Torah and Jewish Idea => Torah and Jewish Idea => Topic started by: NoahideGentile on April 13, 2007, 02:31:01 PM

Title: The Berbers
Post by: NoahideGentile on April 13, 2007, 02:31:01 PM
Hello. I have a question I would like to ask. What do you think about the berbers? The berbers are "WHITES" that should be CHRISTIAN but the Arabian-Islamic fascist Nazi Slime invaded their nations in mass numbers and imposed Islam on everyone there. Now the berbers are few in numbers in North Africa, and they think of themselve as dirty slimy filthy terroist muslims/arabs instead of christian righteous gentiles.
Title: Re: The Berbers
Post by: mord on April 13, 2007, 02:44:19 PM
Hello. I have a question I would like to ask. What do you think about the berbers? The berbers are "WHITES" that should be CHRISTIAN but the Arabian-Islamic fascist Nazi Slime invaded their nations in mass numbers and imposed Islam on everyone there. Now the berbers are few in numbers in North Africa, and they think of themselve as dirty slimy filthy terroist muslims/arabs instead of christian righteous gentiles.
Title: Re: The Berbers
Post by: NoahideGentile on April 13, 2007, 02:47:16 PM
when we reclaim Christendom, do yu think our first wars should be in North Africa?
Title: Re: The Berbers
Post by: mord on April 13, 2007, 02:49:57 PM
Title: Re: The Berbers
Post by: NoahideGentile on April 13, 2007, 02:52:48 PM
North African Arabs will be wiped off the planet and the land will be given back to the berbers, the true natives of the land. The Arabs need to be PUNISHED FULLY FOR THEIR SINS. Their horrendeous  deeds need to be remembered. I wonder how the berbers feel about all their history being taken away from them because of the filthy, slimy, disgusting arab/nazis.
Title: Re: The Berbers
Post by: Fruit of thy loins on April 14, 2007, 08:23:04 PM
I get my hair cut at the barber's.  They are mostly young white females.  :)
Title: Re: The Berbers
Post by: MarZutra on April 14, 2007, 08:29:58 PM
Were not the Berbers an ancient pagan people from North Africa?  I thought that they were merely a tribal people that battled against many people from the Egyptians to the Romans only to be pretty much Arabized by the Muslim horde and became pirates before, during and after their moving into Spain... I could be wrong however....
Title: Re: The Berbers
Post by: HEBREWHONOR on April 14, 2007, 08:33:03 PM
First of all ,hehe , i'm a morrocian jew , the berbers arn't white , they look like indians(hindu i mean) , sometimes blacker

why should they be christians ?

i belive christians who really belive in g-d , should become seven noah laws keepers , instad of being christians .

Title: Re: The Berbers
Post by: MarZutra on April 14, 2007, 09:46:10 PM
First of all ,hehe , i'm a morrocian jew , the berbers arn't white , they look like indians(hindu i mean) , sometimes blacker

why should they be christians ?

i belive christians who really belive in g-d , should become seven noah laws keepers , instad of being christians .

I don't think the Berbers are Christian or ever were... I believe thought they were pagans and were Arabized with forced conversions to Islam in the 8th-11th centuries...  I could be wrong.  The part about Christians becoming Noahides, that is and must be their choice...  You are a Moroccan Jew?  Nice...  My British friend just came back from Morocco yesterday..
Title: Re: The Berbers
Post by: HEBREWHONOR on April 14, 2007, 09:57:44 PM
i didn't said berbers were christians , i just replied to the idea that they should be christians by saying that all gentiles(and christians ) who really belive in g-d , should worship g-d in the way he intended them to do so , which is seven noah laws .

there is small minority of christians in morrocow , i donno if they are of berberian origin

most ancient ppl were pagan, islam conquered and forces islam upon hundreds of nations ,the berbers became muslim about 1000 years ago

i said i'm morrocian jew , to explain that i know they arn't really white (like the claim in the erlier part of the thread) i dont actually live in morrocow , my ancestors did for a time
( saying this to explain 'morrocian jew' isn't a correct term , cuz i dont see my self as a morrocian , but a jew :) hehe , just mentioned it to explain what i know about the berber colour )

u should tell youre friends not to go to morrocow , thats where 20% of al qaida come from
they actually tried to do(the muslims) 3 coordinated blasts in mimuna eve (the additional holy day added after pesach , in morrocian jewry customes ) in morrocow , baruch hashem , no jew was hurt.

