General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: AsheDina on July 07, 2009, 07:05:22 PM
When does this END?
A ridiculous article from a fringe author. Obama was born in Hawaii, that's a fact. Where is the proof he was born elsewhere? The article doesn't even attempt to show us any proofs.
I'm against the man because of his policies, nothing else. We don't have to make up lies to be against him.
A ridiculous article from a fringe author. Obama was born in Hawaii, that's a fact. Where is the proof he was born elsewhere? The article doesn't even attempt to show us any proofs.
I'm against the man because of his policies, nothing else. We don't have to make up lies to be against him.
So then you KNOW that this has been going on since June 08...you love Obama, please LOL
Let's debate maturely, shall we?
Show me proof of where he was born. Wherever you think that is.......
Let's debate maturely, shall we?
Show me proof of where he was born. Wherever you think that is.......
We were one of the first ones that broke the story on HUSSEIN, ask Briann about TX DARLIN.
You are a friggin Ron Paul BOT.
I have NO debate with excrement that label EVERY SINGLE patriotic American in with 'neo-conservatives'
You didnt come here to 'debate' Thats for SURE. I know you animals, I know your writing, I know your ANARCHIST 'libertarian' attitudes and your INSANE worship of Ron Paul, one of the BIGGEST ear-mark spenders in congress...your pompous, crappy, hate-filled attitude...coming to a new board that you know NOTHING of, and acting like an arrogant a $$. "A Constitutionalist" Sure...mm hmmm...is that why you are on the Grand Jury boards, fighting with Kerchner, Taitz, Keyes and all of the other REAL patriots?? HE AINT BORN HERE, they would have NEVER let that go in the WA TIMES.
Guess what:
A nice mature answer........
You clearly have no evidence, therefore you spew utter nonsense.
Yeah, ALL of the AMERICAN people are 'lying' and HUSSEIN telling the truth..... sure..
A nice mature answer........
You clearly have no evidence, therefore you spew utter nonsense.
Show the PROOF he was born here.... you DO know that you are NEW here?? And disrespecting a spokesperson??
Night all, have at the jerk off, that HATES ISrael and considers it 'secular'
A nice mature answer........
You clearly have no evidence, therefore you spew utter nonsense.
Show the PROOF he was born here.... you DO know that you are NEW here?? And disrespecting a spokesperson??
Night all, have at the jerk off, that HATES ISrael and considers it 'secular'
You're all over place............
Who hates Israel? Most Israelis are obviously secular............ so what exactly are you on about?
Here is the proof Obama is born in Hawaii:
The actual birth certificate:
Let's debate maturely, shall we?
Show me proof of where he was born. Wherever you think that is.......
We were one of the first ones that broke the story on HUSSEIN, ask Briann about TX DARLIN.
You are a friggin Ron Paul BOT.
I have NO debate with excrement that label EVERY SINGLE patriotic American in with 'neo-conservatives'
You didnt come here to 'debate' Thats for SURE. I know you animals, I know your writing, I know your ANARCHIST 'libertarian' attitudes and your INSANE worship of Ron Paul, one of the BIGGEST ear-mark spenders in congress...your pompous, crappy, hate-filled attitude...coming to a new board that you know NOTHING of, and acting like an arrogant a $$. "A Constitutionalist" Sure...mm hmmm...is that why you are on the Grand Jury boards, fighting with Kerchner, Taitz, Keyes and all of the other REAL patriots?? HE AINT BORN HERE, they would have NEVER let that go in the WA TIMES.
Guess what:
I don't think you can call anyone insane here...
Look THJ, little Muzzie LEFTIST jerk off..those that ARE a little CRAZY CAN call people INSANE.
A nice mature answer........
You clearly have no evidence, therefore you spew utter nonsense.
Show the PROOF he was born here.... you DO know that you are NEW here?? And disrespecting a spokesperson??
Night all, have at the jerk off, that HATES ISrael and considers it 'secular'
You're all over place............
Who hates Israel? Most Israelis are obviously secular............ so what exactly are you on about?
Here is the proof Obama is born in Hawaii:
The actual birth certificate:
What a dumba $$ chump. #1. NO, they are NOT all secular. IF you knew Chaim Ben Pesach, you would SEE that MANY Israeli Jews are turning to G-d.
#2. Snopes? :::D :laugh:
Same as FACTCHECK. What a PUTZ.
This is why we need an opposing views section on the forum so little men like him can be debated and schooled. Whether it is about Obama's birth certificate or Israel in general. By the way, that fag bag knew nothing.
A ridiculous article from a fringe author. Obama was born in Hawaii, that's a fact. Where is the proof he was born elsewhere? The article doesn't even attempt to show us any proofs.
I'm against the man because of his policies, nothing else. We don't have to make up lies to be against him.
Obongo's own grandmother, as well as a half-brother and half-sister of his, all claim they were present at the time of his birth in Mombassa, Kenya.
