General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: Xoce on March 20, 2009, 05:34:45 AM
How late is it in your time-zone?
6:20 am
Oh, I hope you didn't have to work today. :o
Oh, I hope you didn't have to work today. :o
No work but I do have stuff to do. I almost don't care anymore. :'(
It's probably not a good idea to read emails from years ago when you should be sleeping. But that is what I'm doing.
Do you or a family member have a history of insomnia?
Do you or a family member have a history of insomnia?
My father can't sleep. My mother can sleep any time, and sleeps for 9 hours. :laugh:
I feel for you more than you can ever imagine.
I have been dealing with insomnia for quite some time.
It is so hard to deal with.
There are different remedies to try and help this condition, from prescription pharmaceuticals, natural herbal remedies, relaxing techniques, warm tea, and I could probably go on and on with different remedies that I have tried.
My case of insomnia is the result of an accident I had.
And I still have not found the magic remedy to ease me into peaceful sleep.
I know it is very difficult to deal with, but if you do find something that woks for you, stick with it.
Good luck in your quest for a restful night.
Know that you are not alone.
I hear you. If you find something that works for you, please let me know.
Try working out every evening, if you exhaust yourself you'll pass out and sleep soundly, and you'll get a ripped body as a bonus. ;D
I feel for you more than you can ever imagine.
I have been dealing with insomnia for quite some time.
It is so hard to deal with.
There are different remedies to try and help this condition, from prescription pharmaceuticals, natural herbal remedies, relaxing techniques, warm tea, and I could probably go on and on with different remedies that I have tried.
My case of insomnia is the result of an accident I had.
And I still have not found the magic remedy to ease me into peaceful sleep.
I know it is very difficult to deal with, but if you do find something that woks for you, stick with it.
Good luck in your quest for a restful night.
Know that you are not alone.
Thank you. I am sorry to hear about your accident. I don't know why I can't/don't want to sleep. I'll let you know what works for me.
Try working out every evening, if you exhaust yourself you'll pass out and sleep soundly, and you'll get a ripped body as a bonus. ;D
I just did some sit ups! And cleaned my room, is that exercise? :)
I know where you're coming from. It's 3:15 AM here and I'm wide awake. The worst is spening 8 hours in bed and getting 20 minutes of sleep.
I know where you're coming from. It's 3:15 AM here and I'm wide awake. The worst is spening 8 hours in bed and getting 20 minutes of sleep.
haha, yeah. It's after 6 here. I start to wonder if I should just stay up, I don't know. I blame it on electricity :) If I were sitting here only with candles, I doubt I'd still be awake.
We should start an insomniac club here at JTF 8)
And I still have not found the magic remedy to ease me into peaceful sleep.
Maybe you should try yoga or tai chi.
I went to bed way too early tonight... I woke up at 2:30AM and its 4:20 now.... Cant get back to sleep. Just played about 2 hours of a video game and I still am not tired.
I know where you're coming from. It's 3:15 AM here and I'm wide awake. The worst is spening 8 hours in bed and getting 20 minutes of sleep.
haha, yeah. It's after 6 here. I start to wonder if I should just stay up, I don't know. I blame it on electricity :) If I were sitting here only with candles, I doubt I'd still be awake.
We should start an insomniac club here at JTF 8)
wow. You put my insomnia to shame!
That would be fun!
I do that a lot Muman. I fall asleep and then wake up and cannot fall back asleep.