General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: Every Jew AK47 on December 08, 2009, 12:54:34 AM
Why Dr. Brennan has decided to make war with me I don't know..
Anyway, ask me what you want to ask.. I am not a spamemr or troll
I said I thought Ron Paul isolating USA from Israel and arab world would help Israel.. Now I am a nazi a troll
i hope most poeple at JTF have more than 3rd grade education.. Whasts with all this bashing of other Jews, just beacuse they have different opiinoin?
WHy not behave like an intellectual rather than a pre-schooler and confront the issue respectfully, rather than resort to school yard scuffles and name calling.
This is total bullsh*T.. I want to support JDF.. but I find JDL way more professional and not with some juvenile behaving Mods like here.
Time to go back to Pedofront, so that you can once more call Jonathan Pollard a "spy for Israel" and other such things. Bye-bye, Ralph.
I am glad we resolved this issue..
Shalom to you Dr. Brennan Fan and Chaim..
Od Kahane Chai!!! :dance: :dance:
Ralph can kiss my tuckus :laugh: Whoever the h*ll he is...
I don't see what the problem is. I also think that Paul would be better than Obama. He would not meddle in Israel's business, and then phony leaders like Bibi would have no one to blame for his decisions but himself. Everyone would then see him exposed for the leftist that he is. I'm not sure why DTI has to be attacked for his opinion there.
I don't see what the problem is. I also think that Paul would be better than Obama. He would not meddle in Israel's business, and then phony leaders like Bibi would have no one to blame for his decisions but himself. Everyone would then see him exposed for the leftist that he is. I'm not sure why DTI has to be attacked for his opinion there.
The problem is supporting Ron Paul.
There's a tremendous difference between agreeing with Paul's domestic libertarian agenda and thinking that Paul's isolationist, anti-Israel policies would be good for America or Israel.
Again, we all agree that America shouldn't attempt to dictate policy to Israel or meddle in Israel's affairs -- but that doesn't mean that America should not support Israel or not be an ally of Israel.
But it gets very old having people come to this forum (which should be the most pro-Israel forum on the net) and profess support for an anti-semite, anti-Israel POS like Ron Paul, merely because they like his libertarian agenda or because he wouldn't be as bad as Obama.
This is not an attack on DTI. I'm sure he means well.
It's an attack on Ron Paul and an unequivocal statement that Paul's anti-semitic, anti-Israel, isolationist foreign policies would be disastrous in the fight against Islam and the well being of America and Israel.
There was a bloody hair-pulling fight and I've missed all the fun?
Why Dr. Brennan has decided to make war with me I don't know..
Anyway, ask me what you want to ask.. I am not a spamemr or troll
I said I thought Ron Paul isolating USA from Israel and arab world would help Israel.. Now I am a nazi a troll
i hope most poeple at JTF have more than 3rd grade education.. Whasts with all this bashing of other Jews, just beacuse they have different opiinoin?
WHy not behave like an intellectual rather than a pre-schooler and confront the issue respectfully, rather than resort to school yard scuffles and name calling.
This is total bullsh*T.. I want to support JDF.. but I find JDL way more professional and not with some juvenile behaving Mods like here.
IF you haven't noticed, CF/Serb Avenger/Brennan Fan calls someone a troll here just about every day.
Death to Islam, I don't think you're a troll. I never did. I think you're a good Jew, from what I see of your posts.
Why Dr. Brennan has decided to make war with me I don't know..
Anyway, ask me what you want to ask.. I am not a spamemr or troll
I said I thought Ron Paul isolating USA from Israel and arab world would help Israel.. Now I am a nazi a troll
i hope most poeple at JTF have more than 3rd grade education.. Whasts with all this bashing of other Jews, just beacuse they have different opiinoin?
WHy not behave like an intellectual rather than a pre-schooler and confront the issue respectfully, rather than resort to school yard scuffles and name calling.
This is total bullsh*T.. I want to support JDF.. but I find JDL way more professional and not with some juvenile behaving Mods like here.
