General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: Irish Zionist on December 02, 2009, 12:56:40 PM

Title: Der Spiegel: Iran One Year Away from Nuclear Bomb
Post by: Irish Zionist on December 02, 2009, 12:56:40 PM
(IsraelNN.com) German Magazine Der Spiegle says that Iran may be only a year away from making a nuclear bomb. The magazine says that Iranian scientists are believed to have successfully simulated the detonation of a nuclear warhead, one of the most technologically challenging problems in the construction of a nuclear weapon.

The magazine also said that Israeli envoys quietly visit European companies that export products to Tehran. When the CEOs insist that their products are intended purely for civilian use, the Israelis show them photos of the European components installed in one of Iran's nuclear plants.
Title: Re: Der Spiegel: Iran One Year Away from Nuclear Bomb
Post by: Every Jew AK47 on December 02, 2009, 01:00:58 PM
Just a matter of time.  I do believe Israel will have nuclear war with Iran, because the Israeli government and people are so naive and shortsighted.  THis is a typical problem us Jewish people have is that we never think our enemies would ever do anything ill-willed to us, until it is too late.  E.g., the Romans, the Shoah, Yom Kippur War, etc     Please, don't anyone hate me, but I think Israel and Jews will have too suffer once again until we wake up and realize that a very dangerous threat exists that seeks to wipe our race out. 

Maybe I am crazy, but what I think will happen is that radical groups like Hizbollah or Hamas will get hands of Iranian nukes and they will destroy Tel Aviv.  In exchange Israel will mobilze for war and destroy most of the muslim world and become the rulers of the Middle East without any outside intervention .  Also, I believe Israel will take control of the worlds oil supply.   SO, even though I think Israel will suffer horribly for its lack of concern of its enemy threat, it will in the end come out victorious, but not without the loss of a good number of Jewish souls.  I also believe the American Jews will have a big part in the conquering of the Middle East and reestablishing the Greater Israelite Empire.
Title: Re: Der Spiegel: Iran One Year Away from Nuclear Bomb
Post by: The One and Only Mo on December 02, 2009, 04:25:29 PM
Time to kill them all