The Worldwide Crisis of Islam => The Truth About Islam => Topic started by: Confederate Kahanist on January 20, 2010, 10:48:13 PM

Title: It's coming: criticize Islam, go to jail
Post by: Confederate Kahanist on January 20, 2010, 10:48:13 PM

If you want to see where the U.S. is headed if we continue to indulge in dangerous and tyrannical political correctness, and indulge in the multicultural folly that Islam is the moral equivalent of Christianity, look no further than Europe.

And if you question whether Islam is a religion of peace, you will get an answer in the same place.

Politically correct goons in the Netherlands want to put parliamentarian Geert Wilders in jail on a "hate speech" conviction for having the temerity to speak the truth that Islam represents a clear and present danger to Western civilization.

He was temporarily banned from Britain for producing a short movie - "Fitna" - which did nothing more than put on screen verses from the Koran calling for Muslims to commit violence against infidels and juxtapose them with images of, well, Muslims committing violence against infidels.

Islam is a religion of violence and war, and proof positive can be found in that Wilders has been living under 24-hour police protection since producing the film. He has been the target of numerous death threats, and Al Qaeda is calling for his head (literally, as the Prophet of Allah commands them to do).

Contrast this with the response of a Christian nation, followers of the Prince of Peace, to the writings of Richard Dawkins, who frequently and loudly condemns Christianity and the Bible as nothing more than a collection of superstitions and myths. He travels and speaks freely, with nothing to fear. Why? Because Christianity is a religion of peace and Islam is not.

Wilders has called for a stop to Muslim immigration into the Netherlands and for the deportation of jihadists, in an effort to preserve what is left of Western values and culture in his native land.  He is also calling for a ban on the Koran, just as the Netherlands bans Mein Kampf, and for the same reasons: it is a dangerous and subversive book.

While I have not advocated for a ban on the publishing of the Koran - in fact, I call for Americans to read it to see for themselves just how dangerous it is - I have called for a cessation of Muslim immigration into the U.S., a ban on Muslims serving in the U.S. military, and aggressive profiling of Muslim males who want to fly to or in the United States.

Will I be the next to be prosecuted for committing a "hate crime?"

As blogger Diana West has observed, as reported in WorldNetDaily, his trial "is about more than the future of freedom of speech. The trial of Geert Wilders is about the future of freedom."
Title: Re: It's coming: criticize Islam, go to jail
Post by: The One and Only Mo on January 21, 2010, 01:00:57 AM

If you want to see where the U.S. is headed if we continue to indulge in dangerous and tyrannical political correctness, and indulge in the multicultural folly that Islam is the moral equivalent of Christianity, look no further than Europe.

And if you question whether Islam is a religion of peace, you will get an answer in the same place.

Politically correct goons in the Netherlands want to put parliamentarian Geert Wilders in jail on a "hate speech" conviction for having the temerity to speak the truth that Islam represents a clear and present danger to Western civilization.

He was temporarily banned from Britain for producing a short movie - "Fitna" - which did nothing more than put on screen verses from the Koran calling for Muslims to commit violence against infidels and juxtapose them with images of, well, Muslims committing violence against infidels.

Islam is a religion of violence and war, and proof positive can be found in that Wilders has been living under 24-hour police protection since producing the film. He has been the target of numerous death threats, and Al Qaeda is calling for his head (literally, as the Prophet of Allah commands them to do).

Contrast this with the response of a Christian nation, followers of the Prince of Peace, to the writings of Richard Dawkins, who frequently and loudly condemns Christianity and the Bible as nothing more than a collection of superstitions and myths. He travels and speaks freely, with nothing to fear. Why? Because Christianity is a religion of peace and Islam is not.

Wilders has called for a stop to Muslim immigration into the Netherlands and for the deportation of jihadists, in an effort to preserve what is left of Western values and culture in his native land.  He is also calling for a ban on the Koran, just as the Netherlands bans Mein Kampf, and for the same reasons: it is a dangerous and subversive book.

While I have not advocated for a ban on the publishing of the Koran - in fact, I call for Americans to read it to see for themselves just how dangerous it is - I have called for a cessation of Muslim immigration into the U.S., a ban on Muslims serving in the U.S. military, and aggressive profiling of Muslim males who want to fly to or in the United States.

Will I be the next to be prosecuted for committing a "hate crime?"

As blogger Diana West has observed, as reported in WorldNetDaily, his trial "is about more than the future of freedom of speech. The trial of Geert Wilders is about the future of freedom."
I'm not that surprised, but I am afraid I will end up in jail one day. All somebody has to do is investigate my facebook posts and links.
Title: Re: It's coming: criticize Islam, go to jail
Post by: IsraeliGovtAreKapos on January 21, 2010, 01:01:32 AM

Well most people would just be murdered after a while so the remaining question is what's better sitting in jail or getting murdered by sand apes
Title: Re: It's coming: criticize Islam, go to jail
Post by: Confederate Kahanist on January 21, 2010, 01:44:55 AM

Well most people would just be murdered after a while so the remaining question is what's better sitting in jail or getting murdered by sand apes

Good ?!  Sitting in jail for years would be a living hell though getting killed by sand apes can be a pretty darn painful way to die.
Title: Re: It's coming: criticize Islam, go to jail
Post by: IsraeliGovtAreKapos on January 21, 2010, 01:49:01 AM


Well most people would just be murdered after a while so the remaining question is what's better sitting in jail or getting murdered by sand apes

Good ?!  Sitting in jail for years would be a living hell though getting killed by sand apes can be a pretty darn painful way to die.

