General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: muman613 on November 12, 2009, 01:26:05 AM
It is amazing to me that major news reporters are still reporting the story that Nidal Hasan is a 'Palestinian'. I can only come to believe that the reason CNN is perpetuating this myth is because the liberal news media will do anything to make the terrorist look sympathetic. Those news sources which are intellectually honest report that his parents immigrated to America from Jordan, which happens to be the real 'Palestinian' state in the middle east. There is no such thing as an ethnic Palestinian so why do they continue to lie to the American people? The truth is that Jordan should be where all the Arabs in Israel should go because it is the place which was created for them when Israel became a state. Now they have invented this lie about 'Palestinians' who live in Israel, who violently try to steal Jewish land in Israel. The liberal media is playing a dangerous game of deception.
Hasan was no more Palestinian than I am native American. To perpetuate this myth is only showing bias for the terrorists.
Hasan was a Palestinian.. Then again what the hell is a Palestinian? A Palestinain is nothing more than arab camel jockey who squats in the Israeli land and expects others to do the work for him, because he is too stupid and lazy to do it himself. Yes he was indeed , of "Palestinian" heritage. Many Palis are in Jordan and he has many family members in the West Bank. Palestinains are savages aand I would expect nothing less out of a Pali then this barbaric act. Palestinains are some of the most hostile, rude uneducated and barbaric arabs I have met. And this is a big statement coming from a race of savages, barbarians, child rapists and thieves.
No he is an Arab sand spider who was occupying Israel, that came to America to murder non muslims.
Technically they have no right to Jordan either. The Arabs need to go die in a desert somewhere, honestly.
Technically they have no right to Jordan either. The Arabs need to go die in a desert somewhere, honestly.
Yes, as Amalek that is exactly what Scripture dictates.
The media is calling him a "Palestinian" because the liberals in the media consider the "Palestinians" to be a victimized group. They want to create sympathy for the murderer.
I don't think murdering 13 american soldiers and woundin 30 others in cold blood, willl do much to help the "Palestinian Cause". Personally, if anything I am happy they are reporting he is a Palestinian, which he indeed is. This will help open the eyes of Americans what Palestinains really are. This case of butchery had nothign to do with Israel or JEws, it was between USA and Afghanistan/IRaq and Mr. Hasan. It is nice for poeple to see how Palestinians handle their anger. Now people can see what the JEwish people in Israel have to go through , living next to millions of these barbaric savages. I don't blame the Jordanians for mass murdering these turds, too bad Israel cannot do to these Pali ragheads what the JOrdanians did back in 70s. Guess, arabs can do what they like, because they are uncivliized savages. Unfortunately, Israel tries to reason with the UN, its like the nice kid who hangs out with bullies, thinking one day he will be their friend, but he keeps getting slapped in the face by them.