General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: TruthSpreader on July 24, 2009, 07:25:59 AM

Title: Another Jewish woman converts to Islam!!!!!!!!!!
Post by: TruthSpreader on July 24, 2009, 07:25:59 AM

Title: Re: Another Jewish woman converts to Islam!!!!!!!!!!
Post by: ProudAndZionist on July 24, 2009, 07:26:54 AM
Disgusting filthy traitor. >:(
Title: Re: Another Jewish woman converts to Islam!!!!!!!!!!
Post by: mord on July 24, 2009, 07:27:35 AM
Good she's ugly
Title: Re: Another Jewish woman converts to Islam!!!!!!!!!!
Post by: Hyades on July 24, 2009, 08:41:47 AM
Another self-hating idiot showing how ignorant she is.
Title: Re: Another Jewish woman converts to Islam!!!!!!!!!!
Post by: Dr. Dan on July 24, 2009, 10:20:44 AM
She will enjoy a loving Muslim husband who will have his way with her anytime he wants...even without her permission...
Title: Re: Another Jewish woman converts to Islam!!!!!!!!!!
Post by: SW on July 24, 2009, 10:25:03 AM
WHY?  :'(

I hope this is only dirty Muslim propaganda.  >:(

Have a nice life converted woman. A life with beats and rape. You will regret your conversion!
Title: Re: Another Jewish woman converts to Islam!!!!!!!!!!
Post by: IsraeliGovtAreKapos on July 24, 2009, 10:25:15 AM
She's not Jewish, another dirty sub-human MuSSlim propaganda.
Title: Re: Another Jewish woman converts to Islam!!!!!!!!!!
Post by: Ulli on July 24, 2009, 11:25:31 AM
Of cause the crimes of the terrorists have nothing to do with Islam. We all know, that Islam is peace ...

Title: Re: Another Jewish woman converts to Islam!!!!!!!!!!
Post by: Rightist2 on July 24, 2009, 11:44:10 AM
I feel sorry for this woman not angry with her. She is vulnerable. Muslims always seek out the vulnerable amongst the non-muslims to convert to their evil faith. They also seek out women. They do this with our Indian women both Hindus and Sikhs. They also do this to Indigenous white British girls. The muslims want them for their harems.

She has been brainwashed. The woman had better see sense and return to her Jewish faith and reject the evil of Islam.

In India recently a group called Shri Ram Sena attacked Hindu women in a bar not because they were drinking but because muslim men fraternise with them there (Despite the fact that muslims claim to not drink!). Attacking women is not the way to get them to see sense however, it just does the reverse. We must continue to expose muslims for the dirty quranimals that they are. Non-muslim women must understand the truth of how Islam views them as sub-human and wants to take all their rights away.
Title: Re: Another Jewish woman converts to Islam!!!!!!!!!!
Post by: Ulli on July 24, 2009, 12:15:16 PM
I feel sorry for this woman not angry with her. She is vulnerable. Muslims always seek out the vulnerable amongst the non-muslims to convert to their evil faith. They also seek out women. They do this with our Indian women both Hindus and Sikhs. They also do this to Indigenous white British girls. The muslims want them for their harems.

She has been brainwashed. The woman had better see sense and return to her Jewish faith and reject the evil of Islam.

In India recently a group called Shri Ram Sena attacked Hindu women in a bar not because they were drinking but because muslim men fraternise with them there (Despite the fact that muslims claim to not drink!). Attacking women is not the way to get them to see sense however, it just does the reverse. We must continue to expose muslims for the dirty quranimals that they are. Non-muslim women must understand the truth of how Islam views them as sub-human and wants to take all their rights away.

Basically you are right. But some mockery this kind of people have to take. They have free will too, althrough of their mental illness.

