:dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:
I quickly rushed to start a thread on this subject and what do you know!
:nono:I think it is very safe to say that this pig did not repent.
Ya know, I have no doubt that there is joyous exultation for some at this news. And I agree, in the natural, I considered him a great enemy to this country.
HOWEVER, as a follower of THE G-D of GREAT MERCY, I do NOT wish HELL on ANYONE. Not EVEN my worst enemies. Hashem has enough LOVE, in fact, He IS LOVE, to forgive ANYONE who repents, even Ted Kennedy.
WE, the followers of THE G-D of GREAT MERCY and LOVE, should be GRACIOUS to A-L-L, even our enemies!!! THAT is what separates US from the Muslim faith.
I feel sad that he wasted his life being evil instead of doing good. He is most likely in hell now for the murder he committed and for his advocacy of evil causes like abortion. It's hard to feel happy when I know what a terrible, terrible waste of a life his was. G-d gives us this gift of life to do good things, not to hurt other people.
:nono:I think it is very safe to say that this pig did not repent.
Ya know, I have no doubt that there is joyous exultation for some at this news. And I agree, in the natural, I considered him a great enemy to this country.
HOWEVER, as a follower of THE G-D of GREAT MERCY, I do NOT wish HELL on ANYONE. Not EVEN my worst enemies. Hashem has enough LOVE, in fact, He IS LOVE, to forgive ANYONE who repents, even Ted Kennedy.
WE, the followers of THE G-D of GREAT MERCY and LOVE, should be GRACIOUS to A-L-L, even our enemies!!! THAT is what separates US from the Muslim faith.
Ya know, I have no doubt that there is joyous exultation for some at this news. And I agree, in the natural, I considered him a great enemy to this country.
HOWEVER, as a follower of THE G-D of GREAT MERCY, I do NOT wish HELL on ANYONE. Not EVEN my worst enemies. Hashem has enough LOVE, in fact, He IS LOVE, to forgive ANYONE who repents, even Ted Kennedy.
WE, the followers of THE G-D of GREAT MERCY and LOVE, should be GRACIOUS to A-L-L, even our enemies!!! THAT is what separates US from the Muslim faith.
Ya know, I have no doubt that there is joyous exultation for some at this news. And I agree, in the natural, I considered him a great enemy to this country.
HOWEVER, as a follower of THE G-D of GREAT MERCY, I do NOT wish HELL on ANYONE. Not EVEN my worst enemies. Hashem has enough LOVE, in fact, He IS LOVE, to forgive ANYONE who repents, even Ted Kennedy.
WE, the followers of THE G-D of GREAT MERCY and LOVE, should be GRACIOUS to A-L-L, even our enemies!!! THAT is what separates US from the Muslim faith.
I feel sad when I think anyone has gone to hell too. It's hard to feel happy when someone has chosen to squander their life in evil and ended up that way.
I disagree. Have you ever been at the bedside of someone who was dying? I have. The prospect of Eternity hastily approaching has a way of humbling even the most hardened reprobate.99% of deathbed "conversions" aren't for real.
Moijea: It's nice that you are so forgiving; it shows something about your character. However, this animal, for goodness sake, should have died much, much sooner. I'm a Christian yet don't put much stock into the whole bedside asking for forgiveness after a life of murder, perversion, and evil that has never been addressed and forgiveness has never been asked before. How is he even in his right mind? He is not on account on of his brain tumor. EVEN NOT IN HIS RIGHT MIND he was trying to get a law HE WROTE ABOLISHED JUST A FEW DAYS AGO so another leftist can get appointed!!! This animal has the blood of so many babies on his hands and played a real role in America's third-world affirmative action state we're in right now. He is to blame for huge parts of the 60's civil rights nonsense.
In my opinion, he deserved the chair.
Ya know, I have no doubt that there is joyous exultation for some at this news. And I agree, in the natural, I considered him a great enemy to this country.
HOWEVER, as a follower of THE G-D of GREAT MERCY, I do NOT wish HELL on ANYONE. Not EVEN my worst enemies. Hashem has enough LOVE, in fact, He IS LOVE, to forgive ANYONE who repents, even Ted Kennedy.
WE, the followers of THE G-D of GREAT MERCY and LOVE, should be GRACIOUS to A-L-L, even our enemies!!! THAT is what separates US from the Muslim faith.
