General Category => Ask JTF => Topic started by: TruthSpreader on September 05, 2009, 07:37:06 PM
Dear Chaim, do you think low IQs are partly responsible for Africa's economic failure? For example the average Kenyan's IQ is only 72 and in Equatorial Guinea, it is only 59. What is the reason for such low IQs and is it the sole reason why Africa despite huge amounts of natural resources (gold, oil, diamonds etc) is so poor?
Dear Chaim,
Some people say that Oskar Schindler could and should have done more to save more Jews in what is now Poland and the Czech Republic.
Some say he did all he could.
Do you think he had done all he could have done or should he have done more?
Do you consider him to be a Nazi because some of his factories were munitions factories for the Nazi soldiers?
Thank you and G-D bless.
Dear Chaim,
How come Michael Ben-Ari was on the National Union list, but Baruch Marzel wasn't even though Baruch Marzel was the leader of the Jewish National Front while Michael Ben-Ari had a lower position in the Jewish National Front? Is it because Baruch Marzel is more controversial and also has a criminal record?
Dear Chaim, when you go out in public do you have to constantly look over your shoulder? Do you live in fear? Do you ever get threatening phone calls or hate mail? How do you live a normal life as a marked man (if that's what you consider yourself)? Do you get scared that some nut-job is going to attack you or something along those lines? May Hashem bless you, Chaim, and your loved ones, for everything you have done. I wish you a Shana Tova Umetuka and infinity blessings. Thanks and May Hashem help us.
Shalom Chaim,
This refers to your remarks in last week's Ask JTF. As evil as the Bolshevik Nazi traitors David Ben-Gurion and Yitzhalcoholic Rabin (yimach schmam) were for their savage treachery and mass murder in the Altalena and many other incidents, the complicity that average Israelis had in these crimes cannot be denied. You were correct last week--most typical Jews living in then-British Fakestine did not support the Irgun and most of the Jewish heroes that were ratted-on to the British were informed upon by average fellow Jews, not elites in the Haganah hierarchy.
Pretending that a right-wing Israeli government had come to power after the heroic victory in the 1948 War of Independence, how would you have dealt with this informing scum, knowing that at that time probably the majority of the citizens of Israel, being hardcore kibbutznik Marxists (because most right-wing, religious Jews perished in the Shoah or when Rabin's British collaborators enforced their blockade against them), fit that description?
PS: I suspect that your statement about envisioning America welcoming Osama bin Laden and giving him half the nation is not that far off. The Nazi media and Barack Hussein Osama's propagandizing has convinced the majority of American citizens that the 9/11 suspects in custody have been "mistreated" and that the CIA personnel who interrogated them should be prosecuted. So, what you speak of might be very conceivable after a few more years of BHO.
Dear Chaim,
I want to share this movement with other Jewish students in Forest Hills High School. I would love to direct them to this website because Forest Hills High School in Queens is dominated by Bukharian Jewish students and many of them are interested in Jewish Nationalism and Zionism. I made an Irgun T-shirt and I am in the process of making a JTF t-shirt on a website which lets me create custom T-shirts named Uberprints.com and I want to stage something where most Bukharian Jews wear the shirts on Israeli Independence day. Is it alright for me to preach Right-Wing Nationalism to interested Jews in school or will I get in trouble? Would you recommend me to do this because I don't know if my teachers would view Irgun as a "Far-Right" group or a racist group (which it's not).
Also, what do you think about tattooed Jews? I know many Jews with tattoos including the Magen David, and Hebrew words. I've heard that many IDF soldiers have tattoos and there are even members of JTF who have Jewish tattoos. Do you think it's alright for Jews to get Jewish tattoos or should we refrain from this behavior?
Dea Chaim,
What are your thoughts on 9/11? What do you think of blacks during the war for Americas Independents in Boston? Will the Arabs strike America again even after 9/11 and Why? Who were the hijackers on that day?
Shalom Chaim,
Why are conspiracy theories so often laced with anti-Semitic beliefs? Every time I see references to the so-called 9/11 "controlled demolition," there is always anti-Israel and anti-Jewish sentiment somewhere in there, either obvious or below the surface. Similarly the same people who are obsessed with the Freemasons, the Illuminati, the "New World Order" and other mythical groups which supposedly attempt to control the world, are always condemning Zionism as well. The lunatic Jeff Rense, with his absurd hairdo, is a good example of what I mean. It doesn't make sense. If Zionists really held all the power in the world, then why doesn't Israel take over all the neighboring Arab countries and expand to a gigantic size? If Zionists really held the power, why would Kahanists be banned in Israel? Furthermore I have never even once seen a conspiracy theory which laid any blame on the Arabs and the Saudis who are controlling the world's oil. Why don't these lunatics ever have anything negative to say about the Arabs?
