General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: christians4jews on May 10, 2010, 06:10:40 PM

Title: Eminem
Post by: christians4jews on May 10, 2010, 06:10:40 PM
i love dr brennan fan and chaim but i listened to ask jtf, and im not going to lie i am a massive eminem fan. Now im not going to try and convert you into eminem fans, i think that would be an impossible task on here.

but dr brennan fan got alot of info wrong about eminem, For starters he claimed that eminem gets his music worte by dr dre. that could not be further from the truth. in fact it is even admitted by dr dre that eminem ghotst writes ALL his lyrics. Eminem also produces most of his own music.

Also eminem is known to be very homophobic. Hence his advisors forced him to do that song with elton john. I could out some of his anti gay lyrics, but i think i would be banned(rightly so).

hIs gay relationships with dre are ekinem doing tongue in cheek lyrics, he also has claimed to have killed dr dre in many of his songs.

IMO i think is incredibly talented. i know this is going to go down terribly on here. but some of those facts were wrong.

Title: Re: Eminem
Post by: Iron Greek on May 10, 2010, 06:16:07 PM
Whether anyone likes eminems music or not that man is the best rapper who ever lived! There is not a single rapper out there that can freestyle the way he does! If you are doubting me look at his underground freestyle videos
Title: Re: Eminem
Post by: Rubystars on May 10, 2010, 06:27:30 PM
I wouldn't be surprised in the least if Dr. Dre got all his lyrics written by a white or Jewish person.
Title: Re: Eminem
Post by: christians4jews on May 10, 2010, 06:31:05 PM
*edit to iron greek*

Hey im not trying to condone eminem. Although im addicted to his stuff, i can completely see why chaim and dr brenan fan hate him. I have no problem hating him, and i widh i could, as its the moral thing to do., But i just think his lyrics and comedy timing is sensational. im not going ot lie.

As i say this thread was more trying to iron out some misconceptions rather than trying to convert people to even tolerating him.
Title: Re: Eminem
Post by: TheCoon on May 10, 2010, 07:18:51 PM
Whether anyone likes eminems music or not that man is the best rapper who ever lived! There is not a single rapper out there that can freestyle the way he does! If you are doubting me look at his underground freestyle videos

There are plenty of rappers who can freestyle better than him, they just aren't famous.

Eminem helped make it cool for white kids to act like black gangsters, so he really can't be forgiven for that.
Title: Re: Eminem
Post by: Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks on May 10, 2010, 07:19:21 PM
I wouldn't be surprised in the least if Dr. Dre got all his lyrics written by a white or Jewish person.
Actually, as I heard it Dr. Gay creates Faginem's lyrics. Since all he raps about is filth and garbage, I can completely believe that.
Title: Re: Eminem
Post by: Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks on May 10, 2010, 07:20:21 PM
hIs gay relationships with dre are ekinem doing tongue in cheek lyrics, he also has claimed to have killed dr dre in many of his songs.
Or he figures that his idiotic preteen fanbase will just assume it's a joke when in reality he's dropping major hints.
Title: Re: Eminem
Post by: Rubystars on May 10, 2010, 07:24:55 PM
I wouldn't be surprised in the least if Dr. Dre got all his lyrics written by a white or Jewish person.
Actually, as I heard it Dr. Gay creates Faginem's lyrics. Since all he raps about is filth and garbage, I can completely believe that.

