General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: AsheDina on November 17, 2009, 08:50:25 PM
Richard Cohen,
You are a disgrace to Jews all over America, although most Jews are brainwashed leftists and would certainly agree with your taking Lou Dobbs off the air. You are not for tolerance or rights. You are for fascism. There is a reason that the term Bolshevik and Jew are linked and its sickening to the few patriotic Jews that live here.
I have no idea how much longer white Christian America will put up with groups like yours, the ACLU, and even the government, but when they are ready to make a move, I hope they will let me join them.
Even though I am not religious, I am a Jew, but, you sir, are a Kike.
David Ben Moshe,
This post made me smile but I hope David doesn't get accused of a hate crime now.
This post made me smile but I hope David doesn't get accused of a hate crime now.
They will come and arrest us, the YES WE CAN patrols.
What's the context?
David Ben Moshe isn't religious? Huh, didn't know that.
David Ben Moshe isn't religious? Huh, didn't know that.
He is right-wing but secular.
David Ben Moshe isn't religious? Huh, didn't know that.
He is right-wing but secular.
He is not secular in the humanistic sense, he is just not religious. He reads the Bible with me all the time. ; )
Even though I am not religious, I am a Jew, but, you sir, are a Kike.
This quote is the best :laugh: :laugh:
Even though I am not religious, I am a Jew, but, you sir, are a Kike.
This quote is the best :laugh: :laugh:
How can one not be 'religious' if they read the Torah? Either you attempt to follow the commandments or you don't. I don't find that there is much in between ground. When one truely believes in the Torah, and the tradition which we have received, there should be no disconnect between 'religious' and 'secular'.... The commandments are divine and we should strive to achieve each positive command, and avoid each negative command. We should also ascribe to the traditions and customs of our people because the entire Jewish package involves the community and the individual in divine service.
I am 'religious' in the sense that I take the Torah seriously. I admit when I am missing the mark, I attempt to adjust my behavior, and I learn every day. I am not perfect and many things I do wrong {I wont enumerate them here}. But I really get a bit upset when people throw around terms like 'religious' and 'secular' as if there is a big difference. Labels don't really do service in this case.
I also still am displeased with the K word because it immediately becomes a red flag when a Jew sees someone calling him such a name. You will be categorized as a Nazi just for using the word. I have already spoken about this issue last year and I still have not changed my opinion.
How can one not be 'religious' if they read the Torah? Either you attempt to follow the commandments or you don't. I don't find that there is much in between ground. When one truely believes in the Torah, and the tradition which we have received, there should be no disconnect between 'religious' and 'secular'.... The commandments are divine and we should strive to achieve each positive command, and avoid each negative command. We should also ascribe to the traditions and customs of our people because the entire Jewish package involves the community and the individual in divine service.
I am 'religious' in the sense that I take the Torah seriously. I admit when I am missing the mark, I attempt to adjust my behavior, and I learn every day. I am not perfect and many things I do wrong {I wont enumerate them here}. But I really get a bit upset when people throw around terms like 'religious' and 'secular' as if there is a big difference. Labels don't really do service in this case.
I also still am displeased with the K word because it immediately becomes a red flag when a Jew sees someone calling him such a name. You will be categorized as a Nazi just for using the word. I have already spoken about this issue last year and I still have not changed my opinion.
Muman, he is right. You should not judge David. He NEVER read the bible before I came along. And he is right about Cohen, he is a ki*e.
Lou Dobbs pressured to leave CNN, Pastor Manning arrested by the Dept Of Homeland Security, Michael Savage banned from traveling to Britain. It's the the beginning of totalitarian fascist oppression. >:(
Lou Dobbs pressured to leave CNN, Pastor Manning arrested by the Dept Of Homeland Security. >:(
I didn't know that. He seems like one of the only ones who wants to help the black's be successful by helping them get an education. I feel that someone like him is what the black community needs not someone who profits off of black poverty and ignorance like Jackson, farakhan, Sharpton and wright.
Muman, she means that although he is interested in Tanach, he doesn't keep strictly frum. Many, many Jews are like that.
As for the K-word, although I do not use it personally or encourage its use, I do think that any Jew who works for the jihadist propaganda house SPLC qualifies. Maybe they will think he is a Nazi if he uses that word, but the fact is that the SPLC already considers anyone who doesn't follow their sodomite agenda to a T a "Nazi".
Excellent response by David. I heard the Richard Cohen interview on Fox News Channel and was appalled by Cohen's answers. I'm waiting for Cohen to speak about against the Leftist Black Racists and Anti Semites.