So what's worse?
Title: Re: It's coming: criticize Islam, go to jail
Post by: arksis on January 21, 2010, 07:50:17 AM
I would rather die by them, after taking as many out as I could FIRST.
Title: Re: It's coming: criticize Islam, go to jail
Post by: Confederate Kahanist on January 21, 2010, 02:45:53 PM
I would rather die by them, after taking as many out as I could FIRST.

That's a good idea Arksis!!
Title: Re: It's coming: criticize Islam, go to jail
Post by: Edward on January 21, 2010, 09:02:55 PM
The prophet of Allah was a holy and rightious man! He was a humble desert-brigand, a Mass-murderer who ruthlessly beheaded hundreds of innocent men, raped hundreds of women, including a 6 years old girl, and called for bloodshed and war against everyone who wouldn't accept the fact that he is the prophet of his phony Moon god.
Now this is a real prophet.. don't ya think? 
Title: Re: It's coming: criticize Islam, go to jail
Post by: Confederate Kahanist on January 21, 2010, 09:05:59 PM
The prophet of Allah was a holy and rightious man! He was a humble desert-brigand, a Mass-murderer who ruthlessly beheaded hundreds of innocent men, raped hundreds of women, including a 6 years old girl, and called for bloodshed and war against everyone who wouldn't accept the fact that he is the prophet of his phony Moon G-d.
Now this is a real prophet.. don't ya think? 


he sure is real!
Title: Re: It's coming: criticize Islam, go to jail
Post by: The One and Only Mo on January 21, 2010, 09:38:30 PM
The prophet of Allah was a holy and rightious man! He was a humble desert-brigand, a Mass-murderer who ruthlessly beheaded hundreds of innocent men, raped hundreds of women, including a 6 years old girl, and called for bloodshed and war against everyone who wouldn't accept the fact that he is the prophet of his phony Moon G-d.
Now this is a real prophet.. don't ya think? 
Well....society WAS different back then  :P
Title: Re: It's coming: criticize Islam, go to jail
Post by: TruthSpreader on January 28, 2010, 05:27:34 PM

Well most people would just be murdered after a while so the remaining question is what's better sitting in jail or getting murdered by sand apes

Unless you happen to be in the same ceil with the sandapes.

Title: Re: It's coming: criticize Islam, go to jail
Post by: freethink on January 31, 2010, 09:48:58 PM
A couple of excellent sites regarding this matter:
---geertwilders.org (or geertwilders.nl if you speak Dutch) will keep you abreast of what is happening to Geert Wilders at his trial. I, personally, am praying for him on a daily basis.
---http://www.pi-news.org/2010/01/hes-allowed-to-do-that-isnt-he/ is posted on the English side of pi-news.org [PI stands for politically incorrect], on the German side there are a few more, such as http://www.pi-news.net/2010/01/ich-widme-mein-leben-dem-kampf-fuer-die-freiheit/ or http://www.pi-news.net/2010/01/wilders-prozess-wie-wuerden-sie-entscheiden/ for example.
Title: Re: It's coming: criticize Islam, go to jail
Post by: arksis on February 01, 2010, 07:58:35 AM
Thank you freethink!
Title: Re: It's coming: criticize Islam, go to jail
Post by: rhayat1 on February 02, 2010, 05:49:56 PM
What vexes me is how leftists, who call themselves "feminists" support a religion that calls for abuse of women.  Most aggravated rapes in Finland (and, no doubt, Sweden too) are committed by immigrants and their offspring.  More specifically Kurds and Africans.  So much for "feminism".  Oh, and the same could be said for blacks, Muslim or not.  Leftists adore blacks even though blacks far more likely to rape than any other race.
Title: Re: It's coming: criticize Islam, go to jail
Post by: pennyjangle on February 03, 2010, 07:32:19 PM
I would rather die by them, after taking as many out as I could FIRST.

That's sound like a plan! Sitting in jail........they would torture you everyday.
Title: Re: It's coming: criticize Islam, go to jail
Post by: Edward on February 03, 2010, 10:48:35 PM
What vexes me is how leftists, who call themselves "feminists" support a religion that calls for abuse of women.  Most aggravated rapes in Finland (and, no doubt, Sweden too) are committed by immigrants and their offspring.  More specifically Kurds and Africans.  So much for "feminism".  Oh, and the same could be said for blacks, Muslim or not.  Leftists adore blacks even though blacks far more likely to rape than any other race.

Laftists are either stupid or naive.
Title: Re: It's coming: criticize Islam, go to jail
Post by: freethink on February 09, 2010, 08:40:09 PM
Somebody mentioned the actions of Muhammad. There is a good article at PI about this. Here's the link http://www.pi-news.org/2010/01/taboo-theme-islam-and-sexuality/

This is a little graphic, but while we're in the graphic arena, the following link is to an article in German that shows just how fixated they are on certain organs. http://www.pi-news.net/2010/02/botschafter-abgelehnt-wegen-unsittlichem-namen/