General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: Moshe92 on April 19, 2009, 10:25:41 PM

Title: Hebron Jews vs. Peace Now Traitors
Post by: Moshe92 on April 19, 2009, 10:25:41 PM
http://www.hebron.com/english/show.php?id=111 (http://www.hebron.com/english/show.php?id=111)

This video is long, but it's a good video. The media portrays Peace Now types as nice, rational people and portrays Jews from places like Hebron as mean and violent, but this video shows how it is the complete opposite. At the beginning of the video, a guy talks about the Jews in Hebron. He later interviews people at a Peace Now rally and then interviews Jews in Hebron including Baruch Marzel. At the Peace Now rally, there is one guy with a Josef Stalin shirt and another guy with an Arab scarf wrapped around his neck.
Title: Re: Hebron Jews vs. Peace Now Traitors
Post by: Secularbeliever on April 20, 2009, 12:11:30 AM
The hatred a large part of Israel has for the settlers would probably keep a team of psychology PHD candidates busy for years.  It is irrational and invites all kinds of questions.  The only rational explanation for the Gush Katif expulsion was that it was Sharon giving into the media and courts in their hatred for the settlers so they would conveniently forget his financial misdeeds.
Title: Re: Hebron Jews vs. Peace Now Traitors
Post by: Ulli on April 20, 2009, 02:26:26 AM
Wow, the peace now people are evil individuals. Some of their statements could come out of a mouth of a Nazi too.