General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: Lisa on October 07, 2009, 10:17:41 AM
Who says Arabs are not racists? Get a load of this.
Tarek Fatah: Racism in paradise
Posted: October 05, 2009, 3:45 PM by NP Editor
Full Comment, Tarek Fatah
‘There is no such thing in Paradise as a man coming home and not finding his wife there. Allah described them as women who lower their gaze, and never look at anybody but their husband.'
A Saudi cleric named Sheikh Muhammad al-Munajid has promised on Saudi TV that the virgins we Muslims will get in paradise will be white. If you blow yourself up in a martyrdom operation, you'll be rewarded with 72 pure women, and not one of them will be black or Indian, or even Arab or Iranian.
This is not the first strange thing Sheikh al-Munajid has said. He is the same man who once issued a fatwa against Mickey Mouse. And when Western and Arab media ridiculed him for it, he defended himself by insisting that "the real issue being discussed was the harmful rodent ‘the mouse,' not Mickey."
What follows edited excerpt from an interview with al-Munajid, which aired on Al-Majd TV on July 25, 2009, and has been transcribed and translated by MEMRI - The Middle East Research Institute.
Muhammad sl-Munajid: Allah said that the black-eyed virgins are beautiful white young women, with black pupils and very white retinas, whose skin is so delicate and bright that it causes confusion.
Allah said that they are like hidden pearls. They are all the same age, morally and physically beautiful. They are like precious gems and pearls in their splendor, their clarity, their purity, and their whiteness. Each one of them is so beautiful that you can see the bone-marrow through the delicate flesh on their legs.
Whereas the women of this world may suffer, for days and nights, from menstruation, from blood for 40 days after childbirth, from vaginal bleeding and from diseases -- the women of Paradise are pure, unblemished, menstruation-free, free of feces, urine, phlegm, children...
Moreover, Allah cleaned them of all impure and foul things, both in appearance and character. In character, they are not jealous, hateful, or angry. They are not greedy.
They are restricted to tents, locked up for the husband. There is no such thing as going out. When he comes home - they are there. There is no such thing in Paradise as a man coming home and not finding his wife there. Allah described them as women who lower their gaze, and never look at anybody but their husband.
Interviewer: You said the woman looks only at her husband, but today, things are different. Today, husbands don't look only at
their wives, or vice versa - except for a few, on whom Allah has taken mercy.
al-Munajid: There are some pious, pure men, who have eyes only for their wives, and there are some pious, pure and obedient wives, who have eyes only for their husbands. But today, people's eyes roam freely. The Internet... The people of this world... There is a big difference when it comes to deriving pleasure. In this world, men work hard and tire themselves out in order to derive pleasure. The Prophet Muhammad says that in Paradise, a man gets the strength of 100 men when it comes to eating, drinking, passion and sex.
National Post
Racist, misogynistic, either one perfectly describes the mindset of Arab Muslims. They are the most racist people on the face of the planet.
Reminds me of negroes "Gots ta git doze white wimmens" :laugh:
Reminds me of negroes "Gots ta git doze white wimmens" :laugh:
:::D Yeah! I was debating typing some kind of response insulting the Negro mindset.
Is this a LIMITED TIME OFFER, if you blow yourself up in the next 60 minute???
You know what, I will double that number. All Muslims who blow themselves up, and take as many other Muslims with them as possible will get 144 albino teenaged Virgins... make it 288 if they do it in a Mosque.
You know what, I will double that number. All Muslims who blow themselves up, and take as many other Muslims with them as possible will get 144 albino teenaged Virgins... make it 288 if they do it in a Mosque.
So even Arabs admit that their women are repulsive to look at?
Didn't this line come from Chaim Ben Pesach: "Yes, I said that they were all stupid, but I never claimed that they were all blind."
Reminds me of negroes "Gots ta git doze white wimmens" :laugh:
They are sand negroes after all.
So even Arabs admit that their women are repulsive to look at?
Doesn't matter. Their women must be having same opinion about them.
I thought black was beautiful?
I think they got that all wrong, I think it is one Virgin that is 72 years old.. AH HA! Right now Arafart is running for his life, an ugly Helen Thomas look a like broad is chasing him around.
Or how about 72 Helen Thomases?
this isn't racism.
As crazy as the muslims are, not even they would follow their insane religion if they got 72 black or arab virgins, who the hell would die for that? Of course they're white.
Or how about 72 Helen Thomases?
Lisa love ya but,, eek scary!