General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: MasterWolf1 on April 01, 2009, 10:39:48 PM
Oh yea she is the IPOD type can't you tell? What is she going to do with it, bump fist with rap noise?
It gets worse. The I-Pod is filled with Obama's speeches.
Atleast you can delete them.
She won't be able to recharge the battery, British electric outlets are incompatible with American electronics.
Obama is such a tool.
How....thoughtful (sarcasm) :::D
What a schmuck.
Politicians are by nature egomaniacs, but in the aftermath of the gifts to the British PM (a bunch of DVDs, and the PM is not a movie buff and is reportedly going blind) plus the return of the Churchill bust, this is indeed remarkable. To me, it suggests that Obama considers his speeches to have some kind of hypnotic ability. That may be no big delusion for (say) a salesman, but I don't think that the bad guys in this world, Muslim and non-Muslim, are that weak-minded.
As Hitler said after negotiating with Neville Chamberlain over the partitioning of Czechoslovakia: "I've seen our enemies, and they're little worms."
Yeah Man, and apparently the DVD's didn't work in England either, and that there Queen already has an Ipod which is the same courtesy of her grandsons (she knows who they are), but, never mind, perhaps your President can smuggle her in some Dope to make up for it, or present her with a bust of himself to show how cool he is compared to that Churchill dude.
Yeah Man, and apparently the DVD's didn't work in England either, and that there Queen already has an Ipod which is the same courtesy of her grandsons (she knows who they are), but, never mind, perhaps your President can smuggle her in some Dope to make up for it, or present her with a bust of himself to show how cool he is compared to that Churchill dude.
very plausible scenario with this utter disgrace. he gave the Japanese Prime Minister a a basketball jersey with 'obama 44' on it.
If Bush did something like this the godless liberal media would never stop screaming about it. I'd rather the world think Americans are a bunch of cowboys than a bunch of negro trash.
I would have figured a blackberry. Time to buy apple stock
Obama has no class, no shame, and no manners!
I put the USURPER Ipod situation on my BLOG. My hits are HUGE since the Village Voice.
When will the idiocy of this imbecile President end?
No class, no tact, not worldly, not gracious, con not even give a speech sans teleprompters, and inept to boot; what a winner of a President.
I want to know if the novelty of Obama being the first black President has worn thin yet on the people of Europe? Or do they still find him so utterly fascinating?
Next year as a state gift, Obama will be giving the Queen a Nintendo Wii with a Mario Kart game disk.
Obama is embarrassing America with his complete incompetence in foreign affairs.
Obam also brought something like $ 250 b cash to spare for the IMF. Maybe he is just going to lend a few dollar printers to Argentina and some other fiscally responsible countries.
Next year he can give the Japanese PM Guitar hero.. I mean this is so Ghetto, does he really think she can't afford an IPod if she wanted one?
Affirmative Action President.
I am trying to restrict my postings to when I have something positive to say, but I just had to chime in with that one.
Are all politicians just actors?
Contrast with the unbelievable reverence he shows the 'King' of Saudi Arabia.
He will give the Pope the Vince Shamwow and the Canadian PM a Chia pet.