Israel => Save Israel => Topic started by: Joe Gutfeld on April 09, 2007, 11:10:16 AM

Title: Backlash on Imus' comments
Post by: Joe Gutfeld on April 09, 2007, 11:10:16 AM
Have anyone heard of the backlash on "Shock Jock" Don Imus.  Last week he made a statement about how "tough" the Rutgers women's basketball team looks.  They have tatoos and look like "jailhouse ho's".  Not at any time he used the n-word or any other racial term to describe the team.  Everyone from Al Sharpton to the NAACP want the radio station, WFAN to fire him.  It's a discrace.  If he bashed a white basketball team, no one will complain about it.  But, since the Rutgers Women's team have all blacks on it, and a hispanic basketball coach, he can't give his views on what he thinks the team looks like.  It's a joke.  I listen to Imus everyday.  I don't pay much attention on what he says all the time.  There are things that I don't like on his show, but I don't protest his show because of it.  I just don't listen the next day.  That's the best kind of protest of any radio show.  I would like to hear Chaim's views on this topic.
Title: Re: Backlash on Imus' comments
Post by: mord on April 09, 2007, 11:46:44 AM
I like Imus he makes comments mocking all ethnic groups ,but he does'nt mean it.
Title: Re: Backlash on Imus' comments
Post by: Joe Gutfeld on April 09, 2007, 12:49:38 PM
Of course, he doesn't mean it.  It's a disgrace that he has to go on Al Sharpton's radio show today. 
Title: Re: Backlash on Imus' comments
Post by: mord on April 09, 2007, 12:50:45 PM
Thats true
Title: Re: Backlash on Imus' comments
Post by: Allen-T on April 09, 2007, 01:30:38 PM
I had the misfortune of walking around Times Square last night for a few blocks. If it were possible for the authorities to read my mind[and maybe even post the images on one of those humongous Time Square video screens :D] I would have been charged with so many hate crimes they would have put me under the jail. The destruction my mind was raining down on that hole full of feces....ummf! My son went into a clothing store and my wife and I waited across the street because the store was wall to wall people and the sidewalk in front of the store was also jammed with traffic. Within minutes my son came running out, a bunch of [censored] tried to start a fight with him!     
Title: Re: Backlash on Imus' comments
Post by: Joe Gutfeld on April 09, 2007, 05:37:28 PM
I'm sorry Adam, but what does that have to do with the Imus story?
Title: Re: Backlash on Imus' comments
Post by: RationalThought110 on April 09, 2007, 08:20:05 PM
Of course, he doesn't mean it.  It's a disgrace that he has to go on Al Sharpton's radio show today. 

Not surprising that Sharpton still demanded his resignation. 

Imus had previously mentioned that he makes fun of all types of people. 
Title: Re: Backlash on Imus' comments
Post by: Joe Gutfeld on April 09, 2007, 09:28:01 PM
According to Sharpton you can make fun of everbody except blacks.
Title: Re: Backlash on Imus' comments
Post by: TheCoon on April 09, 2007, 10:08:52 PM
Imus forgot that if you work in a public forum and insult black people in any way your life is essentially over.
Title: Re: Backlash on Imus' comments
Post by: Nonny on April 09, 2007, 11:07:35 PM
Quote from: thunderbolt
Imus forgot that if you work in a public forum and insult black people in any way your life is essentially over.

Except for Chaim!

The Tzemach Tzedek (third Lubavitcher Rebbe) wrote that in the Messianic Age the Bnei Cham (ie the black peoples) will not exist!

I can yet see Oprah Winfrey, Al Sharpton, Condie Rice, OJ Simpson, Diana Ross, Jesse Jackson, Michael Jackson etc etc yet being re-enslaved and put behind a plough.

The best blessing for the black man is when he is labouring for the Bnei Shem and Bnei Yefes, as the Torah states.

"A bullet sort out Abraham Lincoln because he 'liberated' the blacks too soon!" (Rabbi Avigdor Miller)!
Title: Re: Backlash on Imus' comments
Post by: MassuhDGoodName on April 10, 2007, 12:29:26 AM
Imus should have charged into The Reverend Al's studio with bullwhip in hand, and bullwhipped that schwartze until he got down on the ground and grunted like a pig; all live and on the air on that boogey's radio show!
Title: Re: Backlash on Imus' comments
Post by: Allen-T on April 10, 2007, 06:19:40 AM
I'm sorry Adam, but what does that have to do with the Imus story?

If you meant Allen, it has to do with the fact that Times Square is often crawling with [censored], the worst sort, which can easily provoke normal,rational, law abiding people to think and potentially say things like Imus said which would be accurate and truthful and yet could get one in alot of trouble the way things are and are going. 
Title: Re: Backlash on Imus' comments
Post by: cjd on April 10, 2007, 06:52:15 AM
I can't say I have ever listened to Imus however from time to time I will be somewhere where he is on the radio. Honestly the man seems to be suffering from some form of arrested  development. His adolescent views on issues is nauseating when spouted by someone of his age. Cavorting with every form of evil animal on his shows just to maintain a following is the impression I get of him. Now the very animals he cavorted with and cajoled want his head on a platter. I always say you cant befriend black folks because the day will come and you say the slightest thing that they perceive as wrong and the fangs come out. This is whats happening here. In all fairness I have fond memories of Imus when I was a kid I would listened to him when he was a DJ on 77am or maybe it was 66Am and  he was great. He would do a skit on the show about a southern preacher called Billy Saul Harkess or some such thing that was a riot. He does a lot of good on the Ranch he runs for kids I am told. People should know when the day is done and retire gracefully when still at the higher points in their game and not wait to go down like this. In my opinion this is something he will not recover from.
Title: Re: Backlash on Imus' comments
Post by: fjack on April 10, 2007, 08:03:10 AM
This shows how far whites have sunk to. Al sharpton, the bwana tawana brawley hoax ringleader, has no formal education, no morals, was seen on tv talking to coke dealers and now he is the moral compass of America. Give me a break, I can remember when has would be on the air with gary byrd on wlib radio, calling whites crackers, anti semitic statements, remember crown heights. Don't forget that we have the other mail order rev, hymie town spitter ho monger. I just saw him on with meredith viera sawing how bad women are treated and that he is coming to their defense. He should stop knocking them up. It is also believed that he had a bastard with aretha franklin, that is why you never see any of her kids, cause they all look like jesse. I don't know who I hate more, teleprompter readers like matt laurer or the blacks that they pander to. They must both go.
Title: Re: Backlash on Imus' comments
Post by: mord on April 10, 2007, 09:04:37 AM
He's still finding ways to grovel before the guy that caused freddys clothing store to burn down
Title: Re: Backlash on Imus' comments
Post by: Mishmaat on April 10, 2007, 01:09:05 PM
Don Imus should be relieved of his position on Federal Radio. If he wants, he can just take his act to Sirius or XM. Although I think the damage is overwhelming and nobody would want to touch him after this incident. In this overly PC-environment if you say anything offensive about blacks your career is finished (as thunderbolt correctly stated). I understand that it was only humor, but it was inappropriate for that medium.

With that said, to grovel before a racist demagogue such as the so-called "Reverend" Al Sharpton is disgusting. I don't know who would be up to this, but I would like to emasculate Sharpton politically and expose him as a hypocrite, a fraud and a racist. He wants Imus fired. I want him fired from his syndicated radio show, and then preferably fired at repeatedly.
Title: Re: Backlash on Imus' comments
Post by: Joe Gutfeld on April 10, 2007, 05:33:13 PM
Imus should not have been fired.  With all the remarks he has made over the years, he gets in trouble with a non-racial remarks about a female basketball team.  He also made fun of the late Cardinal O'Conner and no one made a stink about that.  He also has played a song on his radio show called "They don't make Jews like Jesus anymore".  I don't hear Chaim make a stink about that.  Where are the outrage for those other bits on his show?  What are your views?
Title: Re: Backlash on Imus' comments
Post by: Mishmaat on April 10, 2007, 07:31:29 PM
I'll tell you one thing. People are blowing this way out of proportion. Blacks have tightly curled woolly hair. The use of the word nappy is not non-racial. I understand his humor. Inappropriate, but I understand it. I think his two-week suspension is appropriate. I think his attempt to reach out to the team and talk with them is appropriate. I'm glad they reciprocated. I think that being a wimp and kissing Sharpton's nasty rear-end is certainly NOT appropriate.
Title: Re: Backlash on Imus' comments
Post by: Joe Gutfeld on April 10, 2007, 09:00:02 PM
That is the cartoon on Page Six of today's New York Post.
Title: Re: Backlash on Imus' comments
Post by: takebackourtemple on April 10, 2007, 09:15:27 PM
   My complaint against Imus is that his sucking up to Al Sharpton who should be removed from his positions because of all the racist things he has said and done. Inciting riots is a lot worse than using free speech to say something offensive. What he said was stupid and inappropiate. I would understand if he was genuinly sorry and wanted to offer the basketball team a real apology for something stupid that he said, but the way he is handling this is setting a precedent against all white people in the media. Now you can't even say something that might have a remotely bigotted tone to it but you can't insult someone who happens to be black.
Title: Re: Backlash on Imus' comments
Post by: Dr. Dan on April 10, 2007, 09:16:12 PM
Imus is what they call in South Park a nigaguy.  And Al Sharpton is not the emperor of all black people!! haahahahah

1. Ok...Imus is an idiot, so I couldnt' care less about anythign he does.
2. Imus is a comedian..so chill pill everyone...he's joking when you talks trash...so screw everyone else that gets offended.
3. Women's sports is boring..except for tennis..at least the women are hot...Like Sharpova...woooooo woooo!!
4. When Al Sharpton just as much breathes, I get offended..he should be buried in dog poo! oh wait, he does that everyday to stay clean.
Title: Re: Backlash on Imus' comments
Post by: NoahideGentile on April 10, 2007, 09:28:11 PM
I remember Imus. Such a man who gave to charitys, and did the work of g--d has then fallen to the pits of hell from accepting tempation from the one that you call satan, adversary, opposition, demonic, demons, demonians, the devil, devils, etc....

Why do I say this? it is not for these comments, in fact these comments are doing g--d's work by exposing the work of HAM'S CHILDREN THE NEGROOOS. Imus fell when he chose to strike the G--d almighty in the heart when he attacked a child of the jews, called Howard Stern. There cannot be ONE NOAHIDE CHRISTIAN WHO ATTACKS A PERSON OF the Holy, Righteous, ISraelite, israeli, divine JEWISH Faith. I'm sorry but the NOAHIDE LAWS Teach to RESPECT your forefathers. NOT TO INSULT THEM.

I DO NOT CARE HOW BAD A JEW IS, IF YOU ATTACK THEM YOU ARE NOT A NOAHIDE, PERIOD. I NEVER ATTACKED A Righteous, holy, divine Israelite (aka person of the jewish faith and blood of Abraham) IN MY LIFE!!!!! And the righteous, holy, divine israelites (aka person of the jewish faith and blood of Abraham) have NEVER EVER EVER attacked a Noahidic man such as myself. I gone to many jewish chatrooms, and NOT ONE has ever insulted me in the lease.

In the christian goyim chatrooms, however I have had bad experiences. When I preach the Noahide laws and the Noahidic ways, I get called such names as fascist, communist, extremist, bible-thumper, weirdo, not-a-true-christianer, follower of satan, satanist, son of satan, a demon, rapist, the devil, etc...
THESE ARE WORDS I HAVE BEEN CALLED THROUGHOUT MY EXPERIENCE THERE. UNforunately we must wake up to the fact that many unholy, unrighteous, PLO-loving, "Christian" gentiles have yet to be awakend. But no fear should come to your mind, when Jesus (son of g--d BUT NOT THE G--D), returns he shall slaughter these people for what they have done to the jewish people and Noahidic Gentile Goyim Righteous followers.

Title: Re: Backlash on Imus' comments
Post by: NoahideGentile on April 10, 2007, 09:38:04 PM
I am sorry if I angered the christians. But my friends who I have met who also honour the Noahide laws HAVE HAD NO CONFLICTS WITH ANYONE UNDER THE JEWISH FAITH. They only have had problems with muslims, and buddhist. For greater cooperation between The chosen Israelite Jews (the jews that do not hate themselves) and Gentiles (christias only) will be for us to EMBRACE the Noahide way, ONLY.

I urge nations close to the jews and their "christian" ways to embrace the noahide laws. Infact, RONALD REAGAN urged us to accept them (this is a known fact, google it). Ronald Reagan defeated communism but when he encouraged us to fix our morality we basically told him to go to h-ll, sorry to say.
Title: Re: Backlash on Imus' comments
Post by: Dominater96 on April 10, 2007, 09:54:49 PM
Im a loyal Howard Stern listener, its a sin to listen to Imus if you are a Stern fan.
Title: Re: Backlash on Imus' comments
Post by: takebackourtemple on April 10, 2007, 10:48:48 PM
   I never liked Howard Stern because I was a Q104.3 pure rock fan before they went classic rock. I was then forced to listen to 92.3 for music and they sucked. If any rap noise was done by a white person or had the word "rock" in it, they would play it. I used to call that station KRAP. In the mornings I wanted a normal morning show with a little news, weather and music but the Howard Stern garbage was broadcast instead. I don't know why they couldn't just put him on an AM station.
   Still, it would be interesting to see what his take on the Imus situation is. Sharpton and Jackson wouldn't dear to attack Howard Stern, because he would fight back and tear them to shreds. I didn't see them complain when Howard Stern did black Jeopardy. It was funny to see blacks that were either bums and/or worked in McDonald's competing against each other in a dumbed down game of Jeopardy where all the questions were derogatory about blacks.
Title: Re: Backlash on Imus' comments
Post by: Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks on April 11, 2007, 12:52:06 AM
Strictly individually speaking Imus' comments WERE mean, but do other shock jocks like Howard Stern and Opie and Anthony feel heat to retract every ridiculous cruel thing they say?

Imus is a worm for agreeing to grovel before those black Hitlers.
Title: Re: Backlash on Imus' comments
Post by: Fruit of thy loins on April 11, 2007, 04:27:50 AM
Some black Africans say that African-Americans are very different, more aggressive and less motivated to succeed.

The general rule is that a negro can enter a Western country, with a big happy smile on his face, clapping his hands and gyrating his hips with joy, and will for some time be very respectful towards the whites, and will seduce many a young white beauty with his pearly-white teeth and the mischievous glint in his eyes - but after living in the West for a while, his children will start to turn bad, and by the time he is a grandparent his family will have devolved back to the level of the ape.

Why is this?

I should like to see this phenomenon analysed by some skilled sociologists.

I think that the white woman lures the black man into temptation.
Title: Re: Backlash on Imus' comments
Post by: Fruit of thy loins on April 11, 2007, 04:31:40 AM
The [censored] in the sports team will have one-hundred times as many white women in bed than white guys like this talk show host ever will.

These [censored] should be apologizing to us for the fact that we can't get any action with our women any more, since they are always out on 'girl's nights', eyeing up young blacks, and indulging their wildest passions with them, and bearing their biracial babies.
Title: Re: Backlash on Imus' comments
Post by: Fruit of thy loins on April 11, 2007, 04:37:39 AM
I was watching a sports event held in the Netherlands once and all the black guys were hopping up and down, grabbing their crotches, laughing, pacing about, getting ready for the event.  Two groups of attractive blonde women were eyeing them up, captivated by the spectacle.  This was all caught on camera.

The white guys making commentary said nothing about big black guys grabbing their crotches and waving at the camera while really sexy blonde atheletes were licking their lips.  The white guys on screen looked a bit disapproving and insecure.  But white guys aren't allowed to say anything.  We have to sit back and watch RACIST white women take over the whole world and forcibly negrify everything.

We need to smash these white female supremacists!
Title: Re: Backlash on Imus' comments
Post by: mord on April 11, 2007, 06:35:05 AM
The schvartzas in the sports team will have one-hundred times as many white women in bed than white guys like this talk show host ever will.

These schvartzas should be apologizing to us for the fact that we can't get any action with our women any more, since they are always out on 'girl's nights', eyeing up young blacks, and indulging their wildest passions with them, and bearing their biracial babies.
Fruit these were women :D
Title: Re: Backlash on Imus' comments
Post by: NoahideGentile on April 11, 2007, 02:30:40 PM
Strictly individually speaking Imus' comments WERE mean, but do other shock jocks like Howard Stern and Opie and Anthony feel heat to retract every ridiculous cruel thing they say?

Imus is a worm for agreeing to grovel before those black Hitlers.

I've listened to Opie and Anthony for years (they are nothing like they use to be by the way). Imus should've taken HS and O&A's advice by refusing to apologize, not that he apologized he is at Al sharpton and Jackson's mercy.

  Still, it would be interesting to see what his take on the Imus situation is.

I've listened, Stern is against Imus and hopes he will be fired.
Title: Re: Backlash on Imus' comments
Post by: Joe Gutfeld on April 11, 2007, 05:37:23 PM
The other shock jocks do and say worse than what Imus said.  On WPLJ raido here in New York, had a contest when 2 women "[censored]-slap" each other.  How come women groups didn't protest this.  But, Imus insulted a women's basketball team where all but 2 of the players, are black he can't insult them.  Is chaim going to talk about this topic on his 'Take back America" show?  Please let me know.
Title: Re: Backlash on Imus' comments
Post by: RationalThought110 on April 11, 2007, 07:05:23 PM
According to Sharpton you can make fun of everbody except blacks.

Sharpton owes people many apologies: The most recent being the Duke University Lacrosse Scandal. 

Sean Hannity has the correct points about Sharpton and Jesse Jackson: With all the racist attacks they've attacked whites and Jews with over the years, isn't it hypocrisy for them to be leading the attacks against Imus?
Title: Re: Backlash on Imus' comments
Post by: Joe Gutfeld on April 11, 2007, 07:24:33 PM
I agree with you 100%
Title: Re: Backlash on Imus' comments
Post by: fjack on April 12, 2007, 06:46:10 AM
If imus has any kind of nuts he would kick all the black kids he has given free medical treatments and shelter to out on the streets. The more you give the primitives the more they want. They are a completely helpless things that need to prey on white people to take care of them. They have no concept of what it is to live in a civilized society. Did you ever hear of a liberal saying, 'I want to move to a black neighborhood to raise my children and live amongst the natives', I never did. Even liberals are smart enough not to do that. But the liberal will demand imus be fired. They make me sick. Liberalism is a mental illness that no one has a cure for. I heard one of the black nappy headed head hunter nubiam scholar speak the other day. Her ebonics were flawless, she could say 'axed' and 'I be hurt' with the best of them. This thing is considered to be an academic success story. It is sad that we pander to these former tree dwellers but we are so afraid of their violent reactions that we let it go on and on.
Title: Re: Backlash on Imus' comments
Post by: cjd on April 12, 2007, 07:15:46 AM
If imus has any kind of nuts he would kick all the black kids he has given free medical treatments and shelter to out on the streets. The more you give the primitives the more they want. They are a completely helpless things that need to prey on white people to take care of them. They have no concept of what it is to live in a civilized society. Did you ever hear of a liberal saying, 'I want to move to a black neighborhood to raise my children and live amongst the natives', I never did. Even liberals are smart enough not to do that. But the liberal will demand imus be fired. They make me sick. Liberalism is a mental illness that no one has a cure for. I heard one of the black nappy headed head hunter nubiam scholar speak the other day. Her ebonics were flawless, she could say 'axed' and 'I be hurt' with the best of them. This thing is considered to be an academic success story. It is sad that we pander to these former tree dwellers but we are so afraid of their violent reactions that we let it go on and on.
I was watching the news the other day and one of the team members came on and was moaning how "she be scared for life" due to Imus and his comments. I could see the ~$$~ signs ringing in her eyes. Animals like this could destroy the world if left unattended and some comments by a has been radio show host scared her for life what a crock.
Title: Re: Backlash on Imus' comments
Post by: takebackourtemple on April 12, 2007, 08:08:01 AM
   A loss for free speech. MSNBC dropped Imus. As outrageous as this is, it will only get worse. I wonder who is next.
Title: Re: Backlash on Imus' comments
Post by: Joe Gutfeld on April 12, 2007, 11:34:34 AM
If you really want to stick it to Sharpton and his cronies, you donate money to Imus' radiothon today or tomorrow morning. 
Title: Re: Backlash on Imus' comments
Post by: Joe Gutfeld on April 12, 2007, 03:50:58 PM
Please donate money to Imus' charities.  It will stick it to sharpton
Title: Re: Backlash on Imus' comments
Post by: Joe Gutfeld on April 12, 2007, 05:42:20 PM
Today, CBS has caved in to Al Sharpton and his cronies by firing Don Imus.  THIS IS A DISGRACE!!  If Imus can be fired for bashing a basketball team, I wonder what Sharpton has to say what Chaim says on his shows.  I would like to know what Jimmy Sullivan has to say.  I hope he answers this post.
Title: Re: Backlash on Imus' comments
Post by: takebackourtemple on April 12, 2007, 11:04:40 PM
If Imus can be fired for bashing a basketball team, I wonder what Sharpton has to say what Chaim says on his shows.

   Sharpton attacked Imus because he was weak. Who has Sharpton attacked for a prolonged period of time that hasn't fought back? If Imus had apologized to the basketball team but stood his ground against Sharpton and Jackson, he would still have his job.
   The charities are also insteresting. We never hear about equivalent charities sponsored by Jackson or Sharpton. They take all the money for themselves. The Imus phonophon which benefits blacks is no going to make much less money. We won't see Jackson or Sharpton make any attempts to raise the difference.
Title: Re: Backlash on Imus' comments
Post by: TheCoon on April 12, 2007, 11:30:02 PM
What buying power do the blacks have that CBS and MSNBC were so afraid of losing due to Imus' comments? They're all a bunch of welfare monkeys.
Title: Re: Backlash on Imus' comments
Post by: Joe Gutfeld on April 13, 2007, 11:14:48 AM
CBS and MSNBC were scared silly what Sharpton and Jackson were planning to do.  They will protest outside their studios till they got what they wanted.  They did yesterday when Imus was fired.  Is Chaim going to talk about this on either Ask JTF or his Take back America shows?  Please let me know.
Title: Re: Backlash on Imus' comments
Post by: cjd on April 13, 2007, 11:31:47 AM
CBS and MSNBC were scared silly what Sharpton and Jackson were planning to do.  They will protest outside their studios till they got what they wanted.  They did yesterday when Imus was fired.  Is Chaim going to talk about this on either Ask JTF or his Take back America shows?  Please let me know.
I am not so sure about  the viewership of MSNBC because I never watched it much but if blacks were to boycot CBS 2/3 of their viewership would be gone. I have a strange suspicion MSNBC is in the same boat.
Title: Re: Backlash on Imus' comments
Post by: MassuhDGoodName on April 13, 2007, 11:37:16 AM
Re:  "...if blacks were to boycot CBS 2/3 of their viewership would be gone..."

Then, the solution should be clear...

We should boycott CBS, as well as that particular 2/3 of their viewership!
Title: Re: Backlash on Imus' comments
Post by: cjd on April 13, 2007, 03:55:38 PM
Re:  "...if blacks were to boycot CBS 2/3 of their viewership would be gone..."

Then, the solution should be clear...

We should boycott CBS, as well as that particular 2/3 of their viewership!
I'm way ahead of the pack on that boycott I haven't watched what I call the low channels on TV (2 CBS , 4 NBC etc.) in years. I have been watching FOX News now and then but even that is not what it use to be. Fox is about the best you can do here  New York.
Title: Re: Backlash on Imus' comments
Post by: Joe Gutfeld on April 13, 2007, 06:02:36 PM
Does anyone know about Chaim's views on this topic?
Title: Re: Backlash on Imus' comments
Post by: Joe Gutfeld on April 16, 2007, 04:56:02 PM
Today on Oprah, Sharpton was on it.  It looks like that he won't go after the rappers as hard as he did Imus.  BIG SURPRISE!!!!!!  Only white "racists" he goes after.  Did Chaim ever talked about this topic on the "Ask JTF" or "Take Back America" shows yet?  Does anyone have an answer for me?
Title: Re: Backlash on Imus' comments
Post by: fjack on April 17, 2007, 06:46:18 PM
Oprah is an admitted crack head whore. I also heard said how jesse jackson 'fills' her full of 'pride'. What and who do you think that this slob whore would invite on her program, Chaim? I don't think so. Any way, I would not want our leader being subjected to the stench that come from that filthly animal whore. Can you imagine the stench in the summer time from that thing. Her paid biped, the basketball player steadman must be paid very well to climb that piece of garbage at night.
Title: Re: Backlash on Imus' comments
Post by: Joe Gutfeld on April 17, 2007, 07:02:26 PM
We all know that Oprah is gay.  She has sex with that "friend" Gail.  Everyone knows it.
Title: Re: Backlash on Imus' comments
Post by: judeanoncapta on April 17, 2007, 11:12:51 PM
My favorite talk show host host Phil Hendrie said that without makeup, Oprah looks like Lavar Burton(Kunta Kinte from Roots). He also said she looks like a shaved ape and no one fired him like they did to Imus.
Title: Re: Backlash on Imus' comments
Post by: Joe Gutfeld on April 18, 2007, 06:04:39 PM
Oprah is a phony.  She's a lesbian!!
Title: Re: Backlash on Imus' comments - Hillary Might Be Behind It
Post by: Christian Zionist on April 18, 2007, 10:42:10 PM


On Imus in the Morning, Don Imus referred to Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton as "Satan" 11 times, once calling her "that buck-tooth witch, Satan." He also called Al Gore "the phoniest bastard on the planet," adding that Gore is "a horrid human being."

It is interesting to note that Imus made his comments on 04/04/07 and there was no outrage at that time.  Only last week this issue imploded.  May the Clinton machine behind it?
Title: Re: Backlash on Imus' comments
Post by: Joe Gutfeld on April 19, 2007, 10:58:43 AM
I don't know if anyone of you knows this, but, a radio station in California that broadcasts the Imus show is playing "The Best Of Imus".  Starting of course with the episode that he called the Rutgers team "ho's".  And they will keep planning reruns of his show till he comes back on the air. 
Title: Re: Backlash on Imus' comments
Post by: Joe Gutfeld on April 23, 2007, 11:24:15 AM
I'm glad that Chaim talked about the Imus firing on "Take Back America" this week. (4/22/07)  I can't believe that the other man didn't know when Imus was on and on what station or channel on tv.  I know that Imus has made fun of Jews and everyone else. But to fire him because he made fun of a mostly black basketball team, it's a real double standard.  If he made fun of a white lacross team, he will still have his job.

Title: Re: Backlash on Imus' comments
Post by: Joe Gutfeld on April 23, 2007, 11:26:34 AM
I really like to know what Sarah's views on this topic.
Title: Re: Backlash on Imus' comments
Post by: Fruit of thy loins on April 23, 2007, 11:32:06 AM
I really like to know what Sarah's views on this topic.

Almost all white women are pro-black.  They only ever display anti-black attitudes when they are trying to impress some white guys for some reason.  But deep down all white women prefer black men.  I even see white women with black female friends these days.  Maybe some white women prefer black women for friends as well as preferring black men for lovers.
Title: Re: Backlash on Imus' comments
Post by: Imerica on April 23, 2007, 12:27:37 PM
Of course, he doesn't mean it.  It's a disgrace that he has to go on Al Sharpton's radio show today. 

Not surprising that Sharpton still demanded his resignation. 

Imus had previously mentioned that he makes fun of all types of people. 
Imus should have been able to keep his job. Eventhough his comments were insulting, he should have apologized to the basketball team without having to go through the media craziness. A suspension? Maybe. But I guarantee, if he'd been allowed to stay a little while longer, the lack of sponsorship would have flushed his show, for sure.
Title: Re: Backlash on Imus' comments
Post by: Joe Gutfeld on April 23, 2007, 05:32:47 PM
Maybe. But the sponsers would have pulled out because of pressure from Sharpton and his cronies.
Title: Re: Backlash on Imus' comments
Post by: MasterWolf1 on April 23, 2007, 05:40:19 PM
I have no respect for Imus he basically crawled on his belly to Sharpton's and Jackson's threats of protest. I would of said let em protest, you can't hide the fact that most black women are hos and got 10 babies from different fathers.  But he turned out his wimpy wus ways and I just can't respect that.
Title: Re: Backlash on Imus' comments
Post by: MasterWolf1 on April 23, 2007, 05:54:24 PM

Watch this, this guy makes a lot of sense, he is black and hates Jackson and Sharpton he follows in the foot steps of Roy Innis.
Title: Re: Backlash on Imus' comments
Post by: Imerica on April 23, 2007, 06:42:59 PM
I have no respect for Imus he basically crawled on his belly to Sharpton's and Jackson's threats of protest. I would of said let em protest, you can't hide the fact that most black women are hos and got 10 babies from different fathers.  But he turned out his wimpy wus ways and I just can't respect that.
That's terribly inaccurate. What does that say about white women who have just as many children by different guys? It is indeed NOT a fact that most black women are 'whores'. If I said that about your culture/race you'd fight me to the death.
Title: Re: Backlash on Imus' comments
Post by: MasterWolf1 on April 23, 2007, 07:29:04 PM
Oh they absolutly are and in fact 90 percent of black babies do not know who their own fathers are, their mothers are on crack the live right off the system the more babies they make the more is paid out I think the word "hos" is a very mild description, and you can say anything you want about my race however my race is not out for pure evil the black race is out for pure evil and as far as Imus goes for him to crawl on his belly to that fat black gorilla Sharpton shows he has no backbone.  You take a good look at NYC alone they have managed to destroy every neighborhood they can migrate into. As far as "nappy headed ho" goes I have heard them call each other far worst. Black welfare mamas, and crackhead mamas this is what goes on in the inner cities so called urban life styles.
Title: Re: Backlash on Imus' comments
Post by: Joe Gutfeld on April 23, 2007, 09:34:30 PM
Imus should still be on the air.  Al sharpton can kiss my ass.
Title: Re: Backlash on Imus' comments
Post by: Joe Gutfeld on April 23, 2007, 09:38:11 PM
What are your views about what Chaim said about the Imus firing?
Title: Re: Backlash on Imus' comments
Post by: Imerica on April 23, 2007, 09:38:31 PM
Oh they absolutly are and in fact 90 percent of black babies do not know who their own fathers are, their mothers are on crack the live right off the system the more babies they make the more is paid out I think the word "hos" is a very mild description, and you can say anything you want about my race however my race is not out for pure evil the black race is out for pure evil and as far as Imus goes for him to crawl on his belly to that fat black gorilla Sharpton shows he has no backbone.  You take a good look at NYC alone they have managed to destroy every neighborhood they can migrate into. As far as "nappy headed ho" goes I have heard them call each other far worst. Black welfare mamas, and crackhead mamas this is what goes on in the inner cities so called urban life styles.
An insult is an insult. If I called you out of the name that God / or your parents gave you, you'd spit at me. You don't like the racial slurs said by Jesse Jackson, but you also feel that a black female dosen't have the right to get angry when someone calls her a racial slur? I don't get it.
Title: Re: Backlash on Imus' comments
Post by: Joe Gutfeld on April 24, 2007, 11:25:14 AM
No one gets it.
Title: Re: Backlash on Imus' comments
Post by: MasterWolf1 on April 24, 2007, 03:16:57 PM
"Nappy headed ho" is far from an insult, he should not have lost his job over it I fully agree we still I think have something called free speech.  But for him to grovel to Sharpton made him look like a wus.
Title: Re: Backlash on Imus' comments
Post by: Joe Gutfeld on April 24, 2007, 08:55:03 PM
Now, there are 2 dj's in New York who said something about asians in a phone prank.  They have not been fired from their show.  Only suspended.  I guess you can't make fun of blacks.
Title: Re: Backlash on Imus' comments
Post by: MasterWolf1 on April 24, 2007, 09:02:07 PM
Freedom of speech is only allowed if you do not make any comments about blacks now a days
Title: Re: Backlash on Imus' comments
Post by: fjack on April 26, 2007, 11:58:03 AM
I don't see what Imus said was so bad. If you have seen this 'team' one would have noticed that there were some white amazons on the team. About them being scholars, let us see their transcripts, what courses they are taking, etc. They will not show you that. What you will find is that the majority of these primitives will major in education, sociology or black studiers. These are give a way degrees for the darkies and the white trash liberal followers. As far as imus is concerned, I consider him white trash that should be restricted to a ghetto wiht the rest of the animal liberals should be. End of story.
Title: Re: Backlash on Imus' comments
Post by: Joe Gutfeld on April 26, 2007, 06:55:11 PM
There are only 2 "Amazons" on the team.  Most of the players were black.  The white players weren't making a stink about what Imus said.
Title: Re: Backlash on Imus' comments
Post by: Joe Gutfeld on April 27, 2007, 07:11:56 PM
Last night on the Fox News Network, Imus' producer(who was also fired) talked about the fact that CBS and MSNBC, succubmed to the "pressure" from sharpton and jackson and fired him and Imus for bashing the Rutgers basketball team.  The both of them have made fun of everybody, but since they made fun of the mostly black team, they got fired for it.  It's a joke.  Did anyone see this?
Title: Re: Backlash on Imus' comments
Post by: Joe Gutfeld on April 28, 2007, 08:14:24 PM
I guess that people are tired of talking about this topic.  Does Chaim continue the discusson on the Imus' firing on the Ask JTF show or Take back America?
Title: Re: Backlash on Imus' comments
Post by: Joe Gutfeld on April 29, 2007, 06:03:35 PM
Imus is the best.
Title: Re: Backlash on Imus' comments
Post by: Joe Gutfeld on April 30, 2007, 09:43:48 PM
Chaim was right about his comments about the Imus firing.
Title: Re: Backlash on Imus' comments
Post by: Imerica on May 01, 2007, 03:34:39 AM
There are only 2 "Amazons" on the team.  Most of the players were black.  The white players weren't making a stink about what Imus said.
Actually, they did. Did you see the press comference?
Title: Re: Backlash on Imus' comments
Post by: Joe Gutfeld on May 03, 2007, 06:22:35 PM
Imus is planning to file a lawsuit against CBS radio for is firing.
Title: Re: Backlash on Imus' comments
Post by: Imerica on May 04, 2007, 12:53:06 AM
Imus is planning to file a lawsuit against CBS radio for is firing.
And he should. I didn't know until I watched CNN this morning that in his contract, his profane remarks were covered. He SHOULD sue for breech of contract. I didn't think he should have been fired anyway. But I'm glad he met with the basketball team. I'm also glad they didn't sue him and just wanted to talk.
Title: Re: Backlash on Imus' comments
Post by: Trumpeldor on May 04, 2007, 12:58:59 AM
Imus is planning to file a lawsuit against CBS radio for is firing.
And he should. I didn't know until I watched CNN this morning that in his contract, his profane remarks were covered. He SHOULD sue for breech of contract. I didn't think he should have been fired anyway. But I'm glad he met with the basketball team. I'm also glad they didn't sue him and just wanted to talk.

Why are you glad that he met with the basketball team? It was a freakin' joke.
Title: Re: Backlash on Imus' comments
Post by: Imerica on May 04, 2007, 09:13:55 AM
Imus is planning to file a lawsuit against CBS radio for is firing.
And he should. I didn't know until I watched CNN this morning that in his contract, his profane remarks were covered. He SHOULD sue for breech of contract. I didn't think he should have been fired anyway. But I'm glad he met with the basketball team. I'm also glad they didn't sue him and just wanted to talk.

Why are you glad that he met with the basketball team? It was a freakin' joke.
They didn't want to sue the man for what he said, and they never called for his resignation either. Al Sharpton did. They only wanted to meet with him to talk/ explain to him (and have feedback) on the reason why what he said hurt him so much and why the words he said doesn't describe the way they really are at all. It was a private meeting. If it were a meeting done in public, I'd agree that it was a joke.
Title: Re: Backlash on Imus' comments
Post by: Trumpeldor on May 04, 2007, 10:47:17 AM
Imus is planning to file a lawsuit against CBS radio for is firing.
And he should. I didn't know until I watched CNN this morning that in his contract, his profane remarks were covered. He SHOULD sue for breech of contract. I didn't think he should have been fired anyway. But I'm glad he met with the basketball team. I'm also glad they didn't sue him and just wanted to talk.

Why are you glad that he met with the basketball team? It was a freakin' joke.
They didn't want to sue the man for what he said, and they never called for his resignation either. Al Sharpton did. They only wanted to meet with him to talk/ explain to him (and have feedback) on the reason why what he said hurt him so much and why the words he said doesn't describe the way they really are at all. It was a private meeting. If it were a meeting done in public, I'd agree that it was a joke.

Do you think he would have had to apologize if Jackson and co. hadn't made a big deal about it?
Title: Re: Backlash on Imus' comments
Post by: Imerica on May 04, 2007, 06:23:17 PM
I think he would have had to apologize to the young ladies anyway because he called them something they're not. IMO, you shouldn't call someone a 'ho' if you don't know them to be that way...or 'nappy-headed' if you've never felt the texture of their hair.

Actually Jesse and co. weren't the first to hear about it, they DID expound on it but they didn't come out of the perverbial woodwork until the next day...guns a-blazin. I think that in matters of what they think is civil rights, they need to step down and let others speak for themselves. Sharpton and co. are useless.
Title: Re: Backlash on Imus' comments
Post by: Joe Gutfeld on May 04, 2007, 07:09:20 PM
The basketball team were insulted by Imus's comments.  He should have met with them and apoligize to them.  Which he did.  He should not have been fired for it.
Title: Re: Backlash on Imus' comments
Post by: cjd on May 04, 2007, 08:42:28 PM
I think he would have had to apologize to the young ladies anyway because he called them something they're not. IMO, you shouldn't call someone a 'ho' if you don't know them to be that way...or 'nappy-headed' if you've never felt the texture of their hair.

Actually Jesse and co. weren't the first to hear about it, they DID expound on it but they didn't come out of the proverbial woodwork until the next day...guns a-blazin. I think that in matters of what they think is civil rights, they need to step down and let others speak for themselves. Sharpton and co. are useless.
Imus is really a piece of garbage that should have retired long ago before he ever went into the radio talk show format. As outspoken as I am about racial issues I found what Imus said to be in poor taste. The reasons why I say this are many but my main ones are Imus flip flops on race issues from day to day depending on what the flavor of the day is. It depends  who he has on the shows with him that sets the tone of the comments for that day. At times he is all for Black folks and at other times he will come out with some dumb comment like the one that got him into trouble. Its all for the ratings and nothing more.  This is really the trademark of an ignorant animal. If Imus had a reason to call the girls something like that I would be behind him 100% however I don't think that was the case. Black folks need to make it on their own merits and need to tell Jessie and Co. to go and get themselves a real job. The day is past where Black folks need extortionist like Jackson and Sharpton to pave the way for them. They leave a bad taste in White folks mouths that colors the perception that White folks have about the Black race. The very Black leaders that Imus cavorted with were the ones that took him down when they thought they could gain by his removal. I for one never listened to Imus and to be honest except for his work with the kids at his ranch I think he really served no purpose being on the air. Good riddance to bad garbage.
Title: Re: Backlash on Imus' comments
Post by: nessuno on May 04, 2007, 08:48:40 PM
The basketball team were insulted by Imus's comments.  He should have met with them and apoligize to them.  Which he did.  He should not have been fired for it.
Imus lost me when he went on Al Sharpton's radio show to beg and grovel.
He should have kept what little dignity he had left.
Apologize to the basketball team fine - kiss sharpton's butt - he deserved to be fired!
Title: Re: Backlash on Imus' comments
Post by: DownwithIslam on May 04, 2007, 08:51:06 PM
I agree with you that kissing shvartza tuchis is unacceptable and showed what a wimpy piece of garbage he is. I still don't think he should of been fired though as he wasnt fired for the anti semitic stuff so why should making fun of shvartzas warrant a firing. I
t sets a bad precedent.
Title: Re: Backlash on Imus' comments
Post by: RationalThought110 on May 04, 2007, 08:56:14 PM
Last night on the Fox News Network, Imus' producer(who was also fired) talked about the fact that CBS and MSNBC, succubmed to the "pressure" from sharpton and jackson and fired him and Imus for bashing the Rutgers basketball team.  The both of them have made fun of everybody, but since they made fun of the mostly black team, they got fired for it.  It's a joke.  Did anyone see this?

It's actually part of Imus' contract.  So he's going to sue them because he was only fulfilling his contract.
Title: Re: Backlash on Imus' comments
Post by: DownwithIslam on May 04, 2007, 08:57:36 PM
I hope he wins even though I dislike him. We need to shut up those two colored anti semite bastards.
Title: Re: Backlash on Imus' comments
Post by: MassuhDGoodName on May 04, 2007, 09:45:43 PM
Re:  "...The basketball team were insulted by Imus's comments.  He should have met with them and apoligize to them..."

Imus could have handled the whole matter much more professionally.

For instance:

He should have immediately called a personal meeting between himself and the basketball girls.

At the meeting, he should have said...

"...Aw'right now, giiiirls!....now, tell ole' Imus how much ya'll usually charge per hour....come on, now...don' be shy....How much?....ten bucks?....twenty?....twenty-five dollars?...."

"Tell ya'll what 'ole Imus is gonna' do!.....(reaching into the back pocket of his jeans)...Here's twenty-five Yankee dollars apiece!....that's twenty-five dollars fo' each of yew gals...a little somethin' to help ya'll forgit this whole matter!"

"....Yessuh!....twenty-five bucks probably 'bout what ya'll git for an hour on the streets!..."

"Ya'll nothin' but a bunch o' HO'S!.....Yaaaaaaaaaaaah!"
Title: Re: Backlash on Imus' comments
Post by: cjd on May 04, 2007, 09:52:12 PM
As much as I dislike Imus he may stand to gain behind this whole issue. I was told by a coworker today that he saw a story  that Imus had a provision in his contract with the radio station that stipulated that he had to have a warning about anything he said over the air that they deemed unacceptable before firing him. This may give him the upper hand in suing the network for dismissing him. This may get him some cash however I don't think he will be reinstated.
Title: Re: Backlash on Imus' comments
Post by: DownwithIslam on May 04, 2007, 10:39:02 PM
Title: Re: Backlash on Imus' comments
Post by: Trumpeldor on May 04, 2007, 11:28:10 PM
The basketball team were insulted by Imus's comments.  He should have met with them and apoligize to them.  Which he did.  He should not have been fired for it.

They weren't listening to the radio. They were only offended because the networks turned it into a 'civil rights' issue by inviting the Negro Nazis on.
Title: Re: Backlash on Imus' comments
Post by: DownwithIslam on May 05, 2007, 12:41:49 AM
Shvartzas only understand ebonics so there is a language barrier there anyways. There is no way they could of listened to the Imus show and understood what the hell was going on. I bet a self hating jew was the first to report it.
Title: Re: Backlash on Imus' comments
Post by: Imerica on May 06, 2007, 05:21:47 AM
The basketball team were insulted by Imus's comments.  He should have met with them and apoligize to them.  Which he did.  He should not have been fired for it.
Title: Re: Backlash on Imus' comments
Post by: Joe Gutfeld on May 07, 2007, 05:27:31 PM
I do hope that Imus wins his lawsuit.  I want him back on the air.
Title: Re: Backlash on Imus' comments
Post by: Joe Gutfeld on May 08, 2007, 12:48:49 PM
Imus is the best shock jock on the air.
Title: Re: Backlash on Imus' comments
Post by: nessuno on May 08, 2007, 12:55:42 PM
Imus is the best shock jock on the air.
Who have you been listening to in his absence?
Title: Re: Backlash on Imus' comments
Post by: Joe Gutfeld on May 08, 2007, 06:01:55 PM
I have been listening to the people who have been filling in his show.
Title: Re: Backlash on Imus' comments
Post by: Joe Gutfeld on May 10, 2007, 12:51:26 PM
After Sharpton's recent comments about mormons, is why I want Imus back on the air.
Title: Re: Backlash on Imus' comments
Post by: Shlomo on May 10, 2007, 02:03:58 PM
That stuff is garbage. Why would you want to listen to it?
Title: Re: Backlash on Imus' comments
Post by: Joe Gutfeld on May 10, 2007, 06:17:15 PM
Because it's fun!
Title: Re: Backlash on Imus' comments
Post by: RationalThought110 on May 11, 2007, 09:05:04 PM
After Sharpton's recent comments about mormons, is why I want Imus back on the air.

Sharpton is debating Imus' producer on Hannity&Colmes.
Title: Re: Backlash on Imus' comments
Post by: Joe Gutfeld on May 14, 2007, 12:47:19 PM
On this debate, Imus' producer wanted to know who made sharpton the PC cheif.  At least he made sharpton look like a fool.
Title: Re: Backlash on Imus' comments
Post by: Imerica on May 14, 2007, 03:14:12 PM
On this debate, Imus' producer wanted to know who made sharpton the PC cheif.  At least he made sharpton look like a fool.
Sorry, but Sharpton does that all by himself.
Title: Re: Backlash on Imus' comments
Post by: Shlomo on May 14, 2007, 04:44:01 PM
On this debate, Imus' producer wanted to know who made sharpton the PC cheif.  At least he made sharpton look like a fool.
Sorry, but Sharpton does that all by himself.

That made me laugh out loud!
Title: Re: Backlash on Imus' comments
Post by: Joe Gutfeld on May 14, 2007, 05:51:57 PM
Good.  I can't believe that this post has 8 pages on it.  It's the most of any of my posts on this fourm.
Title: Re: Backlash on Imus' comments
Post by: fjack on May 14, 2007, 07:03:40 PM
Imus's producer did not impress me. The first thing he did was to shake that primates paw. It makes me sick to see all these white self haters like hannity and lou dobbs and the slut paula zhan call this primate 'reverend'. If you read any of sharpton's books you will find out that he was reverenized and baptize on the same day by non other that hymie town spitter whore monger adulterer mail order rev jesse jackson. These blacks just take the title of rev, bishop, pope (not to confused with pimp) and what ever else they feel like. If you notice that sharpton has added the title Doctor to his name. He has no formal education at all. All these blacks have made up phoney degrees. I would never call him anything but a liar, anti semite, white hater, wife cheater and an a rabble rouser. He and his rent a riot have cause the crown heights pogram and the destruction at Freddies. The white trash who bow and scrape in front should have been in Freedies when the fire was started.
Title: Re: Backlash on Imus' comments
Post by: Joe Gutfeld on May 14, 2007, 09:20:05 PM
It does make me sick that they pay so much attention to Sharpton and Jackson who everyone knows are 2 race baiters and claim racism everywhere they turn.
Title: Re: Backlash on Imus' comments
Post by: Joe Gutfeld on May 15, 2007, 12:28:37 PM
Title: Re: Backlash on Imus' comments
Post by: Shlomo on May 15, 2007, 04:51:32 PM
Imus is wrongly and unjustly being accused of racism but he's still says sick things and isn't a good person.
Title: Re: Backlash on Imus' comments
Post by: Joe Gutfeld on May 15, 2007, 07:33:42 PM
In spite of all the "racial" things he has said over the years, he does alot of charity work for kids with cancer with his ranch of his in New Mexico.
Title: Re: Backlash on Imus' comments
Post by: fjack on May 16, 2007, 06:51:47 AM
I have no respect for Imus since he caved in and went on al shaprton's radio show. He caved in, period. What Imus should have done was to tell all the liberals that he would only fund white children's welfare and no more darkies. Since they called him a racist why not act like one. Let al and jesse take care of all the little niglets that have cancer and let Imus take care of the white kids. It sounds harsh, but let the primitives see what it would be like without self hating whites taking care of blacks and let the blacks take care of their own. We know what will happen.
Title: Re: Backlash on Imus' comments
Post by: Joe Gutfeld on May 16, 2007, 08:56:36 PM
Imus also lost credibility with me also for appering on Sharpton's show.  The only place he should have went to first was to Rutgers to apologize to the team before anyone else.
Title: Re: Backlash on Imus' comments
Post by: cjd on May 16, 2007, 09:12:05 PM
Imus also lost credibility with me also for appering on Sharpton's show.  The only place he should have went to first was to Rutgers to apologize to the team before anyone else.
Imus should have retired when he was done spinning stacks of wax. Being a talk show host was above his abilities. He was an ass kiss for years to the very folks who did him in. He became as bad as the evil animals he would bring on his show to boost ratings. One day he would be agreeing with a Black guest on his show and the next day he would be calling blacks  nappy headed hoes. 
Title: Re: Backlash on Imus' comments
Post by: Joe Gutfeld on July 13, 2007, 11:09:51 AM
Let's go IMUS!!!!!!
Title: Re: Backlash on Imus' comments
Post by: Joe Gutfeld on July 26, 2007, 07:23:10 PM
I heard that Imus maybe back on the air in 2008 to comment on the election next year.  If it's true, IT'S GREAT NEWS!!!!!!!!
Title: Re: Backlash on Imus' comments
Post by: Joe Gutfeld on November 28, 2007, 06:04:09 PM
I'm glad that Imus is coming back on the air on Monday.