General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: ihkili18 on May 02, 2007, 12:32:05 AM

Title: I disagree with Lisa about the Imerica situation.
Post by: ihkili18 on May 02, 2007, 12:32:05 AM
Lisa stated that "We should leave the 2 year old out of this." I don't know why. Our children are put into physical harm by these monkeys on a daily basis and all that was done to that little welfare recipient was a couple of jokes. If whitey goes into harlem we will not be treated as well as we treated that 2 year old.
Title: Re: I disagree with Lisa about the Imerica situation.
Post by: Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks on May 02, 2007, 12:34:00 AM
DWI has a good point; Erica's two-year-old daughter is darn lucky Mom didn't decide to drop the ax on her. No child is safe with that baby butcher. Erica is as evil as a Nazi doctor.
Title: Re: I disagree with Lisa about the Imerica situation.
Post by: Trumpeldor on May 02, 2007, 12:34:53 AM
I largely agree but we have to be rational here. Instead of worrying about that monkey, why don't we all go rate youtube videos, favorite them, and leave comments? I did this for 10 minutes yesterday, blew off some steam, and helped the cause!
Title: Re: I disagree with Lisa about the Imerica situation.
Post by: ihkili18 on May 02, 2007, 12:42:03 AM
If Erica needs to support her habits and the welfare check is lost in the mail, she is gonna chop her baby up and sell it's body parts to get her fix. Can you imagine the nerve to get offended by a measely comment when a Jew has never killed a black in history. I personally know a few people who have had their children killed by blacks in drive by shootings and the sort.
Title: Re: I disagree with Lisa about the Imerica situation.
Post by: Trumpeldor on May 02, 2007, 12:46:04 AM
If Erica needs to support her habits and the welfare check is lost in the mail, she is gonna chop her baby up and sell it's body parts to get her fix. Can you imagine the nerve to get offended by a measely comment when a Jew has never killed a black in history. I personally know a few people who have had their children killed by blacks in drive by shootings and the sort.

I think she would do the opposite. She'll have more illegitimate kids in order to protect her welfare stream of income.
Title: Re: I disagree with Lisa about the Imerica situation.
Post by: ihkili18 on May 02, 2007, 12:49:20 AM
Yeah but she is too lazy to support the child. She would prob stick it in a garbage bin or something, this is not uncommon in the African community.
Title: Re: I disagree with Lisa about the Imerica situation.
Post by: Imerica on May 02, 2007, 04:41:46 AM
Lisa stated that "We should leave the 2 year old out of this." I don't know why. Our children are put into physical harm by these monkeys on a daily basis and all that was done to that little welfare recipient was a couple of jokes. If whitey goes into harlem we will not be treated as well as we treated that 2 year old.
Did I do anything to your children, if you have any? Did I threaten the life of your child? Lisa was only saying that innocent children have nothing to do with what's going on here with us. If you want to insult me, go right ahead but leave my little one out of this. She didn't do anything to hurt you at all. Nothing.

Some of the memebers of this site are no better than the KKK. You both think blacks are coons, [censored], monkeys and other horrible names and you both want to rid the country of people in my culture. Not to mention the fact that you are both so hateful that you don't think twice about someone threatening the life of someone who will grow up to love everyone dispite their culture difference. Its really sad to know that once my children are grown up, have finished college, have married and had their own children that JTF and everyone who has ever hated me (for what, I don't know) will still be on this site, hating up a storm.
Title: Re: I disagree with Lisa about the Imerica situation.
Post by: Imerica on May 02, 2007, 04:56:16 AM
Yeah but she is too lazy to support the child. She would prob stick it in a garbage bin or something, this is not uncommon in the African community.
I want to let you know something. The Bible says "Do unto others as you'd have them do unto you". When I leave here, I'll leave with the confidence of knowing that I treated each of you like you wanted to be treated. I didn't call you out of your names, Well, I did call DownwithIslam "O'Negative One" ..that's because its true. But I didn't ONCE call you names mirroring the insults you gave me. [censored],coon, cuntrag, whore and other things... those words are more representative of YOU than they are of me.

 My children aren't illigitimate. My children are ALL by the same man and I'm STILL with him. We've been happily married for 13 years. I'm NOT on welfare, I take excellent care of my daughters, my husband, and my household. If you didn't know that before, now you know. Take what you will from it...it really dosen't make me a difference because in the end, I'll be able to sleep comfortably with the knowledge that I showed respect, by apologizing when I'm wrong (calling Chaim an idiot) and accepting that not everyone wants to do good in the world. I'm a freak of nature. Yes. I'm an animal... We all are. But I'm NO ONE's [censored] and neither are my children. I DON'T support Farrakhan, Sharpton or Jackson on political issues and what they want people to think is their "Civil RIghts Activism". And I don't normally subscribe to  the hateful poison  displayed daily on this site by some of you.

Title: Re: I disagree with Lisa about the Imerica situation.
Post by: Allen-T on May 02, 2007, 05:41:25 AM
I largely agree but we have to be rational here. Instead of worrying about that monkey, why don't we all go rate youtube videos, favorite them, and leave comments? I did this for 10 minutes yesterday, blew off some steam, and helped the cause!