Apart from that:

Welcome to the forum.  :)
Title: Re: Another Jewish woman converts to Islam!!!!!!!!!!
Post by: mord on July 24, 2009, 12:50:17 PM
She looks like a   quranpig  i doubt she was ever Jewish
Title: Re: Another Jewish woman converts to Islam!!!!!!!!!!
Post by: ~Hanna~ on July 24, 2009, 03:07:58 PM
I just have one question...

How do we know she was not kidnapped against her will, indoctrinated, etc. and they are forcing her to make this video?

It would not surprise me one bit if they had done this to her...

Title: Re: Another Jewish woman converts to Islam!!!!!!!!!!
Post by: SW on July 24, 2009, 03:16:26 PM
I just have one question...

How do we know she was not kidnapped against her will, indoctrinated, etc. and they are forcing her to make this video?

It would not surprise me one bit if they had done this to her...

That could be. Brainwashed and kidnapped. Typically for Pisslam
Title: Re: Another Jewish woman converts to Islam!!!!!!!!!!
Post by: Rightist2 on July 24, 2009, 05:03:03 PM
I feel sorry for this woman not angry with her. She is vulnerable. Muslims always seek out the vulnerable amongst the non-muslims to convert to their evil faith. They also seek out women. They do this with our Indian women both Hindus and Sikhs. They also do this to Indigenous white British girls. The muslims want them for their harems.

She has been brainwashed. The woman had better see sense and return to her Jewish faith and reject the evil of Islam.

In India recently a group called Shri Ram Sena attacked Hindu women in a bar not because they were drinking but because muslim men fraternise with them there (Despite the fact that muslims claim to not drink!). Attacking women is not the way to get them to see sense however, it just does the reverse. We must continue to expose muslims for the dirty quranimals that they are. Non-muslim women must understand the truth of how Islam views them as sub-human and wants to take all their rights away.

Basically you are right. But some mockery this kind of people have to take. They have free will too, althrough of their mental illness.

Apart from that:

Welcome to the forum.  :)

Thanks Ulli  :dance:
Title: Re: Another Jewish woman converts to Islam!!!!!!!!!!
Post by: takebackourtemple on July 24, 2009, 05:11:58 PM
Here to someone trying to convert people to Judaism. Probably the fake kind though.


Here is a girl who thinks she is converting to Judaism but is using a camera on Yom Kippur and came out as homosexual.
Title: Re: Another Jewish woman converts to Islam!!!!!!!!!!
Post by: Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks on July 25, 2009, 10:57:04 PM
Hopefully she will die of cervical cancer (which is caused by the genital-wart virus).
Title: Re: Another Jewish woman converts to Islam!!!!!!!!!!
Post by: ~Hanna~ on July 26, 2009, 12:00:19 AM
if she had indeed been kidnapped and brainwashed, would that be a rightous thing to say?

Hopefully she will die of cervical cancer (which is caused by the genital-wart virus).
Title: Re: Another Jewish woman converts to Islam!!!!!!!!!!
Post by: Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks on July 26, 2009, 12:09:00 AM
The vast majority of converts to Islam are not brainwashed.
Title: Re: Another Jewish woman converts to Islam!!!!!!!!!!
Post by: ~Hanna~ on July 26, 2009, 12:21:59 AM
But I thought the women had no rights...

I JUST DID A GOOGLE ON 'WOMAN KIDNAPPED AND FORCED INTO ISLAM" if noone is being kidnapped and forced into it, why is there 43,300 links to articles about it???

Results 1 - 10 of about 43,300 for woman kidnapped and forced into Islam. (0.40 seconds)

The vast majority of converts to Islam are not brainwashed.
Title: Re: Another Jewish woman converts to Islam!!!!!!!!!!
Post by: ~Hanna~ on July 26, 2009, 12:26:29 AM
It seems that many women are kidnapped and forced into it....

Results 1 - 10 of about 43,300 for woman kidnapped and forced into Islam. (0.40 seconds)[/color]

The vast majority of converts to Islam are not brainwashed.
Title: Re: Another Jewish woman converts to Islam!!!!!!!!!!
Post by: GoIsraelGo! on July 26, 2009, 12:35:18 AM
I agree with German Kahanist and Ron Ben Michael. This is more muslim propanganda.
This woman was never Jewish.