Title: Re: The Berbers
Post by: mord on April 15, 2007, 06:31:51 AM
First of all ,hehe , i'm a morrocian jew , the berbers arn't white , they look like indians(hindu i mean) , sometimes blacker

why should they be christians ?

i belive christians who really belive in g-d , should become seven noah laws keepers , instad of being christians .

I think Sarah's father was from Morrocoo
Title: Re: The Berbers
Post by: sat_chit_anand on April 15, 2007, 08:01:05 AM
Berbers are culturally and racially distinct from the Arab population and they appear to be racially hetrogenous.

Berber women do not cover their heads quite so much as the Arab muslim women. There are a number of cultural differences.

When I was in Morocco, a Berber I spent some time with told me that they were nomadic pagans. Judaism then introduced property law and then they were converted to Islam.

Although they converted to Islam, they have remained culturally distinct from the Arab muslim population for something like 1000 years, which is really quite amazing. A few Berbers have pale skin, they might look as they they are from Southern Europe.
Title: Re: The Berbers
Post by: HEBREWHONOR on April 15, 2007, 08:39:56 AM
well , muslims are not all the same ppl , there are alot of ethnic groups within the framework of rotten islam

about what u wrote "A few Berbers have pale skin, they might look as they they are from Southern Europe."
they might descend from the vandul tribes who wandered the region

actually  , there are ppl who look like that in all over the middle east
the reason why arabs look usually blackers then europians , is because they dwelled with egyptian ,lubians ,habash type of braches of ppl , back in the old days
even the torah says that ishmael was half egyptian , who married an egyptian

however , semitic features are also can be white skined/natural tan skin ,blue/green/brown/black etc eyed , red/blonde/black /or whatever type of hair .

its not just a europian thing , it was more sharpened in places like iceland because of weather who reduced quantity of melanin in hair and eyes which gave the people who inhabitant this lands for a long time this type of regular appearance
Title: Re: The Berbers
Post by: NoahideGentile on April 15, 2007, 09:51:21 AM
No berbers have light skin and dark hair. ROfl, they look nothing like indians. They need to go back to paganism, their root. And not this foreign Arabian religion.
Title: Re: The Berbers
Post by: MarZutra on April 15, 2007, 10:20:46 AM
Sadly, Paganism was far more vile than even Islam today.... 
Title: Re: The Berbers
Post by: NoahideGentile on April 15, 2007, 10:25:50 AM
Sadly, Paganism was far more vile than even Islam today.... 

haha yeah i am sure. The pagans were in touch with spirit and nature, the christians preached that spirits, nature, sex, and such was wrong. The abrahamics preached that natural things in life were an abomination and vile.

Christianity was all about power, to get more and more of it. King Clovis is an example, he left paganism to conversion to catholicism so he could get more allies and fight wars for religious reasons (basically crusades).

We, Pagans (European Pagans as well as the Pagan-Hindus of India) have been barbarically brutalized, massacred, persecuted and decimated historically by the Exclusivist Creeds of Islam and Christianity. In the new high-tech world of today, the calls of our Pagan-Ancestors are calling upon us for revenge. They are calling upon all of us (Pagans of India and of Europe) to re-conjure, re-emerge, and re-surge our ancient, indigenous, Pagan religions of Europe and elsewhere, and to disseminate these Pagan-Religions  into the modern world of Europe, and areas around the country of India.

Title: Re: The Berbers
Post by: MarZutra on April 15, 2007, 10:40:33 AM
I guess it goes into the meaning of "natural".  I agree that Islam is vile but paganism is far more inhumane.  Live spousal cremations, human sacrifices, cannibalism, infanticide, sexism, ignorance, homosexuality and every other "enlightened" sexual degeneracy practiced openly.  Virtually every pagan sun-worshiping culture/faith followed similar hedonistic depravities whether it be the animals in Nigeria who were practicing cannibalism up until the close of the last century or the Aztecs when Cortes discovered/conquered Mexico.  The knowledge Egyptians, Greeks and Romans practiced infanticide especially to their female births.  The Hindus and other Eastern Gnostic faiths burned their wives alive along with their deceased husbands because the female meant nothing....  The examples of the inhumane pagan practices from the Nordic peoples, Easter Island to the Druids of England's Stone Henge are just a very few. 

