General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: arksis on September 02, 2009, 09:33:50 PM
Where is the OUTRAGE over this?! My child would NOT be going to school on this day, that's for sure! This is not going to happen in just public schools, but also PRIVATE schools!
Read this one where you can SEE, it's ALL about HIM! >:(
Hi Dawn, I don't blame you one bit for keeping your child absent that day. Many other parents will do the same, and in fact I think you should refuse to let the teacher assign your child any homework pertaining to obama when he/she returns to school.
The outrages never stop, obama becomes bolder by the day!
Shalom - Dox
When I was in school, they never made a personality cult out of the president. We focused on more important things like .... oh yeah, LEARNING.
Kid is grown and gone, was saying IF I had children, I would not allow them to go to school. I hope and pray that ALL parents keep their kids home on this day! This animal needs to be stopped and NOW. I am outraged over the so called "czars" he has appointed, how come the senate and congress are NOT? They answer to no one! I thought this was the United States of America!
Just the "czars" thing alone should be enough to get him impeached dammitt! >:(
When I was in school, they never made a personality cult out of the president. We focused on more important things like .... oh yeah, LEARNING.
The only TV I can remember watching, was in 5th grade, when Neil Armstrong landed on the moon, I mean, geeze, that was HISTORY! But this? This is dictatorship! I guess he's learning much from his friend Hugo Chavez. >:(
About a year ago I was watching the news with my son, who was four at the time and Obama was being interviewed. My son then caught a sudden case of gas, and that's when I knew my son was wiser than the average Obama supporter. ;D
Why is it that every September which a new Pres takes office that he always does something involving kids (see G.W. Bush Sept. 2001).
Thanks for the links Bullcat. Good grief, the "I Pledge" was sooooooooooo disgusting! >:(
The ending of that video is sick. "I pledge to be a servant to my president obama"- demi moore. wow, that's something I do expect from a person with no talent and who spent 250k on her surgery to have a new body.
The ending of that video is sick. "I pledge to be a servant to my president obama"- demi moore. wow, that's something I do expect from a person with no talent and who spent 250k on her surgery to have a new body.
I was so angry last night, Arksis.
I do have a child in grade school.
I'm leaning toward pulling her out of school.
It just pisses me off that I would even have to do that to her. She is just starting her school year.
I agree, Abben. I pledge to be a servant to NO ONE. Mindless twit - Demi Moore and her idiot husband. I pledge to watch nothing on television, or never to go to a movie, that has one of those morons in it.
Part of me thinks...let him keep flapping his jaws, he is putting nails into the coffin of the Democrap Party. His hammering away is waking up AMERICANS. If he had done this all in a less agressive way he would have snuck it by us. I heard from a reliable source that conservative party enrollment is way up.
Why is it that every September which a new Pres takes office that he always does something involving kids (see G.W. Bush Sept. 2001).
What? :o
You have got to be kidding me.
You are going to compare George Bush reading a book to students, in a classroom where he was probably invited, to this atrocity?
Did George W. Bush, or his father for that matter, ever ask you to pledge to be a servant to him?
Have a freak in drug addict 'rocker' kissing his arms, while saying his name, in a propaganda commercial. Have precious time wasted out of a school day promoting himself.
I think YOU need to go back a little further in history to see what is happening here. >:(
About a year ago I was watching the news with my son, who was four at the time and Obama was being interviewed. My son then caught a sudden case of gas, and that's when I knew my son was wiser than the average Obama supporter. ;D
:::D You should be very proud. :clap:
Home schooling is a great option nowadays. If I had kids I would not send them to public schools, but if I did have them in a public school now I would send them to school with small effigies of Obama in a noose (something tasteful, no blood), and tell them to make ape noises during the speech.
I send my daughter armed with 'knowledge'. The picture might not go over well. 8;)
I admire homeschoolers, it is not an option for us though. I also think unless they are in physical danger or the education is poor in that public school, children have to learn to deal with some of this garbage. As an adult they won't be able to hide from it.
The ending of that video is sick. "I pledge to be a servant to my president obama"- demi moore. wow, that's something I do expect from a person with no talent and who spent 250k on her surgery to have a new body.
I was so angry last night, Arksis.
I do have a child in grade school.
I'm leaning toward pulling her out of school.
It just pisses me off(excuse my language) that I would even have to do that to her. She is just starting her school year.
