General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: HiWarp on April 08, 2009, 11:41:14 AM

Title: If you could go back in time...
Post by: HiWarp on April 08, 2009, 11:41:14 AM
This is a purely hypothetical question but I think it's interesting to know what everyone would say.  Knowing what you know about history, if you could go back in time and rid the world of one individual, who would it be?
Title: Re: If you could go back in time...
Post by: AsheDina on April 08, 2009, 11:47:17 AM
   I would DO ANYTHING I could right now to save Jews and GOOD righteous Christians from the slaughterhouse I feel is coming.


Title: Re: If you could go back in time...
Post by: SW on April 08, 2009, 11:49:26 AM
I think everyone has this desire. There are a lot things I would change. For examble I would do more with my grandparents (they are dead, I only have one grandma). I would ask them more questions. Talk to them and I would help them in everything! There are also small things I would change in my life. I would begin earlier to support Israel. (My support started ca. 1 year ago). I would warn all people about terror attacks (9/11, Madrid, London, Israel,...). I would safe as many people as I can. There are a lot things. But there are also things I wouldn't change.

May not everything I have done was right! But I know God will forgive my sin. And he already guide me the right way! The Jewish way!
Title: Re: If you could go back in time...
Post by: New Yorker on April 08, 2009, 01:19:41 PM

I'd go back in time and rid the world of Mohamed before he had the chance to create the cancer that is Islam. What a mitzvah that would be! It would save hundreds of millions of people from slaughter and lives of misery for a thousand years! And the world would now be populated by only Christians, Jews, Buddhists and Hindus, what a wonderful world it would be!
Title: Re: If you could go back in time...
Post by: muman613 on April 08, 2009, 01:35:34 PM
Tonight I am going to be in Mitzrayim on the night of Exodus. It is a tradition our Torah has commanded all Jews to do tonight. Passover is an awesome time!

Title: Re: If you could go back in time...
Post by: syyuge on April 08, 2009, 02:55:42 PM
I would have gone to any place at any time for any righteous cause, but I think that all things were already locked and not even an iota of the things could have been changed without the will of Hashem.

So I never tried even hypothetically, except for the brain waves~~~~~~~~  ;D
Title: Re: If you could go back in time...
Post by: Dr. Yisrael on April 08, 2009, 02:56:57 PM

And mohammid.

And I would also set up a jewish state, I dunno how, But who cares I can travel in time :-)

(The reason why I would set up a jewish state is because without the holocaust, there would be no israel, in case it didn't occur to anyone straight away.)
Title: Re: If you could go back in time...
Post by: New Yorker on April 08, 2009, 03:12:12 PM

And mohammid.

And I would also set up a jewish state, I dunno how, But who cares I can travel in time :-)

(The reason why I would set up a jewish state is because without the holocaust, there would be no israel, in case it didn't occur to anyone straight away.)

You're only allowed one, how about this, I'll get Mo, you get Hitler! Deal?  ;D
Title: Re: If you could go back in time...
Post by: Rubystars on April 08, 2009, 04:52:08 PM
Just one person? Hitler and Mohammed would be at the top of my list for erasing from history too. I'd also do my best to encourage a certain Ann Dunham to take birth control.
Title: Re: If you could go back in time...
Post by: Sentinel For Truth on April 08, 2009, 04:56:26 PM
Mohammed was the human embodiment of the worst evil in the world.  His existence was responsible for the most sadistic death cult ever known, which he justified by attributing the worst behavior humans are capable of as divine will, and in so doing stole every aspect of its "religion" from Judiasm and Christianity.  He caused the destruction of the entire multicultural Arabian peninsula which, since he put it under the death cult of Islam, has never known freedom of any kind.  His followers destroyed the Zoroastrians of Persia, the Byzantine empire, ruined the Copt Christians of Egypt and to this day seeks to destroy and enslave in humiliating dhimmitude all non-muslims everywhere in the world.  He was the inspiration for Hitler and the grand mufti of Jerusalem and ultimately the final solution.  Mohammed is the single most vile human who ever walked the planet who should be eliminated if a time machine was ever built to be used once.
Title: Re: If you could go back in time...
Post by: eb22 on April 08, 2009, 04:59:01 PM
One other choice to consider is FDR.     
Title: Re: If you could go back in time...
Post by: IsraelForever on April 09, 2009, 10:58:44 PM
My first thought was, of course, Hitler.  But then, after I read everyone else's answer, I had another idea.  And that idea was to get at the root, and not the limb.  So I'm going to propose another person.  If you could kill the following person, do you think that, perhaps, we might eradicate (by removing this person from history) a root cause of antisemitism?  I would have killed Jesus.  No Jesus = no Christianity.  Does this have any merit?
Title: Re: If you could go back in time...
Post by: Rubystars on April 09, 2009, 11:09:11 PM
My first thought was, of course, Hitler.  But then, after I read everyone else's answer, I had another idea.  And that idea was to get at the root, and not the limb.  So I'm going to propose another person.  If you could kill the following person, do you think that, perhaps, we might eradicate (by removing this person from history) a root cause of antisemitism?  I would have killed Jesus.  No Jesus = no Christianity.  Does this have any merit?

Considering that the Romans have been there and done that, I don't think it worked the way you thought.
Title: Re: If you could go back in time...
Post by: IsraelForever on April 09, 2009, 11:13:41 PM
Quote from: Rubystars
Considering that the Romans have been there and done that, I don't think it worked the way you thought.

