General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: FreedomFighter08 on August 30, 2009, 05:34:55 PM

Title: ***Official Jewish Task Force Fitness and Mass Building Discussion thread***
Post by: FreedomFighter08 on August 30, 2009, 05:34:55 PM
Maybe somebody can sticky this? We have a lot of people here who workout. I created this thread so we can talk about fitness and muscle building amongst ourselves and help out people who have questions.

For the experienced lifters out there, what routine do you usually use? I'm on a 5-day split right now, I'll be moving to a 4-day split using mostly Supersets when school starts.

Routine for when school starts:

Tuesday - Chest + Back

Pullups supersetted with Dips: 4x6
Incline Bench Press supersetted with T Bar Rows: 4x6
Bench Press supersetted with Dumbell Rows: 4x6
Incline Flys supersetted with Seated Cable Rows: 4x6
Dumbell Pullovers (at the end of this workout to stretch both Chest and Back): 4x6

Thursday - Legs

Squats: 4x6
Leg Press: 4x6
Lunges: 4x6
Leg Extensions supersetted with Leg Curls: 4x8
Dumbell Standing Calf Raises supersetted with Machine Seated Calf Raises: 6x8

Saturday - Shoulders + Traps

Seated Overhead Military Press: 4x6
Seated Behind The Back Overhead Press: 2x6
Seated Underhand Grip Overhead Military Press: 2x6
Side Raises supersetted with Front Raises: 4x8
Upright Rows supersetted with Shrugs: 4x8

Sunday - Biceps + Triceps + Forearms

Forced Negative Concentration Curls supersetted with Skullcrushers: 4x6
Barbell Curls supersetted with Overhead Tricep Extension: 3x8 1x20
Cable Curls supersetted with Cable Tricep Extension: 2x8
21s: 1 Set
Forearm Wrist Curls supersetted with Behind The Back Forearm Wrist Curls: 6x8

Tough stuff. I'm starting this on the week I start school. How's it looking?
Title: Re: ***Official Jewish Task Force Fitness and Mass Building Discussion thread***
Post by: FreedomFighter08 on August 30, 2009, 08:07:19 PM
Thread is going how I thought it would. :o
Title: Re: ***Official Jewish Task Force Fitness and Mass Building Discussion thread***
Post by: ~Hanna~ on August 30, 2009, 09:03:02 PM
 :::D :::D :::D :::D :::D :::D :::D :::D
 :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

Thread is going how I thought it would. :o

It's probably because everyone in JTF is in such tip top condition that we don't need this.
Title: Re: ***Official Jewish Task Force Fitness and Mass Building Discussion thread***
Post by: ItalianZionist on August 30, 2009, 09:09:55 PM
FreedomFighter08 , I think it's a good idea. I bodybuild. How much time do you take in between each set?

Title: Re: ***Official Jewish Task Force Fitness and Mass Building Discussion thread***
Post by: Kahane-Was-Right BT on August 31, 2009, 01:29:27 AM
I prefer 5 day cycle (chest, shoulders, back, arms, legs) or (arms, chest, shoulders, back, legs)  or was it (chest, arms, shoulders, back, legs).......   It's been so long I can't even remember what i used to do.   
I got back into it tho... But may be on the move again soon.
Title: Re: ***Official Jewish Task Force Fitness and Mass Building Discussion thread***
Post by: mord on August 31, 2009, 05:37:15 AM
You'll never get strong that way your overworking your body
Title: Re: ***Official Jewish Task Force Fitness and Mass Building Discussion thread***
Post by: HiWarp on August 31, 2009, 06:06:26 AM
You'll never get strong that way your overworking your body

Agreed. After much experimenting I believe 3 times a week is optimum. I'm sure many have heard the often used "no pain, no gain" quote. No rest, no gain is equally important.
Title: Re: ***Official Jewish Task Force Fitness and Mass Building Discussion thread***
Post by: Kahane-Was-Right BT on August 31, 2009, 08:07:20 PM
You'll never get strong that way your overworking your body

Not true.

I got very strong with it, in only 2 months.   And maintained it for almost a year.   I just wasn't able to put so much time into it after a while.... Then I stopped lifting entirely because I didn't want to do it half way if I couldn't fully devote myself to it.

It was 5 days in terms of lifting, but I threw in a rest day every once in a while too.   It usually came out to about 6 days a week lifting.    And also any time a muscle group is still sore from the previous workout of that group (ie, on shoulder day, shoulder's still sore from previous shoulder day), I would of course rest.   You have to in that situation.   But once you get into the 5-6 day cycle as a routine, that will rarely if ever happen.    You get sore sooner the better shape you are in, and it certainly doesn't linger beyond 2-3 days...
Title: Re: ***Official Jewish Task Force Fitness and Mass Building Discussion thread***
Post by: Kahane-Was-Right BT on August 31, 2009, 08:08:38 PM
A person has to know his own body and if it's being overworked or not.   Believe me, I busted my @s$ in the gym and only hard work produces results, but I was careful not to "overwork" my body which would prevent strength/muscle gain.