General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: ~Hanna~ on April 12, 2010, 08:25:03 AM

Title: I think everyone should get out of the US.
Post by: ~Hanna~ on April 12, 2010, 08:25:03 AM
Just leave now, while you can.

Title: Re: I think everyone should get out of the US.
Post by: mord on April 12, 2010, 08:33:46 AM
Maybe your right
Title: Re: I think everyone should get out of the US.
Post by: ~Hanna~ on April 12, 2010, 08:35:09 AM
I think that I am.

For more than one reason.

Maybe your right
Title: Re: I think everyone should get out of the US.
Post by: mord on April 12, 2010, 08:37:28 AM
I think that I am.

For more than one reason.

Maybe your right
ot move to rural areas like Montanna although thats no so rural anymore rich people buy homes there now
Title: Re: I think everyone should get out of the US.
Post by: AsheDina on April 12, 2010, 08:46:22 AM
I am sorry Hannah, I cant. I live to fight this type battle, I cannot just leave. I realize that this will make people angry here that are observant, but I cant.
Title: Re: I think everyone should get out of the US.
Post by: angryChineseKahanist on April 12, 2010, 09:42:47 AM

And what are the reasons?
I say no. "They" must go, not us.
Title: Re: I think everyone should get out of the US.
Post by: Shiptar on April 12, 2010, 11:31:59 AM
We might be at a crossroad, God is saying shape up or America will pay.

I dont know, maybe its too late. Just look at the damage Obama has done in just one year. If he's elected for another term, i think that will seal the destruction of America.
Title: Re: I think everyone should get out of the US.
Post by: Rubystars on April 12, 2010, 11:36:58 AM
I've got a sense of blood and soil. My family has been here in Texas for a long time now.
Title: Re: I think everyone should get out of the US.
Post by: Shiptar on April 12, 2010, 11:48:27 AM
Well, if any state secedes it'll be Texas first. We should all move there, i hope my Noo Yawk accent is accepted there.  :)
Title: Re: I think everyone should get out of the US.
Post by: Rubystars on April 12, 2010, 11:53:30 AM
Well, if any state secedes it'll be Texas first. We should all move there, i hope my Noo Yawk accent is accepted there.  :)

Well there's a joke in the South. It goes, what's the difference between a yankee and a damn yankee. A yankee visits, looks around, and goes back north. A damn yankee visits, looks around, and stays.  :laugh:

In all honesty though if you're a JTFer I'm sure you'd more than fit in, and besides that, it's much, much better than one more illegal from Mexico!
Title: Re: I think everyone should get out of the US.
Post by: briann on April 12, 2010, 12:08:55 PM
Ive been thinking the same; but there are so many things I love about this country.
Title: Re: I think everyone should get out of the US.
Post by: TruthSpreader on April 12, 2010, 08:30:07 PM
I'm sorry, Hanna. But I can't leave this country.
Title: Re: I think everyone should get out of the US.
Post by: cjd on April 12, 2010, 08:42:31 PM
Well, if any state secedes it'll be Texas first. We should all move there, i hope my Noo Yawk accent is accepted there.  :)

Well there's a joke in the South. It goes, what's the difference between a yankee and a damn yankee. A yankee visits, looks around, and goes back north. A damn yankee visits, looks around, and stays.  :laugh:

In all honesty though if you're a JTFer I'm sure you'd more than fit in, and besides that, it's much, much better than one more illegal from Mexico!
Being slightly better then an illegal from Mexico wont cut it for me  :::D I guess I'm forced into staying here in New York. In all honesty I don't think I could live anywhere else   8)
Title: Re: I think everyone should get out of the US.
Post by: serbian army on April 12, 2010, 09:24:49 PM
Well, if any state secedes it'll be Texas first. We should all move there, i hope my Noo Yawk accent is accepted there.  :)
You have a strange nick. May I ask why would you call yourself Shiptar?

I was thinking about moving out.  :dance:
Title: Re: I think everyone should get out of the US.
Post by: Historical Truth on April 12, 2010, 09:34:54 PM
I think that I am.

For more than one reason.

Maybe your right
ot move to rural areas like Montanna although thats no so rural anymore rich people buy homes there now

Speaking as a current Montana resident, I can tell you that this state is more rural than urbanized.
Title: Re: I think everyone should get out of the US.
Post by: New Yorker on April 12, 2010, 09:42:30 PM

Out of the US? No. Out of the Cities, ABSOLUTELY! After which, you must network with like minded righteous Jews and Christians, so that when the sh*t finally hits the fan you have a group of decent people you can rely on through the tough times.
Title: Re: I think everyone should get out of the US.
Post by: Moshe92 on April 12, 2010, 09:47:20 PM
I think that American gentiles should stay in the U.S. What better place is there for them? As for American Jews, we should view making aliyah as a long term goal.
Title: Re: I think everyone should get out of the US.
Post by: ~Hanna~ on April 13, 2010, 12:19:41 AM
well, please, PLEASE pray for me then, cuz I cannot find anyone where I am at...they all have their heads buried in the sand or I am just not accepted or maybe just both.