Let me be clearer:  I meant that I would go back in history and kill Jesus before he became the famous Jesus.  I would have killed him when he was 5 years old before he got started.  The Romans did it too late.

The discussion I was hoping for was this:  How much better would it have been for the Jews if Jesus had been killed as a child?
Title: Re: If you could go back in time...
Post by: zachor_ve_kavod on April 09, 2009, 11:15:18 PM
Tough question, because it assumes that if a certain person were eliminated there wouldn't be someone who could have taken his place.  Here is a short list of candidates:

1.  Hitler (ym"sh)

2.  Arafat (ym"sh)

3.  Mohamed (ym"sh)

4.  El Sayyid Nosair (ym"sh)

5.  Ishmael

6.  Marx

7.  Ahmedinejad (ym"sh)

Besides these animals, there are hundreds of other evil people I can think of who aren't quite in the same league as these people, but who undoubtedly made the world a worse place.
Title: Re: If you could go back in time...
Post by: Americanhero1 on April 09, 2009, 11:15:31 PM
My first thought was, of course, Hitler.  But then, after I read everyone else's answer, I had another idea.  And that idea was to get at the root, and not the limb.  So I'm going to propose another person.  If you could kill the following person, do you think that, perhaps, we might eradicate (by removing this person from history) a root cause of antisemitism?  I would have killed Jesus.  No Jesus = no Christianity.  Does this have any merit?

Of course Jesus and Christians are a much bigger problems to the Jewish people now then the Muslims are
Title: Re: If you could go back in time...
Post by: Rubystars on April 09, 2009, 11:17:07 PM
Quote from: Rubystars
Considering that the Romans have been there and done that, I don't think it worked the way you thought.

Let me be clearer:  I meant that I would go back in history and kill Jesus before he became the famous Jesus.  I would have killed him when he was 5 years old before he got started.  The Romans did it too late.

The discussion I was hoping for was this:  How much better would it have been for the Jews if Jesus had been killed as a child?

I don't think it would have improved things that much. I doubt that the various pagan beliefs of Europe would have been much kinder to Jews. Also there were plenty of anti-Semites around in pre-Christian times so without Christians I'm sure that there would have been plenty of anti-Semites around no matter what. They would have just followed something else.
Title: Re: If you could go back in time...
Post by: zachor_ve_kavod on April 09, 2009, 11:19:20 PM
Quote from: Rubystars
Considering that the Romans have been there and done that, I don't think it worked the way you thought.

Let me be clearer:  I meant that I would go back in history and kill Jesus before he became the famous Jesus.  I would have killed him when he was 5 years old before he got started.  The Romans did it too late.

The discussion I was hoping for was this:  How much better would it have been for the Jews if Jesus had been killed as a child?

I don't think it would have improved things that much. I doubt that the various pagan beliefs of Europe would have been much kinder to Jews. Also there were plenty of anti-Semites around in pre-Christian times so without Christians I'm sure that there would have been plenty of anti-Semites around no matter what. They would have just followed something else.

Yeah, I agree with that.  Christianity on balance has improved the world.  There's no comparison between Christianity and Islam.
Title: Re: If you could go back in time...
Post by: IsraelForever on April 09, 2009, 11:19:35 PM
Quote from: Americanhero
Of course Jesus and Christians are a much bigger problems to the Jewish people now then the Muslims are
They aren't now.  But what about through all of history?  In other words, throughout history, would you say that Jews had more to fear from Christians or Muslims?
Title: Re: If you could go back in time...
Post by: IsraelForever on April 09, 2009, 11:28:08 PM
"Although Christian antisemitism is considered to have started around the 12th century, its roots are attributed by some scholars to anti-Jewish attitudes and polemic beginning with Early Christianity.

Christian anti-Judaic attitudes started to develop even before the end of the first century and even though there is evidence of continued Jewish-Christian interaction, including Christian participation in Sabbath worship. Anti-Judaic attitudes developed from early years of Christianity and persisted over the centuries, driven by numerous factors including theological differences, the Christian drive for converts,[ misunderstanding of Jewish beliefs and practices, and alleged Jewish hostility toward Christians.

These attitudes persisted in Christian preaching, art and popular teaching for centuries. In certain countries it often led to civil and political discrimination against Jews and in some instances to physical attacks on Jews which resulted in their expulsions and even death.

From time to time, anti-Jewish sentiments within European society were exploited for internal political purposes and sometimes to extract a financial advantage from Jewish subjects. Such sentiments made the expansion of anti-Jewish measures politically acceptable. Christian antisemitism ultimately played a dramatic role in the Nazi Third Reich, World War II and the Holocaust. The dissident Catholic priest Hans Küng has written that "Nazi anti-Judaism was the work of godless, anti-Christian criminals. But it would not have been possible without the almost two thousand years' pre-history of 'Christian' anti-Judaism."
Title: Re: If you could go back in time...
Post by: nessuno on April 09, 2009, 11:40:02 PM
Quote from: Rubystars
Considering that the Romans have been there and done that, I don't think it worked the way you thought.

Let me be clearer:  I meant that I would go back in history and kill Jesus before he became the famous Jesus.  I would have killed him when he was 5 years old before he got started.  The Romans did it too late.