                                           Shalom - Dox
Title: Re: Another Jewish woman converts to Islam!!!!!!!!!!
Post by: Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks on July 26, 2009, 12:39:59 AM
That's still not the majority of female converts to Islam. Most female converts to Islam are either self-hating Christians or jaded feminazis who hate Christianity/Judaism and embrace everything that is against them.
Title: Re: Another Jewish woman converts to Islam!!!!!!!!!!
Post by: Bond on July 26, 2009, 09:32:16 AM
[censored] YOU JEW!
Title: Re: Another Jewish woman converts to Islam!!!!!!!!!!
Post by: Ulli on July 26, 2009, 09:39:25 AM
deleted YOU JEW!

Title: Re: Another Jewish woman converts to Islam!!!!!!!!!!
Post by: Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks on July 26, 2009, 09:44:02 AM
deleted YOU JEW!
Title: Re: Another Jewish woman converts to Islam!!!!!!!!!!
Post by: muman613 on July 26, 2009, 10:11:44 AM
Allah is nothing more than a dirty filthy arab pig. Mohammud was a famous child molesting pirate. Those who follow these perverse and immoral leaders are themselves evil as sin.

Bond, you are marked for extermination from the rolls of JTF... You will have a long hard stay in Hell along with your filthy pig brothers.

Title: Re: Another Jewish woman converts to Islam!!!!!!!!!!
Post by: ProudAndZionist on July 26, 2009, 10:43:59 AM
deleted YOU JEW!

Title: Re: Another Jewish woman converts to Islam!!!!!!!!!!
Post by: Mishmaat on July 26, 2009, 12:39:10 PM
deleted YOU JEW!

Ugh! Your mouth is as filthy as your gutter religion.

"Buddy", this is not a forum for proponents of Islam. You're banned.
Title: Re: Another Jewish woman converts to Islam!!!!!!!!!!
Post by: GoIsraelGo! on July 26, 2009, 12:44:32 PM
deleted YOU JEW!

Ugh! Your mouth is as filthy as your gutter religion.

"Buddy", this is not a forum for proponents of Islam. You're banned.

High 5 Mishmaat            ;D
Title: Re: Another Jewish woman converts to Islam!!!!!!!!!!
Post by: SW on July 26, 2009, 12:52:35 PM
I agree with German Kahanist and Ron Ben Michael. This is more muslim propanganda.
This woman was never Jewish.

                                           Shalom - Dox

There are a lot propaganda videos of Muslim conversions. But these converts speak that clearly arabic or whatever they talk in their filthy language that you think they are Muslims. And I am sure most of them are Muslims. That's propaganda to attract new members for this death cult.
People think:

"Oh look at Islam, so many people convert to Islam, so it must be good. I will convert to Islam too because so many others do it."

It's like the cans you can donate for poor people. The owner of those cans have a ploy. They put money in it so people think a lot people have donated for poor people. So you would think "So many donated, so I must donate too because I won't be the only one who didn't donate to poor people".

These "Jew converted to Islam" videos are psychological propaganda.

Title: Re: Another Jewish woman converts to Islam!!!!!!!!!!
Post by: takebackourtemple on July 26, 2009, 02:32:24 PM
Hopefully she will die of cervical cancer (which is caused by the genital-wart virus).