Very good point. Right wrong or indifferent all this ranting about Imerica,which I myself participated in, and Imerica's comments as well are adding up to nothing more than alot of pages of conversations that will go along way in driving newcomers away as fast as they arrive, again, I state, be the comments right, wrong or indifferent. The general vibe just stinks.  It's just not worth it. Posting polls about Imerica's feces can have no positive result, only negative.   
Title: Re: I disagree with Lisa about the Imerica situation.
Post by: nessuno on May 02, 2007, 07:59:18 AM
Imerica - I'm not trying to attack you.
I'm just asking a question - from one woman to another.
Why post a video of your child on youtube?
With all the crazy people in the world - Why would you want to expose her in that way?
I would be very leary to do that!
That was my first thought when I saw your video.
I may be too old fashioned to see the benifit of doing it.
I can think of a million reasons not to.
Ultimately - you are the one who exposed her to any kind of abuse - by posting her video for the whole world to see.
I just thought I would ask you since it was the first thing to come to my mind when I saw her video.  :)
Title: Re: I disagree with Lisa about the Imerica situation.
Post by: Imerica on May 02, 2007, 08:18:14 AM
Actually, I didn't think that posting a beautiful 2 year old singing a song on Youtube would incite hate towards her. I'm just proud of her that's all. I even shared a video of her big sisters singing "Happy Birthday" to their daddy and I didn't get any negative feed back from that.

I guess I thought of Youtube as a video show like "America's Funniest Home Videos".. how many children were negatively spoken about on that show?

All the same though, I'm sorry that people decided to be angry towards her. I'm not ashamed that her video is on Youtube though. I just wanted others to see my beautiful 2 year old's ability to sing and play pretend with me. That's all.
Title: Re: I disagree with Lisa about the Imerica situation.
Post by: Scriabin on May 02, 2007, 12:29:56 PM
Those who cannot debate, defame.

RABBI MEIR KAHANE Zecher Tzadik Livracha
Title: Re: I disagree with Lisa about the Imerica situation.
Post by: nessuno on May 02, 2007, 01:41:38 PM
Maybe I wasn't clear in my post.
I wasn't saying that posting your beautiful daughter singing a song would or should incite hate toward her.
You should be proud of her!
I just wondered if it is safe to put her out there for all the world to see - I'm not sure that I would.  Really - I'm not sure.
I've attended talks given by the Parents for Megans Law director Laura Ahearn -
She often speaks about children and internet saftey.
Do I think you should be able to post a video of your daughter without inciting hate towards her? Yes - but that would be in a perfect world.
Title: Re: I disagree with Lisa about the Imerica situation.
Post by: nessuno on May 02, 2007, 01:44:28 PM
On rereading your post - I just want to clarify mine - I did not say you should be ashamed of her!
I was just thinking of internet saftey - that's all.
If you post your child on the web - then you have put her out there all sorts of people to see.
Title: Re: I disagree with Lisa about the Imerica situation.
Post by: ftf on May 02, 2007, 02:03:04 PM
Those who cannot debate, defame.

RABBI MEIR KAHANE Zecher Tzadik Livracha
Never a truer word said.
Title: Re: I disagree with Lisa about the Imerica situation.
Post by: Fruit of thy loins on May 02, 2007, 02:12:15 PM
I don't think black children are very beautiful.
Title: Re: I disagree with Lisa about the Imerica situation.
Post by: Imerica on May 02, 2007, 03:35:58 PM
On rereading your post - I just want to clarify mine - I did not say you should be ashamed of her!
I was just thinking of internet saftey - that's all.
If you post your child on the web - then you have put her out there all sorts of people to see.
When we take her and her sisters out to amusement parks and out to eat at restaurants, we put the same amount of risk out there. People comment on how well-behaved my children are all of the time. However I understand what you're saying. Thanks for the PSA. I often think the same about people who put their child on Youtube so that the world can see them dancing provocatively is a genuine risk also. Especially with all of these teen girls (of every color) using Youtube as a way to show how 'sexy' they are.
Title: Re: I disagree with Lisa about the Imerica situation.
Post by: Imerica on May 02, 2007, 03:37:24 PM
I don't think black children are very beautiful.
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Maybe one day, you'll feel differently about yourself...at least I hope so.
Title: Re: I disagree with Lisa about the Imerica situation.
Post by: Allen-T on May 02, 2007, 03:39:36 PM
I don't think black children are very beautiful.
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Maybe one day, you'll feel differently about yourself...at least I hope so.

Fruit is really black.
Title: Re: I disagree with Lisa about the Imerica situation.
Post by: ftf on May 02, 2007, 03:40:25 PM
I don't think black children are very beautiful.
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Maybe one day, you'll feel differently about yourself...at least I hope so.

Fruit is really black.
Would be funny if it was true.
Title: Re: I disagree with Lisa about the Imerica situation.
Post by: Scriabin on May 02, 2007, 03:42:04 PM
I don't think black children are very beautiful.
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Maybe one day, you'll feel differently about yourself...at least I hope so.

Fruit is really black.
Would be funny if it was true.

I do think that he's playing with us.
Title: Re: I disagree with Lisa about the Imerica situation.
Post by: Nic Brookes on May 02, 2007, 03:43:11 PM
I don't think black children are very beautiful.
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Maybe one day, you'll feel differently about yourself...at least I hope so.

Fruit is really black.
Would be funny if it was true.

I do think that he's playing with us.