The discussion I was hoping for was this:  How much better would it have been for the Jews if Jesus had been killed as a child?
What?  You would kill Jesus before he became the famous Jesus!  :::D

Title: Re: If you could go back in time...
Post by: t_h_j on April 10, 2009, 12:00:04 AM
Tough question, because it assumes that if a certain person were eliminated there wouldn't be someone who could have taken his place.  Here is a short list of candidates:

1.  Hitler (ym"sh)

2.  Arafat (ym"sh)

3.  Mohamed (ym"sh)

4.  El Sayyid Nosair (ym"sh)

5.  Ishmael

6.  Marx

7.  Ahmedinejad (ym"sh)

Besides these animals, there are hundreds of other evil people I can think of who aren't quite in the same league as these people, but who undoubtedly made the world a worse place.

wasn't G-d protecting Ishmael?
Title: Re: If you could go back in time...
Post by: ~Hanna~ on April 10, 2009, 01:02:18 AM
"Although Christian antisemitism is considered to have started around the 12th century, its roots are attributed by some scholars to anti-Jewish attitudes and polemic beginning with Early Christianity.

Christian anti-Judaic attitudes started to develop even before the end of the first century and even though there is evidence of continued Jewish-Christian interaction, including Christian participation in Sabbath worship. Anti-Judaic attitudes developed from early years of Christianity and persisted over the centuries, driven by numerous factors including theological differences, the Christian drive for converts,[ misunderstanding of Jewish beliefs and practices, and alleged Jewish hostility toward Christians.

These attitudes persisted in Christian preaching, art and popular teaching for centuries. In certain countries it often led to civil and political discrimination against Jews and in some instances to physical attacks on Jews which resulted in their expulsions and even death.

From time to time, anti-Jewish sentiments within European society were exploited for internal political purposes and sometimes to extract a financial advantage from Jewish subjects. Such sentiments made the expansion of anti-Jewish measures politically acceptable. Christian antisemitism ultimately played a dramatic role in the Nazi Third Reich, World War II and the Holocaust. The dissident Catholic priest Hans Küng has written that "Nazi anti-Judaism was the work of godless, anti-Christian criminals. But it would not have been possible without the almost two thousand years' pre-history of 'Christian' anti-Judaism."

If it makes you feel any better, some of the WORST persecution I have ever had came from "Christians".... :::D

Usually, its the people who say they aren't Christians, that have treated me better over the years.

I guess what I am saying is sometimes we can't even treat each other the right way, how can we treat anyone else ok too?

I try, although I am not perfect.  :::D

Oh, I've got a long ways to go.......before then.... :laugh:

 Just about every group of people have done other groups of people the wrong way, all throughout history....I bet we all could find something our particular group of people have done to hurt others over the years of history.

I apologize for my lack of proper grammer...it's late here...
Title: Re: If you could go back in time...
Post by: IsraelForever on April 10, 2009, 01:24:11 AM
I didn't intend even to infer that all Christians are bad or that [certainly] all Christians are anti-semetic.  I was simply trying to start a discussion around imagining how different the world would have been [if at all] if Jesus had been killed as a child.  My inference is that, perhaps, there would have been no Christianity, and that the absence of said religion might have kept more Jews alive through the ages.  But if you doubt that Christianity hasn't caused, in the past, enormous misery for Jews, then I must be in some alternate universe.
Title: Re: If you could go back in time...
Post by: ~Hanna~ on April 10, 2009, 01:54:24 AM
I didn't intend even to infer that all Christians are bad or that [certainly] all Christians are anti-semetic.  I was simply trying to start a discussion around imagining how different the world would have been [if at all] if Jesus had been killed as a child.  My inference is that, perhaps, there would have been no Christianity, and that the absence of said religion might have kept more Jews alive through the ages.  But if you doubt that Christianity hasn't caused, in the past, enormous misery for Jews, then I must be in some alternate universe.

I never said I never doubted it, I was trying to relate, in a way...

On a side noting I was merely stating that many people groups have mistreated other people groups badly throughout history.

Hitler called himself a Christian, but he was about as far away from being a Christian as one could ever get...he THOUGHT he was but he was NOT.

Title: Re: If you could go back in time...
Post by: Ulli on April 10, 2009, 02:50:45 AM
I didn't intend even to infer that all Christians are bad or that [certainly] all Christians are anti-semetic.  I was simply trying to start a discussion around imagining how different the world would have been [if at all] if Jesus had been killed as a child.  My inference is that, perhaps, there would have been no Christianity, and that the absence of said religion might have kept more Jews alive through the ages.  But if you doubt that Christianity hasn't caused, in the past, enormous misery for Jews, then I must be in some alternate universe.

It is the nature of the world to hate the Jews. Nearly everybody I talk with says things like: Oh the poor "Palestianians" look what Israel is doing. Althrough I highly doubt, that they are unaware about the nature of the Muslim Arab. Because if you would ask the same people if they want to have a "palestinian" neighbor, they would answer: Of cause not! They will make life miserable. Only a short example ...

It was before Jesus was born this way and it will remain. Do you really think the followers of the Germanic, Roman, Babylonian, Egyptian and Assyrian cults would have loved the Jews and would have left them alone?

You are really in some alternate universe.
Title: Re: If you could go back in time...
Post by: SavetheWest on April 10, 2009, 03:32:37 AM
I didn't intend even to infer that all Christians are bad or that [certainly] all Christians are anti-semetic.  I was simply trying to start a discussion around imagining how different the world would have been [if at all] if Jesus had been killed as a child.  My inference is that, perhaps, there would have been no Christianity, and that the absence of said religion might have kept more Jews alive through the ages.  But if you doubt that Christianity hasn't caused, in the past, enormous misery for Jews, then I must be in some alternate universe.

