The Worldwide Crisis of Islam => The Truth About Islam => Topic started by: ebode on November 09, 2009, 05:08:22 PM
I just heard on the news that the Ft. Hood shooter did, in fact, yell "allah akbar" as he began his spree
This is why we should classify Islam as a terrorist organization, and not a religion. Its bad enough that we let muslims in to this country, and it is even worse that we let them in to the military. How stupid is our government to allow people who follow Islam, to join an organization that Mohammad would command his followers to destroy?
This insane lying media REFUSES to name it what it is; Islamic Jihadism
time will come and facts :read: will be done
This insane lying media REFUSES to name it what it is; Islamic Jihadism
"Don't jump to conclusions"
:::D :::D :::D :::D
Since obama took over everyone in his administration has been ordered to stop saying TERRORIST.
obama is also responsible for the silence regarding the Terrorist attack at Fort Hood.
obama is the product of a MUSLIM LOVING SLUT and a DRUNKEN MUSLIM.....
Each of his parents poisoned his mind ( Father/ islam ) ( Mother/ marxism ) with their radical ideas while he was growing up.
Since obama took over everyone in his administration has been ordered to stop saying TERRORIST.
obama is also responsible for the silence regarding the Terrorist attack at Fort Hood.
obama is the product of a MUSLIM LOVING SLUT and a DRUNKEN MUSLIM.....
Each of his parents poisoned his mind ( Father/ islam ) ( Mother/ marxism ) with their radical ideas while he was growing up.
Well stated, Dox.
It's hard to picture it getting much worse than the combination of Islam and Ultra Liberalism.
Hi Eb22......obama is a nightmare and a half !
Honestly I think it may get worse before it gets better.
Removing a Dictator from office won't be easy, especially when they have so much support from other Dictators ( Liberals )
G-d help us overcome this radical takeover of our Country.
Shalom Eb22 - Dox