It's possible either way.
Title: Re: Eminem
Post by: Abben on May 10, 2010, 11:26:49 PM
you  have to remember eminem doesn't make music. its all noise pure noise
Title: Re: Eminem
Post by: IsraeliGovtAreKapos on May 11, 2010, 12:04:05 AM
Is Dr. Dre the faggot who sings the so-called song "Your Wife" with Nate Dogg?
Title: Re: Eminem
Post by: Iron Greek on May 11, 2010, 12:17:40 AM
Whether you like what he does or not eminem has got some serious talent for what he does!
Title: Re: Eminem
Post by: Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks on May 11, 2010, 12:23:46 AM
Whether you like what he does or not eminem has got some serious talent for what he does!
Umm, no. Any drug-addicted bum can rap, especially if somebody else writes their lyrics. All Faginem talks about is homos, anyway.
Title: Re: Eminem
Post by: Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks on May 11, 2010, 12:25:14 AM
Is Dr. Dre the faggot who sings the so-called song "Your Wife" with Nate Dogg?
Wow, I would not have figured that an Israeli would know so much about American negro music, especially music that is not that current. Nate Dogg was big in like 1994.
Title: Re: Eminem
Post by: IsraeliGovtAreKapos on May 11, 2010, 12:26:27 AM
Ah... thanks?
Title: Re: Eminem
Post by: IsraeliGovtAreKapos on May 11, 2010, 12:27:45 AM
And btw, every drunk Ukranian kid can rap, it's no big deal.
Title: Re: Eminem
Post by: Iron Greek on May 11, 2010, 12:29:54 AM
Brennan your wrong! Your not being reasonable! I highly doubt you have even seen some of his underground videos so really you have no right to make your statements!
Title: Re: Eminem
Post by: Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks on May 11, 2010, 12:35:02 AM
In the "famous" 1998 battle-rap contest where Dr. Gay discovered Eminem, Eminem came in at third place. One wonders what Dre saw in him that the two more talented rappers didn't have. Hmmm.

Title: Re: Eminem
Post by: IsraelForever on May 11, 2010, 01:55:41 AM
There will always be a schism between what the kids like and what their parents like, especially in pop music and pop culture.  Of course, this extends to fashion, literature, art, you name it. 
Title: Re: Eminem
Post by: briann on May 11, 2010, 02:11:15 AM
Eminem is beyond contemptible.  Wiggers like him are an embarassment.  He has as much talent as justin Beiber.
Title: Re: Eminem
Post by: Hyades on May 11, 2010, 03:16:12 AM
An American friend told me that she thinks this "gangsta stylz" English became famous for all white kids and youth with Eminem and that she thinks he did a big part to make English language going down the drain.
I personally hate him and his Mickey Mouse voice.
Title: Re: Eminem
Post by: Spiraling Leopard on May 11, 2010, 03:48:22 AM
An American friend told me that she thinks this "gangsta stylz" English became famous for all white kids and youth with Eminem and that she thinks he did a big part to make English language going down the drain.
I personally hate him and his Mickey Mouse voice.

The degrading of language is indeed a terrible thing.
Theo van Gogh warned about this. He stated that language is the only thing that keeps us connected to our history.
Title: Re: Eminem
Post by: Hyades on May 11, 2010, 03:52:06 AM
Here it has become a serious problem also. Even in TV ads and newspapers you find typical immigrats' mistakes in German!!!! This is absolutely shocking. Another fact is that more and more German youths with lower education are having TURKISH accent when they speak, and find it a "cool ghetto language".
If I think about Schiller and Goethe I know where we have come in all this time with Muslim immigration.  :o
Title: Re: Eminem
Post by: Spiraling Leopard on May 11, 2010, 04:08:49 AM
I used to play an online game. It is absolutely disgusting to see how especially Dutch children rape their mothers language. I used to stay away from the Dutch kids because it was seriously sickening. The Dutch more than any other group.
Title: Re: Eminem
Post by: Spiraling Leopard on May 11, 2010, 04:11:46 AM
Here it has become a serious problem also. Even in TV ads and newspapers you find typical immigrats' mistakes in German!!!! This is absolutely shocking. Another fact is that more and more German youths with lower education are having TURKISH accent when they speak, and find it a "cool ghetto language".
If I think about Schiller and Goethe I know where we have come in all this time with Muslim immigration.  :o

You'd have no idea what I see in muslim spirit and genetics.
Title: Re: Eminem
Post by: Hyades on May 11, 2010, 04:14:44 AM
Here it has become a serious problem also. Even in TV ads and newspapers you find typical immigrats' mistakes in German!!!! This is absolutely shocking. Another fact is that more and more German youths with lower education are having TURKISH accent when they speak, and find it a "cool ghetto language".
If I think about Schiller and Goethe I know where we have come in all this time with Muslim immigration.  :o

You'd have no idea what I see in muslim spirit and genetics.