Out of the US? No. Out of the Cities, ABSOLUTELY! After which, you must network with like minded righteous Jews and Christians, so that when the sh*t finally hits the fan you have a group of decent people you can rely on through the tough times.
Title: Re: I think everyone should get out of the US.
Post by: Rubystars on April 13, 2010, 12:43:01 AM
I said much, much better, not slightly better! lol

I know what you mean though about not being able to imagine living anywhere else. It would be really hard for me to leave my home area too.
Title: Re: I think everyone should get out of the US.
Post by: Raulmarrio2000 on April 13, 2010, 01:13:58 AM
Perhaps US should join the Commonwealth. What do you think?
Title: Re: I think everyone should get out of the US.
Post by: IsraeliGovtAreKapos on April 13, 2010, 02:26:32 AM
Jews need to get out either way and move to Israel, that's an axiom. Though, Americans should stay and fight for their country or they never deserved it.
Title: Re: I think everyone should get out of the US.
Post by: ~Hanna~ on April 13, 2010, 03:14:08 AM
The thing is tho, we dont want to be forced to take a biochip implant. That was put in as part of the new health plan that Obama  had passed. I forgot which page it is now. if we dont take it, they haul us off.

Better to leave now.

I may as well talk about this since I am the one that started it.

I am not taking a biochip into my body, they will have to kill me first.

here is a link to a discussion about this.......

http://www.abovetopsecret.com/forum/thread496625/pg1 (http://www.abovetopsecret.com/forum/thread496625/pg1)

Jews need to get out either way and move to Israel, that's an axiom. Though, Americans should stay and fight for their country or they never deserved it.
Title: Re: I think everyone should get out of the US.
Post by: IsraeliGovtAreKapos on April 13, 2010, 03:56:34 AM
You don't want to be forced to do something like this? you don't to pay the taxes on tea which are enforced by foreign government and are damaging your Liberty?
Title: Re: I think everyone should get out of the US.
Post by: ~Hanna~ on April 13, 2010, 03:59:18 AM
I have a right to not take a computer microchip into my body, what are you talking about? :o :o


You come over here and put a computer microchip in your hand. >:(

Im NOT doing it.

 :P :P :P :P :P :P
You don't want to be forced to do something like this? you don't to pay the taxes on tea which are enforced by foreign government and are damaging your Liberty?
Title: Re: I think everyone should get out of the US.
Post by: mord on April 13, 2010, 06:44:02 AM
I have a right to not take a computer microchip into my body, what are you talking about? :o :o


You come over here and put a computer microchip in your hand. >:(

Im NOT doing it.

 :P :P :P :P :P :P
You don't want to be forced to do something like this? you don't to pay the taxes on tea which are enforced by foreign government and are damaging your Liberty?
The State you live in has a large percent of crazy leftists maybe move one state over to the east of your state
Title: Re: I think everyone should get out of the US.
Post by: ~Hanna~ on April 13, 2010, 07:04:08 AM
yeah, i was thinking about it....

somewhere warmer.

I have a right to not take a computer microchip into my body, what are you talking about? :o :o


You come over here and put a computer microchip in your hand. >:(

Im NOT doing it.

 :P :P :P :P :P :P
You don't want to be forced to do something like this? you don't to pay the taxes on tea which are enforced by foreign government and are damaging your Liberty?
The State you live in has a large percent of crazy leftists maybe move one state over to the east of your state
Title: Re: I think everyone should get out of the US.
Post by: דוד בן זאב אריה on April 13, 2010, 09:58:38 AM
Jews come home Ertz HaKodesh is calling you.
Title: Re: I think everyone should get out of the US.
Post by: Rubystars on April 13, 2010, 11:15:28 AM
If they force a chip into me, I will cut it out with a knife, and if I bleed to death, let it be on their heads.
Title: Re: I think everyone should get out of the US.
Post by: New Yorker on April 13, 2010, 11:44:14 AM
If they force a chip into me, I will cut it out with a knife, and if I bleed to death, let it be on their heads.

I don't think it'd be that hard to remove, a little incision and a pair of tweezers and one stitch. I could see a black market of chip removal services happening, like in those tattoo/peircing shops, ironic huh, Christians and other righteous people going, to where the fringe of society would go to mark their bodies, to get a device of tyranny removed.
Title: Re: I think everyone should get out of the US.
Post by: ~Hanna~ on April 13, 2010, 11:51:05 AM
that is a great idea, but, what if they are in FEMA camps being watched 24/7?

how would you remove it then?

If they force a chip into me, I will cut it out with a knife, and if I bleed to death, let it be on their heads.

I don't think it'd be that hard to remove, a little incision and a pair of tweezers and one stitch. I could see a black market of chip removal services happening, like in those tattoo/peircing shops, ironic huh, Christians and other righteous people going, to where the fringe of society would go to mark their bodies, to get a device of tyranny removed.
Title: Re: I think everyone should get out of the US.
Post by: New Yorker on April 13, 2010, 12:06:21 PM
that is a great idea, but, what if they are in FEMA camps being watched 24/7?

how would you remove it then?

If they force a chip into me, I will cut it out with a knife, and if I bleed to death, let it be on their heads.