Shavooa tov Chaim!
what's your take on Madonna? do u think she should be commended for performing in Israel and parading on stage with the Israeli flag, as well as visiting all around the country, and basically showing that she stands with and supports Israel and the Jewish people of Israel, or should she be condemned for being a "wannabe trendy" beverly hills kabballist shiksa?
also, do u think Gilad Shalit is actually still alive? I personally have my doubts he lived through the first week in captivity from the hamas nazi beasts....be-ezrat Hashem he will return home alive and well, but until we have any kind of proof that he's even alive, shouldnt Israel demand they get that proof before they even consider any kind of prisoner swap?
G-d Bless!
Dear Chaim,
I know you are a very busy person, but when you do have some time Im curious to know what you do for entertainment? What forms of comedy do you enjoy as well?
Thank you for answering my question & for all your hard work!
-Long Live Israel
May Hashem help you and the organization achieve the holy goals of the JTF project.
Here are my questions for the week:
(1) There has been some chatter on the blogs and other new outlets that Mahmoud Ahmadinejad Y'mach S'moe V'Zicroe may have some Jewish blood in his ancestral past. Assuming this is true, how much of his virulent antisemitism and desire to destroy Israel do you attribute to this self-loathing? Didn't Hitler Y'mach S'moe V'Zicroe, also have Jewish blood and look how he acted? It seems to me that when intermarriage or relationships between Jews and non-jews take place and the result is children, there is some spiritual destruction of the Neshama that takes place that is unique to Jews. As a student of history, I cannot find another group of people where the destructive consequences of self-hating or self-loathing is so great. What are your thoughts?
(2) If a Kahanist government took control in Israel, what would be the government's official position with respect to Shmita - heter michera - selling the land to arabs, Drusie, Drusie who serve in the IDF?
(3) How did the "black hebroos" ever get into Dimona back in the late 60's? Who is responsible for this defication in the heart of Israel and how can we repatriate these specimans back to the chicago housing projects that they came from if, as I understand, many or all have attained Israeli identity cards and perhaps citizenship. Do you think the Community-Organizer-in-Chief a/k/a the HNIC ("Head [censored] in Charge) will be willing to accept them back to their "community" in Chicago where ape-on-ape killing is out of control? What are your thoughts and how would you deal with this problem if your were prime minister of Israel?
All the best
Shalom Chaim
Do your best Urethra (Aretha) Franklin impression.
Dr. Dan
Greetings Chaim. Why do you think G-d allowed to happen apparent "design flaws" in people's and animal's bodies such as the eye's blind spots, or wisdom teeth growing into jaws that don't have enough room for them, or the appendix, which is prone to becoming infected and bursting?
Dead Chaim,
if needless hatred was a key factor that brought about catastrophe of Galut and genocidal murder of hundreds of thousands of Jews after the last revolt of Bar Kochba ZT'L and HaRav Akiva ZT"L, wouldn't the same very unfortunate presence of needless hatred endanger survival of Israel today, even under Kahanist government? After all, there is plenty of needless hatred among Jews to go around today. Why would Israel will not be destroyed under Kahanist government?
Hello Chaim,
What do you think of the proposed idea of having a New World currency to replace the dollar? Is this one of the reasons for the decline in value and demand for the dollar world wide or is it a bigger conspiracy created by the NWO?
p.s. sorry I missed my question last week, thanks for all your hard work.
G-d Bless,
Shalom Chaim
Thank you very much for your answer last week about Buddhism.
Are you familiar with the Tibetan form of Buddhism? They have a many Gods which make it resemble to a form of paganism.
There are many dark points in Tibetan history. Did you know for example that between 1938 and 1939 the German Nazis sent an official expedition into Tibet?
Also Heinrich Harrer, who was I think one of the first European to enter Tibet, was a devout Nazi and a close friend of the current Dalai Lama. His life was filmed by Hollywood with "Seven years in Tibet" starring Brad Pitt.
Of course the film completely ignored the Nazi connections of Heinrich Harrer.
So I have the following questions:
1. What is your opinion of the Dalai Lama? Is he a good man who doesn't just know what he is doing?
2. If the accusations of the connections between the Nazis and Tibet are true, is it then possible that the Chinese invasion into Tibet is a punishment for that behaviour?
Kind regards
Shalom Chaim:
What is your opinion of Enoch, the Son of Jared, relating to the fact that “he walked with God” and that God “took him”? I interpret this as he was so righteous and connected with God that God literally brought Enoch to heaven without Enoch dying because God loved Enoch so much and was so proud of his love and obedience. Have you ever known anyone with the name Enoch? I think Enoch is a cool name besides being a righteous name.