At least something similar as I do. ;)
Title: Re: Eminem
Post by: Dr. Dan on May 11, 2010, 04:49:39 AM
It melts in your mouth; not in your hands

Eminem has no talent. Nor does snoopy doggy doo.
Title: Re: Eminem
Post by: Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks on May 11, 2010, 11:03:04 AM
I think Faginem is untalented even by the standards of filthy rap dreck. I used to listen to that slime many, many years ago, by the way.

Tupac Shakur and Cypress Hill, while monstrously evil and horrible people who "sing" about nothing but filth, are at least talented in the art of rapping about filth. Faginem is not.
Title: Re: Eminem
Post by: Ben m on May 11, 2010, 01:13:38 PM
I think Faginem is untalented even by the standards of filthy rap dreck. I used to listen to that slime many, many years ago, by the way.

Tupac Shakur and Cypress Hill, while monstrously evil and horrible people who "sing" about nothing but filth, are at least talented in the art of rapping about filth. Faginem is not.
love his music what.yes he is very untallented but to you use your language agains him? give me a break
Title: Re: Eminem
Post by: angryChineseKahanist on May 11, 2010, 01:48:18 PM

That faggot eminem can be dismissed as a homosexual, nothing more.
There's nothing interesting about him. He's a gay hooker.

Title: Re: Eminem
Post by: christians4jews on May 11, 2010, 02:42:10 PM
I think Faginem is untalented even by the standards of filthy rap dreck. I used to listen to that slime many, many years ago, by the way.

Tupac Shakur and Cypress Hill, while monstrously evil and horrible people who "sing" about nothing but filth, are at least talented in the art of rapping about filth. Faginem is not.

Dr brennan fan tupac and cypress hill are no where near eminems level, seriously, i respect you as a poster, but to claim cypress hill??? Are you kidding me.

I could post songs in comaprison but i dont think that would be apporpriate. Most black rappers now admit and concede eminem is superior and is the best ever.

Listen to "renegade" with jay z and eminem, both considered the best and eminem destroys him.

Also "dead wrong" with eminem and biggie smalls, eminem destroys him.

While i appreciate you dont like him or his content which is fair enough, to claim that people like cypress are more talnted than him is taking it to far.
Title: Re: Eminem
Post by: CorrieDeservedIt on May 11, 2010, 05:26:41 PM
Title: Re: Eminem
Post by: Dan on May 11, 2010, 05:27:16 PM
Eminem is Dr.Dre's little white kurva and only got famous because there are millions of wiggers out there that worship blacks and their evil primative culture...i.e. rap noise
Title: Re: Eminem
Post by: Mishmaat on May 11, 2010, 08:50:48 PM
In the "famous" 1998 battle-rap contest where Dr. Gay discovered Eminem, Eminem came in at third place. One wonders what Dre saw in him that the two more talented rappers didn't have. Hmmm.

Actually, he came in second to MC Juice (http://www.myspace.com/mcjuice) at the Rap Olympics. Juice doesn't have the broad appeal that Eminem has.

Dr brennan fan tupac and cypress hill are no where near eminems level, seriously, i respect you as a poster, but to claim cypress hill??? Are you kidding me.

I could post songs in comaprison but i dont think that would be apporpriate. Most black rappers now admit and concede eminem is superior and is the best ever.

Listen to "renegade" with jay z and eminem, both considered the best and eminem destroys him.

Also "dead wrong" with eminem and biggie smalls, eminem destroys him.

While i appreciate you dont like him or his content which is fair enough, to claim that people like cypress are more talnted than him is taking it to far.