I feel sad when I think anyone has gone to hell too. It's hard to feel happy when someone has chosen to squander their life in evil and ended up that way.
Yes Ruby, again, I totally agree. What a waste. The New Testament scripture Luke 12:48 “For of those to whom very much is given, very much is required” keeps coming to my mind. His deeds will be judged to a much higher standard of accountability because of the position he held.
Moijea: It's nice that you are so forgiving; it shows something about your character. However, this animal, for goodness sake, should have died much, much sooner. I'm a Christian yet don't put much stock into the whole bedside asking for forgiveness after a life of murder, perversion, and evil that has never been addressed and forgiveness has never been asked before. How is he even in his right mind? He is not on account on of his brain tumor. EVEN NOT IN HIS RIGHT MIND he was trying to get a law HE WROTE ABOLISHED JUST A FEW DAYS AGO so another leftist can get appointed!!! This animal has the blood of so many babies on his hands and played a real role in America's third-world affirmative action state we're in right now. He is to blame for huge parts of the 60's civil rights nonsense.
In my opinion, he deserved the chair.
Moijea: It's nice that you are so forgiving; it shows something about your character. However, this animal, for goodness sake, should have died much, much sooner. I'm a Christian yet don't put much stock into the whole bedside asking for forgiveness after a life of murder, perversion, and evil that has never been addressed and forgiveness has never been asked before. How is he even in his right mind? He is not on account on of his brain tumor. EVEN NOT IN HIS RIGHT MIND he was trying to get a law HE WROTE ABOLISHED JUST A FEW DAYS AGO so another leftist can get appointed!!! This animal has the blood of so many babies on his hands and played a real role in America's third-world affirmative action state we're in right now. He is to blame for huge parts of the 60's civil rights nonsense.
In my opinion, he deserved the chair.
You are right. In the Natural scheme of things, he was one of the worst of the worst. HOWEVER, we are NOT to judge the sin of others, we are to let G-d be the Judge of each man, because only He and He alone has the capacity to forgive such things, and the Holiness to justify it. Remember, we are ALL sinners, and Mr. Kennedy's sin against the unborn is no worse than our gossiping, IF we do that. THAT is why we must let G-d be the Judge, and not us. And I have NO doubt that HE is up to the challenge.
For instance, President Nixon did some pretty awful things in his lifetime, BUT one thing he DID do right, was send Golda Meir the help Israel needed when they needed it. For THIS, I believe the scales of G-d's Justice will balance in Nixon's favor. But very, VERY few folks see it that way here on earth.
You've got your late birthday present, Wolf.
Nixon was actually not a bad president during his first term. What Nixon did would not even raise an eyebrow today. Nixon had personality problems that caused him to make stupid moves under pressure. Under democrat pressure during the Watergate investigation is when he really dug a hole to deep for himself to climb out of. If he would have come clean with the American people in the very start it may well have blown over. The man spent his life on the defensive against personal attacks real and imagined. If he had a better staff around him he would never have ended up as he did. If he didn't have John Mitchell and his big mouth wife Martha Beall Mitchell ( The Mouth of the South ) in his administration it would have been clear sailing.Moijea: It's nice that you are so forgiving; it shows something about your character. However, this animal, for goodness sake, should have died much, much sooner. I'm a Christian yet don't put much stock into the whole bedside asking for forgiveness after a life of murder, perversion, and evil that has never been addressed and forgiveness has never been asked before. How is he even in his right mind? He is not on account on of his brain tumor. EVEN NOT IN HIS RIGHT MIND he was trying to get a law HE WROTE ABOLISHED JUST A FEW DAYS AGO so another leftist can get appointed!!! This animal has the blood of so many babies on his hands and played a real role in America's third-world affirmative action state we're in right now. He is to blame for huge parts of the 60's civil rights nonsense.
In my opinion, he deserved the chair.
You are right. In the Natural scheme of things, he was one of the worst of the worst. HOWEVER, we are NOT to judge the sin of others, we are to let G-d be the Judge of each man, because only He and He alone has the capacity to forgive such things, and the Holiness to justify it. Remember, we are ALL sinners, and Mr. Kennedy's sin against the unborn is no worse than our gossiping, IF we do that. THAT is why we must let G-d be the Judge, and not us. And I have NO doubt that HE is up to the challenge.