Also, I know you talk about “Amaleck” (?) as the enemy of the Jews in every generation. What relation, if any, does that (misspelled) term above have to “Lamech,” the son of Methuselah and father of Noah?
I have another quick question I’m sure you can answer. Is it ok to write and or highlight in one’s Bible? I’ve never done this because I thought it might be bad and a desecration, in some way, of G-d. I’m starting to think that does not make sense.
You’re a one of a kind truth telling hero Chaim. G-d Bless you and your loved ones and thank you for all your previous answers,
Paul K.
Shalom Mr Ben Pesach,
I don't think all Hebrew writing should be changed back to Ktav Ivri. As you know after Ezra changed the letters of the Torah to Ktav Ashurith any Sefer Torah not written in Ktav Ashurith is not valid. What I am saying is Ktav Ivri should be revived and used in a scholarly context to further understand the origins of Hebrew.
My question for this week is Talmud Bavli Sotah 48b and Gittin 68a says that Shlomo HaMelek used the Shamir to cut the stones for the Beith HaMiqdash. What do you think the Shamir was exactly and will it be required for cutting the stones for the 3rd Beith HaMiqdash?
Toda raba
Shalom Chaim,
You always encourage Jews who are making aliyah to focus on learning Hebrew. Aside from this, I was wondering about how much money should they have in their account and to what extent should they have education/job training/job experience in order to survive in Israel? Thanks in advance.
Dan ben Noah
Shalom Chaim,
What would you like your legacy to be?
I was wondering if you can elaborate a bit on last week's question about the Samaritans. I read that samaritanism follows the same religious beliefs/traditions as Judaism up until the baylonian captivity. Is it a different religion than Judaism? If so how does it differ?
Hello Chaim, I wanted to know if a Kosher restaurant has a Black man non Jew as their cook is the restaurant still Kosher? Thanks and G-D Bless.
Shalom Chaim,
Thanks as always for your great shows.
This week’s Eric Hoffer quote is on ‘Intellectuals’.
“...There is nothing in contemporary America that can cure or alleviate their [Intellectuals] chronic frustration. They want power, lordship, and opportunities for imposing action. Even if we should banish poverty from the land, lift up the Negro to true equality, withdraw from Vietnam, and give half of the national income as foreign aid, they will still see America as an air-conditioned nightmare unfit for them to live in.”
—The Temper of Our Time, Chapter VI “Some Thoughts on the Present” (1966)
My questions for the week.
1) The UN is a corrupt and evil organization. Without U.S. support and funding, the whole miserable enterprise would immediately collapse. Everybody knows it. So why isn’t there anyone pushing for a “UN out of the U.S.” movement? Do you think such a movement will eventually occur? If a Republican ran with that as part of his/her platform, would it work for or against him?
2) Can you recommend any books that give the true history of the founding of the modern State of Israel or of groups like Lechi?
3) What do you think of conservative/libertarian blacks like Thomas Sowell and Walter E. Williams? I have heard them speak many times and they impress me as very bright and articulate. How did they manage to escape the cesspool of black culture? Is it because they are older and so missed the degrading effects of Liberalism on the black community? What about Retired Army Col. Allen West who is campaigning in Florida's 22nd U.S. Congressional District? From what I’ve seen and heard from him so far, he seems like a true patriotic and conservative American. (http://www.allenwestforcongress.com/)
Thanks and Chazak v’emahtz!
Dear Chaim,
with regards to nail clippings, I was always taught that they must be flushed down the toilet, as they can cause evil spirits to afflict one during the night if they are not removed by a substantial distance. I am unsure of where this tradition is derived from - it's simply a part of how I was raised and I was curious if you knew anything about this or had a similar position with nail clippings.
Also, how do you feel about bodybuilding? Regarding the latter - is David ben Moshe naturally (i.e., genetically) such an impressive specimen, or does he lift weights often? I remember him saying on an old QPTV program that he was not a health food fanatic as you are.
Have a wonderful week and tiyeh baree!
Chaim, how do your health care benefits compare to the health care benefits your father received as a New York City Public School teacher? How much did he have to pay for his medical expenses in comparison to what you now pay for your medical expenses? If you were offered healthcare benefits that were the same as your father's, would you accept it? Why or why not?
Shalom Chaim,
Do you find enough strong the Israeli Defense Forces in a war against Iran?
G-d bless you, and your family,
Shalom Chaim and Thank you as always for your hard work and for answering my questions.
What do you think the Israeli government could do to stop Russia from interfering with Israeli operations such the spy-rings in Lebanon that were exposed, and the supplying of Syria and Iran with advanced air defense systems?
Should Israel openly challenge Russia over these issues, and should the Mossad launch retaliatory actions against Russian assets across the world?
Also do you believe that in a confrontation with Russia, Jews from Russia such as Avigdor Lieberman can be trusted?
