General Category => Introduce Yourself => Topic started by: Dúnadan on June 21, 2009, 02:14:06 AM

Title: Greetings from Buenos Aires
Post by: Dúnadan on June 21, 2009, 02:14:06 AM

I'm an Argentine, from Buenos Aires, the Argentine capital city. Although I consider myself a Race Realist, I've had good experiences with non-Whites, mainly mestizos before. Even though I realize the difference between the races and I don't want to date non-White girls, I know some of them (some non-White people) and I don't wish them ill. Still I consider myself both Pro-West and Pro-White, it's not a contradiction.

I'm an active member of White America, a Race Realist website focused on the USA, even when I'm an Argentine. The people in White America are not insane haters like the neo-nazi people from other places; we are rational people who aim racial and cultural preservation. We distance ourselves for irrational neo-nazis, because we praise rationalism, and thus deny anti-semitism and ignorance in general. I’m also an active member of The Phora, and even when some people from there are ignorant; there are lots of interesting and intelligent people too.
I consider myself as Romantic and Europeanist.

I fully support Israel, as being the last Western bastion from the Middle East. I actually disagree with most of my friends, it seems that most people support Palestina, but I will always support Israel.

I'm of North Italian, Russian, Polish and North Spanish descent. Part of the Russian and Polish part is Ashkenazi, by the way. Also, I have an ancestor from Greek Aristocracy. I'm proud of my European heritage and I see no harm on this.
I'm an admirer of J.R.R. Tolkien, I learned lots of cultural beliefs from him, and I obviously love his epic world named Middle Earth. Actually, my username means “Man of the West” in Adûnaic (the language of the Edains, from the Middle Earth). Also I support ecological preservation and especially animal rights, and I really love animals.
I believe that private property is one of the most important characteristics of the West, but I think that the folk and heritage should always be beyond the wealth. I’m against Nazism because even when it might not be materialist it's insane, murderous and anti-European. The Second World War was actually the deadliest conflict for Europeans, the Nazis were insane Jew/Slav murderers and sacrificed many German soldiers fighting against other White soldiers and even citizens from other countries.

Now, I’m quite new here, I don’t know much of this group. Can JTF be described as a “Jews for Western Civilization” group?
Do you oppose illegal immigration and multiculturalism? I certainly do, and I aim for the preservation of the West.
Lastly, I just want to make clear that I'm no part of "White Nationalism", as practiced by ridicolous groups such as StørmFrønt. I do consider myself a Europeanist, though.

Thanks for your attention, I really appreciate it.
Title: Re: Greetings from Buenos Aires
Post by: mord on June 21, 2009, 03:33:28 AM
Welcome Dúnadan i think you'll like it here!!
Title: Re: Greetings from Buenos Aires
Post by: ag337 on June 21, 2009, 03:48:46 AM
Welcome to JTF!!!
Title: Re: Greetings from Buenos Aires
Post by: ProudAndZionist on June 21, 2009, 07:09:30 AM
Welcome!  :dance:
Title: Re: Greetings from Buenos Aires
Post by: SW on June 21, 2009, 07:24:30 AM
Title: Re: Greetings from Buenos Aires
Post by: Lisa on June 22, 2009, 09:26:27 AM
Welcome to JTF, Dunadan. 

I'm familiar with White America.  I actually met Ian Jobling at the Preserving Western Civilization Conference. 

JTF can be described as a "Jews For Western Civilization."  However, we have wonderful Jewish members who are of Mizrachi (Middle Eastern) ancestry as well.  We consider them our brothers/sisters.  We also have a few great Indian members.

Now with that being said, JTF is against multiculturalism and illegal immigration.  In fact, we're against most Third World immigration.  Chaim has often warned aboutwhat a disaster it will be for when she America loses her white majority and turns into a Third World country. 
Title: Re: Greetings from Buenos Aires
Post by: Confederate Kahanist on June 22, 2009, 11:16:44 PM
Welcome to the forum!!!!  I love Tolkien and I heard Argentina is a nice place!!!
Title: Re: Greetings from Buenos Aires
Post by: ag337 on June 23, 2009, 11:10:36 AM
Welcome to JTF...