The Torah truly changed the Earth.  A very good book on this topic is by Spiro called "World Perfect" although I disagree with the last two chapters on the UN and the "Civil Rights" revolution of the 60's-70's...  Enjoy...
Title: Re: The Berbers
Post by: NoahideGentile on April 15, 2007, 10:45:32 AM
For one, don't judge all pagans across different races. I'm talking about Heathenism, European religion. I realize the austroloids, east asians, etc.. did some brutual things like cannabalism.

The Hindus and other Eastern Gnostic faiths burned their wives alive along with their deceased husbands because the female meant nothing....

Or perhaps it had a deeper meaning, rather than your explanation, "they meant nothing".

the Druids of England's Stone Henge are just a very few.

Stonehenge was a marvellous accomplishment by very primitive yet sophisticated people.

The Torah truly changed the Earth.

It changed things, but it is not my religion. I want to follow what my ancestors followed and not some semetic religion, no offence. It was the Aryan's religion and has been killed, it needs to return. As I think the latin americans need to return to their pagan roots (not the sacrifices or anything but still return), and the Sub-saharan africans need to drop islam and christianity.


Title: Re: The Berbers
Post by: TheCoon on April 15, 2007, 10:47:48 AM
Middle-eastern paganism was very much brutal. Look what God commanded the Hebrews to do to the many pagan nations in the Levant? Wage war on them and annihilate them. In many ways they were worse than Islam. There was not one ancient mideast pagan society whose practices were not savage and against everything Judaism and Christianity stand for.

Why would you want to be pagan of any religion? Non-Jews have Christianity, a wonderful religion that if followed properly teaches you to love God and be a friend of the Jewish people.
Title: Re: The Berbers
Post by: NoahideGentile on April 15, 2007, 10:53:47 AM
At this time, Europeans are abandoning Christianity, some of them are trying to find their ancient Pagan-Roots. They are trying very hard to pull themselves out of the mud of Christianity, that has been heaped upon them for centuries. Christianity knocked Europe out of its alignment with its ancient Pagan-Roots, culture, and beliefs, by destroying its Pagan Religions. While uncovering the scale of these dreadful Christian atrocities, we must bear in memory that:
          Christianity is not the religion of Europe nor of anywhere else. Christianity is an imposition on Europe, and a Barbaric Imposition. Similarly, Islam is not the religion of Arabia, nor of Asia nor of any where else either. Islam is an imposition and a Barbaric Imposition, and the size and diameter of its barbarism, are comparable to Christianity's Barbarism. The true religion of Europe and of every where else is PAGANISM. It is our sacred duty to expose and eradicate the perpetrators of these gruesome acts of barbarism, the names of these perpetrators are:
                  Europeans did not give in to Christianity without a fight. Two-Thirds of Aryan-Europe had to be murdered by Christians before the whole of Europe succumbed to Christianity. As the Christians molested, murdered, insulted, destroyed, and degraded  Pagan-Europe, during their proselytism campaigns and military operations, they used the term of  "Pagan" in a pejorative and perverse sense for the Non-Christians, who had not yet converted to Christianity. They hoped that degrading of Paganism in this manner, would induce the Pagans to swiftly switch over to Christianity. But it did not happen quite that way. The Non-Christian Pagans used the term of Pagan, for themselves "as an exemplification of their courage, to defy and refuse to accept the superstition called Christianity. They continued to regard Christianity as junk, humbug, organized hypocrisy, and mealy-mouthed quackery.             
           The Pagans of Europe viewed themselves as "Proud Pagans," sailing proudly under "Pagan-Colors".
    Christianity can never truly be the religion of Europe, it started in Palestine and Islam started in the Arabian peninsula. Heathenism is Europe's religion.
Title: Re: The Berbers
Post by: MarZutra on April 15, 2007, 11:07:28 AM
It is highly obvious that you are not well learned on the history nor practices of Paganism..... 
Title: Re: The Berbers
Post by: TheCoon on April 15, 2007, 11:09:57 AM
Paganism is evil, regardless of how you feel about it. There is a reason it has been wiped out in almost every civilized society. Even a modern pagan society like India sees extremely evil practices like the caste-system, slavery, child slavery, honor killing, valuing animal life over human life, etc. Woe be on the person who practices paganism and denounces God on the day of judgement.  :o

MarZutra is knowledgeable on this as are others, Paganism accross cultures leads to incredibly evil practices.
Title: Re: The Berbers
Post by: NoahideGentile on April 15, 2007, 11:15:37 AM
MarZutra is knowledgeable on this as are others, Paganism accross cultures leads to incredibly evil practices.