Hello brother Chaim,
I want your opinion on what you think about Glenn Beck? So far I like him, he doesn't seem to be one of these sell outs. But I am cautious with anybody.
Shalom Chaim,
Last week I asked about the death penalty in Israel and you gave a very strong answer that I agree with 100%. I believe this could be a huge winning issue in Israel for the Kahanist movement. I have to believe that the average Israeli is furious that mass murderers such as Kuntar, Okamoto, the refrigerator bomber have been released from prison. I think this might cut across political lines. Even Labor Party supporters must get a bit nauceous over that.
I think if you hammer away at it you can own that issue. What can Labor, Likud, and Kadima answer you there? They can say you are wrong and it is good that Kuntar, Okamoto and the refrigerator bomber are free and planning to kill more Jews. Not likely. They can say they will impose the death penalty. Not too much credibility there since they have been in power and never done it. They can say they must obey their masters in the EU and left wing of the Amercian political system and you can argue for Jewish strength and sovereignty. No matter how they respond, you win and they lose.
Shalom Chaim,
I'm interesting in your take on what transpired this past week regarding South Carolina Rep. Joe Wilson calling Barack Hussein Obama a liar during Obama's long winded teleprompter speech in the House Chamber. Do you think Wilson's comments will help derail Obamacare and further erode Obama's support? Or do you think that Wilson's comment will help Obama regain momentum, being that the left is going all out to paint Wilson in a bad light?
Even though Wilson apologized, which I think was a mistake, the leftist beasts aren't satisfied. Which isn't surprising at all. Thankfully, many people are rallying to support Wilson, including at the Tea Party in Washington DC.
Thanks as always, eb22.
God gave us the choice or free will to choose between good and evil... so why do you think the government should interfere in the free will god has given us? for instance... Gay marriage and abortion to name a a few. If you become prime minister, you plan on forbidding stores businesses to be open on shabbat. You also will forbid restaurants from being non kosher. Does God want us to make everyone good and thus eliminate their freewill?
Shalom brother Chaim,
since we are known as the Jewish Task Force, how do you feel about those Jews in JTF/Hayamin Hamiti who are perplexed at Righteous Gentiles being interested in our movement and wanting to help us?
For example, those Jews in JTF who feel there is "little point in Righteous Gentiles being interested in the JTF and helping us since we only need rely on Hashem and our fellow like-minded real right-wing Jews in order to save Israel and the Jewish people"? I have recently received several PMs from Kahanist Jews saying such things on Zootube.
As you have repeatedly pointed out, I have a Saintly Righteous Gentile friend on Zootube who has spent an enormous amount of time and energy assisting our Hebrew-speaking movement in Israel as well as our English-speaking movement in the US. This amazing Righteous Gentile friend of mine has helped our movement tremendously - so much so that the Bolshevik Leftist Arab Muslim-Nazi loving Peace Now traitors are in a sheer state of panic and frustration!!
This Saintly Righteous Gentile [aka RCH] has shown far more commitment, loyalty, dedication, initiative, tenacity and selflessness to JTF/Hayamin Hamiti and invested far more time and energy to our great Hebrew speaking movement as well as our English language movement than any right-wing Kahanist Jew I have ever encountered on Zootube.
Brother Chaim, I feel that it reflects very negatively on the JTF and Hayamin Hamiti as a movement if Righteous Gentiles are viewed as having a less valid contribution to make than a Jewish person or that they are not needed at all because a Jewish movement is supposedly irrelevant to a Righteous Gentile. Do you also feel the same way?
What is your view on what contribution Righteous Gentiles can make to JTF and Hayamin Hamiti and why is their participation so ESSENTIAL at this time especially when Israel's and Western civilization's survival is clearly at stake? Thank you brother Chaim for your time and consideration as always and for providing such fantastic commentary for my JTF videos.
Can you give us your thoughts about the recent ACORN prostitution/corruption youtube video controversy?
Shalom Chaim,
What do you think about trade unions? How, do you think, should workers' rights be protected?
Thank you.
Hello Chaim,
Have you ever heard of an obnoxious, truly ape-like schvartze named Khalid Abdul Muhammad from the Nation of Islam? Someone ran one of his videos on our local public access station recently, and it was unquestionably the most vile, ferocious, Jew-hating diatribe I've ever heard, bar none. He openly called for the deaths of Whites and Jews, to the enthusiastic applause of his fellow gorillas in the crowd.
Hello Chaim,
Do you think that our President, Obama Osama, prefers that Iran become a nuclear power? If so,do you think he wants this in order to weaken Israel's giant military leverage in the Middle East? Or does he actually want Iran to use the bomb on Israel? (God Forbid). Or could it be that he couldn't care less if Iran uses the bomb on Israel?
Aces High