Death to the evil murderer!
This is a travesty of justice. Insane, all Islamists are insane... They should die for their sin...
Death to the evil murderer!
This is a travesty of justice. Insane, all Islamists are insane... They should die for their sin...
Muman, it is insane beyond words. The Canadians are sending a messgae out loud and clear: If you commit a barbaric murder we will let you go free because we say you didn't know what you were doing. Now other Canadians will get ideas and then plea insane to get off scott free.
Was this Monster a Moslem?
Shalom - Dox
Death to the evil murderer!
This is a travesty of justice. Insane, all Islamists are insane... They should die for their sin...
Muman, it is insane beyond words. The Canadians are sending a messgae out loud and clear: If you commit a barbaric murder we will let you go free because we say you didn't know what you were doing. Now other Canadians will get ideas and then plea insane to get off scott free.
Was this Monster a Moslem?
Shalom - Dox
Death to the evil murderer!
This is a travesty of justice. Insane, all Islamists are insane... They should die for their sin...
Muman, it is insane beyond words. The Canadians are sending a messgae out loud and clear: If you commit a barbaric murder we will let you go free because we say you didn't know what you were doing. Now other Canadians will get ideas and then plea insane to get off scott free.
Was this Monster a Moslem?
Shalom - Dox
Our justice system has been pussified by the bleeding hearts. If you are handicapped, retarded, or underage, you can commit all the crimes you want and not suffer the consequences. This is the result of an unarmed society and a deballed population.
And I have a strong feeling that he is a muslim. Who else other than allah tells people to commit cold-blooded murder?
I heard about this on the news this morning. What a disgrace! We've devalued life to the point where the most gruesome murder is punishable by a comfortable and temporary hospital stay. This is an unspeakable injustice. And America is next!