.

Completely moot point if the dude hasn't been stickin' his swizzle stick where it don't belong.  ;)
Title: Re: Circumcision
Post by: MasterWolf1 on March 23, 2007, 01:04:41 AM
I was snipped at 2 days old it is not only healthier but keeps you clean.  There has been a very on going debate about this issue but medically boys that grow up to be men tend to have their status much healthier being circumsized
Title: Re: Circumcision
Post by: Fruit of thy loins on March 23, 2007, 03:10:03 PM
I think though that this would be a good question for Chaim. 

Will you ask him?

The foreskin was introduced to man after the Fall in the Garden of Eden.  In truth there is nothing more glorious than the sight of an uncovered phallus.
Title: Re: Circumcision
Post by: Fruit of thy loins on March 23, 2007, 03:11:11 PM
FOTL the problem is all in your head  ;)
You know the one on your shoulders.  ;D
If what your writing in your posts are your true feelings- and I'm not sure they are - you need some serious counseling.
Forget surgery.  You would be working on the wrong end of your anatomy.  Think the brain.
Yet  - finally you have found a different cause for your problems with women - maybe this is progress!

I saw a black woman today and I really wanted her.  I noticed the jealousy in the white women too.   :)
Title: Re: Circumcision
Post by: jdl4ever on March 23, 2007, 03:13:39 PM
I think though that this would be a good question for Chaim. 

Will you ask him?

The foreskin was introduced to man after the Fall in the Garden of Eden.  In truth there is nothing more glorious than the sight of an uncovered phallus.

You crack me up, FOTL  ;D
Title: Re: Circumcision
Post by: Mishmaat on March 23, 2007, 06:11:37 PM
Fruit, why oh why do you post such drivel?

Yephora was right about you. This whole thread is disgusting.
Title: Re: Circumcision
Post by: cjd on March 23, 2007, 06:59:33 PM
Fruit, why oh why do you post such drivel?

Yephora was right about you. This whole thread is disgusting.
Yirmiyahu, I think it was threads like this that caused Yephora to leave the forum . I can't believe how much activity this thread has created. At first it was comical and slightly amusing however now I think its going to far. 
Title: Re: Circumcision
Post by: Fruit of thy loins on March 23, 2007, 07:16:18 PM
I won't remove his thread myself but if Yacov Menashe reads this I would like to say feel free to remove it if you think it better for the forum to be without it. I'm not deleting any more of my posts.
Title: Re: Circumcision
Post by: cjd on March 23, 2007, 07:38:35 PM
I won't remove his thread myself but if Yacov Menashe reads this I would like to say feel free to remove it if you think it better for the forum to be without it. I'm not deleting any more of my posts.
Fruit please don't feel I am picking on you and by all means don't delete your posts. I enjoy most of the stuff you post and it livens up the place a bit however I just thought this thread was getting long in the tooth. I am sure if Yacov thought it was bad he would have locked the thread down by now. We have a great forum here and I just want to see it get bigger and better.
Title: Re: Circumcision
Post by: Sarah on March 23, 2007, 07:42:04 PM
Circumcision comes under religious commandments. So it does have a link with Jtf, if JTF promotes jewish and torah way of life.
Title: Re: Circumcision
Post by: cjd on March 23, 2007, 07:53:57 PM
Circumcision comes under religious commandments. So it does have a link with Jtf, if JTF promotes jewish and torah way of life.
What you say is true to some degree however this thread and most of the comments posted had little to do with a Torah way of life.
Title: Re: Circumcision
Post by: Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks on March 23, 2007, 08:21:52 PM
Gentiles are not under Mosaic law. Thus, it is irrelevant to FOTL.
Title: Re: Circumcision
Post by: MassuhDGoodName on March 24, 2007, 01:53:30 AM
Fruit says:  "...I saw a black woman today and I really wanted her.  I noticed the jealousy in the white women too..."

Want to really make the white women jealous?

Walk right up to the black woman, and say "girl.....yeah, you....girl!....come here a minute!.....I've got some clogged plumbing back at my place...it's not difficult work...you can make a good afternoon's pay!..."
But!....don't talk to her face!.....just stare down at her bo-zooms while you're talking.....kind of let your tongue hang out of your mouth like a dog on a hot day....drool....and then...

start gyrating your lower regions....roll your eyes around and around!...then, reach into your hip pocket, and pull out the lowest denominator piece of paper money you have!....start waving it in her face, as if it's more money than she'll ever see in her entire life!...all the while the look on your face becoming more and more salacious!...

Then, you'll see!....the white womens will be fighting each other to get at you first!
Title: Re: Circumcision
Post by: Christian Zionist on March 24, 2007, 12:33:17 PM
This wacko thread must be removed.  This is a religious forum and dedicated to save Israel and America.  Posts like this deviate others from the cause.

I agree with Yirmiahu an UntiShiloahComes. Yephora was disappointed because the moderators tolerated FOTL's craziness. FOTL's obsession with blonds and writings with sexual connotation must be dealt with.
Title: Re: Circumcision
Post by: Sarah on March 24, 2007, 05:09:03 PM
Asking whether or not circumcision is considered purer, is hardly sexual connotations.
Title: Re: Circumcision
Post by: Fruit of thy loins on April 01, 2007, 08:22:41 PM
'In the Hereafter Abraham will sit at the entrance of Gehinnom and will not allow any circumcised Israelite ot descend into it.  As for those who sinned unduly, what does he do to them?  He removes the foreskin from children who had died before circumcision, places it upon them and sends them down to Gehinnom.'

'Israelites who are circumcised will not descend to Gehinnom.  So that heretics and the sinners in Israel shall not say, "Inasmuch as we are circumcised we will not go down to Gehinnom," what does the Holy One, blessed be He, do?  He sends an angel who extends the foreskin and they descend to Gehinnom.'

'they who are sentenced for a time in Gehinnom ... Abraham our father comes and takes them out and receives them, with the exception of an Israelite who had intercourse with a gentile woman or disguised his circumcision for the purpose of concealing his identity'

From the Gemara and Midrash.
Title: Re: Circumcision
Post by: mord on April 01, 2007, 08:27:45 PM
Fruit i doubt G-D will send you to Gehenim