Wouldn't that be a surprise...
Title: Re: I disagree with Lisa about the Imerica situation.
Post by: ftf on May 02, 2007, 03:44:03 PM
He's been here since the forum was started, that's a long time to keep up a pretense.
Title: Re: I disagree with Lisa about the Imerica situation.
Post by: Imerica on May 02, 2007, 04:00:51 PM
I don't think black children are very beautiful.
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Maybe one day, you'll feel differently about yourself...at least I hope so.

Fruit is really black.
I was actually commenting on his low self-esteem when it comes to him feeling unattractive to white women. Or any woman for that matter. Take it from someone who once thought she was ugly and didn't think I'd have much of a social life. Once you accept yourself for who you are, warts and all, life becomes a lot easier to deal with.
Title: Re: I disagree with Lisa about the Imerica situation.
Post by: Allen-T on May 02, 2007, 04:01:52 PM
Doesn't it seem though that he really doesn't want to solve any of his problems? He may have initially thought that dumping his delusions about white women here would get alot of us riled up. But it hasn't. If he is black, it would explain why he periodically becomes very melodramatic, the frustration of not getting whitey crazed at his denegration of white women becomes too much. People have basically accepted him here, heck I think he's amusing and creative at times, but let's cut the crap already. He's black. And his primitive jungle lusts will not be satisfied until we all start agreeing with his absurd evil hatred of white women, who by and large, across the planet still have enough sense to go with WHITE MEN. Let's continue to love him, but he is black.  :-*
Title: Re: I disagree with Lisa about the Imerica situation.
Post by: Scriabin on May 02, 2007, 04:05:01 PM

He writes too well to be black.
Title: Re: I disagree with Lisa about the Imerica situation.
Post by: Allen-T on May 02, 2007, 04:07:32 PM
He's been here since the forum was started, that's a long time to keep up a pretense.

Not if you are a narrow-minded bored black guy.
Title: Re: I disagree with Lisa about the Imerica situation.
Post by: ftf on May 02, 2007, 04:08:52 PM
He's been here since the forum was started, that's a long time to keep up a pretense.

Not if you are a narrow-minded bored black guy.
Or a narrow minded bored white guy for that matter....

Fake plastic trees kept a pretense going here for a very long time...
Title: Re: I disagree with Lisa about the Imerica situation.
Post by: Allen-T on May 02, 2007, 04:13:35 PM

He writes too well to be black.

Nonsense, I have known educated blacks. Often they feel detached from da 'hood, so they go out of their way to have pseudo experiences to feel like a real schvartza. He's an educated black that has been enamored to some degree by that sick ghetto mentality that everything evil is good and vice versa, etc. So he safely puts his feet in the water by coming here and doing what he does.  
Title: Re: I disagree with Lisa about the Imerica situation.
Post by: Allen-T on May 02, 2007, 04:15:50 PM
He's been here since the forum was started, that's a long time to keep up a pretense.

Not if you are a narrow-minded bored black guy.
Or a narrow minded bored white guy for that matter....

Fake plastic trees kept a pretense going here for a very long time...

What was fake plastic trees deal?
Title: Re: I disagree with Lisa about the Imerica situation.
Post by: Scriabin on May 02, 2007, 04:20:16 PM

He writes too well to be black.

Nonsense, I have known educated blacks. Often they feel detached from da 'hood, so they go out of their way to have pseudo experiences to feel like a real schvartza. He's an educated black that has been enamored to some degree by that sick ghetto mentality that everything evil is good and vice versa, etc. So he safely puts his feet in the water by coming here and doing what he does.  

You are corect.  Alan Keyes writes EXTREMELY well I'm sure. 

However, I'm speaking of probabilities.

Title: Re: I disagree with Lisa about the Imerica situation.
Post by: nessuno on May 02, 2007, 04:30:04 PM
I don't think black children are very beautiful.
On that I must respectfully disagree.
Despite my many prejudices (based on my life experiences ;)) I still think
all children are beautiful.

Title: Re: I disagree with Lisa about the Imerica situation.
Post by: Allen-T on May 02, 2007, 04:33:48 PM
I used to know a guy named Esau, an educated black guy that only dated white women. But deep down inside he really hated white women because he knew that the screwed up white girls that dated him 1]only did so out of novelty, 2]had nothing to say to him except the most surface conversations, 3] IT NEVER LASTED for a plethora of reasons. Fruit is such a black guy, I think. He gets a few stupid white girls, or maybe has one REALLY stupid white girlfriend and on one level that's his way of "strikin' back at da man" he probably genuinely realizes that an ugly white woman often still looks better and behaves better than some female Idi Amin. But he also realizes that in reality, she's still a demented person for being with him in the first place. He's displacing on us what he doesn't have the courage to put on her/them.    
Title: Re: I disagree with Lisa about the Imerica situation.
Post by: Imerica on May 02, 2007, 05:07:52 PM
What I've read of Fruit's laments is that he feels inferior to the black man (or hates him to the point of insisting that the black men has stolen his white women.) I thought he was black, honestly.lol

As for his writings, when he stays on topic, he makes perfect sense, eventhough I don't agree with everything he says. But when he goes out on various tangents as if he's daydreaming about life without black men in it, he confuses me. I actually found myself so enamored with his sadness, I attempted to help in my own little way. I think he's lost. If he's black and looking to be involved with white women, I think he should straighten himself out first before looking for a relationship with ANYONE. You can't expect anyone to love you if you don't love yourself. That just brings about more issues for someone else to deal with.

