Save Western Civilization => Save Serbia => Topic started by: george_jtf on April 01, 2009, 01:45:24 PM

Title: Croatia and Albania now full members of NATO
Post by: george_jtf on April 01, 2009, 01:45:24 PM
Starting today, Croatia and Albania are members of NATO. Apparently, in order to become a member of this Nazi organization, it is necessary to prove that you believe in Fascism and must be willing to kill whole lot of innocent people....
The one that I especially find strange is the Albania because their military is older than pre-WWI militaries of the west....lol. Don't believe it, do a youtube search for "Serbian vs Albanian Military", you will be laughing a lot. Obviously, the only real reason these two fascist nations have become members of NATO is because of their coastline... Now it's time for Serbia, Russia, former USSR nations, China & India start a new alliance similiar to NATO. Why? Because there has to be some balance.
Title: Re: Croatia and Albania now full members of NATO
Post by: 4International on April 01, 2009, 03:47:14 PM

Why am I not surprised to see this happening? Albania and Croatia are two EVIL Nazi states run by people who deny whilst simultaneously praise the Holocaust [all the while fooling stupid, ignorant liberal Jews in America that they "saved Jews from Hitler"].

NATO is the criminal Nazi organization that funds [i.e. owns] the so-called ICTY [International Criminal Tribunal For The Former Yugoslavia] Kangaroo Court in the Hague, Netherlands - the modern day Spanish Inquisition that persecutes Serbian patriots who only wanted to defend the Serbian people from suffering another Holocaust.

As brother Chaim recently said: the Heroic Serbs said NEVER AGAIN!! in 1991 and they meant it!!

G-d Bless them!!! G-d bless them!!

Title: Re: Croatia and Albania now full members of NATO
Post by: White Israelite on April 01, 2009, 03:51:41 PM
While Serbia is better equipped, it's foolish to say Albanian army is underequipped, they are not completely outdated.

Title: Re: Croatia and Albania now full members of NATO
Post by: White Israelite on April 01, 2009, 04:27:03 PM
This is rather disturbing, the IDF is actually training the new Albanian military


Note the fatigues and patches.
Title: Re: Croatia and Albania now full members of NATO
Post by: Kerber on April 01, 2009, 06:58:23 PM
G-d is on our side.G-d is an absolute majority in the universe,so the majority is on our side.

But,if we manage to reconnect with the absolute majority again(by accepting His Word and rejecting EU-Babylonian integrations,rejecting "Coca-Cola culture" pagan way of life),we would have no fear of NATO nor their satanized servants.
Title: Re: Croatia and Albania now full members of NATO
Post by: ProudAndZionist on April 05, 2009, 01:43:08 PM
Serbs saved many Jews during the World war 2.
Serbs were alliance of USA in the both wars. WHY DOES USA SUPPORT THE MUSLIM AND CROATO-FASCIST STATES???
Title: Re: Croatia and Albania now full members of NATO
Post by: Nik_Srb on April 05, 2009, 04:35:12 PM
white isrealite,if you put a gun near s**t,isn't it still s**t just with a gun next to it?
figure what i ment.
Title: Re: Croatia and Albania now full members of NATO
Post by: ProudAndZionist on April 06, 2009, 08:38:58 AM
Serbia is still stronger than Albania!
Title: Re: Croatia and Albania now full members of NATO
Post by: Dr. Yisrael on April 06, 2009, 01:24:27 PM
Serbia is still stronger than Albania!

Yes, But with NATO backup it's screwed. Maybe Uncle sam loves Muslims, Atleast Mother Russia is supporting Serbia! Also I found it Ironic that most nations that border islamic lands know what Islam is really like.

I.E Armenian Christian Genocide, By muslim turks!
Israel and arab muslim world
Greeks and Turks in Cyprus,
Serbs and Albanians
Indians and Pakistanis
Russia and Chechyna

Ow wait, Did I exspose the religion of peace?
Title: Re: Croatia and Albania now full members of NATO
Post by: proud montenegrian serb on April 06, 2009, 06:45:21 PM
i think that america must do some changes in politics.
but now mother russia is our biggest friend.
i don't like nato,nato never did something good for my dear country serbia and montenegro.
but maybe somedays they will see their mistake for not supporting serbia.

and remember this,mother russia start to rise again :)

and about albanian army? :::D
that is very funny calling muslim terrorists a army :laugh:
Title: Re: Croatia and Albania now full members of NATO
Post by: ProudAndZionist on April 07, 2009, 11:54:18 AM
i think that america must do some changes in politics.
but now mother russia is our biggest friend.
i don't like nato,nato never did something good for my dear country serbia and montenegro.
but maybe somedays they will see their mistake for not supporting serbia.

and remember this,mother russia start to rise again :)

and about albanian army? :::D
that is very funny calling muslim terrorists a army :laugh:

They don't have air force.  :laugh:
Title: Re: Croatia and Albania now full members of NATO
Post by: Lamed on April 08, 2009, 08:15:41 AM
G-d is on our side.G-d is an absolute majority in the universe,so the majority is on our side.

But,if we manage to reconnect with the absolute majority again(by accepting His Word and rejecting EU-Babylonian integrations,rejecting "Coca-Cola culture" pagan way of life),we would have no fear of NATO nor their satanized servants.


I agree
Title: Re: Croatia and Albania now full members of NATO
Post by: ProudAndZionist on April 10, 2009, 03:59:51 PM
In the medieval only 2 nations fought against the bastard muslims when the Turks attacked Europe the:
and Hungarians...Albanians were the first janissary troop, is it right? I am very disappointed in the Albanians...but I have a great anti-muslim and Serbia supporter Ortodox Christian Albanian friend, and he is my true friend.  :dance:
Title: Re: Croatia and Albania now full members of NATO
Post by: ProudAndZionist on April 10, 2009, 04:00:32 PM
In the medieval age only two nations fought against the bastard muslims when the Turks attacked Europe the:
and Hungarians...Albanians were the first janissary troops, is it right? I am very disappointed in the Albanians...but I have a great anti-muslim and Serbia supporter Ortodox Christian Albanian friend, and he is my true friend.  :dance:
Title: Re: Croatia and Albania now full members of NATO
Post by: syyuge on April 21, 2009, 03:29:06 PM
Croatia and Albania now full members of NATO >> Now is the time for Nato to get doomed.