   Keep in mind that someone born a Jew is always a Jew. While this woman will ultimately have to pay for her sins, the best case scenario is for her to see the errs in her ways and return to Hashem.
   Even though she has made the wrong choice and got sucked in, she is still a victim of Islam just like all the other women who get sucked in. There is no doubt that she will be the subject of physical abuse.
Title: Re: Another Jewish woman converts to Islam!!!!!!!!!!
Post by: syyuge on July 26, 2009, 02:36:44 PM
It may be a muslamic propaganda to make fun of the others. By her face she already appears to be an old cross breed between the arabic and iranian from khuzestan.
Title: Re: Another Jewish woman converts to Islam!!!!!!!!!!
Post by: Hyades on July 27, 2009, 12:47:17 AM
Well, searching the devil's path was probably right for her. I realized that mostly people with a poor mind and bad character choose Islam as their right path - right into hell!
Title: Re: Another Jewish woman converts to Islam!!!!!!!!!!
Post by: Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks on July 27, 2009, 03:23:46 AM
Even though she has made the wrong choice and got sucked in, she is still a victim of Islam just like all the other women who get sucked in. There is no doubt that she will be the subject of physical abuse.
Assuming she was not kidnapped and forced to convert, this woman has said "F you" to G-d and 4,000 years of her heritage in favor of devil-worship. Chaim wished that Congressman Anthony Weiner (ys"vz) would die of terminal cancer for marrying a Muslim woman. How much worse is actually converting to satan-worship yourself?
Title: Re: Another Jewish woman converts to Islam!!!!!!!!!!
Post by: takebackourtemple on July 27, 2009, 06:23:32 AM
Even though she has made the wrong choice and got sucked in, she is still a victim of Islam just like all the other women who get sucked in. There is no doubt that she will be the subject of physical abuse.
Assuming she was not kidnapped and forced to convert, this woman has said "F you" to G-d and 4,000 years of her heritage in favor of devil-worship. Chaim wished that Congressman Anthony Weiner (ys"vz) would die of terminal cancer for marrying a Muslim woman. How much worse is actually converting to satan-worship yourself?

   I'm not advocating that she get off Scott free and if she chooses not to return to the faith she will die of cervical cancer. In both cases the best scenario is for them to overcome the errs of their ways. Given a choice to curse them or bring them back to Hashem I would choose the latter. The only exception is if they cause considerable harm to Jews such as ones who collaborated with our enemies. Yes, she has collaborated with our enemies, but was not given significant power to do so and was more of a victim.
   Anthony Weiner was able to use his political position to cause great harm and did so without the fear of physical abuse. Keep in mind that his offspring will not be Jewish, but the woman's children will be.
Title: Re: Another Jewish woman converts to Islam!!!!!!!!!!
Post by: takebackourtemple on July 27, 2009, 06:55:35 AM
   And since Chaim is a Tzaddik, the curse has been placed on Anthony Weiner. It is possible for one Tzaddik to lift the curse of another, but repentance usually has to come with it. My rabbi talk a story of someone who was given a curse that he would loose his feet if he didn't help someone save a horses life. Many years later a doctors diagnosis showed this would have to be the case, but the guy who was not a Chassid went to the Rebbe who lifted the curse under the scenario that the guy read Tehilen every day. The curse was only partially lifted because he had to read from it every day to prevent the curse from coming back. Of course reading from Tehilen was a blessing.
   When another Tzaddik undos a curse from Chaim, it is not an insult against Chaim, rather Chaim is a part in bringing the sinner back to Hashem.
Title: Re: Another Jewish woman converts to Islam!!!!!!!!!!
Post by: Debbie Shafer on July 27, 2009, 07:42:50 AM
What in the heck is going on?  Many Jewish people have attacked people calling Michael Jackson a pedifile too.   The guy abused young boys, was a drug addict, and obsessed with plastic surgery.   No good came out of this pedophilia. What about the rights of the innocent boys?  I was shocked to see this on www.danilepipes.org.   I can't believe how naieve people are to accept Islam, an apostate religion.

 It didn't help Jackson one iota, but even worse, Islam could be the downfall of Israel and America, and the people cannot see the apostacy.
Title: Re: Another Jewish woman converts to Islam!!!!!!!!!!
Post by: takebackourtemple on July 27, 2009, 06:27:05 PM
What does Michael Jackson have to do with this discussion(except that he also converted)?