General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: ChaimBenMordechai on December 26, 2009, 04:57:50 PM
We cannot blame this girl. She has serious mental problems. :o
We cannot blame this girl. She has serious mental problems. :o
Most mentally ill people didn't start off insane. They made a series of evil choices and G-d hardened their hearts to the point where repentance is not possible.
I don't care. Let her cover up in burlap in the middle of summer, pray to allah three times a day, be forced to have sex with someone and smell like B.O and see if she likes it.
I'm horrified! What kind of parents let this happen!!!? Ungh, weak minded people are nauseating to watch.
Gave the video 1 star, I suggest you all do the same.
I don't care. Let her cover up in burlap in the middle of summer, pray to allah three times a day, be forced to have sex with someone and smell like B.O and see if she likes it.
We should care. She is obviously a mentally ill girl that needs to discover what True Judism is and what True Islam is.
OMG :o
We should rebuke her. If she doesn't go back to Judaism.. then she shall be slayed like any other Muslim/Arab.
Berkekely, Ca. Well, there you go, that says it all right there. Berkeley is the left coast capital of self-hating Jews and general whack jobs.
Berkekely, Ca. Well, there you go, that says it all right there. Berkeley is the left coast capital of self-hating Jews and general whack jobs.
I think that this generalization is bad, I do know several very good righteous and rightwing Jews who do live in Berkeley and I actually spent a Yom Kippur in Berkeley with one very special Rabbi who recently passed.
Self-Hating Jews are not only found in Berkeley, they are in New York also...
Pray for her, she is too young to know what she's getting into.
How can anybody leave Judaism for Islam is beyond me.
Laura is deceived! Islam is NOT a religion of peace, and does not allow freedom to Muslim women under Sharia Law.
The reason Laura is pleased with her conversion is because she lives in the United States where we are Free! If she was in Yemen, Syria, Lebannon, or Turkey, where there is Sharia Law, Life wouldn't be very pleasant!
Judaism and my own religion are not capable to give what some people need. We live mainly as family-unit. We have a contained family based culture who is only "broken" if we meet at the fane with fellow believers and at family celebrations. We have naturally no picture of an enemy in our heads, but we have (each his own) positive agenda. There must happen a lot of things if you bring believing Jews and Christians to fight and to accept an enemy who has declared war on them.
Muslims on the other hand have a totalitarian culture, that doesn't respect the individuum. The best comparision is Naziism. They have no real positive agenda, but a one that is defined by the hostility to others. So the enemy of the Muslim are all other people. This makes even people from different families as well as from different descent in a short time very close. Jews and Christians need for this process to feel this close a lot of years. Remember your own best friend. :)
Now some people see this closeness and freak out. They get accepted by strange people. For those who have a lack of self consciousness is this the heaven.
But our family based dissociated culture made us who we are. And we are successfull and they are not!
We cannot blame this girl. She has serious mental problems. :o
she is no different than girls in the sixties or seventies who join cults. She is looking for someone to take care of her.
Of course we can blame her. She's not any different from a Waffen SS female soldier.
Just wait.
Her Muslim husband will tell her to kill her Yahoodi parents..and the kurveh will do it...
I wouldn't even sit shivah for her. She's beyond that.
What's this? She became a Muslim and she's laughing and having fun? She's not beaten? Is she one of someone's many wives?
Her parents would be in the right if they disowned her.
Some people enjoy getting deceived. The biggest the deception, the biggest the enjoyment.