General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: muman613 on November 18, 2009, 02:36:21 PM

Title: Nothing New: 'Palestinians' taught hate Jews by the PA
Post by: muman613 on November 18, 2009, 02:36:21 PM

PA Features Children's' Hate Speech at Arafat Memorial
Kislev 1, 5770, 18 November 09 02:42
by Hana Levi Julian

(Israelnationalnews.com) Arab children are being programmed by the Palestinian Authority to hate Jews and Israel, as demonstrated at a recent memorial for deceased Palestine Liberation Organization terror chief Yasser Arafat.

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The memorial ceremony was televised November 10, the fifth anniversary of Arafat's death on PATV, controlled by PA Chairman and Fatah leader Mahmoud Abbas, considered a "moderate" partner for peace by some in Israel and most Western nations.

The official memorial was held at the Ramallah Cultural Palace and included among the speakers PA Prime Minister Salam Fayyad, also considered a "moderate", as well as top PA and PLO officials. Tayseer Al-Tamimi, PA Chief Justice of the Religious Court and Chairman of the Supreme Council of Islamic Law, was also present. %ad% 

The televised ceremony broadcast a video clip featuring PA Arab children who delivered messages in honor of Arafat, later downloaded and translated by the media watchdog organization Palestinian Media Watch (PMW).

The children's messages primarily idealized terror as martyrdom, and promoted a common PA libel that Arafat died of poisoning by Jews. One boy, championing Arafat's strength, announced that "All the Jews and the Israelis and the people who are against us, were afraid of him (Arafat). When he died, he died of poisoning."

A girl said that Arafat "was under siege in Ramallah, and when he was under siege, we were very upset. The Jews poisoned him and I hate them very much. Allah will repay them what they deserve."

Several other children also repeated the libel that Jews poisoned Arafat, with one boy finally adding, "Well, I don't know what he died from, but I know it was by the Jews." Another boy quoted Arafat, saying, "They want me dead, they want me prisoner, but I say" Martyr, Martyr, Martyr!"

None of the children spoke of peace, praised Arafat for making peace or even suggested that he had tried, although the PLO chairman received the Nobel Peace Prize along with Israel's then-Prime Minister Yitzchak Rabin and Foreign Minister Shimon Peres, after the signing of the Oslo Accords. One boy praised Arafat because he was a "fighter" who "did things through [violent] struggle" and who "did not make peace."
Title: Re: Nothing New: 'Palestinians' taught hate Jews by the PA
Post by: The One and Only Mo on November 18, 2009, 03:40:06 PM
Title: Re: Nothing New: 'Palestinians' taught hate Jews by the PA
Post by: Spiraling Leopard on November 19, 2009, 02:08:44 AM
Education is not what it used to be...