General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: tonycali99 on May 11, 2007, 02:46:19 PM
hi guy's,
unles i find interent aksese over the summer off campus, this will be my last time here 4 a wile. ive injoy'd this forum even thogh some of you dont like me no mater what. chaim you have been very nice and i like that a lot and awnsering my many ?'s. and you showed me for sure gayness is wrong back when erlier this year i thought it was ok to be manogamous & gay. thank's for seting me strait.
so maebe i will find another place to go online this summer, maybe not, if i do youell know it bcuz youell see me asking question's again.
peace tonycali
i did not sign up for gay politic's, that wasent a class, the class is intro to sociolgy and the focus in it was gay politic's, i dident know that at start of the semester and i got foold b4 chaim set me strait. but still i have to learn the gay profesor's crap if i wanna pass, right now im pulling a c +, i dont wanna fail, my final 4 that class is next monday, thanks, tonycali.
i do think butt sex is gross, gay p'pl are gross, i have a coupl gay friend's left but only two, the others left me or i left them this spring. im making no more gay friend's iether. i want to only meet sayne hetro's from now on, plus lesbien girls' are ugly!
can you help me with a few last questpn's b4 i leave the forum until i get more web aksese,
one, why do people say their 'gay christians' or 'gay jew's'
two, why dident my history profesor teach the nazi's were gay, that is big new's, he taugt last fall about the holacost but dident say that about the nazi's.
thre, what really is a bath house and did terorism get plann'd in them, my profesor calls it revalution but i call it terorr! chaim said they are used for sex but what about terorism.
four, is their a book telling us why sodome is wrong & causes HIV, i know it does but no one say's so.
Please do not continue with topics on the abomination that is homosexuality. It is in the Torah/Bible that it is wrong, so you must accept the fact that it is dirty, ungodly and sickening. Are you gay yourself, Tony?
Shut up.
Nic, you don't need to be mean to Tony, he really isn't doing anything wrong.
Bye for now then, I hope we see you again in the future.
He has posted 4 threads in a very short space of time concerning homosexuality. I explained myself in one of the 4.
He isn't a homosexual, and isn't trying to say that it is a good thing anymore, (he used to when he first came here), but Chaim has turned him around, if all you want to do is pick on him, leave him alone.
Sheesh, Tonycali where do you go to school, and who is this wacko professor of yours? Do your parents have any idea of what they're teaching in this school? If not, you should tell them.
I think 4 threads on homosexuality is useless and is making the forum look bad.
Maybe over the summer you'll learn how to use spell check. :laugh:
It's four threads about him, not four threads on homosexuality.
Hello all, and good day.
I have merged all of tonycali's threads for clarity. Posters please try to avoid flooding the board with similar themed posts if possible. Thank you.
Nic should not be mean to gay Tony, but what has gay Tony
said other than gay stuff?
If you were to filter out his posts and remove all that
have "gay" or "homo" in them, there would be no posts.
In fact if you do a line-by-line filter for "gay" and "homo"
you'd only get "hello chaim" and "guys".
Tony is speaking against homosexuality now, not for it.
Tony is speaking against homosexuality now, not for it.
But it is all he speaks about. Was FOTL not banned for this reason?
FOTL was banned for going on and on about "the blacks on blondes conspiracy" which is utter rubbish, and for saying that all Christians in Israel should be killed, among other things.
I always thought fruit was a Christian..what is he a pagan or druid
Well there were some serious issues he had a constant zero in one praticular topic. In it of itself was beyond weird.
Tony is speaking against homosexuality now, not for it.
But it is all he speaks about. Was FOTL not banned for this reason?
No, FOTL was WAY worse. On top of that, he talked about killing Christians in Israel and even killing white women. He was WAY worse.
I have wondered if Tony was a troll, though. Someone in college shouldn't have that many troubles with spelling and things he says don't add up.
OK, enough is enough. I am gonna defend the guy. Sure, back in the beginning I flamed the hell out of him and demanded his banning, but the guy really seems to have changed. Last time I checked, it isn't an offense to ask an endless number of legitimate questions, no matter how dumb the topic to the rest of us.
The guy's just coming out of leftie Marxist campus brainwashing. If he needs to know about every single facet about homosexuality in order to see the light, so be it.
I really don't mean to be mean tonycali99 but your spelling is awfully bad and in your best intrests i recommend that you solve that problem which would boost your grades by a tremendous rate.......my 9 year old brother spells a lot better then you.
He said his spelling was so bad the spellcheck replaced his words with the wrong ones, I recall. Sounds like an excuse but that's what he said.
Well that just adds as an insult on his own behalf. :D
Yeah, but so be it. I don't think we should keep picking on him. I don't.
Wow Chaimfan, after you came back from utah and the grand canyon, you're almost a changed man. You probably needed that holiday? :D
No, I felt that way about him before. And I am hardly changed... did you see how I went off on "ChristianPal"?