I don't think it'd be that hard to remove, a little incision and a pair of tweezers and one stitch. I could see a black market of chip removal services happening, like in those tattoo/peircing shops, ironic huh, Christians and other righteous people going, to where the fringe of society would go to mark their bodies, to get a device of tyranny removed.

I won't be in any damned camp. If it comes to that I'll be hunting the bastards that instituted the camps.
Title: Re: I think everyone should get out of the US.
Post by: ~Hanna~ on April 13, 2010, 12:11:46 PM
 :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:

that is a great idea, but, what if they are in FEMA camps being watched 24/7?

how would you remove it then?

If they force a chip into me, I will cut it out with a knife, and if I bleed to death, let it be on their heads.

I don't think it'd be that hard to remove, a little incision and a pair of tweezers and one stitch. I could see a black market of chip removal services happening, like in those tattoo/peircing shops, ironic huh, Christians and other righteous people going, to where the fringe of society would go to mark their bodies, to get a device of tyranny removed.

I won't be in any damned camp. If it comes to that I'll be hunting the bastards that instituted the camps.
Title: Re: I think everyone should get out of the US.
Post by: Rubystars on April 13, 2010, 02:07:48 PM
I believe people have been having chips implanted into them and crazy medical experiments done on them already but those who come forward to complain about it are labeled as nuts.
Title: Re: I think everyone should get out of the US.
Post by: ~Hanna~ on April 13, 2010, 04:45:24 PM
Some guy who has been harrassing me on youtube, says on his youtube account that he has taken the chip, which if that is the case, is the reason he is acting so WEIRD and he has been harrassing me.  >:(

if anyone wants to go defend me with him, send me a PM. He has been calling me name cuz I get social securiity. Something I paid into for over 32 years and I need it right now.

Im still upset about all of this.
Title: Re: I think everyone should get out of the US.
Post by: ~Hanna~ on April 15, 2010, 11:39:20 PM

I think that I am.

For more than one reason.

Maybe your right
ot move to rural areas like Montanna although thats no so rural anymore rich people buy homes there now

Speaking as a current Montana resident, I can tell you that this state is more rural than urbanized.
Title: Re: I think everyone should get out of the US.
Post by: muman613 on April 15, 2010, 11:58:51 PM
I believe people have been having chips implanted into them and crazy medical experiments done on them already but those who come forward to complain about it are labeled as nuts.

Did you see "12 Monkeys"?

This is reminiscent of the tracking device which was implanted into the convicts teeth as he was sent back in time... Bruce Willises character had to pull his own teeth out to remove the bloody device...


Title: Re: I think everyone should get out of the US.
Post by: briann on April 16, 2010, 12:07:16 AM
I believe people have been having chips implanted into them and crazy medical experiments done on them already but those who come forward to complain about it are labeled as nuts.

Did you see "12 Monkeys"?

This is reminiscent of the tracking device which was implanted into the convicts teeth as he was sent back in time... Bruce Willises character had to pull his own teeth out to remove the bloody device...


I loved that movie.
Title: Re: I think everyone should get out of the US.
Post by: MassuhDGoodName on April 16, 2010, 12:11:37 AM
Re:  "Did you see "12 Monkeys"?"


I did go to KFC for lunch today, but I only saw eleven of them.
Title: Re: I think everyone should get out of the US.
Post by: Confederate Kahanist on April 16, 2010, 12:22:08 AM
Re:  "Did you see "12 Monkeys"?"


I did go to KFC for lunch today, but I only saw eleven of them.

Man your awful    :::D :::D :::D :::D :::D :::D
Title: Re: I think everyone should get out of the US.
Post by: ~Hanna~ on April 16, 2010, 01:03:28 AM
If you are over at youtube, do a search on:


Watch that video and come back here and respond.

Title: Re: I think everyone should get out of the US.
Post by: White Israelite on April 16, 2010, 02:16:48 AM
I will leave America at some point during my life time, and I can tell you that we are in 1933 Nazi Germany right now. I'm not going to sit around, I already have my preparations. That some point is right around the corner.

As for a tracking chip inside of me, i'll be a cold dead corpse before that ever happens guaranteed.
Title: Re: I think everyone should get out of the US.
Post by: ~Hanna~ on April 16, 2010, 02:30:54 AM
Yes, I agree to 1933 Nazi Germany, totally. People are blind and they don't see.

I hope we all are not blind to this here.

Title: Re: I think everyone should get out of the US.
Post by: IsraeliGovtAreKapos on April 16, 2010, 04:39:18 AM
Jews should get out of the US, I wouldn't be surprised if America becomes the "Forth Reich", and we don't need a Second Holocaust.
Title: Re: I think everyone should get out of the US.
Post by: ~Hanna~ on April 16, 2010, 08:42:01 AM
We Christians actually think it could happen....and to us, also.

Jews should get out of the US, I wouldn't be surprised if America becomes the "Forth Reich", and we don't need a Second Holocaust.
Title: Re: I think everyone should get out of the US.
Post by: Rubystars on April 16, 2010, 11:31:56 AM
Yes Hanna Nazis didn't only murder Jews, even though Jews were killed in massive numbers.There were many Christian victims too.