He has never shown his original vault version of his birth certificate. The internet version that moveon.org put forth was proven by multiple sources to be a forgery.
At every turn, his legal team prevents the multiple lawsuits that he prove that he meets this basic Constitutional requirement. Obongo is a foreign born usurper. His arabic name and his goals to pisslamify America are clear:
A nice mature answer........
You clearly have no evidence, therefore you spew utter nonsense.
Show the PROOF he was born here.... you DO know that you are NEW here?? And disrespecting a spokesperson??
Night all, have at the jerk off, that HATES ISrael and considers it 'secular'
You're all over place............
Who hates Israel? Most Israelis are obviously secular............ so what exactly are you on about?
Here is the proof Obama is born in Hawaii:
The actual birth certificate:
What a dumba $$ chump. #1. NO, they are NOT all secular. IF you knew Chaim Ben Pesach, you would SEE that MANY Israeli Jews are turning to G-d.
#2. Snopes? :::D :laugh:
Same as FACTCHECK. What a PUTZ.
You have severe mental retardation, I refuse to believe you're this dumb.
I said most Israelis are secular, not all Israelis. You even have a problem reading. Try a book for context clues.
Did you miss the actual link about the birth certificate?
Here is another source:
Teutonic Knight, Ashe Dina is NOT dumb. She's a great JTF'er who has done a lot for this movement. So if you're going to disagree with her or anyone here, you need to do so respectfully.
Hi Ashedina, you are in great spirit today :)
Maybe spare that Teutonic Knight, you are tearing him into pieces. He must be experiencing the Battle of Grunwald again :laugh:
Teutonic Knight, Ashe Dina is NOT dumb. She's a great JTF'er who has done a lot for this movement. So if you're going to disagree with her or anyone here, you need to do so respectfully.
Of course she is, don't be silly. And I love how you conveniently ignore all the insults that were hurled at me. Nice one
A ridiculous article from a fringe author. Obama was born in Hawaii, that's a fact. Where is the proof he was born elsewhere? The article doesn't even attempt to show us any proofs.
I'm against the man because of his policies, nothing else. We don't have to make up lies to be against him.
If Obama was indeed born in Hawaii, no lawsuits would have been filed against him. The attending Doctor would have come forth already right along with the certified birth certificate and witnesses who were present at the birth.
Obama is a fraud! Why does obama need lawyers and Judges to throw out these lawsuits if a birth certificate really exists?
Does that make any sense to you?
If a genuine birth certificate existed, obama would have already coughed it up.
The writing is on the wall.
A ridiculous article from a fringe author. Obama was born in Hawaii, that's a fact. Where is the proof he was born elsewhere? The article doesn't even attempt to show us any proofs.
I'm against the man because of his policies, nothing else. We don't have to make up lies to be against him.
If Obama was indeed born in Hawaii, no lawsuits would have been filed against him. The attending Doctor would have come forth already right along with the certified birth certificate and witnesses who were present at the birth.
Obama is a fraud! Why does obama need lawyers and Judges to throw out these lawsuits if a birth certificate really exists?
Does that make any sense to you?
If a genuine birth certificate existed, obama would have already coughed it up.
The writing is on the wall.
Exactly! And WHY no school records of his? WHY no medical records of his? This would not have been put up with by the government had it been anyone else! >:(
A nice mature answer........
You clearly have no evidence, therefore you spew utter nonsense.
Show the PROOF he was born here.... you DO know that you are NEW here?? And disrespecting a spokesperson??
Night all, have at the jerk off, that HATES ISrael and considers it 'secular'
You're all over place............
Who hates Israel? Most Israelis are obviously secular............ so what exactly are you on about?
Here is the proof Obama is born in Hawaii:
The actual birth certificate:
What a dumba $$ chump. #1. NO, they are NOT all secular. IF you knew Chaim Ben Pesach, you would SEE that MANY Israeli Jews are turning to G-d.
#2. Snopes? :::D :laugh:
Same as FACTCHECK. What a PUTZ.
You have severe mental retardation, I refuse to believe you're this dumb.
I said most Israelis are secular, not all Israelis. You even have a problem reading. Try a book for context clues.
Did you miss the actual link about the birth certificate?
Here is another source:
You don't know that Fact-check, Obama worked with? You don't know that snopes is run by the left? That article is in the WA Times. You've sure made a good first impression. AsheDina is your mind-master in this debate.
Teutonic Knight, Ashe Dina is NOT dumb. She's a great JTF'er who has done a lot for this movement. So if you're going to disagree with her or anyone here, you need to do so respectfully.
Of course she is, don't be silly. And I love how you conveniently ignore all the insults that were hurled at me. Nice one
Plutonic; what have you done for the JTF lately?
AmericanKahanist, he has attempted to deny facts.
Give him credit for that.
Shalom - Dox
I don't even understand why there is any debate about this issue.