I agree, Abben. I pledge to be a servant to NO ONE. Mindless twit - Demi Moore and her idiot husband. I pledge to watch nothing on television, or never to go to a movie, that has one of those morons in it.
Part of me thinks...let him keep flapping his jaws, he is putting nails into the coffin of the Democrap Party. His hammering away is waking up AMERICANS. If he had done this all in a less aggressive way he would have snuck it by us. I heard from a reliable source that conservative party enrollment is way up.
I'm getting more and more angry at the Republican party too, they are sometimes no better than the democraps. I want someone that will defend the Constitution! I just can't get over how people are letting this SOB get away with so darn much! How come THEY don't see what WE see?
I wouldn't blame you one bit if you pulled your child out of school for that one day. I hope the other parents feel the same way you do, and the majority do this! They sure didn't give parents much time to band together and prepare for this, did they?
I showed the video to my husband, and as always, when we see movie stars, etc in this kind of thing, we too, vow to NOT watch TV or movies with any of them in them.
You know, I am so sick of people saying how much so much is "Bush's fault" etc. God forbid they EVER take responsibility for their own actions or admit to their mistakes.
I'm getting more and more angry at the Republican party too, they are sometimes no better than the democraps. I want someone that will defend the Constitution! I just can't get over how people are letting this SOB get away with so darn much! How come THEY don't see what WE see?
I wouldn't blame you one bit if you pulled your child out of school for that one day. I hope the other parents feel the same way you do, and the majority do this! They sure didn't give parents much time to band together and prepare for this, did they?
I showed the video to my husband, and as always, when we see movie stars, etc in this kind of thing, we too, vow to NOT watch TV or movies with any of them in them.
You know, I am so sick of people saying how much so much is "Bush's fault" etc. G-d forbid they EVER take responsibility for their own actions or admit to their mistakes.
The republicans really are no better.
The parents in my school district are infuriated - for the most part.
I'll keep you posted on whether we make any headway with the school admins.
Thanks Bullcat, I wish you luck with all of this and I'm glad to hear that other parents are just as upset as you are. I agree, I think going to public school is good for kids, as they have to LEARN common sense along with book sense. Sometimes, that gets you further than anything else.
Sick, SICK, SICK!!!!!
Why is it that every September which a new Pres takes office that he always does something involving kids (see G.W. Bush Sept. 2001).
What? :o
You have got to be kidding me.
You are going to compare George Bush reading a book to students, in a classroom where he was probably invited, to this atrocity?
Did George W. Bush, or his father for that matter, ever ask you to pledge to be a servant to him?
Have a freak in drug addict 'rocker' kissing his arms, while saying his name, in a propaganda commercial. Have precious time wasted out of a school day promoting himself.
I think YOU need to go back a little further in history to see what is happening here. >:(
I wasn't comparing! I was just making a reference to the last new president who did something in his first September involving school.
Prepared remarks of the WhatSaNacki in Chief's back to school event.
What do you think arksis?
Hi Bullcat and Arksis, I have read his speech and his administration has obviously censored it big time....the obamanation administration is obviously desperate. They know obama is in big trouble, so their original content's of the speech have obviously been altered completely to be netural.
You have to love this! We are beginning to make progress with our complaints and demands.
Shalom & G-d Bless
Hi Bullcat and Arksis, I have read his speech and his administration has obviously censored it big time....the obamanation administration is obviously desperate. They know obama is in big trouble, so their original content's of the speech have obviously been altered completely to be netural.
You have to love this! We are beginning to make progress with our complaints and demands.
Shalom & G-d Bless
I read the speech as well and didn't really find anything offensive about it. Seems the original speech he was planning on making was changed to this new version.
Hi Sparky, yes the speech has been changed due to the heavy amounts of criticism and worries Americans have.
Congress and obamas administration must have demanded the speech be completely netural because they fear losing the House in 2010.
One other point and it's off topic, did you notice how Van Jones had to resign? So van jones resigns, the speech to schools across the Nation has been made netural with no mention of his death care plan.
My conclusion is the left is so worried about losing power, they now have begun to pull back the reigns on their loose horse.
It's so obvious I have to laugh. :laugh:
Hi Bullcat and Arksis, I have read his speech and his administration has obviously censored it big time....the obamanation administration is obviously desperate. They know obama is in big trouble, so their original content's of the speech have obviously been altered completely to be netural.
You have to love this! We are beginning to make progress with our complaints and demands.