It is the nature of the world to hate the Jews. Nearly everybody I talk with says things like: Oh the poor "Palestianians" look what Israel is doing. Althrough I highly doubt, that they are unaware about the nature of the Muslim Arab. Because if you would ask the same people if they want to have a "palestinian" neighbor, they would answer: Of cause not! They will make life miserable. Only a short example ...

It was before Jesus was born this way and it will remain. Do you really think the followers of the Germanic, Roman, Babylonian, Egyptian and Assyrian cults would have loved the Jews and would have left them alone?

You are really in some alternate universe.

Completely agree.  Jesus never told anyone to kill or hurt any Jew.  I don't think the people in the Church who took bribes and had sex parties were great examples of Jesuses words as were the people who blamed the Jews for killing Jesus. Jews had plenty of persecuters throughout history way before Jesus' birth and there were many in history who were Christians and their faith was the main reason they fought anti-semitism. There's no denying history but the people who committed pogroms and anti Jewish massacres were people who had economic or political problems and found a scapegoat in the Jews justified through Christian philosophy that had no basis in Jesuses words. 
Title: Re: If you could go back in time...
Post by: Zelhar on April 10, 2009, 04:14:57 AM
First I have to state my own hypothetical solution to the grandmother paradox- If someone travels to the past and kills his grandmother before she gives birth to his mother, that person creates a shift reality in which he still exists, although his mother doesn't exists in the new reality. Although the person himself remembers that he actually came from a different reality which he altered. Other people may or may not be aware of this, depending on whether or not it is possible to observe a time traveling and reality shifting event. Now the reality that the grandmother slaying time-traveler left, still remains. But in that reality the time traveler simply disappeared at the moment of his departure to the past and reality goes on without him.

To travel back to his original reality the traveler must travel through parallel/alternate realities. Traveling to an alternate universe is not a paradoxical event. If the traveler manages to find his original reality, than basically he changed nothing (of past events) in that reality.

So, according to my view, one can only change his own reality but he can't really change or save people from their original doom. And so, the most logical thing to do is to travel to the future (if possible) gather all the necessary knowledge and technology for immortality, then travel back a million years or more to the past and start over with a small quality group pf people.
Title: Re: If you could go back in time...
Post by: Dr. Yisrael on April 10, 2009, 06:29:53 AM

And mohammid.

And I would also set up a jewish state, I dunno how, But who cares I can travel in time :-)

(The reason why I would set up a jewish state is because without the holocaust, there would be no israel, in case it didn't occur to anyone straight away.)

You're only allowed one, how about this, I'll get Mo, you get Hitler! Deal?  ;D

My Good friend, I accept your deal. It shall be race around the world.... Hitler I'm coming for you  :dance:
Title: Re: If you could go back in time...
Post by: cjd on April 10, 2009, 07:03:57 AM

And mohammid.

And I would also set up a jewish state, I dunno how, But who cares I can travel in time :-)

(The reason why I would set up a jewish state is because without the holocaust, there would be no israel, in case it didn't occur to anyone straight away.)

You're only allowed one, how about this, I'll get Mo, you get Hitler! Deal?  ;D

My Good friend, I accept your deal. It shall be race around the world.... Hitler I'm coming for you  :dance:
No need to race around the world....... The spirit of Hitler is alive and well in Washington....... Its residing in the White House.
Title: Re: If you could go back in time...
Post by: Ithaca-37 on April 10, 2009, 12:34:49 PM
"My first thought was, of course, Hitler.  But then, after I read everyone else's answer, I had another idea.  And that idea was to get at the root, and not the limb.  So I'm going to propose another person.  If you could kill the following person, do you think that, perhaps, we might eradicate (by removing this person from history) a root cause of antisemitism?  I would have killed Jesus.  No Jesus = no Christianity.  Does this have any merit?"

First re: Hitler, and as somebody else noted, Hitler was enamored with Viking mythology, and at most he was a Christian in name only and for the sake of politics.  Frankly, it's insane to believe that a pagan Europe would have been at all sympathetic to Jews.

As for today, Islam is on the march throughout all the world.  Iran is led by a madman whose speeches could have been written by Hitler, and they're months away from a nuclear device.  A Palestinian state is the current fad among liberals on college campuses.  The current occupant of the White House is at least a Muslim sympathizer if not a closet Muslim.

To be fair, some of the greatest apologists for militant Islam are left-wing Jews, whether in Israel, America, or Europe.  In contrast, a fair-minded person would realize that some of the most fervent supporters of Israel today are traditional Christians.  Chaim Ben Pesach himself  acknowledges that the majority of JTF supporters are evangelical Christians.

And despite all this, a longtime poster on this board suggests that all would be well if King Herrod had succeeded 2000 years ago.

This is the first time that I've been embarrassed to be a regular on this board.

Title: Re: If you could go back in time...
Post by: muman613 on April 10, 2009, 12:57:36 PM
This whole topic is ridiculous if you ask me. I do not think we can change events in time.

Regarding going back and killing Jebus I would suggest that it would not accomplish very much. Coming from the Jewish perspective it doesn't matter what the other religions are doing or saying, it matters what the Jews do or say.