Like the crusades, burning of witches, inquisition, holocaust, etc...

Paganism is evil

really? It seems the pagans built the most impressive empires of all time.



There is a reason it has been wiped out in almost every civilized society.

Yeah because rich people wanted to be richer and more leaders wanted more power.


Even a modern pagan society like India sees extremely evil practices like the caste-system, slavery, child slavery, honor killing, valuing animal life over human life, etc.

Caste-system is evil? Slavery--huh?
Child slavery is illegal there, so I'm not sure what you're on.
some animals are sacred to them,they just respect that-- so what? Its their relgion.
Title: Re: The Berbers
Post by: NoahideGentile on April 15, 2007, 11:17:14 AM
More empires:


Title: Re: The Berbers
Post by: NoahideGentile on April 15, 2007, 11:34:08 AM
It is highly obvious that you are not well learned on the history nor practices of Paganism..... 

Yes I have.... have you?
Title: Re: The Berbers
Post by: MarZutra on April 15, 2007, 11:39:54 AM
You really are a piece of work my friend.  "Like the crusades, burning of witches, inquisition, holocaust, etc.."  The Crusades were an outcome of the expansionism of Islam of which may Jews were murdered.  Burning of Witches, is rather inhumane but since witches are evil practitioners of black magic/paganism.....  might have been better to just use the old chopping block.  The Inquisition was more a product of power hungry religious leaders and their rival kings and of course the Holocaust was the result of Nazism which is a radical leftist ideology similar to communism only with the bastardization of Germanic Paganism from Alfred Rosenberg's Thule Society...
Title: Re: The Berbers
Post by: NoahideGentile on April 15, 2007, 11:43:47 AM
We Pagans are here to stay, we are not going to go away, we are going to stick it out, to the bitter end.
As a result of this defiance, the sun of Paganism never completely set in Europe, it continued to simmer.

Prior to the Christian Era, Europe had an advanced form of civilization, very kindred and comparable, to Hinduism and Hindu mode of worship. Like Hinduism, these Pre-Christian Pagan-European civilizations regarded virtues, moral goodness, righteousness, and high-mindedness, as materializations and manifestations of G-d/ Bhagwan ( in Hinduism). Pagan-Europe received a rude-quiver with the arrival of Christianity on the scene. Christianity quickly started nibbling at Pagan-Europe, with probing attacks, eating Pagans in small bites.
Christianity received a big boost in its fire-power, when Roman emperor Constantine after embracing Christianity, immediately started  forcible conversion of his Pagan population,  destroying all their Pagan temples. Since Christianity was now firmly established in Rome, it was free to go to step #2, it began its barbarism against the remaining Pagans of Europe. The Christian-Barbarism continued for centuries, in fact it has never ceased, nor can it ever cease. The reason for Christianity's Unflagging  maintenance of barbarism, is related to the nature of Christianity itself, it may be called "The Nature Of The Beast" and the beast is Christianity.
If Christianity's two thousand years of blood-soaked history, brings any thing in clear view, it is this that Christianity like Islam, is a prophetic license for banditry, it gathers its adherents by the terror of sword. Christianity claims that it is a religion of Peace, Love, and Brotherhood, it uses this two-faced fakery as a mask to disarm its adversaries, making them unable to detect Christianity's Real and Clandestine Intentions, which are to eliminate all religions of the world other than its own Christianity.

and of course the Holocaust was the result of Nazism which is a radical leftist ideology similar to communism only with the bastardization of Germanic Paganism from Alfred Rosenberg's Thule Society...

haha, that really is laughable. Nazi Germany had hardly little to do with germanic paganism. Its laughable that Jsullivan thought Odin was germany's ancient G-d, ROFL. Not to insult you, but its far wrong. Hitler even remarked, "I was born a catholic, I'll die one" and kept close ties with the RCC (Roman catholic church).

The Crusades were an outcome of the expansionism of Islam of which may Jews were murdered.

I loved the crusades, the crusaders fought the muslims bravely. However, I was saying the christians are famous for breaking their commandments (thou shalt not kill, turn the other cheek, judge not lest ye be judged, forgive one another lest ye be forgiven, etc..)

