The Worldwide Crisis of Islam => The Truth About Islam => Topic started by: stevefromqueens on October 21, 2009, 07:37:07 PM

Title: Tarek Mehanna - another Irish terrorist
Post by: stevefromqueens on October 21, 2009, 07:37:07 PM
Don't want to beat a horse to death but when will the media and the world realize that it's not "just a handful" of Muslims who want to take down the USA? The latest Massachusetts terror threat netted....guess what?? Surprise, surprise -another follower of the Religion of Peace and Tolerance. And to satisfy the liberals, we will do simple mathematics: there are approximately 1 billion Muslims in the world - so if only 1 tenth of 1 percent of Muslims are jihadist lunatics (and reality we know it's a hell of a lot higher than that), we are still talking 1 million Muslim psychos with their sights set on Israel and the USA. You can't sit down with them. You can't have tea and crumpets. You can't join hands and sing Kumbaya - the only thing they understand is the sword, and it needs to be against their throats before it's against ours. To the "progressives" who claim that is only stooping to their level - I give you this quote from Rabbi Kahane, I'd rather be at their level than 6 feet under it! :usa: :usa+israel: :usa+israel: :usa+israel:
Title: Re: Tarek Mehanna - another Irish terrorist
Post by: george_jtf on October 22, 2009, 12:41:28 AM
The problem is that Muslims don't seem to have a problem only with US & Israel, those two are just the best covered conflicts;
let's not forget India/Pakistan, Northwest China, Russia, Bulgaria, Ethiopia, Serbia, Macedonia, Greece, Crete, Bosnia, Sudan,....too many to list them all.