Debating who is the better rapper is the equivalent of watching two retarded kids play "Connect Four" in the dark. If you want to debate, I'm willing to bet that the late Big L could have probably held his own in a freestyle competition with Eminem. Also, if your general theory that whites are superior to blacks at everything is true than the Beastie Boys should be the best rap group of all time. But even by rap standards their "music" is horrendous.
Title: Re: Eminem
Post by: Hyades on May 12, 2010, 06:39:29 AM
I think Faginem is untalented even by the standards of filthy rap dreck. I used to listen to that slime many, many years ago, by the way.

Tupac Shakur and Cypress Hill, while monstrously evil and horrible people who "sing" about nothing but filth, are at least talented in the art of rapping about filth. Faginem is not.

I never liked it. It was always so "anti-social"...
Title: Re: Eminem
Post by: Zelhar on May 12, 2010, 06:57:53 AM
The Beastie Boy's are not pure rap band. In fact i like some of their stuff.
Title: Re: Eminem
Post by: Rubystars on May 12, 2010, 12:28:45 PM
I always kind of liked the song "You gotta fight for your right to party". It's juvenile and not really "good music" but it's kind of funny. It reminds me of some of the Twisted Sister songs in the same vein.

Anyway if you want to see truly pathetic and stupid wiggerishness then this is it:
Title: Re: Eminem
Post by: christians4jews on May 12, 2010, 01:37:42 PM
In the "famous" 1998 battle-rap contest where Dr. Gay discovered Eminem, Eminem came in at third place. One wonders what Dre saw in him that the two more talented rappers didn't have. Hmmm.

Actually, he came in second to MC Juice (http://www.myspace.com/mcjuice) at the Rap Olympics. Juice doesn't have the broad appeal that Eminem has.

Dr brennan fan tupac and cypress hill are no where near eminems level, seriously, i respect you as a poster, but to claim cypress hill??? Are you kidding me.

I could post songs in comaprison but i dont think that would be apporpriate. Most black rappers now admit and concede eminem is superior and is the best ever.

Listen to "renegade" with jay z and eminem, both considered the best and eminem destroys him.

Also "dead wrong" with eminem and biggie smalls, eminem destroys him.

While i appreciate you dont like him or his content which is fair enough, to claim that people like cypress are more talnted than him is taking it to far.

Debating who is the better rapper is the equivalent of watching two retarded kids play "Connect Four" in the dark. If you want to debate, I'm willing to bet that the late Big L could have probably held his own in a freestyle competition with Eminem. Also, if your general theory that whites are superior to blacks at everything is true than the Beastie Boys should be the best rap group of all time. But even by rap standards their "music" is horrendous.

beastie boys wernt really very lyrical. They did good party songs, often with a positive message, but they do not have the ability of eminem. In fact the beastie boys also admitted eminem is the greatest ever.

As i said earlier, i can completely understand why people would hate him, his content can be horrific, hes rapped about killing his wife, killing gays etc but no one is near in for talent.

Yes that includes big l. Until he does a song as good as this..

Title: Re: Eminem
Post by: Mishmaat on May 12, 2010, 05:18:47 PM
The Beastie Boy's are not pure rap band.

I know. They lost me completely with their last record ("To The 5 Boroughs") because of all the left wing garbage on there.

beastie boys wernt really very lyrical. They did good party songs, often with a positive message, but they do not have the ability of eminem. In fact the beastie boys also admitted eminem is the greatest ever.

As i said earlier, i can completely understand why people would hate him, his content can be horrific, hes rapped about killing his wife, killing gays etc but no one is near in for talent.

Yes that includes big l. Until he does a song as good as this..


I'd much rather discuss rock music than rap. But I'll give you my honest opinion as it pertains to Eminem. He's clearly the G.O.A.T. (Greatest of All Time). But what's up with his mediocre studio albums? Specifically Encore and Relapse?
Title: Re: Eminem
Post by: muman613 on May 12, 2010, 05:22:54 PM
Beastie Boys


Title: Re: Eminem
Post by: Rubystars on May 12, 2010, 05:51:13 PM
Beastie Boys



I remember seeing that on MTV many years ago. lol Thanks for the memory  ;D
Title: Re: Eminem
Post by: christians4jews on May 12, 2010, 05:52:00 PM
beastie boys wernt really very lyrical. They did good party songs, often with a positive message, but they do not have the ability of eminem. In fact the beastie boys also admitted eminem is the greatest ever.