Burning of Witches, is rather inhumane but since witches are evil practitioners of black magic/paganism.....

So you're excusing it? Let me reverse it:
"The holocaust was rather inhuman, but the jews owned all the businesses in germany and persecuted the natives there which is very evil".

See, if christianity stayed strictly pure to its roots, then no christian would be in ANY WARS, EVER. Thats just how it is. Same with jews.
Title: Re: The Berbers
Post by: MarZutra on April 15, 2007, 11:48:42 AM
Now you are insulting my intelligence.  If you didn't know that Hitler was a homosexual pagan.  You are in deed indoctrinated and a Nazi that I have not more time for.  The fact that you say "The Jews owned all the businesses" is total ignorance and pandering to the Nazi propaganda.  The Bible says "Thou shalt not murder" not kill...
Title: Re: The Berbers
Post by: NoahideGentile on April 15, 2007, 11:51:21 AM
Now you are insulting my intelligence.  If you didn't know that Hitler was a homosexual pagan.  You are in deed indoctrinated and a Nazi that I have not more time for.  The fact that you say "The Jews owned all the businesses" is total ignorance and pandering to the Nazi propaganda. 

ahh here it is, the famous accusation of nazism that this board is known for. I was hypothetically excusing the holocaust as you exucsed the holocaust of pagans by saying "they used dark magic so they deserved it".

So,, since I don't think Hitler was a homosexual (whoa? where did that come from? I never heard that ANYWHERES before, since he was married) and dont' think he was a pagan (err... lets see, he had close connections to the RCC, and identified himself as a catholic and mentioned Hashem aka jehova in many of his speeches and was influenced by martin Luther a christian) then I am a Nazi? lol, that, is truly laughable.

The Bible says "Thou shalt not murder" not kill...
Back then, murder and kill meant the same thing, same meaning.

and you completely ignored all my other points.
Title: Re: The Berbers
Post by: MarZutra on April 15, 2007, 11:58:41 AM
Now you are insulting my intelligence.  If you didn't know that Hitler was a homosexual pagan.  You are in deed indoctrinated and a Nazi that I have not more time for.  The fact that you say "The Jews owned all the businesses" is total ignorance and pandering to the Nazi propaganda. 

ahh here it is, the famous accusation of nazism that this board is known for. I was hypothetically excusing the holocaust as you exucsed the holocaust of pagans by saying "they used dark magic so they deserved it".

So,, since I don't think Hitler was a homosexual (whoa? where did that come from? I never heard that ANYWHERES before) and dont' think he was a pagan (err... lets see, he had close connections to the RCC, and identified himself as a catholic and mentioned Hashem aka jehova in many of his speeches and was influenced by martin Luther a christian) then I am a Nazi? lol, that, is truly laughable.

The Bible says "Thou shalt not murder" not kill...
Back then, murder and kill meant the same thing, same meaning.

and you completely ignored all my other points.
Dude, that is almost common knowledge now.  Read "The Pink Swastika" or "The Hidden Hitler" or even "Nazism and the Occult" for starters.  If you watch any of the black and white films of Nazi Germany, paganism is everywhere.  If you research the Thule Society or anything along those lines you will see that Hitler gave up Catholicism when he was very young.  Why do you think the Nazis and the Pope were at odds when the Nazi's closed up most of the Churches?  Martin Luther was another anti-Semite and the only thing Hitler took from him was his hatred of Jews.

If you think "back then murder and kill meant the same thing" you are totally inept.  Please, it is your turn to go and do some reading and perhaps come back and chat civilly.  This is far below me and my time...  Good day to you Sir...
Title: Re: The Berbers
Post by: NoahideGentile on April 15, 2007, 12:01:31 PM
lol. I am not going to read your propaganda books with useless information saying Hitler was gay.  All becuase he was an enemy to your race that makes him a gay, satanist, pagan,  babykiller, martian, redneck? ROFL.

The swastika is an old pagan symbol that was used all across the world, Hitler used it as welll. Was it used in pagan culture? yes. Was it used in christian culture? believe it or not, yes. Many churches painted the swastika on their door for good luck and to prosper.

The pope had the allies breathing down his neck, thats why.
Hitler feared the pope openly turning agianst him, so the churches close down.
Title: Re: The Berbers
Post by: MarZutra on April 15, 2007, 12:06:54 PM
lol. I am not going to read your propaganda books with useless information saying Hitler was gay.  All becuase he was an enemy to your race that makes him a gay, satanist, pagan,  babykiller, martian, redneck? ROFL.