That's my $ 0.02 ;)
Title: Re: I disagree with Lisa about the Imerica situation.
Post by: cjd on May 02, 2007, 05:08:46 PM
Guys, if you read my posts in the past you will know that I am not one to bite my tongue when  it comes to issues about black folks and their behaviors. I saw the video of Imerica and her daughter last night and  even someone with my set opinions on black folks could not find fault with this little child. We really should avoid commenting on that particular video. Imerica is fair game since she seems more than able to hold up her end in a debate.
I really think we are giving Imerica much to much attention. Last week it was a love fest on here with some of the members and Imerica this week you want to bash her brains in. What happened? For me she has a one sided message that is fictional to say the least. She may be one of the better Blacks but I lost all interest in listening to her when she said that we need to overlook the bad behavior of the majority of other blacks. Thats a PC message I want no part of. 
Title: Re: I disagree with Lisa about the Imerica situation.
Post by: Imerica on May 02, 2007, 05:22:04 PM
Guys, if you read my posts in the past you will know that I am not one to bite my tongue when  it comes to issues about black folks and their behaviors. I saw the video of Imerica and her daughter last night and  even someone with my set opinions on black folks could not find fault with this little child. We really should avoid commenting on that particular video. Imerica is fair game since she seems more than able to hold up her end in a debate.
I really think we are giving Imerica much to much attention. Last week it was a love fest on here with some of the members and Imerica this week you want to bash her brains in. What happened? For me she has a one sided message that is fictional to say the least. She may be one of the better Blacks but I lost all interest in listening to her when she said that we need to overlook the bad behavior of the majority of other blacks. Thats a PC message I want no part of. 
By all means, if focusing on the bad behavior of those blacks who commit crimes do it. All I was saying was there is more to the black community than just the evil you've witnessed. Part of my reason for posting the ASK Imerica videos was NOT to copy Chaim but to give open forum to those who want to know about the good in the black community. Or if they have any questions about the black community in general, ask me. There are plenty of other Ask a Black Person series on Youtube. I admittedly didn't do my homework (to check before I entered mine) but we all have the same message. I don't call out Muslims in my videos, I don't call out Chaim Ben Pechach on my videos (not to start nonsense) ..I just offer what I know about the black community...the good parts...to anyone who wants to know about it.
Title: Re: I disagree with Lisa about the Imerica situation.
Post by: ftf on May 02, 2007, 05:25:44 PM
Imerica, what do you think of Islam?
Title: Re: I disagree with Lisa about the Imerica situation.
Post by: Imerica on May 02, 2007, 05:35:46 PM
Imerica, what do you think of Islam?
As it pertains to Osama Bin Laden and other terrorists, I think it is flawed. Now,I'm not as fluent in speaking about the affairs and such concerning Islam but from what I know about jihad, its bad business. I don't like evil. I wish it didn't exist. There have been people in Islam who have suffered at the hands of their own people. I'm on the little man's side. Just like I'm on the underdog's side in the black community and white community. Hope that made sense.
Title: Re: I disagree with Lisa about the Imerica situation.
Post by: ihkili18 on May 02, 2007, 06:19:12 PM
lets not let this aids infected parasite fool us again. I have no pity for her. She is a jealous piece of drek. Befoe you stick up or have any pity for her, imagine yourself walking through the halls of a housing project, the stench of fecal matter in the doorway and a shvartza with a .22 trying to pull off a drug deal. I would continue attacking but Chaim explained this for the last 2 weeks so I have no need.
Title: Re: I disagree with Lisa about the Imerica situation.
Post by: Imerica on May 02, 2007, 06:28:19 PM
lets not let this aids infected parasite fool us again. I have no pity for her. She is a jealous piece of drek. Befoe you stick up or have any pity for her, imagine yourself walking through the halls of a housing project, the stench of fecal matter in the doorway and a shvartza with a .22 trying to pull off a drug deal. I would continue attacking but Chaim explained this for the last 2 weeks so I have no need.
Jealous of what? DownwithIslam? You don't have anything I want that I can't obtain myself..I wouldnt' trade my tolerance for your hate at any given time.

And I don't have AIDS. You have obviously been hurt so many times by black people that the only thing you see that black people are good for is hurting Jewish/white people. That's unfortunate. But dispite what you think of me,I'd never pretend to come in here and know what you went through. You obviously need some therapy if your hate runs this deep.
Title: Re: I disagree with Lisa about the Imerica situation.
Post by: Fruit of thy loins on May 02, 2007, 06:57:46 PM
I was shocked when I first started to realize that many attractive blondes prefer black men.  So many events, hitherto unexplained, in my life fell into place when I began making this realization three years ago.  The expression of horror on my face when I knew what all those things meant ... white women hankering for the black man.  I have been taunted by many coloured men who have told me how easy it is to get a white woman, even a nice one.  They humiliated me, this coalition of the racists.  Now I want vengeance but I'm impotent to achieve it.  Everyone should read the Isis Papers.
Title: Re: I disagree with Lisa about the Imerica situation.
Post by: mord on May 02, 2007, 07:31:13 PM
Everyone should read the Isis Papers.

What are they?