This is a great forum.
Title: Re: Greetings from Buenos Aires
Post by: Dúnadan on June 23, 2009, 05:28:02 PM
Thanks everybody for the compliments.
Title: Re: Greetings from Buenos Aires
Post by: Historical Truth on July 19, 2009, 02:03:12 PM
I see you are a JRR Tolkien fan. So am I. Interesting how most of the Western World's enemies resemble the monsters of Mordor, Isn't it?

Anyhow, welcome aboard!
Title: Re: Greetings from Buenos Aires
Post by: TruthSpreader on July 21, 2009, 03:12:40 PM
Welcome to JTF, the best forum in the universe!!!
Title: Re: Greetings from Buenos Aires
Post by: Dúnadan on August 24, 2009, 09:14:29 PM
Welcome to JTF, Dunadan. 

I'm familiar with White America.  I actually met Ian Jobling at the Preserving Western Civilization Conference. 

JTF can be described as a "Jews For Western Civilization."  However, we have wonderful Jewish members who are of Mizrachi (Middle Eastern) ancestry as well.  We consider them our brothers/sisters.  We also have a few great Indian members.

Now with that being said, JTF is against multiculturalism and illegal immigration.  In fact, we're against most Third World immigration.  Chaim has often warned aboutwhat a disaster it will be for when she America loses her white majority and turns into a Third World country. 

Thanks for your kind reply and sorry for my delayed answer.
I'm glad you know White America and met Ian Jobling.
I will advise the people from White America (very nice people, by the way), to check out this website later.

Welcome to the forum!!!!  I love Tolkien and I heard Argentina is a nice place!!!

Yes, Argentina is a nice place. I love it. I consider myself a Zionist but I don't want to abandon Buenos Aires. I also don't think that all Jews need to live in Israel and I'm not even considered a Jew by ortodox rule.

As for the rest that welcomed me, thank you, I really aprecciate your warm welcome too.

Straight to what I have to say now:

I realized I cannot just get out of JTF forever. After a struggle with some people arguing whether Ashkenazi Jews are purely Hebrew or not, reading their offensive posts I just got tired and abandoned this site.
But after some time I realized that JTF is one of the few, if not the only group in the world that is both Pro-Jewish and Pro-Western.
I real life I find myself to be the only one standing for Western civilization and one of the few to stand for Israel. I repeat again and again the existance of this group in several places.

I do know that giving the little time I had I didn't backed up my arguments. It's not that I will stop arguing, if I can find some time I will write a paper on this later. I know about this subject..

Anyhow, all I wanted is to apologize with the people who argued with me in "Who is a Jew" thread. It surprises me though that people here think that a German Jew is ethnically/racially similar to a Yemenite Jew. But well, I guess we can all have our own opinions on the subject. And we should respect each other opinions.
Title: Re: Greetings from Buenos Aires
Post by: Hyades on August 25, 2009, 03:45:15 AM
Bienvenido a JTF! Saludos a Buenos Aires. I have been to Argentina and Buenos Aires is a great city - if there weren't these filthy Arab Muslims and the enormous mosque. I thought I was stoned when I first saw it. It must be the biggest mosque in South America! Maybe along with the one from Caracas.
Title: Re: Greetings from Buenos Aires
Post by: Dúnadan on August 25, 2009, 04:16:55 PM
Bienvenido a JTF! Saludos a Buenos Aires. I have been to Argentina and Buenos Aires is a great city - if there weren't these filthy Arab Muslims and the enormous mosque. I thought I was stoned when I first saw it. It must be the biggest mosque in South America! Maybe along with the one from Caracas.

I know, Carlos Menem built it. That filthy Arab ruined our economy as well.
He was our president starting in 1990 and then again in 2001 and so on. He was acussed of corruption and now is in a "jail" (in his mansion).
Title: Re: Greetings from Buenos Aires
Post by: The One and Only Mo on August 25, 2009, 08:22:50 PM
Title: Re: Greetings from Buenos Aires
Post by: Americanhero1 on September 04, 2009, 04:11:00 PM
Welcome aboard :)
Title: Re: Greetings from Buenos Aires
Post by: pennyjangle on October 25, 2009, 08:55:24 PM
Title: Re: Greetings from Buenos Aires
Post by: Confederate Kahanist on October 26, 2009, 11:04:37 PM

He has been a member here for almost two months now.
Title: Re: Greetings from Buenos Aires
Post by: pennyjangle on October 27, 2009, 12:18:45 PM