The swastika is an old pagan symbol that was used all across the world, Hitler used it as welll. Was it used in pagan culture? yes. Was it used in christian culture? believe it or not, yes. Many churches painted the swastika on their door for good luck and to prosper.

The pope had the allies breathing down his neck, thats why.
Hitler feared the pope openly turning agianst him, so the churches close down.
Actually, it wasn't a Jew who wrote the books and it was my Christian Friends who gave them to me.  I am open minded and read.  Again you are a scummy Nazi, saying "your race"...you are an ignoramus.  Perhaps it wasn't because Hitler wanted to rid Germany of Christianity that the Nazi's shut down the Churches?  Again...please leave...  I'm not going to dignify any of your posts from this point on.  I have shown you far too much "tolerance".  Good bye....
Title: Re: The Berbers
Post by: NoahideGentile on April 15, 2007, 12:08:26 PM
so by saying "your race" I'm a nazi? What a fucken loon, sorry you are.

Title: Re: The Berbers
Post by: MarZutra on April 15, 2007, 12:20:44 PM
How many times have people, including yourself, on this forum have stated that Jews are NOT a race?  Dude [censored] with your racism and your arrogant stupidity...
Title: Re: The Berbers
Post by: nessuno on April 15, 2007, 12:27:00 PM
so by saying "your race" I'm a nazi? What a fucken loon, sorry you are.

I have no where the intelligence of MarZutra - I don't think many people do - but even I could see from your early posts that you were a fraud and an agitator.
We Pagans are here to stay, we are not going to go away, we are going to stick it out, to the bitter end.
Your type may be here to stay - but the people on this forum - especially MarZutra should not waste another second with you.  
Sorry - if this post doesn't fit the thread but after reading it  - I just had to speak my mind!
Title: Re: The Berbers
Post by: MarZutra on April 15, 2007, 12:36:23 PM
......your words come from the mouth of a very wise source...
Title: Re: The Berbers
Post by: HEBREWHONOR on April 15, 2007, 02:38:27 PM
noahidegentile - berberians look like hindus(indians of india i meant , not indians of america) in coulour of skin , they dont look white , i donno where i u getting youre information from , but just search for a typical market picture from morrocw, and judge for youre self.

u said "They need to go back to paganism, their root. And not this foreign Arabian religion."

whats the freaking difference  , what kind of noahide promots neo paganism? that new , do u know what noahide means? (its means a gentile who accept the laws given to noah and his sons , 7 noahide laws , of whom one is to deny any worship of other g-ds besides the one true g-d)

"The abrahamics preached that natural things in life were an abomination and vile. "

Thats not true , we adhere g-d and whatever he commands us to do , all that he ctreated for men , can be used on diffrent level
worship of sun , moon , stars ,lakes , and animal ,and man made statues is indeed abomination and vile
'natural' things isn't abomination ,unless g-d say it is .but evreything should be done with accepting the yoke of heaven , and crowning g-d over one self , Not to be bound to beastiality and worship it , but ruling one inner self , while making his ways according to the desire of g-d

u say

"We, Pagans (European Pagans as well as the Pagan-Hindus of India) have been barbarically brutalized, massacred, persecuted and decimated historically by the Exclusivist Creeds of Islam and Christianity. In the new high-tech world of today, the calls of our Pagan-Ancestors are calling upon us for revenge. They are calling upon all of us (Pagans of India and of Europe) to re-conjure, re-emerge, and re-surge our ancient, indigenous, Pagan religions of Europe and elsewhere, and to disseminate these Pagan-Religions  into the modern world of Europe, and areas around the country of India."

If that weak g-ds of paganism couldn't help them while the christians and muslims did whatever they wanted to them in name of their wannebe invented 'real g-d', so why u should worship those g-ds now?

youre ancestors belived in the real g-d , before beliving in stupid superstitious multiple g-ds , one for any subjact they saw .

i know youre theories , i know neo pagans , some of them are highely antisemitic and Blame me , for what the christians did to them , as claiming that we had anything to do with christianity in the first place

stupid idiots like 'the pagan front' etc , are bunch of weak gay homos who belive in weak gods who dont exsist , and for your own good , i hope youre not a part of that weaklings

about what u argued about later

1.there were europian people (like the celts, in our lenguage , gomer) which would make the canaanites look like moral full people and familiy oriented