As i said earlier, i can completely understand why people would hate him, his content can be horrific, hes rapped about killing his wife, killing gays etc but no one is near in for talent.

Yes that includes big l. Until he does a song as good as this..


I'd much rather discuss rock music than rap. But I'll give you my honest opinion as it pertains to Eminem. He's clearly the G.O.A.T. (Greatest of All Time). But what's up with his mediocre studio albums? Specifically Encore and Relapse?

i agree, relapse was ok, but it was more of a concept album, i give it 3 out of 5.

Encore was horrific, eminem just didnt try. They were a few good songs, such as spend some time and yellow brick road, but other than that it was just embarrassing.

He has a new album out called recovery on june the 22. his latest single is currently number 1 in the us hot 100 called "not fraid". on that song he admits that relapse was sub par, which is a first, ive never known a top music artist admit to his fans that it was a.weak effort.

Beastie Boys



great song, the beastie boys were fun.
Title: Re: Eminem
Post by: Rubystars on May 12, 2010, 05:59:32 PM
This is the best rap song of all time, no denying it:
Title: Re: Eminem
Post by: christians4jews on May 12, 2010, 06:06:14 PM
This is the best rap song of all time, no denying it:

you got me there mate, im stumped, i love it...
Title: Re: Eminem
Post by: Rubystars on May 12, 2010, 06:10:01 PM
This is the best rap song of all time, no denying it:

you got me there mate, im stumped, i love it...

 :laugh: :::D
Title: Re: Eminem
Post by: JTFenthusiast2 on May 12, 2010, 06:35:02 PM
Why would anyone on this forum want to listen to Eminem or Dr. Dre or Snoop dog?  They represent the deterioration of our culture.  They are all Slime.  People saying, 'but he's the best this or that, even though he's hideous and evil,' sounds bizarre.  You don't support evil people in because you think they have a great taste in automobiles or art.  This seems very basic to me
Title: Re: Eminem
Post by: Rubystars on May 12, 2010, 06:40:23 PM
Why would anyone on this forum want to listen to Eminem or Dr. Dre or Snoop dog?  They represent the deterioration of our culture.  They are all Slime.  People saying, 'but he's the best this or that, even though he's hideous and evil,' sounds bizarre.  You don't support evil people in because you think they have a great taste in automobiles or art.  This seems very basic to me

That is a good point.
Title: Re: Eminem
Post by: takebackourtemple on May 15, 2010, 09:09:27 PM
   Looks like there is a song called Airplane on the Radio right now. In this song a rapper samples voice from a young lady with a beautiful voice and ruins it with garbage. The piano melody in the background sounds familiar so I don't know where it was taken from. Eminem's portion is not clean enough to be played on the radio. At least not yet.

   I'm really not looking towards having the hear Eminem on the radio for the next year.
Title: Re: Eminem
Post by: Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks on May 15, 2010, 09:12:24 PM
Eminem is Dr.Dre's little white kurva and only got famous because there are millions of wiggers out there that worship blacks and their evil primative culture...i.e. rap noise
Title: Re: Eminem
Post by: Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks on May 15, 2010, 09:15:25 PM
Why would anyone on this forum want to listen to Eminem or Dr. Dre or Snoop dog?  They represent the deterioration of our culture.  They are all Slime.  People saying, 'but he's the best this or that, even though he's hideous and evil,' sounds bizarre.  You don't support evil people in because you think they have a great taste in automobiles or art.  This seems very basic to me
But Faginem and Dr. Gay are nowhere near the "best of rap". For what he was worth, while a completely despicable excuse for a human being, the late Tupac Shakur was a genuine and accomplished rapper. He lived the streets and truly embodied the "thug life", and could back up all of the filth he talked about.

Snoop Dogg, who got away with murder, is also a genuine thug (although he sold out to make money off of self-hating whites/Jews in the "family" section of the industry).

The same cannot be said of the two faggots mentioned above.