Israel => Save Israel => Topic started by: RationalThought110 on May 07, 2007, 07:42:52 PM
Why was he against Pollard being given a pardon?
Because ol' Joey is a self-hating Jew.
Because ol' Joey is a self-hating Jew.
But he's considered to be observant.
So what?
Jews in government are afraid that people might consider them spies for Israel too. That's why they fight day and night to keep Pollard in jail.
So what?
Jews in government are afraid that people might consider them spies for Israel too. That's why they fight day and night to keep Pollard in jail.
Why does the government accuse people of being spies for Israel, if the government is supposed to be an ally with Israel?
Re: "...Why does the government accuse people of being spies for Israel, if the government is supposed to be an ally with Israel?..."
Because...allies of the U.S. are traditionally betrayed by the U.S. as soon as it becomes apparent that there is no more money to be made by befriending them.
Support for the establishment of a State of Israel, was in essence a moral issue.
The civilized nations of the world felt shamed by the events of WWII, and felt that establishing the homeland for Jews would help expiate their sins.
The UK & U.S.A., always "looking for an angle" in all of their foreign policy decisions, undoubtedly assured themselves that a State of Israel could serve as a forward base for procuring OIL from the Arabs; possibly even serving as a foil to Soviet Russian designs on the same oilfields.
The elites of both the UK & U.S.A. have always
a) seen The Jew as a minority people incapable of assimmilation into their host cultures
b)recognized the historical reality of this troublesome minority also being an actual ancient nation in exile, and
c)discovered first hand that Jews have always excelled in every field of endeavor, usually in a very short time, and were seemingly "endowed at birth" with greater gifts of intellect and skill in business than are most peoples.
Now that the U.S.A. is no longer concerned with any sense of morality in its foreign or domestic policies, the only impediment to seizing all of the oil in the Middle East, is the very existence of The State Of Israel.
Our elites know deep inside, that the Jews have no intentions of allowing Israel to be overrun by murderous Moslem savages so that the U.S. & UK can procure oil supplies.
Toss in the deep-seated Christian belief that "the Jews killed G-d's Son, and still reject Him", and you have the recipe for a people held in suspicion.
Israel, like the former South Viet Nam, is now a U.S. ally of no importance whatsoever to a government and people obsessed only with unbridled greed.
*There is absolutely nothing a Jew can do or say to prove their loyalty, or reassure those who hold them in suspicion and contempt. If government workers denounce Pollard, the majority believes it to be a "ploy" to cover their true feelings, and therefore they are suspect. If a government worker expresses a belief that Pollard was "overpunished", the majority considers this to be "conflicting loyalties". If the government worker says or does absolutely nothing that would draw attention, the majority views their silence as "having something to hide". In short, Jew-hatred, formerly known as the good old-fashioned "anti-Semitism", pervades the West.
Re: "...Why does the government accuse people of being spies for Israel, if the government is supposed to be an ally with Israel?..."
Because...allies of the U.S. are traditionally betrayed by the U.S. as soon as it becomes apparent that there is no more money to be made by befriending them.
Support for the establishment of a State of Israel, was in essence a moral issue.
The civilized nations of the world felt shamed by the events of WWII, and felt that establishing the homeland for Jews would help expiate their sins.
The UK & U.S.A., always "looking for an angle" in all of their foreign policy decisions, undoubtedly assured themselves that a State of Israel could serve as a forward base for procuring OIL from the Arabs; possibly even serving as a foil to Soviet Russian designs on the same oilfields.
The elites of both the UK & U.S.A. have always
a) seen The Jew as a minority people incapable of assimmilation into their host cultures
b)recognized the historical reality of this troublesome minority also being an actual ancient nation in exile, and
c)discovered first hand that Jews have always excelled in every field of endeavor, usually in a very short time, and were seemingly "endowed at birth" with greater gifts of intellect and skill in business than are most peoples.
Now that the U.S.A. is no longer concerned with any sense of morality in its foreign or domestic policies, the only impediment to seizing all of the oil in the Middle East, is the very existence of The State Of Israel.
Our elites know deep inside, that the Jews have no intentions of allowing Israel to be overrun by murderous Moslem savages so that the U.S. & UK can procure oil supplies.
Toss in the deep-seated Christian belief that "the Jews killed G-d's Son, and still reject Him", and you have the recipe for a people held in suspicion.
Israel, like the former South Viet Nam, is now a U.S. ally of no importance whatsoever to a government and people obsessed only with unbridled greed.
*There is absolutely nothing a Jew can do or say to prove their loyalty, or reassure those who hold them in suspicion and contempt. If government workers denounce Pollard, the majority believes it to be a "ploy" to cover their true feelings, and therefore they are suspect. If a government worker expresses a belief that Pollard was "overpunished", the majority considers this to be "conflicting loyalties". If the government worker says or does absolutely nothing that would draw attention, the majority views their silence as "having something to hide". In short, Jew-hatred, formerly known as the good old-fashioned "anti-Semitism", pervades the West.
"Toss in the deep-seated Christian belief that "the Jews killed G-d's Son, and still reject Him", and you have the recipe for a people held in suspicion."
Didn't Jerry Falwell and the Christians on this forum disagree with this?
They have disagreed, but there is a definite undercurrent of anti Jewishness in most Christianity. It is rarely stated, but it exists. I was raised Catholic, but I never really learned anything that was against the Jews. Other than thinking that the Sanhedrin were bad.
Joe Lieberman is a good man. He is wrong on a number of Issues but he is in no way shape or form a Self Hating Jew.