Jewish perspective is that every tragedy which has befallen us has somehow been deserved. From the bondage in Egypt, to the first Temple destruction and Babylonian exile, to the second destruction and exile, through to the present. In every case the sages look for failings in our people. I will not blame the other religions as they only act as a pawn in the hand of the L-rd. I have heard it said that the nations of the world are the rod and staff of Hashem, the rod to discipline us, and the staff to support us.

It will not accomplish much to discuss hypothetical situations. I think Pharoah, Ceasar, and Hitler were all instruments of Hashem to teach us that we are Jews, and must act like Jews. This is the mission of the Jewish people. We should work on bringing all Jews together and not continue to divide amongst ourselves.

The sages suggest the reason the second Temple was destroyed was because of baseless hatred. Every Jew hated his neighbor but for dumb reasons. When this occurs to Bnai Yisroel it spells our undoing. We also must try to elevate the nations around us {when possible} so that they can see the light of Torah which Hashem has given the Jewish people.

Title: Re: If you could go back in time...
Post by: Daleksfearme on April 10, 2009, 01:00:03 PM
I don't think that we, as humans, have the ability to see the results of altering the timeline. So even though it might be tempting to alter a terrible event, the end result of that temporal violation could be worse than the event itself.

There is also the muliverse concept to consider. If you were to intervene in an event that is considered to be "fixed" or anchored in your time line, you might cause the formation of one or more new sequence of events to be set in motion without affecting your origanal timeline.
Title: Re: If you could go back in time...
Post by: muman613 on April 10, 2009, 01:21:53 PM
I don't think that we, as humans, have the ability to see the results of altering the timeline. So even though it might be tempting to alter a terrible event, the end result of that temporal violation could be worse than the event itself.

There is also the muliverse concept to consider. If you were to intervene in an event that is considered to be "fixed" or anchored in your time line, you might cause the formation of one or more new sequence of events to be set in motion without affecting your origanal timeline.

Do you think there is a 'timeline' where Jews are not chosen by Hashem to receive Torah?

Title: Re: If you could go back in time...
Post by: syyuge on April 10, 2009, 01:57:57 PM
I don't think that we, as humans, have the ability to see the results of altering the timeline. So even though it might be tempting to alter a terrible event, the end result of that temporal violation could be worse than the event itself.

There is also the muliverse concept to consider. If you were to intervene in an event that is considered to be "fixed" or anchored in your time line, you might cause the formation of one or more new sequence of events to be set in motion without affecting your origanal timeline.

Do you think there is a 'timeline' where Jews are not chosen by Hashem to receive Torah?

Obviously Hashem never allowed that copy of universe or that timeline to exist.
Title: Re: If you could go back in time...
Post by: t_h_j on April 10, 2009, 02:25:47 PM
I don't think that we, as humans, have the ability to see the results of altering the timeline. So even though it might be tempting to alter a terrible event, the end result of that temporal violation could be worse than the event itself.

There is also the muliverse concept to consider. If you were to intervene in an event that is considered to be "fixed" or anchored in your time line, you might cause the formation of one or more new sequence of events to be set in motion without affecting your origanal timeline.

Do you think there is a 'timeline' where Jews are not chosen by Hashem to receive Torah?

Obviously Hashem never allowed that copy of universe or that timeline to exist.

even if it did exist, how would we ever know?
Title: Re: If you could go back in time...
Post by: Daleksfearme on April 10, 2009, 02:30:05 PM
I don't think that we, as humans, have the ability to see the results of altering the timeline. So even though it might be tempting to alter a terrible event, the end result of that temporal violation could be worse than the event itself.

There is also the muliverse concept to consider. If you were to intervene in an event that is considered to be "fixed" or anchored in your time line, you might cause the formation of one or more new sequence of events to be set in motion without affecting your origanal timeline.

Do you think there is a 'timeline' where Jews are not chosen by Hashem to receive Torah?

Obviously Hashem never allowed that copy of universe or that timeline to exist.

even if it did exist, how would we ever know?

We would never know, as for us the Timeline would not change, or if there was a cascade effect and our own Timeline was altered as well we would be reset as well.
Title: Re: If you could go back in time...
Post by: Ulli on April 10, 2009, 02:55:56 PM
I don't think that we, as humans, have the ability to see the results of altering the timeline. So even though it might be tempting to alter a terrible event, the end result of that temporal violation could be worse than the event itself.

There is also the muliverse concept to consider. If you were to intervene in an event that is considered to be "fixed" or anchored in your time line, you might cause the formation of one or more new sequence of events to be set in motion without affecting your origanal timeline.

Do you think there is a 'timeline' where Jews are not chosen by Hashem to receive Torah?

Obviously Hashem never allowed that copy of universe or that timeline to exist.

even if it did exist, how would we ever know?

I can give you one convincing argument among many:

If you look at the history of the Jews, you will see, that it is not    compatible with common sense.

First it is a miracle, that Jews exist today after nearly the whole world has tried to finish them.

Second, when has it ever happened, that people got their homeland back after ca. 2000 years.

Look at the prophecies in the bible. [I know we as Christians and Jews differ on many things] But how many got fullfilled. The bible is written by many people inspired by god. How is it possible, that it is such a congruent work?
Title: Re: If you could go back in time...
Post by: Rubystars on April 10, 2009, 03:13:04 PM
Daleksfearme, I think there are parallel universes but I have a hard time believing that they're slightly altered copies of this one. I think that they would be significantly different each time.
Title: Re: If you could go back in time...
Post by: Dr. Yisrael on April 10, 2009, 03:25:57 PM
"My first thought was, of course, Hitler.  But then, after I read everyone else's answer, I had another idea.  And that idea was to get at the root, and not the limb.  So I'm going to propose another person.  If you could kill the following person, do you think that, perhaps, we might eradicate (by removing this person from history) a root cause of antisemitism?  I would have killed Jesus.  No Jesus = no Christianity.  Does this have any merit?"