I found them   http://theisispapers.com/index.htm
Title: Re: I disagree with Lisa about the Imerica situation.
Post by: Imerica on May 02, 2007, 07:39:45 PM
Before I leave for good, I'm saving the Isis Papers in my Favorites. Thanks for the link...and seek help, man. :) Love yourself and you'll be loved back, even by those blonde haired white women you're in search of. *that wasn't meant as an insult, Fruit, but I hope that you took it in the seriousness in which it was given.*
Title: Re: I disagree with Lisa about the Imerica situation.
Post by: Fruit of thy loins on May 02, 2007, 07:53:41 PM
The Isis papers is the psychoanalysis of race which the white supremacists suppress and call 'racist' and ignore off-hand.  It reveals all the symbolism and subtleties of how white people react to blacks.  It shows how white male aggression against black men is based on inferiority complex, among many other things.  It also makes the most beautiful statement ever in the whole history of English literature, viz, 'The white woman yearns for the black man's babies.'  Henry Champly's exquisite parodies of the white supremacists are a delight unmatched.  The white woman is an angel, she is not a human being.

I weep as I read this ... yes, I am cocooned in the Holy Spirit, I am truly untouchable.
Title: Re: I disagree with Lisa about the Imerica situation.
Post by: cosmokramer on May 02, 2007, 08:14:07 PM
JTF Imerica had nothing to do with skin color or racism. It has to do with evil people. It simply tells the truth. Black culture is evil. For some reason it wasnt before civil rights but now it is,  but when I see my own racial group act like beasts most of the time I have to agree with JTF. Thats why I joined this forum. I agree with what they say and Black culture is very, very evil. There are evil Whites also. I will be balance here. If you want to see a real black leader look up Alan Keyes. He is a real leader for his people. Now Imerica you might ask yourself, you said you were black cosmokramer, but Alan Keyes is good for his own people? Yes he is. I say his people because he is a Gentile and I am a Jew. I have to help my people the Jews. I am a Negro racially but the Jews are my people and I have to help the good ones and weed out ther bad ones. Just like what needs to happen with evil people of every race. As for Moslems, they are doomed for acting the way they have been acting. Thats my opinion.
Title: Re: I disagree with Lisa about the Imerica situation.
Post by: takebackourtemple on May 02, 2007, 08:20:18 PM
Yacov and Jimmy, sorry about the poll. Since I'm the one responsible, would it be possible to post this up top? I hope we can still have free speech.

   I apologize for escalating this into a divisive argument. I'm not fully sure who and for what to apologize to though since my actions were both good and bad. I'm not going to bow down like Imus, but out of my free will want to apologize for what I did wrong.
   After Erica had posted ugly rants against JTF and an immoral and sexist statement that "all men like women's behinds", I responded to the video of her daughter. Since the video was a response related to the topic of abortion, I joked about how her daughter should have been aborted even though I am generally against abortion. This started the fire. I understand how she would rightfully be insulted by my comment, however, this was in response to all the insulting things that she said. She responded with an ebonics filled message full of obsenities and we exchanged insults. I then went onto the JTF website and saw her arguing with some of my fellow JTFers. I misread some of the posts and it appeared that she was supporting racists such as Sharpton, Jackson, Obama/Osama, and Farrakhan. I took my joke a step further by placing the poll.
   A general rule is that you have to expect insults to come back at you when you make them. She started this, but I amplified it. I was wrong to bring her daughter into this so I apologize to her daughter(not her) but was right to fight back against her and I appreciate those who have supported me and left some very intelligent comments on this page. I would like to thank everyone for their insight. I don't mind having her post here, but would like to be able to return the insults. I hope that my actions do not impede future free speech on this forum.
Title: Re: I disagree with Lisa about the Imerica situation.
Post by: Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks on May 02, 2007, 09:53:18 PM
Quote from: Erica the [censored
]Did I do anything to your children, if you have any? Did I threaten the life of your child?
No, coon, you just MURDERED your own child because he or she would have been more money that could have been used for a heroin fix out of your paycheck.
Title: Re: I disagree with Lisa about the Imerica situation.
Post by: Imerica on May 03, 2007, 01:48:40 AM
Quote from: Erica the [censored
]Did I do anything to your children, if you have any? Did I threaten the life of your child?
No, coon, you just MURDERED your own child because he or she would have been more money that could have been used for a heroin fix out of your paycheck.
Chaimfan, I'm trying my best to be civil. I'm trying. But you're treading on dangerous ground here. I've told you and everyone else why I made the decision and apparently it isn't good enough for you. You choose to believe that I'm 'just a coon on heroine, getting pregnant, and having an abortion just for kicks' ...that idea sounds just as dumb as your last assumption that I blamed the baby I aborted for anything. How dare you? You can call me all of the names in your bigoted dictionary because I did something you don't approve of, as if you could have changed my mind or my condition...but like I said, you can and never will steal my joy.

Get Ye Behind me!
Title: Re: I disagree with Lisa about the Imerica situation.
Post by: Fruit of thy loins on May 03, 2007, 04:52:06 AM
I think that black women should get reconciled with white men and the two of us should be friendly and cordial because we have a common enemy in the white woman, the real supremacist in this situation.
Title: Re: I disagree with Lisa about the Imerica situation.
Post by: Trumpeldor on May 03, 2007, 12:41:48 PM
I think that black women should get reconciled with white men and the two of us should be friendly and cordial because we have a common enemy in the white woman, the real supremacist in this situation.