Shalom & G-d Bless
Hello republicandox,
I feel comfortable sending my daughter to school tomorrow. She is making a fuss about sitting through the speech though. She doesn't know if she will be able to bite her tongue while he gives the talk. 8;) :::D
Our school district will not air that propaganda commercial, that was to go along with the WhatSaNacki's remarks.
I'm very proud of all the people who did not allow him to get away with advancing his social agenda through the children.
Your families, your teachers, and I are doing everything we can to make sure you have the education you need to answer these questions. I’m working hard to fix up your classrooms and get you the books, equipment and computers you need to learn.
Ok, that part of his speech is extremely offensive. I'm working hard to make sure my daughter has a nice school, books, equipment and computers she needs to learn. I have the tax bill and store receipts to prove it. In fact, that WhatSaNacki will put a crimp in my spending abilities.
I'm sure that most kids will sleep right through that speech...the more I look at it.
Only a child would think anything this man says would make sense.
Prepared remarks of the WhatSaNacki in Chief's back to school event.
What do you think arksis?
It's not so much the "remarks" I was so worried about, it was the "worksheet" in which the teachers were supposed to use, with such things as, "Are we able to do what President Obama is asking of us?" etc.
Elizabeth and Bullcat, I too am VERY proud that MOST of the people decided not to ignore this and raise a big stink!
LOL Bullcat, I'm sure your daughter sat through it all and in her mind was making fun of him. Can't wait for you to tell us what HER reaction to it all was! I know she's a very intelligent young lady, to have you as her mother!
I cannot believe he said that to all the students! He will put a crimp in everything to do with parents and their childrens education.
Prepared remarks of the WhatSaNacki in Chief's back to school event.
What do you think arksis?
It's not so much the "remarks" I was so worried about, it was the "worksheet" in which the teachers were supposed to use, with such things as, "Are we able to do what President Obama is asking of us?" etc.
Well looking back it was good that the filthy niggeraa had to revise his speech and plans for follow up assignments by the school children. It sent him the message that he still isn't calling the shots.
Thank You for your kind words, Arksis. Coming from you I take that as a great compliment.
My daughter was 'bored to death'. :::D Her teacher didn't discuss it at all. She is a very smart lady. :teach: She stuck to reading, writing and arithmatic. It really seemed a non event to my daughter. I'm glad I contacted our BOE about it though.
I would be interested to know how it impacted older children, say in middle and highschool.
I do think that I will always regret, a little, not pulling her out and taking her to friendly's for icecream. Just not to have her subjected to that evil man unnecessarily.
My child's school did NOT broadcast his speech!!! :dance: :dance: :dance:
They are conservative, very conservative out here.....
In the boondocks...
My child's school did NOT broadcast his speech!!! :dance: :dance: :dance:
They are conservative, very conservative out here.....
In the boondocks...
Thats very good to hear... At least sanity still prevails somewhere.
My child's school did NOT broadcast his speech!!! :dance: :dance: :dance:
They are conservative, very conservative out here.....
In the boondocks...
Thats very good to hear... At least sanity still prevails somewhere.
Thank You for your kind words, Arksis. Coming from you I take that as a great compliment.
My daughter was 'bored to death'. :::D Her teacher didn't discuss it at all. She is a very smart lady. :teach: She stuck to reading, writing and arithmatic. It really seemed a non event to my daughter. I'm glad I contacted our BOE about it though.
I would be interested to know how it impacted older children, say in middle and highschool.
I do think that I will always regret, a little, not pulling her out and taking her to friendly's for icecream. Just not to have her subjected to that evil man unnecessarily.
;D So glad to hear that your daughter was bored! I am curious to find out how it went at the schools here. There was nothing in the paper this morning, only about his health care speech tonight.
I know you will regret not taking her out of school and going out for ice cream, but just think, you might have another chance at it! :'(
My child's school did NOT broadcast his speech!!! :dance: :dance: :dance:
They are conservative, very conservative out here.....
In the boondocks...
This is wonderful news Hanna! I am hoping they did the same as you here.......we are kind of in the boondocks too.
yes... My child's school did NOT broadcast his speech!!! :dance: :dance: :dance:
They are conservative, very conservative out here.....
In the boondocks...
Thats very good to hear... At least sanity still prevails somewhere.
That is good news....
My school did not broadcast the speech even though my school is extremely liberal (I go to a public high school in a suburb of Boston).