General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: mord on July 17, 2009, 01:04:14 PM
STARTS AT 1 MIN AND 50 SECONDS ON VID ALTHOUGH WHOLE VID IS GOOD http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dcFp1k3Buew
Hillary Clinton is 100% pure evil. She and that slime ball she calls a husband both deserve to burn in hell.
May she get rectal cancer
I don't think the bleeped word was "dirty", mord. Man I miss the roll-eyes icon.
I don't think the bleeped word was "dirty", mord. Man I miss the roll-eyes icon.
:laugh: :o :o
What I don't get is why people are so afraid of this woman. She couldn't beat a unqualified black man born in Kenya to become president. She has to break her elbow just to get noticed as Sec. Of Hate. She is almost as irrelevant as she is old and hideous.
She and her husband are both professional liars and masters of deception. How I hate that woman's fake mischievous smile.
I don't like it how the BBC implies that if someone thinks a woman should take her husband's name that it makes them a redneck.
She and her husband will burn in hell forever!!!!!!
Its been widely reported that Hillary used expressions like this on Bill Clinton quite often. Why she would call him that is anyone's guess.