Title: Re: I disagree with Lisa about the Imerica situation.
Post by: Allen-T on May 03, 2007, 02:10:43 PM
I think that black women should get reconciled with white men and the two of us should be friendly and cordial because we have a common enemy in the white woman, the real supremacist in this situation.

How is it any different for a white man to to date a black woman than for a white woman to date a black man? You are a hypocrite.

Yacov, he's a black hypocrite. And I am strongly suspecting he's a she. a black woman who hates white women because of their natural superiority in the looks dept., but also worshipful for the very same reason. Fruit may very well be Cleopatra Jefferson. This I now believe is really the deal. Fruit is an angry black woman...uummmm hmmmmm!!
Title: Re: I disagree with Lisa about the Imerica situation.
Post by: Fruit of thy loins on May 03, 2007, 04:11:10 PM
How is it any different for a white man to to date a black woman than for a white woman to date a black man? You are a hypocrite.

Title: Re: I disagree with Lisa about the Imerica situation.
Post by: Allen-T on May 03, 2007, 04:31:51 PM
How is it any different for a white man to to date a black woman than for a white woman to date a black man? You are a hypocrite.


I think both are the same. Why would you be sexually attracted to a black woman? I would never date a black woman, even if she was Jewish.

C'mon, Yacov. Have you ever heard the old Lenny Bruce routine about the white,white,white,white woman and the black,black,black,black,black woman? In the end the black woman is Lena Horne and the white woman is Kate Smith?? [google some pictures, they may be before your time]. C'mon Pam Grier circa 1972 was the epitomy of beauty and she's black. Any white man who says he'd pick any ugly white girl over a hot black woman, assuming both were morally upright, is either a liar or crazy!!! :o   
Title: Re: I disagree with Lisa about the Imerica situation.
Post by: Allen-T on May 03, 2007, 04:51:05 PM
I wouldn't take an ugly white woman or a black woman.

You just say that because you were involved with a black woman in the past and have a son from her. That must be your taste but it's not mine.

It's human nature.  :D
Title: Re: I disagree with Lisa about the Imerica situation.
Post by: Allen-T on May 03, 2007, 04:55:09 PM
I think it is un-natural to be attracted to other races. Besides dating, people are generally more comfortable around members of their own race. Even within a race, people are more comfortable around people of their own culture.

Correct me if I am wrong but didn't Moses have a black wife? Yup, Numbers 12:1, knew it!!
Title: Re: I disagree with Lisa about the Imerica situation.
Post by: mord on May 03, 2007, 04:55:23 PM
What about a beautifull Ethiopian Jewish Israeli girl
Title: Re: I disagree with Lisa about the Imerica situation.
Post by: mord on May 03, 2007, 04:56:45 PM
Title: Re: I disagree with Lisa about the Imerica situation.
Post by: Allen-T on May 03, 2007, 05:06:53 PM
I wouldn't take an ugly white woman or a black woman.

You just say that because you were involved with a black woman in the past and have a son from her. That must be your taste but it's not mine.

Moses had a black wife. I'd say I'm in pretty good company, no?
Title: Re: I disagree with Lisa about the Imerica situation.
Post by: Allen-T on May 03, 2007, 05:17:01 PM
Hey, this story in Numbers 12 is kinda interesting, Mose's brother and sister started talking some crap about Moses for marrying a black woman and thinking they were all important and what not and G-d whacked Miriam with some disease!!
Title: Re: I disagree with Lisa about the Imerica situation.
Post by: Allen-T on May 03, 2007, 05:20:17 PM

Any man who wouldn't date her because she's brown must be............Can you imagine how hot Moses wife must have been?
Title: Re: I disagree with Lisa about the Imerica situation.
Post by: mord on May 03, 2007, 05:26:23 PM

Any man who wouldn't date her because she's brown must be............Can you imagine how hot Moses wife must have been?
Yes she lives in ashdod Israel ???
Title: Re: I disagree with Lisa about the Imerica situation.
Post by: Imerica on May 03, 2007, 05:52:01 PM
Quote from: Erica the [censored
]Did I do anything to your children, if you have any? Did I threaten the life of your child?
No, coon, you just MURDERED your own child because he or she would have been more money that could have been used for a heroin fix out of your paycheck.
Chaimfan, I'm trying my best to be civil. I'm trying. But you're treading on dangerous ground here. I've told you and everyone else why I made the decision and apparently it isn't good enough for you. You choose to believe that I'm 'just a coon on heroine, getting pregnant, and having an abortion just for kicks' ...that idea sounds just as dumb as your last assumption that I blamed the baby I aborted for anything. How dare you? You can call me all of the names in your bigoted dictionary because I did something you don't approve of, as if you could have changed my mind or my condition...but like I said, you can and never will steal my joy.

Get Ye Behind me!

Was your life truly in danger? Because Judaism permits abortions if the mother's life is in danger.

Yes, my life was in danger.
Title: Re: I disagree with Lisa about the Imerica situation.
Post by: Allen-T on May 03, 2007, 06:12:01 PM

Any man who wouldn't date her because she's brown must be............Can you imagine how hot Moses wife must have been?
Yes she lives in ashdod Israel ???

Do you know her? ;)
Title: Re: I disagree with Lisa about the Imerica situation.
Post by: Fruit of thy loins on May 03, 2007, 06:22:24 PM
I think both are the same. Why would you be sexually attracted to a black woman? I would never date a black woman, even if she was Jewish.