For instance, President Nixon did some pretty awful things in his lifetime, BUT one thing he DID do right, was send Golda Meir the help Israel needed when they needed it. For THIS, I believe the scales of G-d's Justice will balance in Nixon's favor. But very, VERY few folks see it that way here on earth.
i read that bibi and others stated that Kennedy was a friend to Israel? I would really love to hear from some more knowledgeable members who can tell me exactly what Kennedy did and said about Israel etc. ThanksI heard that too but i really don't much about it.
I found an article http://www.ynetnews.com/articles/0,7340,L-3767548,00.htmli read that bibi and others stated that Kennedy was a friend to Israel? I would really love to hear from some more knowledgeable members who can tell me exactly what Kennedy did and said about Israel etc. ThanksI heard that too but i really don't much about it.
i read that bibi and others stated that Kennedy was a friend to Israel? I would really love to hear from some more knowledgeable members who can tell me exactly what Kennedy did and said about Israel etc. ThanksIn my opinion Kennedy was a friend to the Liberal Jewish voting block and what they could do for him in the way of support. I can't ever recall him intervening directly on Israels behalf. I would be interested in in hearing some view points on this one myself. I think bibi was just trying to say something nice.
A true penetant will not continue to sin after he has admitted that it was wrong to do it.I agree completely
You've got your late birthday present, Wolf.Now if only Hoeseph "Pruneface", Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Bill "Beelzebubba" Amaleklinton, and Nellie the Weasel (yimach schmam vezichram) would join this filthy animal in the terminal unit of the oncology ward.
Now if only Hoeseph "Pruneface"
I'm picking up good vibrations. Ted Kennedy's condemnation. Good good good good vibrations.
I wish the entire Kennedy family would just vanish.
I read an article saying he was "a giant in the Soviet Jewry movement." I don't know if it's bull but this is what some of the article said:Patches, Ted Kennedy supported obama who is a muslim and anti-semite. If Kennedy supported Israel, I don't think he would have endorsed obama.
"Kennedy 'was one of the earliest, strongest champions on behalf of Soviet Jewry,' said Mark Levin, executive director of NCSJ: Advocates on Behalf of Jews in Russia, Ukraine, the Baltic States & Eurasia. 'He was always proactive and didn't wait for NCSJ and other organizations to come to him -- he was always looking to see where he could make a difference.'
In his 2006 book, 'The Case for Democracy: The Power of Freedom to Overcome Tyranny and Terror,' Natan Sharansky specifically mentions Kennedy as the first Western politician to meet with refuseniks 'in a midnight meeting that was kept secret from the KGB until the very last moment.'
And Levin noted that whenever Kennedy met with Soviet officials, in Washington or in the Soviet Union, he would bring lists of those he wanted to see released.
'He never forgot we were talking about individuals and families,' Levin said."
Patches, Ted Kennedy supported obama who is a muslim and anti-semite. If Kennedy supported Israel, I don't think he would have endorsed obama.
He knew obama was a muslim with ties to wright and farrakhan. Wright and Farrakhan are anti semites who want to see Israel destroyed.
Ted Kennedy was one of the single worst disasters that ever happened to America. Look up in Wikipedia "Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965" to see what a treasonous cretin this monster was. He purposefully destroyed the demographics of America into an unrecognizable morass of third worlders and as a result we have a third world black communist men's room attendant as the president. It would be an honor to piss on his grave, wash my hands of their whole treasonous "Camelot" family and have Obongo hand me some paper towels.
Ted Kennedy was one of the single worst disasters that ever happened to America. Look up in Wikipedia "Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965" to see what a treasonous cretin this monster was. He purposefully destroyed the demographics of America into an unrecognizable morass of third worlders and as a result we have a third world black communist men's room attendant as the president. It would be an honor to piss on his grave, wash my hands of their whole treasonous "Camelot" family and have Obongo hand me some paper towels.
Ted Kennedy was one of the single worst disasters that ever happened to America. Look up in Wikipedia "Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965" to see what a treasonous cretin this monster was. He purposefully destroyed the demographics of America into an unrecognizable morass of third worlders and as a result we have a third world black communist men's room attendant as the president.
