Israel => Save Israel => Topic started by: ProJewGreekChristian on June 04, 2009, 12:46:52 PM
I have a questions for some of the knowledgeable Jews and wise Jews on this forum about Rabbinic opinion and Torah law. As I was listening to Chaim's ask JTF I am almost certain I heard him saying JTF and he is only for JEWs living in Israel. He said if we let Christians live there then that would means more Arabs would move there.
I am very curious about this for various reasons. First, I am not really sure if I actually heard what I did but it didn't make much sense to me. Although I am a white Christian I am not in any way for some sort of "Christian Israel." To try and Christianize Israel would go against the Bible and hypothetically speaking if I was in control of Israel I would enact more Jewish laws then there are now and be very against anything Christian in Israel in a public sense. Now I say this because I would be obligated to keep the Holy Land as the land of Jews as originally intended.
The more white, pro JEW Christians living in Israel the more powerful Israel would be and the more respect the Jewish people would have do to that much more brain and muscle power (not that its needed) pushing Israeli borders back...
Also, I could see myself moving there if America turns into a third world Zimbabwe type Amazon-esk country.
Is this against the Torah, just an opinion of Chaim, or was I not paying attention to what was being said?
Thanks JTFers,
Israel is a Jewish state and to remains so, there must be a demographic overwhelming majority of Jews among the residents of Israel. JTF proposes to encourage mass Arab immigration from Israel because they are a hostile population, vying to take control of our homeland. Most Christians in Israel are Arab who identify themselves as palestinians, who support and participate in the Islamic jihad against Israel.
As for loyal non-Jewish citizens in Israel such as the Druze and the non-Jewish immigrants from Russia, they are very welcomed to stay in Israel.
The more white, pro JEW Christians living in Israel the more powerful Israel would be and the more respect the Jewish people would have do to that much more brain and muscle power (not that its needed) pushing Israeli borders back...
Also, I could see myself moving there if America turns into a third world Zimbabwe type Amazon-esk country.
We are a small nation and a tiny country, so we can't just allow waves of immigrations. That would erase the Jewish identity of Israel.
Your signature speaks volumes Zelhar! That phrase, "a picture says a thousand words" is applicable with your signature. Those evil bastards shield themselves with their babies while Jews and American soldiers jump in front of some other parents' baby taking a bullet for a child that is not even their own...
I agree it is a brilliant image (not mine though).
I don't know exactly when, but I know with absolute certainty that God is coming back to defend his people from these Muslim tyrants. 100% sure of it with all my heart!
I would put my personal feelings aside as a christian to stay out of Israel to keep the arabs out!
I will do what ever i can to help from America! This is my hearts desire is to help the jews in their home land to stay and thrive as G-d has given them!:usa+israel: