General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: AsheDina on August 04, 2009, 09:24:23 AM
I couldn't bear to watch the whole thing. Those MSNBC people are the scum of the earth.
I couldn't bear to watch the whole thing. Those MSNBC people are the scum of the earth.
David Schuster even said that Obongo was even born in Hawaii. The proof is there. I'm like what proof?
I couldn't bear to watch the whole thing. Those MSNBC people are the scum of the earth.
David Schuster even said that Obongo was even born in Hawaii. The proof is there. I'm like what proof?
UGH! I could not believe it, that poor woman! I love how she asked in the beginning how much time she'd have to talk, because she was treated so badly by CNN. And WHY do they keep labeling us "birthers"? I in NO WAY want to be associated with those people! We are only "truth seekers"! I feel so sorry for Orly she has been working so hard on this. I hope and pray the truth comes out EXACTLY as we suspected!
Orly Taitz...wow. I wonder what her next half-baked venture will be after this one goes absolutely nowhere?
Rational Minority, we know you're an Obama supporter. So what's your point?
Rational Minority, we know you're an Obama supporter. So what's your point?
Well, the point was that Dr. Taitz is a quack, and she will soon undoubtedly have to find other ways to make her shrill, ear-splittingly annoying voice heard in other ways.
Rational Minority, we know you're an Obama supporter. So what's your point?
Well, the point was that Dr. Taitz is a quack, and she will soon undoubtedly have to find other ways to make her shrill, ear-splittingly annoying voice heard in other ways.
Why is she a quack, Rational Minority?
Is it because she opposes your beloved Barack Obama? Do believe it's racist for anyone to dare oppose him? It certainly comes across that way to me.
It's a well known fact that the online certification of live birth shown on the Daily Kos site was a fake.
Also, when there were questions about John McCain's eligibility (he wasn't born in the mainland U.S.) he cooperated. Obama will not release his long form birth certificate, along with his college and law school records.
Are you going to tell us that it's racist to furnish a simple document that anyone else would make available? Something tells me you will.
Rational Minority, we know you're an Obama supporter. So what's your point?
Well, the point was that Dr. Taitz is a quack, and she will soon undoubtedly have to find other ways to make her shrill, ear-splittingly annoying voice heard in other ways.
Lisa, you hear this racism? Orly Taitz is a minority and a foreigner. It is hard for her to communicate, because she has to TRANSLATE into another LANGUAGE, plus she told this Bolshevik MORON that CNN already took a BATH on her, and she just flippin flew 14 HOURS...See the 'liberal tolerance' of the liberals, Lisa?? It only goes so far, unless it hurts poor Hussein :'(