General Category => Introduce Yourself => Topic started by: Teutonic Knight on July 05, 2009, 10:50:03 PM
Hello everyone! I am a Catholic young adult looking to meet like minded people to discuss the important issues going on in our great country. I'm sure we won't agree on anything religious, but that's not the goal here. We can team up and fight for issues we all care about like taxes, education, abortion, etc. God bless and take care.
Welcome to JTF.
Well IDK. I think a lot of religions have a lot of similarities. Any who, welcome to the forum.
Welcome Aboard.
Welcome dude. :dance:
Welcome to JTF
Welcome to JTF!!!
Welcome! I have a feeling you are going to like these forums.
Hello Teutonic Knight
What you wrote is true
Jtf members are of differing religious denominations,
although the jewish and christian members
have the holy Thora, the Prophets, Psalms
and other important topics in common
Yet all members can stand together; fighting those who denie Israel its right
of selfdefense or even existence.
President Obama has a muslim background
its obvious that he is supporting Israels enemies publically or clandestine...
One of his greatest crimes is that he has promoted babykilling
to the seventh month of pregnancy in his state Illinois
No politician in the history of g-ds own country has ever dared this
His life hating attitude and the chicago chic corruption
economic and foreign policies are very good arguments against him
United we' ll stand
Divided we' ll fall
Greetings from Essen/ Germany