2.There is no such thing as aryan people , aryan race is a theory of modern europians who want to connect all living europians , in reality , it was the name of lenguage of the Zoroastrian religion
as well a word  in persian and ancient sinskirt to describe a noblemen ,or respacted one . there is only one type of ppl who actually called themselves "ariens" ,they are from afganisthan , and not really white either

3. all modern europian tribes and their ancient religions are not aryans , yet originate from mesoptamia and asia .our ancestors, and the assyrians and egyptians  kept track on most of this ppl , at their older form

the slavonics in hebrew are called Riphat (notice toponymes which the names appear in , kariphtaian basin , priphiyat river ,etc)

the scandinevians are called ashkenaz , the assyrians called them askusa , the goths called them askandza

the celts , we called gomer , the assyrians called them Gimirrai  , known in modern lenguage as Kimmerii or Cimmerians and the greeks called them Keltoi , in which the term 'celts' come from

notice that in the scandinavian mythologies, they say their gods fougth a race of giants called "gumir" , probably a trace to ancient war stories who was kept through the balsagot in mythical way

and etc  . , i can do the same thing and connecting og modern europians to their ancient form ,with almost all main ethnic groups in europe

4.Stonehenge was not built by the druids , but in the neolitic era (pre the mabool , according to our sources) , it wasn't used for worship , but to count the days by the moon
the druid worship in the place , was for the sun , PROVING , they did not built the place(since it was for counting the days of the moon)  They only adopted it later

Title: Re: The Berbers
Post by: HEBREWHONOR on April 15, 2007, 03:41:08 PM
what i said is that stonehenge was built in the neolithic era (before 5000 years ago) which is in judaism pre mabool era .

there is works of archaeologists  about this place and others near it which prove it was regarding counting days in a lunar way

אני גם חקרתי את קצת את הנושא לפני כמה זמן ,וראיתי שבתקופה הניאוליתית כמה וכמה תרבויות היו טובות מאוד בחישובים ואסטרונומיה , כמו האנשים שבנו את סטונהייג וציירו ציורים במערות הסמוכות אליו שנוגעים בעניין הספירה לפי הירח , כמו כן, מצאו שלוש מגבעות זהב של אותם אנשים, בשלוש מקומות שונים באירופה, ועל המגבעות האלה יש ציורים של הירח בתנוחות ופוזיציות שלו בכל יום בשנה
כמו כן בו זמנית היה עם לפני מצרים הקדומה, שהיה חי באיזור שהיום נחרב במצרים (אז הוא היה יחסית פורה לפי תמונות מהחלל שמצביעים על זרימת מים במקומות האלה בעבר) וגם הוא ידע לחשב דברים והיה לו מערכת חישוב של שעות לפי אבנים, ומפות אסטרונומיות פרימיטיביות

וזה מעניין,כי התקופה הזאת היא לפני המבול, והיא מפסיקה בפתאומיות, בדיוק באותו זמן בו לפי היהדות היה המבול , ואחרי זה מתחילות להופיע תרבויות נחשלות בלי המון ידע , שזה קצת לא נורמלי אלא אם התרחש דבר ששינה את העולם והבני אדם היו צריכים בגללו להתחיל ללמוד דברים מחדש, ליהדות כמובן יש לזה פתרון, המבול...

"I think The Flood was only in The Middle East "

thats not what the torah says , the torah speaks about the whole world .
 "וְהַמַּיִם, גָּבְרוּ מְאֹד מְאֹד--עַל-הָאָרֶץ; וַיְכֻסּוּ, כָּל-הֶהָרִים הַגְּבֹהִים, אֲשֶׁר-תַּחַת, כָּל-הַשָּׁמָיִם.   "

there is no record of different people who did not originate from adam , and then noah , actually , there is a midrash or perush saying A'ug servived , so he probably married one or more of noah sons  daughters , but thats it.

יכול להיות שהיו עוד בני אדם חוץ מאדם הראשון, אבל אדם הראשון נברא ראשון ,ואם עוד נבראו,ייתכן כי נבראו ממנו, לא בצורה טבעית , כי למשל יש פסוק שקין אומר להשם שהוא מפחד שינסו לנקום בו , אז זה יכול לתרץ את מה שאתה טוען, שהיו עוד אנשים,אבל כך או כך ,הם כולם סביר להניח באו מאדם הראשון , וכך או כך, חוץ מעוג לפי מדרש או פירוש  , אף אחד חוץ מנח ובניו ומשפחתו , לא שרדו את המבול, ככה שכל הבני אדם היום הם מנח

sorry for the usage of hebrew , just wanted to sharpen some points whom was hard to do in english , o she lo ratziti le hagid , be anglit .