Because as you know there are some black women with Caucasian features who have the black skin.  It may be that modern pharmaceuticals and beauty therapy are responsible for some of their occasional attractiveness.  In the course of, say, a whole summer, I might have seen out of thousands of people one or two black women who I liked but several hundred or even thousands of white women I liked.  White women cannot turn round and accuse me of being racist against them because none of them are being denied white men because of white men dating black women.  HOWEVER white women have a legitimate claim about homosexual men because that is a real threat to them, many otherwise decent young males become homosexual which must infurirate any righteous woman.

And now someone might say to me, 'If you think white women have nothing to fear from black women then why do you think white men have anything to fear from black men?'  Because the white women who choose black men are doing it for very profound reasons.  And also bear in mind that I have never actually kissed or come close to a black woman.  It may be that they smell and I would be repulsed.

How can a white woman point at me and suspect me of foul play?  I look into their eyes and beg them to marriage and children all the time.  They brush me off.  So what if I want to go and cry into a shapely black bosom now and then?  The white women are more than welcome ot me if they want me.

The ratio of attractive black women to white women, at a most conservative estimate, is 1: 100.
Title: Re: I disagree with Lisa about the Imerica situation.
Post by: mord on May 03, 2007, 06:25:23 PM

Any man who wouldn't date her because she's brown must be............Can you imagine how hot Moses wife must have been?
Yes she lives in ashdod Israel ???

Do you know her? ;)
No but i sent her a im on the other site :D
Title: Re: I disagree with Lisa about the Imerica situation.
Post by: Allen-T on May 03, 2007, 06:26:36 PM

Any man who wouldn't date her because she's brown must be............Can you imagine how hot Moses wife must have been?
Yes she lives in ashdod Israel ???

Do you know her? ;)
No but i sent her a im on the other site :D

Moses would be proud!!
Title: Re: I disagree with Lisa about the Imerica situation.
Post by: mord on May 03, 2007, 06:27:26 PM
 ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: I disagree with Lisa about the Imerica situation.
Post by: Fruit of thy loins on May 03, 2007, 06:29:06 PM
For example I once saw a very elegant black woman who was also very young, and she smiled at two white children passing her, and seemed to be really a nice person (anyone who smiles genuinely at children is blessed in the eyes of G-d): and I just had to look at her.  And I once saw one in the university library, in the basement near the Africana studies books, I saw a young black woman who was just like a white woman, all smiles and niceness, with a soft-featured face and glasses, but with black skin.  Now when you have a hard time fitting in with majority culture, like I do, it is a relief and a sweet savour to catch sight of friendly outsiders.  I can identify with some of these people.  I cannot identify with aggressive black males who have their own cultural values and do evil in my sight.  I imagine even the black women don't want them.  But I must get down on my knees and confess that I, humble and inconsequential I, would be honoured if a friendly, beautiful black woman wanted to get to know me.  
Title: Re: I disagree with Lisa about the Imerica situation.
Post by: Fruit of thy loins on May 03, 2007, 06:31:10 PM

So any white woman reading this has no right to think that I fancy exclusively blacks.  Liking one black woman out of a thousand does not make me a racist against the white woman, whose beauty makes me shiver and get down on all fours before the Alm-ghty.   ::)
Title: Re: I disagree with Lisa about the Imerica situation.
Post by: mord on May 03, 2007, 06:33:03 PM

Any man who wouldn't date her because she's brown must be............Can you imagine how hot Moses wife must have been?
Yes she lives in ashdod Israel ???

Do you know her? ;)
No but i sent her a im on the other site :D

She's a Caucasian black. Her features are Caucasian, not Negro. The black skin comes from the hot African Sun. Chaim says it is from mixing with African Negroes.

She's from Ethiopia Lives in Israel
Title: Re: I disagree with Lisa about the Imerica situation.
Post by: Allen-T on May 03, 2007, 06:33:16 PM
I think it is un-natural to be attracted to other races. Besides dating, people are generally more comfortable around members of their own race. Even within a race, people are more comfortable around people of their own culture.

Correct me if I am wrong but didn't Moses have a black wife? Yup, Numbers 12:1, knew it!!

She wasn't black. She was a Midianite. Kushit in that context means beautiful. That's what you get when you read The Torah without The Oral Torah.

That's 100% incorrect. Your putting man's opinion over G-d's word. It means exactly what it says. If I had a Hebrew keyboard I'd give you the word.  
Title: Re: I disagree with Lisa about the Imerica situation.
Post by: Trumpeldor on May 03, 2007, 06:46:57 PM
This thread has waay too many posts.
Title: Re: I disagree with Lisa about the Imerica situation.
Post by: Allen-T on May 03, 2007, 06:49:19 PM
I think it is un-natural to be attracted to other races. Besides dating, people are generally more comfortable around members of their own race. Even within a race, people are more comfortable around people of their own culture.

Correct me if I am wrong but didn't Moses have a black wife? Yup, Numbers 12:1, knew it!!

She wasn't black. She was a Midianite. Kushit in that context means beautiful. That's what you get when you read The Torah without The Oral Torah.

That's 100% incorrect. Your putting man's opinion over G-d's word. It means exactly what it says. If I had a Hebrew keyboard I'd give you the word.   

What you say is heretical. The Oral Torah is also from Mount Sinai.

It says in Exodus that Tzipora was a Midiante, the daughter of Jethro. Moses only had one wife.