First re: Hitler, and as somebody else noted, Hitler was enamored with Viking mythology, and at most he was a Christian in name only and for the sake of politics.  Frankly, it's insane to believe that a pagan Europe would have been at all sympathetic to Jews.

As for today, Islam is on the march throughout all the world.  Iran is led by a madman whose speeches could have been written by Hitler, and they're months away from a nuclear device.  A Palestinian state is the current fad among liberals on college campuses.  The current occupant of the White House is at least a Muslim sympathizer if not a closet Muslim.

To be fair, some of the greatest apologists for militant Islam are left-wing Jews, whether in Israel, America, or Europe.  In contrast, a fair-minded person would realize that some of the most fervent supporters of Israel today are traditional Christians.  Chaim Ben Pesach himself  acknowledges that the majority of JTF supporters are evangelical Christians.

And despite all this, a longtime poster on this board suggests that all would be well if King Herrod had succeeded 2000 years ago.

This is the first time that I've been embarrassed to be a regular on this board.


Pompus and the jews killed him already... your 200 years late on that one. Also Christianerty is based on his resurrection.
Title: Re: If you could go back in time...
Post by: TruthSpreader on April 10, 2009, 03:46:00 PM
Go back to the 7th century and kill Muhammed before he created Islam.
Title: Re: If you could go back in time...
Post by: Rubystars on April 10, 2009, 04:03:25 PM
I might want to kill Nero. That was one mean guy.


Nero ruled from 54 to 68, focusing much of his attention on diplomacy, trade, and increasing the cultural capital of the empire. He ordered the building of theatres and promoted athletic games. His reign included a successful war and negotiated peace with the Parthian Empire (58–63), the suppression of the British revolt (60–61) and improving relations with Greece. The First Roman-Jewish War (66-70) started during his reign. In 68 a military coup drove Nero from the throne. Facing execution, he committed suicide on 9 June 68.[2]

Nero's rule is often associated with tyranny and extravagance.[3] He is known for a number of executions, including those of his mother[4] and adoptive brother, as the emperor who "fiddled while Rome burned",[5] and as an early persecutor of Christians. This view is based upon the main surviving sources for Nero's reign — Tacitus, Suetonius and Cassius Dio. Few surviving sources paint Nero in a favorable light.[6] Some sources, though, including those mentioned above, portray him as an emperor who was popular with the common Roman people, especially in the East.[7]
Title: Re: If you could go back in time...
Post by: ProudAndZionist on April 10, 2009, 04:04:50 PM
But we can't go back to the past, and we won't be able to never! 8)
Title: Re: If you could go back in time...
Post by: Daleksfearme on April 10, 2009, 05:58:59 PM
Daleksfearme, I think there are parallel universes but I have a hard time believing that they're slightly altered copies of this one. I think that they would be significantly different each time.

From what I have read by Hawkings etc, each time we make a choice, multiple branches break off from our own universe comprised of all the choices that we could have made and did make in another reality. Some of these realities are very close to ours, while some are very different
Title: Re: If you could go back in time...
Post by: MasterWolf1 on April 11, 2009, 10:12:45 PM
The day before November 4, 2008 and have a different out come to what disaste we have now.
Title: Re: If you could go back in time...
Post by: Rubystars on April 11, 2009, 10:37:47 PM
Daleksfearme, I think there are parallel universes but I have a hard time believing that they're slightly altered copies of this one. I think that they would be significantly different each time.

From what I have read by Hawkings etc, each time we make a choice, multiple branches break off from our own universe comprised of all the choices that we could have made and did make in another reality. Some of these realities are very close to ours, while some are very different

That's only if the universes are infinite though. If there are a finite number of universes then they don't have to be similar.
Title: Re: If you could go back in time...
Post by: Daleksfearme on April 12, 2009, 01:29:37 PM
Daleksfearme, I think there are parallel universes but I have a hard time believing that they're slightly altered copies of this one. I think that they would be significantly different each time.

From what I have read by Hawkings etc, each time we make a choice, multiple branches break off from our own universe comprised of all the choices that we could have made and did make in another reality. Some of these realities are very close to ours, while some are very different

That's only if the universes are infinite though. If there are a finite number of universes then they don't have to be similar.

I was just looking this up over the weekend again, The number of branchings would be infinite, as per our currnt understanding.
Title: Re: If you could go back in time...
Post by: syyuge on April 12, 2009, 03:24:36 PM

It may be a swinging pendulum like repetitive universe, creating the illusions of infinite copies at each instance. 
Title: Re: If you could go back in time...
Post by: Adrian Wainer on April 12, 2009, 05:24:03 PM
This is a purely hypothetical question but I think it's interesting to know what everyone would say.  Knowing what you know about history, if you could go back in time and rid the world of one individual, who would it be?