Title: Re: The Berbers
Post by: MarZutra on April 15, 2007, 04:16:19 PM
Very good post H.  I have read that before about Stone Henge but didn't know if it was fact or the work or more "politically correct" authorship trying to distance the barbarity of pagan worship as it relates to Stone Henge, the Bogmen from Denmark or Ireland....etc.  I knew Stone Henge, the original place dates more than 8000 BC and the monument itself seems to have been erected to at different stages before 3000 BC to about 1500 BC.  The rest to me is new...LOL  Fabulous post...
Title: Re: The Berbers
Post by: BabylonianJew on May 09, 2007, 01:17:50 AM
First of all ,hehe , i'm a morrocian jew , the berbers arn't white , they look like indians(hindu i mean) , sometimes blacker

why should they be christians ?

i belive christians who really belive in g-d , should become seven noah laws keepers , instad of being christians .

I don't think the Berbers are Christian or ever were... I believe thought they were pagans and were Arabized with forced conversions to Islam in the 8th-11th centuries...  I could be wrong.  The part about Christians becoming Noahides, that is and must be their choice...  You are a Moroccan Jew?  Nice...  My British friend just came back from Morocco yesterday..

Actually Berbers had three main religions Christian, Pagan, and Jewish. The Jewish Berbers for the most part resisted the Arab invaders. Read about Dayia Al-Khaina.
Title: Re: The Berbers
Post by: BabylonianJew on May 15, 2007, 12:10:00 AM
First of all ,hehe , i'm a morrocian jew , the berbers arn't white , they look like indians(hindu i mean) , sometimes blacker

why should they be christians ?

i belive christians who really belive in g-d , should become seven noah laws keepers , instad of being christians .

I don't think the Berbers are Christian or ever were... I believe thought they were pagans and were Arabized with forced conversions to Islam in the 8th-11th centuries...  I could be wrong.  The part about Christians becoming Noahides, that is and must be their choice...  You are a Moroccan Jew?  Nice...  My British friend just came back from Morocco yesterday..

Actually Berbers had three main religions Christian, Pagan, and Jewish. The Jewish Berbers for the most part resisted the Arab invaders. Read about Dayia Al-Khaina.

How did Berbers become Jewish?

When the Arabs invaded Babylon todays Iraq, many Jews traveled as far as North Africa, then they meet a group of people who called themselves the Amazigh ie Free ones aka Berbers. Some Jews intermarried with the Berbers and some converted to Jaudism, the conversion was minor, most Berber Jews are partly Berber partly Jewish.
Title: Re: The Berbers
Post by: Dexter on July 05, 2007, 06:10:31 AM
Why they need to be christians ? they were originally pagans.
Title: Re: The Berbers
Post by: FlashIce on August 02, 2007, 11:47:31 AM
Hello everyone I am new to this board. the subject of the berbers is pretty interesting.

Very good post H.  I have read that before about Stone Henge but didn't know if it was fact or the work or more "politically correct" authorship trying to distance the barbarity of pagan worship as it relates to Stone Henge,

Oh really? How about some sources by someone whos actually studied the subject? Yeah like me. Pagan worship barbarity? Hmm, thats funny since Stonehedge actually never had human sacrifices. Someone whos actually knows about European history and not your New York Post verson of European History, would be qualified to discuss this subject. Politically correct.... umm yeah because a lot of times the liberal schools like to defend white people at every chance they get ROFL.

First of all ,hehe , i'm a morrocian jew , the berbers arn't white , they look like indians(hindu i mean) , sometimes blacker

oh my god rofl... how can anyone take you seriously after this sentence? How can someone look like a hindu? Thats like saying I look like a buddhist ROFL. Well, apparently you don't have the intelligence to knwo this, but anyone of any race can be any religion. So no one can "look hindu". The correct word would actually be "look indian". But I guess you don't know that.

Berbers look black? ROFL. Yeah okay buddy. I guess I will have to tell my berber friends that they are black now.

and I have no idea what honor said in any other posts, couldn't understand him.