Where does it say in the Bible that Moses had only one wife?
Title: Re: I disagree with Lisa about the Imerica situation.
Post by: Fruit of thy loins on May 03, 2007, 06:50:22 PM
The hypothesis that environment causes changes in skin colour was rejected even by Darwin who stated that it is sexual not natural selection that caused racial divisions.  So people who say environment causes skin colour to change are not even advocating a Darwinist approach, more like a kind of 'common sense' logic.  I know that Yacov Menashe knows very well the spiritual/symbolic lesson taught by the Bible that blackened skin is a sign of a blackened soul.  Maybe blacks have blackened souls because they were once animals while Caucasians and Orientals were created miraculously from the dust of the Earth.  What G-d is doing by causing white/black inter-racial attraction is pulling the blacks out of a state of animality by whitening their offspring and at the same time reducing effeminacy in the white race by reinjecting the primeval [censored] genes back into the white pool.  The result is these brown mulattoes with incredibly silly, frizzy hair that one sees even in rural Scotland.  It is a punishment from G-d but gentiles cannot resist the temptation to fornicate with all and sundry.
Title: Re: I disagree with Lisa about the Imerica situation.
Post by: Fruit of thy loins on May 03, 2007, 06:54:14 PM
Where does it say in the Bible that Moses had only one wife?

You are asking someone whose ancestors lived at the time of Moses and who saw everything, even the Revelation at Mt. Sinai, and heard the Decalogue from amidst the burning mountain.   :)
Title: Re: I disagree with Lisa about the Imerica situation.
Post by: Allen-T on May 03, 2007, 06:55:50 PM
Where does it say in the Bible that Moses had only one wife?

You are asking someone whose ancestors lived at the time of Moses and who saw everything, even the Revelation at Mt. Sinai, and heard the Decalogue from amidst the burning mountain.   :)

Stick to what you know.
Title: Re: I disagree with Lisa about the Imerica situation.
Post by: Fruit of thy loins on May 03, 2007, 06:58:27 PM
Stick to what you know.

Is it true that the person who wrote 'Revelations of John' was high on mind-altering drugs?  And if so why did it get put into the Christian 'Bible'?  Is it true that King James originally wrote the Bible in 1611?  Please enlight me, I am a mere simpleton.   ???
Title: Re: I disagree with Lisa about the Imerica situation.
Post by: Allen-T on May 03, 2007, 07:05:48 PM
Stick to what you know.

Is it true that the person who wrote 'Revelations of John' was high on mind-altering drugs?  And if so why did it get put into the Christian 'Bible'?  Is it true that King James originally wrote the Bible in 1611?  Please enlight me, I am a mere simpleton.   ???

Now I know you are a black woman, probably the pastor of some Ebeneezer New Wine Deliverence Church of The Final Exhaustion.   
Title: Re: I disagree with Lisa about the Imerica situation.
Post by: mord on May 03, 2007, 07:21:22 PM
Converts yes that i know BTW this thread is getting good.Was the Ethiopian girl i posted there
Title: Re: I disagree with Lisa about the Imerica situation.
Post by: Allen-T on May 03, 2007, 07:35:44 PM
Zipporah is mentioned by name only 3 times in the Bible; Exodus 2:21, 4:25 & 18:2. Her father Jethro is only mentioned by name 10 times between Exodus 3:1 & 18:12. The Ethiopion woman is mentioned after the last mention of both Zipporah and Jethro,and this is historically later as well,isn't it? Where is the Biblical proof that Moses didn't remarry? I am not pushing this notion as fact, but it's a reasonable question. 
Title: Re: I disagree with Lisa about the Imerica situation.
Post by: Allen-T on May 03, 2007, 07:42:23 PM
Furthermore, contextually, why would Moses brother and sister speak out against his wife for being beautiful? Envy? Possibly. I never hear any evil talk around here about beautiful women except from that black woman FOTL. On the other hand if his wife was black....... ???
Title: Re: I disagree with Lisa about the Imerica situation.
Post by: Fruit of thy loins on May 03, 2007, 08:18:33 PM
How on Earth can you think that I am a black woman?  Even if it were true it would mean I also had very intense lesbian urges.   :-\
Title: Re: I disagree with Lisa about the Imerica situation.
Post by: Allen-T on May 03, 2007, 11:05:56 PM
Zipporah is mentioned by name only 3 times in the Bible; Exodus 2:21, 4:25 & 18:2. Her father Jethro is only mentioned by name 10 times between Exodus 3:1 & 18:12. The Ethiopion woman is mentioned after the last mention of both Zipporah and Jethro,and this is historically later as well,isn't it? Where is the Biblical proof that Moses didn't remarry? I am not pushing this notion as fact, but it's a reasonable question. 

You should ask Chaim about this. Jimmy told me he answered your question about wanting a Christianity section. So why don't you ask Chaim about this subject instead?

I am going to speak to someone from my church's Bible college tomorrow.
Title: Re: I disagree with Lisa about the Imerica situation.
Post by: ihkili18 on May 03, 2007, 11:12:13 PM
I know I make comments on here that make me seem racist but I am not a racist and heres an example of why. When I was in Israel, I remember seeing Ethiopian jewish girls who were really smoking hot. And I like all ethiopian jews so how can I be a racist as they are black. Proof positive that I do not judge people by their skin color. I judge them by their actions and African shvartzas are vilde chayos.