This issue could be solved in a matter of minutes by Obama.
There would be no lawsuits, doubts, and/or conspiracy theories; if Obama would simply hold a press conference and release all of his records (birth, medical, passport, and school) to the public and for the press to investigate.
This issue would literally be a non-issue.
But, the fact, that Obama doesn't want to or won't release these records gives credence to the fact that something is being hidden from the American people.
Excellent quote ag337.
Excellent quote ag337.
Yes, excellent point ag337. It would be CASE CLOSED.
Thanks Elizabeth.
What I find so hypocritical is that when McCain was running he was made to turn over his birth records immediately because, he was born at the Panama Canal.
And, there was questions from his opponents that he was not eligible to become President of the U.S.A..
The Supreme Court looked over his papers and concluded that since he was born on a U.S. army base to American parents, he was eligible.
Now, that Obama is in the same position, instead of releasing his records, he is doing everything within his power to dispute, bamboozle, and delay the different lawsuits against him in regards to this issue.
So, as I stated before this is a non-issue until Obama releases all of his certified records.
Until then, I will not and do not accept him as the valid and/or legitimate President of our Great Nation.
Enough said....
Exactly ag! I wholeheartedly agree! NOT MY PRESIDENT is what my computer desktop wallpaper says. ;D
obama is not my president....but he is the DREAMBOY for all of our enemies here at home and abroad!
May piss be upon him!
A nice mature answer........
You clearly have no evidence, therefore you spew utter nonsense.
Show the PROOF he was born here.... you DO know that you are NEW here?? And disrespecting a spokesperson??
Night all, have at the jerk off, that HATES ISrael and considers it 'secular'
You're all over place............
Who hates Israel? Most Israelis are obviously secular............ so what exactly are you on about?
Here is the proof Obama is born in Hawaii:
The actual birth certificate:
What a dumba $$ chump. #1. NO, they are NOT all secular. IF you knew Chaim Ben Pesach, you would SEE that MANY Israeli Jews are turning to G-d.
#2. Snopes? :::D :laugh:
Same as FACTCHECK. What a PUTZ.
You have severe mental retardation, I refuse to believe you're this dumb.
I said most Israelis are secular, not all Israelis. You even have a problem reading. Try a book for context clues.
Did you miss the actual link about the birth certificate?
Here is another source:
Both of your "sources" are completely inaccurate and misleading, and just plain wrong. An original vault birth certificate is the necessary requirement for confirming the original place of birth and Obongo only has presented a certificate of live birth (COLB) from Hawaii. Hawaii has a peculiar law that states that a baby born in another land can be brought to Hawaii and receive a COLB, despite the fact that they weren't born in that state. This is a loophole that Obongo's handlers have successfully exploited in order to bypass the Constitutional requirement for president of the U.S. Apparently the State Department did the job of modifying his passport information, perhaps to cover his tracks of his globe trotting to Pakistan.
http://polarik.blogtownhall.com/2008/11/22/obamas_born_conspiracy_obamas_bogus_birth_certificate_exposed!.thtml (http://polarik.blogtownhall.com/2008/11/22/obamas_born_conspiracy_obamas_bogus_birth_certificate_exposed!.thtml)
From Philip Berg’s lawsuit:
“53. Furthermore, Obama traveled to Indonesia, Pakistan and Southern India in 1981. The relations between Pakistan and India were extremely tense and Pakistan was in turmoil and under martial law. The country was filled with Afghan refugees; and Pakistan’s Islamist-leaning Interservices Intelligence Agency (ISI) had begun to provide arms to the Afghan mujahideen and to assist the process of recruiting radicalized Muslim men–jihadists–from around the world to fight against the Soviet Union. Pakistan was so dangerous that it was on the State Department’s travel ban list for US Citizens. Non-Muslim visitors were not welcome unless sponsored by their embassy for official business. A Muslim citizen of Indonesia traveling on an Indonesian passport would have success entering Indonesia, Pakistan and India. Therefore, it is believed Obama traveled on his Indonesian passport entering the Countries. Indonesian passports require renewal every five (5) years. At the time of Obama’s travels to Indonesia, Pakistan and India, Obama was twenty (20) years old. If Obama would have been a U.S. citizen, which he was not, 8 USC §1481(a)(2) provides loss of nationality by native born citizens upon “taking an oath or making an affirmation or other formal declaration of allegiance to a foreign state…after having attained the age of eighteen years”, in violation of 8 U.S.C. §1401(a)(1). Since Lolo Soetoro legally acknowledged Obama as his son and/or adopted Obama, Obama was a “natural” citizen of Indonesia, as proven by Obama’s school record.”
Not only was he born in Mombassa, Kenya, but the evidence is beyond a reasonable doubt that he must have traveled on an Indonesian passport when visiting Pakistan at a time that there were only two things to get there: drugs and jihad. And this piece of excrement is in the oval office?
Teutonic Knight has some serious problems lol