DTI; Dr Brennan is very protective. As far as Paul, I voted for him in the primaries, but, if you would like to see for yourself how much this creep hates our people, feel free to see his forums. His 'followers' are the WORST people in the planet with the Jew-hate, I mean the WORST. He thinks Islam is a made up Zionist thing. I cannot endorse this person now, he hates Jewish people, if not, he would get those boards cleaned up that are in HIS NAME.
Im sure Ive been called a troll by him at one point too. :::D
Why Dr. Brennan has decided to make war with me I don't know..
Anyway, ask me what you want to ask.. I am not a spamemr or troll
I said I thought Ron Paul isolating USA from Israel and arab world would help Israel.. Now I am a nazi a troll
i hope most poeple at JTF have more than 3rd grade education.. Whasts with all this bashing of other Jews, just beacuse they have different opiinoin?
WHy not behave like an intellectual rather than a pre-schooler and confront the issue respectfully, rather than resort to school yard scuffles and name calling.
This is total bullsh*T.. I want to support JDF.. but I find JDL way more professional and not with some juvenile behaving Mods like here.
if you would like to see for yourself how much this creep hates our people, feel free to see his forums.
His nutty online followers don't define him necessarily. They also consist of 9/11 truthers, and Paul has said 9/11 truth movement is ludicrous.
His 'followers' are the WORST people in the planet with the Jew-hate, I mean the WORST. He thinks Islam is a made up Zionist thing.
He? Or his followers? There's a difference if you ask me. I doubt he's ever even looked at his "ron paul forum" if one exists.
Kahane-BT, his FOLLOWERS are CRUMS. As for him, I think he thinks that Islam is a "Zionist conspiracy" Thats what I feel, believe me, if I can be proven different, I am ALLLL ears.
I think it says a lot about Ron Paul that his campaign attracts mostly these people.
http://www.ronpaulforums.com/showthread.php?t=221425 (http://www.ronpaulforums.com/showthread.php?t=221425)
http://www.ronpaulforums.com/showthread.php?t=214950&highlight=olive+trees (http://www.ronpaulforums.com/showthread.php?t=214950&highlight=olive+trees)
http://www.ronpaulforums.com/showthread.php?t=221493 (http://www.ronpaulforums.com/showthread.php?t=221493)
http://www.ronpaulforums.com/showthread.php?t=221254 (http://www.ronpaulforums.com/showthread.php?t=221254)
Im sure Ive been called a troll by him at one point too. :::D
Not me, but others, like Paulette though I was a Nazi when I first came because my name was Mo1988. That's why I changed it,lol. ;D
Im sure Ive been called a troll by him at one point too. :::D
Not me, but others, like Paulette though I was a Nazi when I first came because my name was Mo1988. That's why I changed it,lol. ;D
What's Nazi about "Mo1988?" If your name was Mo1488, that would be Nazi. "14" means some 14 letter "white nationalist" motto while "88" means heil Hitler.
but I find JDL way more professional.
You don't know the JDL dude. They are an unprofessional leftists with smelly Shelly screaming and cussing into a bullhorn.
Im sure Ive been called a troll by him at one point too. :::D
Not me, but others, like Paulette though I was a Nazi when I first came because my name was Mo1988. That's why I changed it,lol. ;D
Well...I am a PARANOID CRAZY LADY. :nuke:
Im sure Ive been called a troll by him at one point too. :::D
Not me, but others, like Paulette though I was a Nazi when I first came because my name was Mo1988. That's why I changed it,lol. ;D
What's Nazi about "Mo1988?" If your name was Mo1488, that would be Nazi. "14" means some 14 letter "white nationalist" motto while "88" means heil Hitler.
They said it looked like 14 or something :o
Im sure Ive been called a troll by him at one point too. :::D
Not me, but others, like Paulette though I was a Nazi when I first came because my name was Mo1988. That's why I changed it,lol. ;D
Well...I am a PARANOID CRAZY LADY. :nuke:
Yeah, but that's why we all :love: you. ;D