This is a great fun question. Say one went back to 1920 from December 2008 and assassinated Hitler and then one travels back to December 2008, it will be the 2008 all right but not the 2008 one left. Maybe because Hitler was killed in 1920, Germany became an increasingly left wing state and eventually became a Soviet Socialist Republic, that is part of the USSR in 1950 under Chancellor Heinrich Himmler, in 1967 there was a nuclear War between the USA, Britain, China and Japan on one side and the USSR, France, Belgium, Spain and Sweden on the other and everybody died, so right one has got rid of Hitler but caused the World to get blown up. In that scenario I think, if can travel back in to the past and one can actually change stuff like killing Hitler, then reality will fork and one will be stuck in the stream of reality where Hitler was assassinated in 1920 and whilst presumably the stream of reality in which Hitler committed suicide in 1945 continues, one is presumably locked out of it.

The alternative is that one travel back in to the past but one can actually change change anything, so one travel back to 1920 to kill Hitler but one's rifle jams and one does not get off a shot. And does not even change anything by visiting the past, since it had already happened that you have visited the past but you just did not know that you had. 

Best and Warm Regards
Adrian Wainer
Title: Re: If you could go back in time...
Post by: muman613 on April 12, 2009, 05:39:04 PM
One must fully understand the Movie Terminator in order to figure this stuff out...

I still don't understand time in the terminator...

Yet I love 12 Monkeys and it has a bit of circular time in that since the main character was a child he had a dream of seeing himself when he was grown up. Somehow he witnessed his assasination when he was a child... I love 12 monkeys...


12 Monkeys is a 1995 science fiction film directed by Terry Gilliam and inspired by the French short film La Jetée (1962). 12 Monkeys stars Bruce Willis, Madeleine Stowe, Brad Pitt and Christopher Plummer. The film depicts a future world in 2035 devastated by disease, forcing the human population to live underground. Convict James Cole (Willis) volunteers for time travel duty to gather information in exchange for prison release. When he is mistakenly sent to 1990 rather than 1996, Cole is arrested and locked up in a psychiatric hospital, where he meets Dr. Kathryn Railly (Stowe), a psychiatrist, and Jeffrey Goines (Pitt), the insane son of a famous scientist and virus expert.

12 Monkeys is a study of Judeo-Christian allegories, Christ figures, humanity's use of memory and time, and Hitchcockian archetypes. The film was released to critical praise and grossed approximately $168 million in worldwide box office totals. Brad Pitt was nominated the Academy Award for Best Supporting Actor, and won a Golden Globe for his performance. 12 Monkeys also won and was nominated for various categories at the Saturn Awards.
Title: Re: If you could go back in time...
Post by: Rubystars on April 12, 2009, 06:01:11 PM
Daleksfearme, I don't think the science is really there to say one way or another right now how many there are. I don't think there are infinite universes because otherwise it wouldn't matter if you were moral or immoral because both outcomes would happen anyway.
Title: Re: If you could go back in time...
Post by: Daleksfearme on April 12, 2009, 06:27:16 PM
Daleksfearme, I don't think the science is really there to say one way or another right now how many there are. I don't think there are infinite universes because otherwise it wouldn't matter if you were moral or immoral because both outcomes would happen anyway.

I dont think the universe as a whole cares about moral outcome. I do agree that no positive conclusion can be reached at this time. I think that I might have been slightly more clear in my post and for that I apologize.

When the equations are run, researchers in the fields of study that touch on these issues have shown that, in theory, the number of outcomes is infinite. As for how these equations would hold up in the real world nobody knows...
Title: Re: If you could go back in time...
Post by: Rubystars on April 12, 2009, 06:45:33 PM
Daleksfearme, I don't think the science is really there to say one way or another right now how many there are. I don't think there are infinite universes because otherwise it wouldn't matter if you were moral or immoral because both outcomes would happen anyway.

I dont think the universe as a whole cares about moral outcome. I do agree that no positive conclusion can be reached at this time. I think that I might have been slightly more clear in my post and for that I apologize.

When the equations are run, researchers in the fields of study that touch on these issues have shown that, in theory, the number of outcomes is infinite. As for how these equations would hold up in the real world nobody knows...

If the universe is created by God I think it has to be finite because God is the infinite one. Of course people doing science shouldn't think that way they should just do the science and see what they discover.
Title: Re: If you could go back in time...
Post by: Adrian Wainer on April 12, 2009, 07:01:18 PM

If the universe is created by G-d I think it has to be finite because G-d is the infinite one. Of course people doing science shouldn't think that way they should just do the science and see what they discover.

Maybe G-d is the Universe, in which case if there is some prohibition on things other than G-d being infinite, that would not apply. If G-d is the Universe, maybe the early European religions and Japanese religion had/has it right in treating things like springs as sacred, in that they are a manifestation of G-d, if G-d is the Universe and the only error is that G-d in Judaism is a unitary whole whereas a mountain or a lake would only be a part manifestation of G-d.



Best and Warm Regards
Adrian Wainer 

Title: Re: If you could go back in time...
Post by: Rubystars on April 12, 2009, 07:13:11 PM
Adrian yes I agree with you that some versions of God can allow for such things. However that God would have to be amoral, because if all outcomes from choices occur, then there is no merit in being good and no real harm in being evil.

I believe that the universe is from God (created through directed natural processes) but is not God itself.
Title: Re: If you could go back in time...
Post by: Adrian Wainer on April 12, 2009, 07:55:41 PM
Adrian yes I agree with you that some versions of G-d can allow for such things. However that G-d would have to be amoral, because if all outcomes from choices occur, then there is no merit in being good and no real harm in being evil.

I believe that the universe is from G-d (created through directed natural processes) but is not G-d itself.