Repent. Humbling experience. That would be for us normal people. Teddy was a 'Kennedy'. They could get away with murder. Oh, come to think of it...HE DID. He had no remorse. He was 'entitled' to kill and molest.:nono:I think it is very safe to say that this pig did not repent.
Ya know, I have no doubt that there is joyous exultation for some at this news. And I agree, in the natural, I considered him a great enemy to this country.
HOWEVER, as a follower of THE G-D of GREAT MERCY, I do NOT wish HELL on ANYONE. Not EVEN my worst enemies. Hashem has enough LOVE, in fact, He IS LOVE, to forgive ANYONE who repents, even Ted Kennedy.
WE, the followers of THE G-D of GREAT MERCY and LOVE, should be GRACIOUS to A-L-L, even our enemies!!! THAT is what separates US from the Muslim faith.
I disagree. Have you ever been at the bedside of someone who was dying? I have. The prospect of Eternity hastily approaching has a way of humbling even the most hardened reprobate.
Repent. Humbling experience. That would be for us normal people. Teddy was a 'Kennedy'. They could get away with murder. Oh, come to think of it...HE DID. He had no remorse. He was 'entitled' to kill and molest.:nono:I think it is very safe to say that this pig did not repent.
Ya know, I have no doubt that there is joyous exultation for some at this news. And I agree, in the natural, I considered him a great enemy to this country.
HOWEVER, as a follower of THE G-D of GREAT MERCY, I do NOT wish HELL on ANYONE. Not EVEN my worst enemies. Hashem has enough LOVE, in fact, He IS LOVE, to forgive ANYONE who repents, even Ted Kennedy.
WE, the followers of THE G-D of GREAT MERCY and LOVE, should be GRACIOUS to A-L-L, even our enemies!!! THAT is what separates US from the Muslim faith.
I disagree. Have you ever been at the bedside of someone who was dying? I have. The prospect of Eternity hastily approaching has a way of humbling even the most hardened reprobate.
I have been at the bedside of countless people who have passed. Most don't have much to confess to. They just want to be surrounded by family. I wished for Teddy a long miserable life. I think his hell was here on earth, but now that he is dead :dance: I'm not going to shed any tears.
Teddy helped ensure that The Whatsanacki was elected president. For that he should rot in hell. Do you think Hiliary did the happy dance when he died?
Did anyone notice that health care was mentioned many times during the course of his funeral?I had not planned to watch any of the coverage on this funeral however yesterday I ended up watching and listening to quite a bit of it due to being trapped in the house by the weather. This is an old Democrat tactic when it comes to this family and the family itself loves this sort of thing because they feel it gives the departed a legacy. They did it with JFK and the civil rights movement and they tried to do the same with RFK and the Viet Nam antiwar movement. Nixon stole some of the thunder out of this with RFK by campaigning to end the war within a reasonable amount of time if elected to office. I was very turned off by the fact that they kept trying to ride this dead animals coat tails yesterday on the health care issue. It was bad enough when the media was doing it but when the family members started it became sickening. Unless the public is very vigilant the administration will use any tool it can to get something passed and then build on from there. I think the American people are in a world of problems and Washington has little choice but to push this money grab through. SSI is out of money as well as Medicare and Medicade. The only way they can hope to keep the ball rolling is for them to have the ability to tax every working man and woman literally to death and in the end even control the time of departure. The filthy animals want the ability to take 2/3 of what people earn and then they will look in their face and decide what if anything they are going to do for them. Time is short and people against this had better make their voices heard loud and clear.
Even his pathetic Grandchild brought it up.
So they use his funeral that is being watched by the entire Nation and World to push the health care.....
just goes to show how pathetic and desperate they really are.
Shalom - Dox
This is why I stopped watching TV of late... I could get any show practically through the internet nowadays.I haven't watched entertainment TV for well over 25 years. I may catch a show here or there but for the most part I will only will watch a movie or special now and then. I do like cartoon shows like the Simpsons, The king of The Hill or a while back The PJ's but only watch them now and then. I have Fox news on 98% of the time when the TV is on and I listen to it more then just sit and watch. Yesterday unlike the first few days Fox had non stop coverage of the Teddy circus. I guess they had to join in to some extent due to the high profile of the departed.
The Kennedy coverage was over barring, anything more than a min was gut wrenching to watch.
It has been so evident throughout what this was all about, I just hope enough people realized it as well.