Well if all outcomes from choices occur, that would be hugely energy intensive since there would be an infinite variety of everything, where would the energy come to drive something like that.? It would seem to me that there is only one reality and only if one could go back it time, ( and it may be impossible to go back in time ), could one create a second reality and one can only create a second reality, if can actually change something and if can not change anything one does not create a second reality. Even in a universe where every time a person made a choice that created a new reality and every reality went on to exist independently, that does not violate moral principles in the sense all the actors in this scenario are still having free will to make choices and if one thinks of all powerful god, he could have installed a device in to the scenario that works like a gyro scope in an aircraft to maintain balance so if the choices made start to remove free will from the equation, that gyroscope starts to kick in to restore free will. In fact what is interesting about Judaism is that as I understand it, the Messianic figure is not rigidly defined to the extent it may be different persons at different times and exhibiting different characteristic. If one thinks of Winston Churchill, he is so much the right person at the right time and one had a belief in Messianic personages, it would be hard not to have suspicions that he was one such personage.   

Best and Warm Regards
Adrian Wainer
Title: Re: If you could go back in time...
Post by: Chai on April 12, 2009, 10:06:56 PM
Tough question, because it assumes that if a certain person were eliminated there wouldn't be someone who could have taken his place.  Here is a short list of candidates:

1.  Hitler (ym"sh)

2.  Arafat (ym"sh)

3.  Mohamed (ym"sh)

4.  El Sayyid Nosair (ym"sh)

5.  Ishmael

6.  Marx

7.  Ahmedinejad (ym"sh)

Besides these animals, there are hundreds of other evil people I can think of who aren't quite in the same league as these people, but who undoubtedly made the world a worse place.
good list but dont u think others whould take there place?
Title: Re: If you could go back in time...
Post by: Rubystars on April 12, 2009, 11:41:35 PM
Was Ishmael evil? I know he was supposed to have fathered some rather evil nations but was he evil himself?
Title: Re: If you could go back in time...
Post by: ~Hanna~ on April 17, 2009, 12:49:52 AM
This whole topic is ridiculous if you ask me. I do not think we can change events in time.

Regarding going back and killing Jebus I would suggest that it would not accomplish very much. Coming from the Jewish perspective it doesn't matter what the other religions are doing or saying, it matters what the Jews do or say.

Jewish perspective is that every tragedy which has befallen us has somehow been deserved. From the bondage in Egypt, to the first Temple destruction and Babylonian exile, to the second destruction and exile, through to the present. In every case the sages look for failings in our people. I will not blame the other religions as they only act as a pawn in the hand of the L-rd. I have heard it said that the nations of the world are the rod and staff of Hashem, the rod to discipline us, and the staff to support us.

It will not accomplish much to discuss hypothetical situations. I think Pharoah, Ceasar, and Hitler were all instruments of Hashem to teach us that we are Jews, and must act like Jews. This is the mission of the Jewish people. We should work on bringing all Jews together and not continue to divide amongst ourselves.

The sages suggest the reason the second Temple was destroyed was because of baseless hatred. Every Jew hated his neighbor but for dumb reasons. When this occurs to Bnai Yisroel it spells our undoing. We also must try to elevate the nations around us {when possible} so that they can see the light of Torah which Hashem has given the Jewish people.

I was actually just thinking this myself, Muman....great minds think alike...
Title: Re: If you could go back in time...
Post by: Dr. Dan on April 17, 2009, 12:28:55 PM
This is a purely hypothetical question but I think it's interesting to know what everyone would say.  Knowing what you know about history, if you could go back in time and rid the world of one individual, who would it be?

You guys forgot someone on the list...and the Amelkite King Agag who King Saul did not killl and was supposed to...Agag brought about Haman and the Amelkite ideal to attack the weak from behind and have no regard towards Gd.

If King Agag were killed, I would think that all Jews today would have much more of a backbone and know evil much better and know how to erradicate it.

But Muman, is right...what's the point of going back in time...Gd has His ways and His experiments if you want to call it that.
Title: Re: If you could go back in time...
Post by: Zelhar on April 19, 2009, 08:14:45 AM
This is a purely hypothetical question but I think it's interesting to know what everyone would say.  Knowing what you know about history, if you could go back in time and rid the world of one individual, who would it be?

You guys forgot someone on the list...and the Amelkite King Agag who King Saul did not killl and was supposed to...Agag brought about Haman and the Amelkite ideal to attack the weak from behind and have no regard towards Gd.

If King Agag were killed, I would think that all Jews today would have much more of a backbone and know evil much better and know how to erradicate it.

But Muman, is right...what's the point of going back in time...Gd has His ways and His experiments if you want to call it that.
Actually, the Agag who you refer too was killed, by the prophet Shmuel. The name Agag seems to be a repeating name of the Kings of Amalek, for example, Bilaam mentions a different Agag in Bamidbar.
Title: Re: If you could go back in time...
Post by: Dr. Dan on April 19, 2009, 08:45:10 AM
You're right agag was eventually killed. So really we shlould say. Killed at the appropriate time
Title: Re: If you could go back in time...
Post by: syyuge on April 26, 2009, 03:31:29 PM
This is a purely hypothetical question but I think it's interesting to know what everyone would say.  Knowing what you know about history, if you could go back in time and rid the world of one individual, who would it be?

Oh... I just saw the movie again. Perhaps you need the help of some version of JUMANJI.